Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic


Welcome & congrats!!


Wow, ur boy is so cute!!!!!!!!!
Eyes open big big & hands up in the air!!

U delivered in TMC?

How many days u stayed in hospital?? how come so cheap with epidural injection har??


Think my 1st trim, im too tired liao, can easily fall asleep but now super jialat ah, everyday insomnia!

For antenatal class, can start after week20 of pregnancy but i started mine on week25 as i wanted to attend Mrs Wong sat late afternoon class which is fully booked earlier on.

CUTE LITTLE BABY BOY!! luv luv luv.. (^.^)
Your total bill's super cheap.. wif epi injection some more. how much is Dr Adrian charge u for the delivery?
Happy confinement n cuddling ur bb boy Javen

Tiny Voice,
Ic. Btw, I think they make 'Woody' as doc's nick is from his last name 'Woodworth'.. hee.. I think so..

my frd oso opt for 4-bedded n upgraded to 2-bedded, onli stayed for 2days, took the thigh's jab. Her total bill is ard 2.4k.. Dr Adrian charge her 900. *puzzled*

sorie, I can't share wif u since nvr done it b4. Issit to detect the down syndrome too?

U still hv insominia? hmm.. m v sleepy during the day.. but can't sleep if not midnite yet.. make me difficult to wake up in the morning haiz.. feel tortured.. hubby said, i suffer from 'lazy sickness' during the day lazy to work become sleepy, can't wake up early coz lazy to go to work.. sob sob.. but then he said he's kidding onli.. :p

RE antenatal class, the class fully booked earlier on? I oso wish to attend sat late afternoon class. Perhaps I should book earlier.. Will try to book next week after my next visit to doc.. tks for ur info
Does anyone feel that ur belly button is like being stretched.. it's kinda pain.. seems my belly button going outward.. not that deep anymore.. my frd said, perhaps i'm having a boy boy so my belly button seems going outward, later on will show.

Yup, im still suffering from insomnia, sometimes i can oso fall asleep at 3plus am or even 5plus am!!
This is driving me crazy man!!

If u bent on Mrs Wong class, better to book early cos her class very hot one! Actually u can call up & put ur name first den 3weeks before class start, go down & pay!!
Im attending the 4.30pm slot.

Mrs Wong class usually starts late & ends late. Last sat is my 2nd class, she bring us to the nursery & demo how to carry the baby & those delivering at TMC, she oso showed us the VIP suite & 2 bedded ward, the rest are fully occupied, so there's no way for her to show us.

My belly button oso protruding & im expecting a baby boy

But my colis who is expecting a baby gal oso protruding leh, dunno how true


Which one is DS??
Angeline: Not true la... my belly is protruding n my nigra lines run all the way up to my chest but I'm having a girl.. so hor not true one de

Not true lah. I think the reason for protruding belly button is becos baby getting big so push the belly button out. Most preg women got protruding belly button.

Ya lor, my line oso run up to my chest, very dark sia!! Hope after giving birth, will disappear!!


Vote liao

Thanks for voting. The line will not disappear soon after birth. I still got mine. It has become very faded & it is already 15 mths after birth.
RE protuding belly button. Hee.. so it's not true ah.. yeah perhaps it coz of the bb getting big enough to push it out..

K. Tks
I'll b in my 15wks tis Sat... 5wks more to go.. Think I'd better call up tis afternoon

So, which ward do u opt for ur delivery later on?


Dun mention

Har, really wont totally disappear one ah??!! OMG!!! Mine is pretty dark ah!!!


No problem, just call up & make more enquiries.
If u planning to give birth in TMC, u can opt to sign up for their FBI program which entitle u to 10%discount for the antenatal class too!

Think i will opt for 4 bedded cos heard alot of mummies mention the chance of upgrading u to 2 bedded ward at 4 bedded ward cost is pretty high!

Thanks for voting.


Dun worry. will disappear. but takes a long time lor. My also pretty dark. What to do? We mummies are very wei da hor.
Yup, signed up the FBI program

BTW, when does the line start to appear? I got mine oredi but still fade. From my belly button to lower belly.

Athen, dun mention

Will it help to vanish the line by applying whitening cream/lotion?

Good, can save abit here & there

Ermm, i cant rem when my line start but its pretty early lor, my mum even commented y ur line so fast come out one, somemore so dark!

Beside TMC & Mt A, any other hospital Woody can give birth in?

The line appears due to hormone changes so not sure if applying whitening cream/lotion will help.

Eh Angeline,

Should be "any other hospital woody practice in" rite? Not "woody can give birth in" U r the one giving birth. not him
He also practice in Gleneagles & Mt E.
hi gals

me don't have the nigra line leh, hee hee! hope won't appear later stage.

Hey Athen, i voted for your cute son already!

See ya all next week, me heading for airport now for my holiday in Taipei.

paiseh...just realise my previous posting abt the bill not so bill should be 3K plus. deposit 600 n upon discharge paid another 200+.

me deliver at TMC. 3D2N. Natural with epidural, assisted with forcep.

He oso can deliver bb at East Shore Hosp. But I'll choose TMC since can save a bit via FBI program
Like wat u said, save abit here&there.. hee..
Ur nigra line come out quite early? Arr.. is mine consider early? tml 15w. Got the line oredi, but still fade.. hee..


Yup. I think so. But I'll try to apply those cream/lotion after givin birth... hee..
Tiny Voice,
Have a great holiday in Taipei. B careful!!

Ic. So u mean, u paid 800+ cash ah?
How's ur confinement? Do u hire a confinement lady? Or order catering? Or U hv someone cook for u?

How's bb? Is he cryin a lot? How are u get along takin care of bb? Must b tired..

Btw, do u go out / wash ur hair since giving birth?
My mom&mil told me not to go out neither wash my hair for 40days after giving birth.. Can't imagine how it will torture me.. Wash hair everyday is a must for me.. If not, will b oily..
Tiny Voice,

Enjoy ur holiday!!


Oic, i tot how come ur bill is so cheap??!!
Once we are admitted, we need to pay a deposit of $600 in cash ah??



Yup, must make use of the discount sia, better stick with TMC!!

Dun think yours is consider early lah cos if im not wrong, mine appear ard 11-12weeks!
As time goes by, it will get darker & darker one, be prepared ya!

My mum oso told me NO showering or washing hair during confinement, aiyo, how to tahan har??
Sure very smelly one!!
Can only use towel with herbs to clean up at a fast speed!!

Think shower is faster than cleaning up with towel, still got to waste time to twist & clean the towel hor!!

Yup. will stick with TMC

Wa.. hope mine won't b so dark.. But m prepared hee..

Hee.. no showering somemore.. Luckily mum onli say no washing hair..

Correct, cleaning up with towel will got waste time. Oso will let the wind touch the damp body while cleaning the towel :p

Ya lor, dunno wat logic, cannot shower but can use towel to damp wet & clean our body??!!

Ur mum so good ah, allow u to shower??
My mum said only afternoon where its very hot den i can use towel to clean myself ah!! OMG!!
This time die liao, sure super smelly one!!

So in total u paid $800 plus including deposit ah? I got $200 refund for deposit. So I paid only $400 cash. This is including bb's bill leh. How come yours so expensive? No other complication for u & bb rite? Somemore mine is 4D3N & C-sect.

tiny voice,

Enjoy your trip yah? u won't get to enjoy such trip after bb is out. Take care. Thanks for voting for my monster son.

Eufrasia, Angeline,

The logic of cannot shower or wash hair is afraid that we catch a cold or "wind" get into our body while showering. We may catch a cold or "wind" get into our body is that we perspire a lot to get rid of water retention during preg.

I din shower or wash hair during the 1st week. Only use herb water to wipe body. I shower daily using herb water after 1 week at about 1 - 2 pm. Wash hair every week. Immediately after wash hair, I'll blow dry the hair. If we r breastfeeding, it is very impt to keep ourself clean rite? DOn't tell me if go to see Dr Adrian 1 week after birth u don't shower ah? Stingko man. He ever mention to me that don't follow confinement practice blindly.
Hee.. In tat case, nvr let our home visitor get nearby us.. hee.. :p but i think, i can use a wide band/ribbon to cover my hair.. kekeke.. :p

So we nid to see Dr Adrian 1wk after birth? Hmm.. wif my mum ard.. dun think can go wash hair..
Btw, wat type of herb u use to wipe the body?

I use "Da fong cao". U can get from chinese medical hall. tell them is for bathing during confinement. They should know. I used hair band & tie up my hair then. I used to wash my hair everyday. So u can imagine the discomfort I'm in. I tried using dry shampoo. But I feel even worse than not washing as there will be residue left on the scalp. Very itchy.

Is your mum doing confinement for u? I guess better than letting MIL do confinement rite? At least u not happy with your mum, can voice out. I think u can reason out with your mum. Really not hygienic to BF bb & don't shower. What my fren did was that she secretly bath when MIL is taking nap.

Yes need to see Dr Adrian 1 week after birth.
Ic. Tks for ur info
Hmm.. dry shampoo perhaps will help. Will try out later
Hee.. can imagine the discomfort u had last time.
If not washing hair for the whole confinement days, I'll b sick I guess.

I think I'll go for confinement catering. But not really sure abt their food. Afraid they will minimize the herb.
If I let my mum cook, afraid will make her tire. She ever broke her wrist when she fell down.
My MIL won't do the confinement. U r rite, can reason out with mum.. So perhaps will go for confinement catering while mum's doing confinement when she's free. Mum oso will help me taking care of bb. She'll b staying with me for some time.

Hee.. u're frd notti. Luckily, mum let me go shower but no washing hair she said..

Heard tat confinement food catering is quite expensive. May even be the same price as getting a confinement lady. Do some research lor. If same price as confinement lady, why not get a confinement lady. Your mum won't be so tiring. Taking care of NB bb is really very siong esp for 1st time mum. I was super stress after my confinement lady left after confinement. I was alone with the monster.

TMC parent craft also provides confinement lady service. Call them up to check.
Tks for ur info. I'll check the TMC parent craft out

I get a brochure abt confinement meal by neo garden restaurant. The package for lunch and dinner for 4 wks (7days) is $1350. It's considered cheaper than hire a CL. I haven't called them up to check abt it. But I will do in the few next weeks. It's stated that their meal is for selected area only.

At my time confinement lady rate is about $1600 for non-CNY period. Confinement food catering is about $250 cheaper. So pay another $250 & get confinement lady to stay overnite & take care of your bb & u, cook for u & your hubby, wash clothes for u & bb & some simple housework is quite worth it. She is also suppose to cook soup that boost milk ss if you r breast feeding.

But not sure about the rate now. TMC confinment lady definitely more expensive than those that u get outside as they are trained by TMC.

How come ur bill is so cheap, somemore its 4D/3N C-section!!

Oic, no wonder my mum keep saying wait wind goes inside ur stomach den u know ah!!

Haha, maybe Dr Adrian scare we will smell when we go see him


Maybe we can apply some powder to make ourselves smell better when there's visitors

Heard from my coli that she engaged a confinement lady for 1.9k.
Ic. Yup. The advantage of getting CL is tt she takes care of bb & mummy, oso does houseworks.
Btw, how much did you spend for the confinement ingredients last time?

Hee.. yup, powder n perfume may help

Now the CL rate's raised till 1.9k? I read from another thread, got one mummy hired CL for 2.7k *shocked*..

Btw, who'll b doing confinement for u?

My coli give birth in Mar, she told me her CL charged her 1.9K leh, she's coming back next week, will confirm with her again!

2.7K???!!! How come so X??? Twins ah?

I will be going over to my mum's place to do confinement. My MIL did said she will help me do but i prefer my mum!!!
paiseh.. i dun type correctly, should be 'one mummy said good CL's hired for 2.4k' (the '7' is right above the '4' kekeke)
but the 2.4k still v exp..

Yup yup.. prefer our own mum doing confinement for us.. Btw, ur mum let u go over her place? My mum won't let me go out during confinement month. Hee.. but I think she'll b okay if i nid to go to see Doc for check up..

2.4K oso very X leh!! Wonder how come she paid so much??!! Unless its CNY period lah, but i have a fren whose confinement during CNY, she only paid 2.1K!

Yup, she agreeded cos she still wants to continue to cook for my dad & bros too, she " bu fang xin " my dad & bros lor! 24hrs wife/mummy!!
Arr.. actually m not sure whether she oredi engage the CL or not.

Hee.. being a woman's not easy ah.
Once she becomes a wife, she nid to take care n worry abt hubby.
Once she gets children, she'll always be a mummy n wanna take care of the children and worry abt them. No matter the children r still single, oredi get married or even oredi get children. She will always b a mummy.
Mummy's the greatest.
[hee.. dunno y suddenly think like tis.. so sentimental.. kekke]

But toking abt cooking, I actually dun really like cooking hee...

I think the reason why my bill is so cheap is cos I did separate admission for bb. Hence, can claim more medisave cos in 2 separate bills bah.


I think 2.4k is due to CNY bah. I paid $2.6k for CL cos CNY period. Heard if bb is 2nd one, will also be more exp unless CL no need to take care of no 1.

Yes, i agreed! Being a women is really not easy & i think women are the most "wei da" one!
They scarifice so much for the family! Hope our hubby & children will know how to appreciate us!


Can do separate admission for bb meh? How to go abt doing it cos once bb born, bb will oso stay in hospital mah. TMC allow separate admission ah? For medisave claim, have to claim from separate person or one person will do?

Wah, 2.6K??!! So X!!! Think CL's charges has gone up!!

Upon admission, the lady will ask if we want seperate admission. THis is in case the bb needs any treatment such as NICU (touch wood) or for my case phototherapy for jaundice. She said that the difference is able to claim more medisave. Mummy's bill can claim $2000 plus can't remember the exact amt. BB can claim a few hundred more.

$2.6k is for CNY period. This was the market rate at that time.

Oic, now wonder ur bill is cheaper.
Perhaps will request for separate admission incase any problem arise den can claim more from medisave, no need to pay so much cash!

Thanks for sharing!
Even if everything go smoothly for the baby, we still wont lose out having separate admission, right? Instead we pay less cash, is it?

oic, pretty x to engage CL huh!
hello ladies, am back from my taipei trip. Overall was a relaxed one, though must admit haven't been walking so much since i preggie. Everyday will jalan halfway then go back hotel to rest for 1-2hrs before continue the rest of the day's journey. Hubby & me prefer BKK more than Taipei cos' the food in Taipei don't really suit us, alot of porky and oily stuff.

Wa, charges in CNY period's almost double.
Ic. I'll oso remind myself to request for separate admission incase they dun ask upon admission.


Yup. Hope hubby & children will know how to appreciate us!

Tiny Voice,

Welcome back to Spore
. Good that everything's ok.
Hee.. yeah... Taiwan food's kinda oily.. But they don't put too much salt or any spices to their cooking.. It's good for health..
Btw, did u explore the night markets?
Dear ladies,

Yesterday nite, I went for visit to Dr Adrian. I gain quite alot, 3.8kgs from 6w till 15w.. hee..
Doc now measure the bb's head and body length.
Based on the head it's 15w2d while based on the body length it's 15w5d; average is 15w4d.
M confused whether it means that bb's considered abit long.
If I count based on the day I conceived, the age should b 15w4d (same as the average), makes me think that bb's head too small..
Arr... confusing... makes me worried

Wanna ask doc, but last nite he said bb's okay. Perhaps will ask doc for detail next time if he has time.

Please anyone share with me.. Tks..

hi eurasia

i only explore the food stalls at the shilin market, the shopping area abit only cos' am very tiring. think shopping trip not suitable for preggie women, should go for those resort retreat.

Don't worry abt bb's size now, it's still early to tell if bb's head too big or small. You will find out more details in your detailed scan.
