Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic


Hee.. u really optimized ur hands n knee...

Ic. So the elec pump can be adjusted. That's great. Tks for u info.
I'll b considering to buy the elec pump. Perhaps after I gave birth. And do research before I buy...

Btw, how much did Dr Adrian charge u for the delivery fee? I see his delivery package for normal delivery is 800, but he charged my frd 900 for it. I'm confused..
Issit different between the hospital package and gynea delivery package? Do we have to opt both of the packages?


Yup yup... now not so worry abt handling my future nb bb

Btw, I booked the antenatal class oredi. Will start at 21 July. All sat class full. Take the 4.30pm class, coz the earlier is full oredi

They told me to pay before 01 JUne, coz they will revise the price to 200.. They will charge me 180 (excl.GST) for TMC patient. But in the brochure it's written 160. Confusing.. Will double check wif them when I pay the fee.

Athen and other mummies,

Do we onli can try out the breast pump after delivery (i mean only when we have the breastmilk) ?? Hmm.. sorry for this silly question.. :p

Did your fren has assisted delivery meaning bb is delivered by forcup or vaccum? He charged me according to the list he gave me leh. Or did he increase the price?

I didn't opt for hospital package. Dr Adrian jus book 4 bedded for me & pay his ante-natal package of $550. The hospital bill is paid at the hospital.

I think antenatal course during weekend is more expensive.

Ur bill really cheap sia!! U did separate admission, rite?
That day i go counter & ask, they told me separate admission subject to approval one cos if ur bb is fine, den they dun allow separate admission liao, unless bb got serious jaudice or other complication.


I oso took the 4.30pm sat class as my hubby work on sat, 2pm too rush liao.
If im not wrong, i paid $189 (b4 discount) for my class, weekend class is more X than weekday one.

First 3lesson, wear pant cos will be sitting on mat & do exericse. 4th lesson onwards will sit on chair liao
hello ladies!

i bought avent manual pump b4 giving birth. suffer fr engorgement after discharge. i try to pump out but it gives me a miserable 10ml BM. n it didnt help in easing the engorgement. so painful. i even get my hubby to use hot towel n help me to massage while i pump. but no use. end up, my hubby go buy electri pump for me the next day. n NO more engorgement till now! hehe.

now beri busy lookig after bb. will try to come in here to chat up with u ladies!!
hi cheezel

good to hear that you're coping well with bf and looking after your baby. enjoy your bonding time with your baby! Which brand and model of electric pump you bought?
hi cheezel

did u buy at parentcraft TMC? How much did u buy for? I heard if buy from them, after 6mths can sell back to them at 50%, issit true?
tiny voice
i think so. but i didnt buy fr parentcraft. i bought fr robinson. cos tot can use it if i wanna a 2nd child.

Missed out your qn yesterday. U r not suppose to stimulate or massage your breast b4 36 weeks unless u want to trigger early labour. So not advisable to try out breast pump b4 delivery.


My bb got jaundice need phototherapy. So got separate admission.


Long time no chat. Glad u r doing fine. Actually if engorgement is bad, even the best electric pump also no use. Jus got to use hot towel & massage very hard towards the nipple. After massage then pump. But bb is the best breast pump. For my case, if cannot pump out the blockage, I'll try to latch bb if he wants to latch.

I was also using Avent Uno. Not noisy leh. Very quiet in fact. Medela mini elec is worse. Will scare the bb if pump next to him.

Long time never hear from u liao, must be super busy with ur bb!!

Rem to take good care & rest more if possible ya!
How much u bought the Avent Uno?
Is it a dual pump?


No wonder cos the reception told me separate admission for special case only. If bb is normal, separate admission is not allowed!

Really ah?? Massage or stimulate breast will trigger early labour??!!

Yes. Ante-natal instructor told us.

Avent Uno is single pump. I bought it not more than $220 as I bought it at Robinson 20% storewide sale. Furthermore, Robinson card members get add'l 5% rebate. It is a good time to buy now as Robinson has 20% off Avent products.

Avent's dual pump is call Avent Isis Duo. Cost $799. About the same as Medela Pump in Style.
i bought the pump at abt $260. didnt catch the robinson sale cos it was a last min decision when i cant pump out with the manual pump n decide to ask my hubby to go buy.

oh ya....massage ur breast now will trigger labour. so better dun!!!
Athen & Cheezel,

O, luckily i haven start massaging my breast! Was thinking of massaing my breast to stimulate the milk but who knows it wont stimulate milk but labour instead!!!

Thanks for sharing, will go Robinson to check it out.

While we are still in hospital, if our nipple are sore to let bb latch on, are we able to rent the pump from hospital during the stay?

Milk ss depends on bb's demand. Not thru massage b4 delivery.

From experience, DS was very hungry during hospital stay. So he suck very hard although no milk yet only colostrum. My nipple got very sore. Although sore still need to let him latch. If not, difficult to establish ss. I'm not sure if can rent pump from hospital. U can check with your instructor during your course.

Ic, okie, no matter wat, will endure the soreness inorder for the supply to come!

Thanks for sharing so much precious info!
That's good leh, no need to spend $$ buy nipple cream!

When do we need to choose the hospital that we want to deliver? Im already 7mth plus liao, tonite checkup shall check with Dr!
I din know can use BM the last time. So got hubby to buy. Then the nurse told me can use BM. Waste $$.

I can't remember when we need to choose hospital. I jus told Dr I want to deliver at TMC. Then he book for me.
Another use for BM. Can use to lighten panda eyes esp when u need to wake up in the middle of the night to feed bb or pump milk. I worked for me. But now no more milk.

I think the rest went for holiday or shopping for bb. Long weekend mah.
Huh, meaning soak the facial cotton wool in our BM & apply on our eyes ah??
I want to try too cos of insomnia problem, i always kena panda eyes!!!

Maybe lor, im tempted to take leave too but need to save leave for Jun & Jul cos no PH liao! If too tired in Jun/Jul, can take leave & rest mah & May already got 2 PH liao!

I think my frd din hv assisted delivery. Perhaps Dr increased the price. Arr.. will check with him during my next visit.
Btw, will it be too early to book for delivery?

Yup, the course during weekend is more expensive by $20.


Yap. Me too.. paid $189 b4 disc
I ask the lady how come it's written 160 in the brochure. She said it was 2 yrs ago.. Hmm..
And tks for ur advise abt the clothing


Long time nvr 'read' u
. Good to hear that u r doing fine...
Tks Athen, Cheezel for the info. Luckily I dun anyhow try out the breast pump.
Btw, does the "massage" from hubby oso may trigger early labour? Hope u ladies understand the 'massage' I mean.. So shy to write it in detail...

M thinkin of buying the Avent breast pump now rather waiting to try them out. I see Avent has more good reviews and hear it has less noise. Also now got GSS, if I buy later, no more sale and GST has increased to 7%. One thing tt make me hesitance to buy is that m afraid to waste the warrante.. Hmm... Still abt 5 more mths to go.. due in nov...

Wa.. BM is very useful

No problem!

Har, 2yrs ago & still using the old brochure ah!!
Save cost sia!

Ya lor, i oso dun want to waste warranty, that's y till now still dun want to buy!

U thinking of getting which avent pump?
Avent Uno or Avent Isis Duo?

Im thinking of getting Ameda one

Haa.. ya lor.. save cost..

Same.. M thinking of getting the Avent Uno

Too expensive and will pump the breast one by one :p

Squeeze a bit of BM on your finger then massage the eye area. Must massage. Jus apply no use.

If u r tired, why don u get MC from Dr Adrian? Your leave can save for future bonding with bb or in case bb sick (touch wood) mah. Bb below 1 yr sick quite often.

U r due in Aug rite? GSS till end July. Get it in mid or end Jul lor if u still can walk around. When I was 8 mths, I got problem walking due to Pelvic pain. So stayed at home for 1 month b4 giving birth. Don worry about the GST increase. 2% out of $100 is only $2.


I think as long as don massage too hard should be ok bah. most importantly, don massage the nipple area.

Robinson or JL have 15% or 20% storewide sale very often. So u can buy closer to your due date. R u a robinson card member? They also have member's sale quite often.

Noted with thanks!
Will try it out!

On hand got alot of work to clear leh, a new CEO just come onboard, alot of changes ah, wants alot of past sales record, reports........., super busy ah!

Yup, im due in Aug. I will go motherhood fair to take a look first, if ok think most likely i will buy liao lah cos now already cant walk much, leg very swollen & painful!

Last fri went for checkup, OMG!!! Till now i already put on 11kg!!!
My baby weight is 1617g, how to lose weight har?? Im so FAT!!

If Dr Adrian did not mention anything about your weight, should be ok bah. Jus don eat for 2. If u did, u will be in trouble. However, preg time is not a time to go on diet.

I put on about 13 - 14kg the last time. I think the one of the 3 TMC books written by Mrs Wong did gave a guideline on the amt of weight we can put on rite? Use that as a guide. If u put on too much weight, jus BF & cut down on carbohydrate after delivery. I ate 1/2 bowl of rice every meal & manage to lose all preg weight. Now stopped BF, put on weight again

I never expect my weight to increase 4kg in a mth ah! TOO scary liao!!

Dr Adrian did not say anything abt my weight, he say baby weight is fine, that's all!

Ya lor, pregnancy period cannot go on diet, after birth, i must work hard to shed away all the extra weight!!! BF very shiong & stressful, think shd be able to shed some weight lah!
Hi ladies,

I put on 20 - 22 kg last time when I was pregnant. Now I still got abt 7 kg to lose before I go back to my pre-preg weight.
You know I thought bfeeding can lose weight, but for me I can't seem to.

Cos I notice if I try to diet, I will have lesser bm, and also I always get very hungry when I started bfeeding initially. And I noticed my appetite increased after pregnancy. I think I ate lesser when I was pregnant.

Really ah??!! OMG!! I tot BF will help lose weight one, cham liao lah!!
Everyday i keep eating rice during lunch & dinner cos hungry easily leh! Sometime even have to eat supper ah, i ate noodles!!
Will ice-cream cost us to put on weight? Cos have been eating ice-cream very frequently!!


Im 30weeks, put on 11kg!
Yes. BF will get hungry very fast. Ice-cream contains empty calories. Does not have any vit & minerals. Eating too much ice-cream causes us to put on weight too. Don eat ice-cream too often.

Jus to share my diet during BF.

5 - 6 am Pump milk & eat cornflakes with low fat milk at the same time.

10am Sometimes bee hoon or biscuits.

12 - 12.30pm Rice, meat & veg, Fruit juice or fruits

7 - 8pm Rice, meat & veg with BM boosting soup

10 - 11pm Milo or Low fat milk with biscuits

BF does help to loose weight provided u don take so much carbo. I pump milk every 3 - 4 hourly including in the middle of the night. So lack of sleep also helps to loose weight.

Oh yes, don't drink too much milk for preg & bf mummies. I don't drink every day.

Jialat, i keep eating ice-cream, keep craving leh! I must cut down liao!!

Wah, after lunch u didnt have any teabreak, u dong till dinner, not hungry ah??

I will wake up to pump in the middle of the nite during confinement but once i return to work, quite impossible cos next day need to work, very tired one!

Hehe, i oso dun drink milk everyday

I take heavy lunch mah. So usually very sleepy after lunch.

During ML, I'll wake up in the middle of the nite to pump. After tat, I do a late night pump say 12 midnight. Then next pump is 5 am the next day.

If u don't wake up to pump, u may have very bad engorgement. Provided u can tahan the engorgement. I cannot. Very painful. Like having 2 stones in front of me. Also not good for supply.

I pump so often as DS refused to latch. I BF by full pumping. I'll also do 2 pumps in office. If u let bb latch, maybe no need to pump so often as u r feeding by demand. But if u want to keep supply, u still need to pump during office hours.
Oh yes, there is another thing which MTBs may want to consider. ie take up H & S policy for your bb. I see many bbs are hospitalised these days for asthma, bronchitis, diahrrea, etc. A few of my fren's bbs are hospitalised b4 they are 1 yr old. DS was also hosp when he was 7 mths. Din get any insurance then so got to fork out $ from CPF. If I bought insurance, I don need to pay a single cent. Please consider getting 1 for your bb.

Thanks for sharing so much.

Haha, dun think can tahan the engorgement cos heard very painful one!
Think better spend more time pumpping out & oso can maintain the supply!

Mind sharing which H & S policy u bought?
Yesterday just mention to my hubby abt H & S, he said me now den u start finding out ah! He said not long after im pregnant, he already start finding out liao, dunno how true, never hear him saying!
He said he quite keen on NTUC, brochure at his office, will bring him tonite to share more with me!

Beside H & S, he mention abt life & endownment, education policy too, wah biang need to buy so many meh??

Sigh.. Bfeeding does make me hungry easily. Sometimes try to eat lesser rice but will still get hungry and I find my bm lesser, even after I drink soups, take fenugreek etc.

So I just tell myself to wait until I stop bfeeding then concentrate on diet + exercise. But even now I joined a gym so gg 2x a week.

Angeline - You need to control esp during 3rd trimester cos thats the time you put on weight the fastest. That time I kept eating chocolates and ballooned till put on 20 kg.
When my son was born, he was only 3.4 kg. And everytime I told Dr. Adrain, he keep asking me to cut down on milk/milo etc.

I also pump every 3 - 4 hrs at home/at work. But my last pump is around 12 am and 1st pump when working is around 530 am. If I'm not working 1st pump can be about 8am. I will let my son latch during middle of the night if he wakes up to help relieve engorgement. Too tired to wake up and pump. But I din really suffer from engorgment.

My son can latch directly but I choose to express out the milk for him. Cos during my ML, there was 1 period he refused to drink from bottle and only want to latch. So toward the end of my ML, I refused to let him latch cos he has to get used to the bottle when I go to work. So had to train him.

So Athen, have u bought any policy for ur son? My hubby has been bugging me for a long time to do some research on this but I dunno how to go about it. What are the things to look out for? And what are the popular co.s to get policies from? Btw wat does H&S stand for?

Ya, i know 3rd trim will put on weight tremendously if we anyhow eat, must control my intake liao! Actually i hope not to exceed 12kg but now ....... hiaz! Hopefully keep it to 16kg, give myself another 5kg the most lah!! Keeping my finger crossed!

From my 4th mth till now i already finished 2 tins of 400g of Mamil Mama, last sun bought another new tin but haven start drinking yet!

H & S - Hospitalisation & Surgical
hi ladies! wow, today's thread so happening.

Went for my checkup last night, baby is 24wks/5days and weighing 800g.
Is he on the big side eh?
Tiny Voice,

Im not sure whether ur baby is big anot, think shd be normal lah if Dr Adrian did not mention anything. My baby weighs 990g at week 26
Angeline, Blueydoo

My personal opinion is no need to get other insurance for them yet. H & S is more impt. As long as we parents are adequately covered, should be ok. Premium for those plans are quite expensive.

I bought NTUC H & S Plan P with exclusion of asthma.
I din really compare between different companies as we went to an independent financial advisor who will recommend which insurance company's policy suit our requirement. They also do not earn any commission from insurance companies. Although they get rebate from the insurance companies, they will pay us the rebate they get. We pay they a fee for the service they provide. They will assess if we are adequately covered. If not, they will recommend the type of insurance to buy. They will also help us to make a will.

Why don u can down on carbo & replace by eating more meat & veg?

I signed up for yoga class in CC. Now doing yoga once a week.


Wat do u mean by independent financial advisor?
Care to share how much u paying by cash & by cpf?

I saw one from NTUC, cash pay $129, cpf pay $111, something like that lah, cant really rem liao.
