Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

Hi Tiny Voice,

hmm.. yeah.. must b tiring.. but it's a good thing u're back now and can have more rest

Yup.. tks.. won't b that worried.. M now looking forward to my detailed scan on 23rd June.. excited n anxious.. still long time to go.... 1.5 mths...


Dun worry too much, baby grow very fast one! Stay positive ya!

If anything wrong, gynae will sure tell me u, dun scare urself, not good!

I try to stay positive. And yes, Dr Adrian din say anything. Should be okay la huh

Hmm.. I'm waiting for the 18wks to come, ppl said can feel the bb movement oredi.. wanna feel it..
coz now, i feel nothing.. though smtms feel pain in my lower belly..
Hope I can feel my bb's movement soon..

Btw, when r u due? Oredi do shopping?
I saw there were bb clothing sale, 5pcs for $10 in the mall at sengkang.
I din buy any. Too early n the fabric's not really good, v thin. (should be okay ya, since spore v hot) hee..



If anything in doubt, just ask Dr Adrian!

Im due on 09 Aug.
Already bought long sleeve shirt, long pant, mittens, botties, belly binder, cloth diaper, nappy liner, receiving blanket.... cant rem liao

Nite time must let them wear thicker if u thinking of switching on the aircon, scare they catch a cold! Oh ya, i oso bought a small blanket for bb to cover during nite time
Tiny voice,

Im not too sure too, jus buy incase need it lor, i only bought 2 lah. My mum urged me to buy cos she said can use it on baby tummy to prevent the wind from entering lor
Hi all,

Jus a word of advice having read what u wrote about bb clothings & aircon.

No need to buy too many NB size. BB outgrow very fast. Somemore u will get gift sets. Some gift sets even come with receiving blanket. If give birth in TMC, they will give receiving blanket to wrap the bb when discharge. So no need to buy. Anyway, u won't bring NB bb out too often rite? I made the wrong decision to buy receiving blanket. Bought 2 somemore. In total I got 4 now. All sitting in the drawer collecting dust. If going out, can use cloth nappy to swaddle. Not too thick.

Oh yes, mittens & botties. If your bb is on the big side like mine, try to get bigger ones. Some smaller size mittens & botties he can't even wear. Collecting dust from day 1. Casila's size is quite small.

Belly binder I think no need. CL use it as bb took 3 weeks for umblical cord to drop off & the diaper keep irritating the cord & bb is uncomfy. If u r using those NB diaper that has a indent at belly button area then no need liao.

S'pore weather is very hot, don't buy clothes that is too thick. Think those 5 for $10 should be good enough. Also don't buy those clothes with ribbons instead of button. When bb is screaming, u'll want to quickly get him dressed. Imagine trying to tie the ribbons with a screaming bb. Better to buy those front opening. Easier to wear when they are young.

If use aircon, make sure the air con is serviced often. If not, the dust in aircon is not good for bb's respiratary system.

These are jus my experience.

Thanks for sharing the previous info!
Hehe, i saw the receiving blanklet very cute, so tempted to buy one!

Ya, i oso bought those clothing that are front opening with buttons, easier to wear & take off!

Is it true that NB unsuitable to wear rompers cos need to go thru their neck? My mum strongly object baby NB wear rompers leh!
Hmm... Hardly to see Cheezel posting now... must be pretty buzy.. :p


2mths more ya
wow, u bought alot

Btw, if i'm not wrong, u suffer from insomnia, do u? How issit now?

I think now I got it.. so terrible..
I find it very difficult to go to sleep.. (not getting back to sleep)
Dunno why.. The harder I try to sleep, the more difficult to sleep, till make my eyes pain, got headache.. (but i keep yawning.. *sigh*) Drink warm water dun help..

I think it is ok to wear rompers bah. Some rompers comes with front opening. As NB BF bb do big business very often, if leak, then must change the whole suit lor. As their put put quite loose & watery so may leak no matter which brand of diapers u use.

Yah hor where is cheezel these days. Must be very very busy with bb.

I used to get insomia also. Nothing can cure lah. Jus got to bear with it.

yup, another 2mth plus to go! Getting more & more excited liao!!
Not really lah, still got quite a number of things to buy ah!

yes, stil suffering!! No choice got to endure!
I tried so many method but still failed leh, hence oso dunno how to advise u!

yes, bb will poo many times if BF! Can dun let them wear pant anot har, just use blanklet to cover the leg?

Cheezel must be super busy lah!
Hi ladies,

I bought like 2 packs of rompers from Mothercare (6 pcs in 1) Newborn size and small size. All never use. Collect dust. I didn't dare to dress my DS in rompers cos he look so fragile and worried about the neck. So I just let him wear button front shirt. And like what Angeline said, babies poo so many times a day, so I just use those white diaper cloth to wrap my son's waist/legs, as if he's wearing a sarong.

I bought belly binder also didn't use. As for baby blankets, I find the Babysafe brand is the best. Its about $17.90 for 1 pc. Can get from Robinsons/Kiddy Palace.

And like what Athen said, I asked the aircon man to come service my aircon before I delivered.

So it ok to wrap baby up instead of wearing pants lah!

I need to get another blanket to put at my mum's place, will go check out the babysafe brand! Thanks for sharing

During ML, I din't let bb wear shorts or pants. Jus let him wear diapers. Din even wrap his legs with nappy or blanket cos he really sweat a lot. After feeding, he'll look like he jus went for a swim. Literally very wet. If not sleeping in aircon room, cloth nappy can act as blanket. If in aircon room, receiving blanket will do.

U can do shopping during GSS. End of the month. Can also get bb cot & breast pump. If Robinson / JL have storewide discount, very worth it.

Wah, really ah? I already bought 5 long pants, in that case, i can stop buying long pants liao!

Ya lor, waiting for GSS to come, hopefully really got discount den can save abit!
Wonder when to get breast pump leh, shd i wait till after delivery & see got supply anot or buy before delivery??

Very scare no or low supply leh!

yah stop buying. Let him wear long pants at night lor. When come year end, your long pants can put to use during the day provided he can still fit in by then. Ha...

Don't worry about ss. If u say no ss means no ss. Have u attended ante-natal course? They will teach u have to increase ss. Always remember dd = ss. Must get bb to stimulate & pump regularly. If not, definitely no ss. I bf till 1 yrs old by pumping. U can do it.

I bought the pump 2 mths b4 delivery so that don't waste the warranty & not too heavy to shop around yet. I bought Medela mini elec then changed to Avent Uno.

Went to Robinson members' sale on tues. Avent products have 20% off. Quite a no of bb products having off. But din really notice about bb cot though. Can go have a look this weekend. I think they are having sales.

Hehe, i bought bigger size one, maybe can wear

Yup, im attending the antenatal class now, tmr will be 4th lesson. Haven touch on BF yet leh, maybe tmr or next lesson lor.

Wat is dd = ss?

Ya, i dun want to waste the warranty, that's y drag till now still haven buy yet

Thanks, will find down to go to Robinson sales over the weekend

They don't send u the course outline on what are the topics they will do every week? I remember BF was one of the 1st few topics.

DD = Demand, SS = supply

U may want to go down to Robinson after the class. They may recommend which breast pump is better. The last time they recommended Medela mini elec. But was a terrible experience for me as Avent Uno not out at that time. Look around to see which pump is better. Personally, I prefer Avent Uno.

They did give out during the 2nd lesson but i forgotten liao. Tonite go home & check again

Oic, thanks for the explanation.

Okie, hopefully can try out the different kind of pump to feel the difference!
hi athen/blueydoo, thanks for ur advice. yah, i bought some short and long pants too, but shld be able to put to use at year end cos' my bb will be due in sept.
I also bought receiving blanket, will use it as blanket when sleeping in air-con room or in cold places.

Me like Angeline, don't dare to buy pump yet, same worries, no supply how?! Mebbie after my june's antenatal class then i'll hear what the lecturer has to recommend.

Angeline: i overheard once at the parentcraft that the breast pump if bought from them and be sold back at 50% refund if not in use anymore. Not a bad idea if we decide to stop bf...hee hee!
hee.. ya hor... must b v excited..
m due on 1st nov.. still super long time to go.. but i guess will do some shopping during GSS.. heee...

Athen, Angeline,
Yeah.. gotta force myself to endure wif the insomnia.. *sigh*..
Yday nite was the worst.. till hubby sayang my head.. but for few times onli then get back to sleep.. perhaps telling me to be good gal n faster get to sleep.. heee..

Wa.. lotta things to buy n to do before giving birth.. oso will b super bz soon after gave birth..
hmm.. hope i can be a good mummy.. seems v difficult.. :p

Athen, the Avent Duo is the manual one? I think I have to buy the breast pump since I nid to go back to work after give birth..
Hi Angeline/TIny voice

Its ok to wrap baby with blanket/diaper cloth lah. I started to let my son wear shorts around almost 3rd month when he poo slightly lesser and also so that he can exercise his legs.

I also stopped letting him wear mittens around the 2nd month. Cos my MIL's friend told her that her grandchild kept wearing mittens and didn't exercise the hand until they need to bring to the hospital to do physio. So I stopped letting him wear. Just keep nails short to prevent scratching.

My son doesn't really sleep in aircon and he's scared of heat so I usually let him wear shirt and shorts even night time sleeping. So the long pants I bought didn't really use much unless its rainy day.

As for the breast pump, maybe u want to get a lower cost manual pump such as Avent or Medela manual. They can cost from $50+ - $80+. If you have supply, then you can invest in a more ex dual pump. I remember I bought sooo many pumps. My colleague gave me a Medela Electric which spoilt very quickly, then I bought a Medela manual and a Avent manual before finally investing in a Ameda Dual Lactaline.

Also if you got supply and really interested to get a good pump, you can actually rent from places such as Moms in Mind to try out or go to BMSG (breastfeeding mother's support group) Thats where I went to try out the various pumps they had before finally deciding on my Ameda. If you working, dual pump is easier/faster but its up to your own preference.

Avent Duo is dual electic pump which comes with manual pump parts.

Avent Uno is single electic pump whihc also comes with manual pump parts.

Avent Isis is manual pump.

Better to do some research or reading b4 getting breast pump as we all have different preference & most importantly different set of breasts. Hee...

Most breasts are able to produce milk. Depends on whether u have the patience to bf & whether u have done enuf reading & knowledge on bf. Different set of breast means the type of pump that is suitable for my breast may not be suitable for yours. Notice that Avent's funnel is bigger than Medela & Pigeon's funnel.
Oh yah. Some pumps have very strong suction that it can become very painful. Depends on whether breast can take that kind of suction or not. This is also what I meant by different pump for different set of breasts.

U can't sleep again ah? So poor thing.
Tiny Voice,

Yup, last sat during the class, Mrs WOng did mentioned, she suggest trying out the pump at parentcraft first before buying cos some do have lots of supply till they jus need a normal pump whereas some whom have difficulty one will need a better/stronger pump.

U can register at parentcraft that 6mths later u would like to sell the ppump to others, think they will help u find buyer too. Ur pump must be in good condition lah


Yup, do some shopping during GSS, who knows might be able to save abit!

Last nite my insomnia so bad till affected my hubby, i keep tossing here & there till he cant sleep well too!

I got to endure for another 3mths, hope it pass quickly!

Yes, alot of things to buy especially there's no handdown. WE dun have much handdowns too cos first child/grandchild, thus need to spend a hefy amount to buy all the things, very shiong ah!!


Im interested in getting a dual pump too cos of time saving especially when i return to work! Most likely will buy Ameda Dual Lactaline!


I paid $550 for the antenatal package but im not sure if the price got increase anot.

Its located at 5 Sengkang Square, #01-05 (Sengkang MRT). Tel : 63388125

Mon / Thurs 1.30 - 3.30
Tues / Fri 6 - 9
Sat 1.30 - 3.30
Wed / Sun / PH CLOSED!
Hi blueydoo & all, tks for your advice. will see how nearer date of delivery if to buy or not.

I heard avent funnel can only fit avent bottles? Others like medela cannot fit? Issit true?

Last night i was awaken at 1am, cramps on my left side waist to thigh area, quite painful. Occasionally i experience cramp on my right pelvic area, so painful. Anyone of u experienced that too?
Hi Angeline,

Thanks for the info. I have called up, but the nurse told me that it is first come first served so no nd to make appt.
Tiny Voice,

I do experience that too, very painful, got to relax den slowly will the pain goes away!


Yup, no apptmt one, u got to go to the clinic, pass them the apptmt card, they will call u when its near ur turn
U can go makan or shop around first.
Angeline, yah man...sometimes i pain until i told my hubby...'call woody'...but he said no use lah, he won't be able to help too. sigh... Hope sept faster come!!

Babyling, 1st visit cannot make appt, subsequent visit yes.
Tiny Voice,

No point calling woody cos he cant help too, u got to relax urself as much as possuble den the cramp will go away, u cannot fight back one, lagi more pain ah!!

I oso hopping for my aug to come sooner!!

Can only fix apptmt date but not the time slot lor
Tiny voice

Avent funnel is for wide neck bottles. I use Avent bottles so no problem. Not sure if can fit wide neck bottles for other brands. I usually express directly into Avent bottle & if need to freeze then transfer to storage bags. I heard can get bottle adaptor from Avent.

Medela funnel can fit most standard neck bottles. I only tried NUK & those glass bottles from hospitals.
tks for ur explanation

hmm.. i perhaps prefer the manual pump so that i can adjust the suction n the frequent..

yeah.. still got the insomnia wif me

but it's better tis sunday, coz woke up v early, went out till tired.. at nite, slept abt 10pm.. so happy.. :p

Oh dear, u still got the insomnia.. tis sunday can sleep early.. but perhaps coz i took the flu medicine (the clinic assistant said it may coz drowsiness..)

yup yup.. me too.. gotta do sm shopping.. but i think not that much.. coz got handdown abit.. for the NB bb clothes hee..

Tiny Voice,
hmm.. I feel pain on my right pelvic area tis morning otw to work..
hopefully it's nothing.. oso never called dr adrian.. hee..

Angeline, Tiny Voice,
me too...!!! hoping my nov to come soon.. hee.. wanna faster taking care my nb bb.. but then also worried how i will handle my nb bb.. how to feed the bb.. what kinda food to feed my bb.. hee..
i think too far away.. :p

Avent's elec pump can also adjust the suction according to your need. This is how it works:

1st, pump manually according to the frequency & suction u want.

2nd, the pump will pump according to your frequency.

I have used the manual pump b4. Very tiring for your fingers.

I used to pump & surf net at the same time. So if use manual pump, can only use 1 hand to surf. I somehow managed to support the pump & the bottle using my knee & surf or work using both hands.
Hi Angeline,

Ameda cannot fit Avent bottles. The Ameda bottle is those standard size bottles, I think can fit NUK or Pigeon. Even if can't fit Avent its OK.

I used to have alot of Avent bottles to feed my baby. So what I'll do is I have 2 260ml & 1 330 ml Avent bottles. After I finish pumping, I will transfer my milk into those bottles to store in fridge. Then as and when I need to feed my baby just take from those bottles.

Yup, im still stuck with insomnia, so frustrating but no choice got to endure lor..... Argggghhhhh!!!!!

I oso got abit of handdown clothings from my ex-coli & my MIL neighbour but some are pretty old, so i discard them.

Dun worry too much, when the time comes, im sure u know how to handle cos the little ones are our precious, so we definitely will put in utmost effort to learn how to take good care of them!


Thanks for sharing!

Which type of bottle do u find the best for feeding? Avent, NUK, Pigeon.......??

Did u join BMSG as member?
Hi Athen, tks for sharing on the pump & bottles, this info will comes handy for us when we deciding what to buy.

last night i slept halfway then my left calf cramp and i shouted "ouch, very pain"! my dear hubby still ZZzzz like a dead log.
can't help it, must stretch my leg straight and relax then the cramp slowly go away but still ache this morning and i paste the salonpas plaster on my calf. hee hee
Hi Angeline,

Initially I bought alot of Avent bottles cos my friends all said its good, can prevent colic etc. Then when my son was abt 3 mths plus, he suddenly didn't like to drink from the bottle and was drinking very little. So in the end I bought NUK and Pigeon bottle to try and he likes Pigeon. Cos the teat is very soft compared to Avent which is abit plasticky. He didn't like NUK. So in the end I changed all to Pigeon. So it really depends on your baby. Maybe can get 1 or 2 other brands to standby.

Yes, I joined BMSG as a member and bought Ameda pump from there at a better price. Now Robinsons also got 20% on Ameda pumps, but got alot of barang barang. Mine I only bought the pump set w/o the extra stuff.

Tiny Voice,

Last time when I was pregnant I often got cramps in my calf. And its so painful until I can scream. So I ever asked Dr. A what I can do to prevent. Then he said the best cure is to get hubby to wake up and massage.
Which is what I did. You shout no use, u need to shake them to wake them up. We going through all these suffering the least they can do is to massage our legs.
Blueydoo, ^5...i shall shake him up the next time i got cramps! This morning i told him abt the cramp and he asked why i din wake him up, i said he slept so soundly and snoring away...i can't bear to wake him up. hee hee...

Ya, u r rite, better get another 1 or 2 brand to standby!

Wat kind of member did u join? How much u pay for & how many years? Im thinking of joining too if i really want to purchase Ameda.

When will the Robinson sales end? This week not free to go shop leh!

Actually only need to get the pump, rite? The other accessories not necessary, is it?
Hi Angeline,

I joined as an ordinary member. I think the member fee is quite cheap I can't remember whether it was $10 or $20.

You can check out the pricing here. I think Robinsons maybe selling around $359 then got 20% off? I can't remember.

I think Robinsons sale will be on for quite sometime. Ya I think only need the pump. I didn't get stuff like the bag etc. I just use normal plastic bag to keep my pump when I go back to work, then I also just buy a milk bag to bring my milk to and from office. Thats about it. But I did buy extra valves in case mine wear and tear.

Oic, thanks, will check out the website

Hopfully the sales wont end so fast cos im rally tie up for this whole week!

Milk bag = cooler bag??
hi all mummies who'd delivered with Dr Adrian Woodworth,

I'm still deciding whether to sign up with him, saw him for my 1st consultation already but quite unsure.

Some questions hopefully i can get some answers. Thanks!

1) Is he very through in checking during the delivery process?

2) I find that he's not very through in the routine check ups, thus he might not be able to pre-amt any complications or you have otherwise opinions?

3) His stitching skills good and healed fast? How long did you take to recover? (for natural / c-sect)

This is my 1st pregnancy thus a bit confused and nervous about choosing gynae. The plus points with him are his package are good, as in can start as soon as we want and i'm impressed by him giving me his handphone number on my 1st visit, even though i didn't sign up the package with him on the spot, he allow me to call him if i have any problems.

Hope to hear from you ladies soon.

Thanks a million!
Hi gals,
Anyone has any idea how is the delivery charges actual cost is being breakdown into cos the info on the tmc website is not very clear? I need to know how much cash we need to pay.
I read somewhere tat the 4-bedder is not very comfortable wrt to toilet, noise whereas 2-bedder is better.
I'm considering to take the 2-bedder if the cost is not alot of difference.

This is my cost of delivery.

This is a summary of my bill for C-sect with epi (4 days 3 nights) upgrade from 4 bedded to 2 bedded.

Total after FBI discount 3060
Less : Medisave deduction (2,750)
Balance 310

Baby's bill
Total after FBI discount 985
Less : Medisave deduction (886)
Balance 99

Total cash paid is $410. As I paid $600 deposit upon admission, I got refund of $190. This deposit can be charged to credit card.

If u need other details, u can PM me.

I heard u will be able to upgrade to 2 bedded most of the time. U can check with Dr Adrian.

hey athen, ur bill is not expensive leh...reasonable.

I look forward to my next gynae visit coming monday!! Baby very active now, moving alot thru' out the day & night.

Hi Luvv, if u looking for a chatty gynae then dr. woody won't be suitable for u, cos' he is a man of few words, haahaa! If you have any qn, he will answer you, other than the fact that his charges are reasonable and cheap, u have to be comfortable with him.
