Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

tat time when i complain abt my itchy tummy to him, he also asked what kind of stretchmark cream i using n ask if got cocoa butter/oil...i told him no. n he advise not to use those with cocoa butter....

yeah...he also didnt mention the strep B test to me. i just get to know fr the forum n asked him. so he did the culture test for me during my last visit.

so u mean dr adrian actually quite fast when u called him. u call the emergency line on the appt card? or u called his HP number?


I delivered in Jan 06. My monster is almost 15 mths old.

U r how many weeks to your EDD? Got all your stuff ready? Bag packed?

me 37 wks liao. will be seeing de adrian coming thurs. hmm...bag already packed. baby stuffs all waiting for bb to come out only.

btw, i still dunno how contraction is like le.
Hi Cheezel,

I called the emergency line on the appt card, not his hp. I think the emergency line is actually operator based one, and they will page for him then he called us back. I think thats what my hubby said.

Although I delivered, I dunno how contraction is like. Cos I went for C-sect b4 I feel any contraction. The monster is overdue.

Heard contraction is like having severe menses pain. R u having braxton hicks every now & then? I also heard that contraction is like braxton hicks but a lot more painful.
Dear Ladies,
Been a long time nvr post here

How are u doing now Cheezel? Hope everything's under control.. Dun b too nervous k

Btw, I visited Dr Adrian in my 10w6d. But till now he hasn't start giving me iron/calcium.. I still have cramps so still continue with the hormone pills.. Is it because I'm still on hormone pills that I onli take folic acid n multi vit? My frd said, she started on iron/calcium pills when she's coming to her 3rd mth.. My next visit will be in my 12w6d.. (considered i'm coming to my 4th mth rite?)

I'm scheduled for NT scan tis sat (21Apr).. Kinda nervous..


Thanks for sharing. Im into week 24, another 12weeks to go before i take the Strep B test


Since ur waterbag burst, how u travel to hospital, by hubby's car? While in ur hubby's car, the water still leaking? If yes, den ur hubby's car will be wet lor???!!


Im not sure abt iron/calcium pill cos till now (im already into week 24) he oso never give me leh, perhaps its included in the multi-vitamin that he gave us??

NT scan are just like normal scan, dun worry too much
Hi Angeline,

Yes. We travelled by hubby's car. We were quite prepared for this cos his friend did ever advise us about this. We took alot of towels and put them on the car seat and I sat on the towels.

But the hard part was reaching the hospital cos I had to walk and stand and water keeps trickling down between my legs. So I just tucked towels between my leg when I was standing. Luckily it was 4 am so not many pple at the A&E. (I delivered at Mt. A) Then once I checked in, the nurses brought me to the delivery suite and gave me a pack of loop maternity pads and the delivery gown to change into.
Hi Angeline,
R u still 'notti'??? heee...
Btw, since my MS abit better I tend to walk too fast end up having cramps.. haiz..

Re NT scan. Tks. Actually kinda worry bcoz my frd who recommend him to me, never went for NT scan though she's the same as mine. Wondering...

Tis Sat I went unconcious for abt 1-2 mins. Called Dr Adrian, he said it's normal. Told me to rest and drink warm water + sweet things. Ever since, I feel giddy most of the time. Wanted to visit him but my schedule still 2wks appt. Feel not nice if I see him too often.
Forgot to ask you. Do you take other suplement since Dr Adrian din give u iron/calcium tablet? U nvr asked him y he din give u those tablets?
Hv u ever fainted? Feeling giddy most of the time?
So many Q
Hi Eufrasia,

When I was pregnant, I ever almost fainted 2x. Both times I felt cold sweat, and felt like I was seeing stars and had abit of difficulty breathing. But once I sit down I felt better immediately.

I think once was because I had a very late bf, and ended up having a huge lunch, so my hubby said maybe too much food at a time. But my colleague also suffers from these fainting spells alot when she was pregnant, and she told me to lie down on the left side (can't remember why left) but it was advised by her gynae.

Also last time other than the multi-vitamin and folic acid given by Dr. Adrian, I bought fish oil for pregnant women. I usually buy from the clinic, 1 bottle - $30, take 1 a day.

Tks for sharing. Almost fainted and had fainting spells is a terrible experience indeed. My hubby's frd was worse. She had her head knocked, should go for CT scan but cannot, coz she's pregnant. Luckily everything's okay.

I oso few times ever almost fainted but felt better when sit down. Yes, had cold sweat n v bright stars.

Last time when I was almost fainted, I sat down rite away and put my head on the dining table. When was a bit better, hubby took me to the bed. I sat juz next to bedroom door but couldn't make it to the bed. When I get up from the seat, everything's getting dark & blank. I onli knew that I was almost felt down in front of the door.
I heard hubby called my name and smell smths strong. When I open my eyes, I was already in the bed and noticed hubby put ointment bottle rite under my nose. Really sad to know I was fainted till my tear came out..
He called Dr Adrian and told him I was fainted for abt 2mins. Can see hubby was so panic..

RE fish oil, when did u start taking it? Tks.
Can someone tell me which clinic that Dr Adrian will be around for Saturdays & after office hour on weekdays?

Hi Eufrasia,

I guess its quite common that pregnant women will experience giddy spells. Just have to prepare that if you feel giddy, have to find a place to sit down.

I started taking the fish oil I think in 2nd trimester or 3rd month. I can't remember actually but it was quite early. That was after I asked Dr. Adrain what other supplement I should be taking other than folic and multi-vit and he recommended that.

Oic, so must prepare some thick towels incase waterbag burst, thanks!


Hehe, im still doing housework but slowly & carefully! My hubby now dun allow me to be at home alone, if im on MC, he will drove me over to my parents house, so no chance for me to do housework alone!

Did ur fren went for oscar scan instead? Heard oscar scan is pretty new one, abit more X than NT scan but the result is almost the same leh.

Beside the multi-vit & folic acid, i bought Natal Care Plus ( fish oil ) from him, cost $30/box. If im not wrong, i start taking from 3rd month onwards, everyday one pill.
He did not recommend me, im the one who ask him cos once im pregnant, i cant take fish at all, scare bb not enough nutritious, so check with him whether can i start taking.

Is ur sugar level low??

I do feel giddy & fainting spell during my 1st trim, i cant go to crowded places, will feel like fainting! For the whole of 1st trim, i always stay at home, hubby forbids me to go out!
That time, my blood pressure was pretty low too!

Think u better dun drag, go see him asap. Its okie to see him ( non-appointment ) one! My apptmt is next fri, but cos im having a fever, i just went to him. He prefer us to see him rather than visiting other GP, cos he's is a better position to prescribe medicine which is suitable for us!

during my 1st trim, i also almost fainted once in the toilet in the middle of night. I was pee-ing,....then all of sudden i see stars n break out cold sweat....quickly put my head down and move my limps...i scare i faint in the toilet without panty on...haha.....but after that incident, it got better when i proceed to 2nd trim

if u did not ask dr adrian abt supplement, he wont recommend. normally will be just folic and multivit. i have been taking these 2 since pregge till now. start of 2nd trim, i check with him abt fish oil n he recommend me the one angeline is taking also...n have been taking tat till now.

going to see him tomor. so anxious! wonder how baby is...n when he wanna come out.
Blueydoo, Angeline, Cheezel,

Tks for sharing. I'll asked Dr Adrian about other supplement I should take. I bring mint candy wherever I go in case I felt giddy or nausea. Sometimes it will b a trigger to vomit. Perhaps take too much.

Abt blood pressure, Dr Adrian said it's normal but din tell me the numbers. My MIL said I fainted perhaps coz my blood pressure too low and suggest me taking chicken liver. My frd said plum can increase blood pressure. I should ask her where she got to knw that.

I stil can't drink milk, will throw it up..

My frd din go for oscar scan. She onli went for the detailed scan. She said it's amazing to have the detailed scan.

Did u go for NT/oscar scan? How long will it take?

Arr.. I dunno abt the sugar level.. Dr Adrian took my blood sample on the last visit.. Hope it can tell abt the sugar level. Dr Adrian it's a routine blood test..

Yup.. will go n see him asap when something happen from now on..

Wow Cheezel, must be v gancheong hor u.. kekkeke.. let us know abt ur visit tomorrow k..

Btw, u still managed to move ur limps heh
.. That time I was cutting the fat pork in the morning, when feel abt to faint din even hv time to wash my hands. Afraid will fell down. When I finally concious, I still had time to check my hand, then ask hubby to clean it up for me. Oso still can regret that I lay on the bed wearing my sleeping dress which abt to be washed.. hee.. m like a freak huh? last time worse, never allow any food in the bedroom at all.. kekeke..

Angeline, DUN be notti.. [it's easy telling ppl not to be notti yet own-self oso be notti.. hee.. at least m not as notti as u..] kekkee...

Take good care!!

Do share with us when ur bb coming out!

U giving birth at TMC or??


No worries, my 1st trim i cant drink really drink milk too. 2nd trim onwards, u might able to drink liao

NT scan takes abt 30mins but depending on whetehr ur bb co-operative anot. The sonographer need ur bb to move abit to measure more accurately!

Huh, didnt Dr Adian nurses called u up to inform u abt the blood test? After my blood test, NT scan, detailed scan, they did called me up to inform me the result leh.

okie lah, i will try not to be so notti too lah

calcium need not come fr milk alone...if u no lie milk, can take other food like beancurd? yougurt? soya bean milk?

if ur blood pressure low, dr adrian will tell u cos thats what he told my fren who is also preggie. ur fainying spell may be part of morning sickness n will go off as the preg proceed. dun worry....

ur fren maybe taking triple blood test thats y didnt go for NT/oscars test. ")

me give birth at TMC.

will let u all know after the checkup later.....
Dr A delivered my 1st child and so far i have been very satisfied with his service and professionalism.

I would like to check with moms that have taken clomid course from him. Does he ask you to come see him to scan the follicle size after taking the pill?

My fren is taking clomid also but from a diff gynae. Her asked her to see him to scan to see the follicle/egg.
I went for my Oscar test on Tuesday .. Was really worried because the sonography actually advised me to also take the blood test as my NT scan was not very accurate because my noti baby refused to move & 'jump'. I received a call this afternoon from the nurse and was told everything was fine. I was really happy and relieved =)
back fr check up. bb 37wks @ 3.1kg. gain 500g in a wk. last wk only 2.6kg. phew...also clear fr the strep B test. dr adrian says once i have any 1 of the 3 symptoms, just give him a call....

Glad to hear that!! Wow, ur bb pretty big ya!

Meanwhile must be a "kuai" mummy, must listen to Dr Adrian & call him immediately once u have any symptoms!

Do keep us update once u given birth hor!

Aiyo, so excited leh!!!
Yup. Dr Adrian said so. Told me to drink milk when i reach 2nd trim. I asked him abt DHA supply for bb. He showed the Natal Care fish oil but told me dun take now. If I want, can take it when i'm into 2nd trim.

NT scan takes so long time.. hee.. but I think I'll enjoy it. Can see bb for abt 30mins.. hehee..

Nope, they have called me up abt the blood test.. Think the result's fine.. I'll ask on my next visit..

Wow, good to hear that
Hee.. u hv a big bb

Do take care k!! I oso feel excited.. hee.. happy for you.. 3 more wks or less ya.. Keep us up to date k..

I take soya bean milk. Drink every 3 days. But now, onli can take little. If drink too much will vomit..

Yup, hopefully i won't unconcious again.. The giddiness still wif me though

Good for you that everything's fine.. U now can relax.. Me.. still waiting for the NT scan tomorrow.. kinda nervous.. heee.. also excited to see bb for tt long.. kekeke..
Hi gals,

Almost 1 week din chat liao. I brought my mum to see Dr Adrian tis morning. Waited for 1 hr as he was doing delivery. Wah. His tummy really big siah. Looks like 6 - 7 mths preg leh.

Er... Where is Cheezel today? Don tell me the delivery he did is for her ah?

Anyway, Cheezel, take care of yourself. 500g a week at this time is really a lot. If u carry to full term can bb very easily be 4kg plus. Jus like mine. Ha...
i'm here! haben pop yet. hehe.....

yea...i also notice dr adrian tummy bigger as compared to the 1st time i see him. hehe.....

Yours bigger or his ah? Should be your rite? I think he only put on weight at the tummy area. Of course lah, every day either seat in the clinic or sleep on the bed. I think the only exercise he do is stand for operation or delivery. This is my fren's comment on him. She is also one of his patients. We are very ba gua hor.

Wait till ur 2nd trim den drink milk. My vomitting lasted till 4th mth, den after that, i start to eat & drink more liao!

Athen & Cheezel,

Both of u very funny ah
, take note of Dr Adrian's tummy & even compare with our tummy!!

my tummy bigger than him la...his look like in "2nd trim tummy"...hehe....

my back is going to break anytime! so suan!

Try doing the cat pose. Helps to ease backache. On all fours, arch your back so that it curves upwards. U should be in a position like an angry cat.

If u have one of those preg books, it should teach u how to ease backache.

U got no pelvic pain rite? Then good. Pelvic pain is worse than backache.

Good that u do not have pelvic pain. My pelvic pain was so bad that I was limping when I walk.

All 4 as in knees & hands on the floor. No problem. I do it often when I get back ache.
Hi gals..

me have been seeing Dr Adrian currently in my 11th week already. Me going for the NT scan in early May. Happy and glad to know that so many of us are using him. He is indeed a very nice gynae always ask him so many questions lor..hee hee..

Btw, can I just check are we able to hear the heartbeat from the scan? My friends were telling me that they can hear bb heartbeat but I never hear before leh, only see it through the scan..any advice?
toking abt pelvic can feel the pelvic aching so much le. fr morn till uncomfy when at work.

i also no heard bb heartbeat...only seen the heartbeat on the screen.

Dr Adrian said to take panadol. But I din take, tried to endure with the pain & don move around too much.

Bear with it, a few more weeks to go.

Till now oso never get to hear bb heartbeat leh!


Take good care of urself & do rest more, avoid walking too much ya!

Did Dr Adrian prescribe u any iron tablet?
IS it include in the multi-vit (pink tablet) that we are taking?

he didnt prescribe any supp for me. only the normal folic and multivit. then i bought the fish oil.

he say his multivit is enuff for our daily intake so no need others liao. so i didnt ask for any since then. once in a while i check with him on the calcium intake cos i no like milk, he look at me also say no need.....prob i no skinny skinny....ehehehee.......
hi all

me also a patient of Woody.(a nickname i have for him, haahaa). am due in Sept.

I also did not hear bb heartbeat, only see from the screen, can understand why, cos' his machine is 'aww tak', not as hi-tech as the one in TMC sonographer's room. hee hee! He charged cheap mah, that's why not enough to upgrade machine. But he's a nice gynae, am comfortable with him.

Cheezel, so excited hor...delivering soon!
Tiny voice,

When I went for C-sect, the anethethist doc asked the nurse if I'm Woody's patient. So I guess that is his nickname at TMC also. Hee...

The machine at TMC is for more detail scan to check bb's organs etc. His machine is only for normal scan to monitor growth of bb, water level, etc. I guess most gynaes have similar machine bah.
Athen: some of my friends get to hear their bb's heartbeat at their gynae's, so i think theirs shld be more hi-tech. Anyway, most impt bb is healthy and we must trust our gynae professionalism!
But i think only he can read his own machine, cos' when he show me bb's dick, i can't see anything, haahaa!
My fren was preg almost 3 yrs ago, get to hear bb heartbeat. Gynae is Dr Adrian. I also couldn't be bothered to ask him the last time. As long as healthy, can see heartbeat can liao. Maybe u can ask him.
Me too, can't be bothered as long as can see the heart pumping, hee hee!

Athen: are you trying for your 2nd one or are due soon as well?
For me, so long as i can see the heartbeat & know that bb is growing well, can liao!

Not a must to hear their heartbeat.
Dear all,

Thats good to know..yup as long as bb is healthy and grwoing well, we will be so happy lor..

see from the posts that you are going to deliever soon, excited for you! JIAYOU.. Hope to hear your update soon..
Tiny voice,

I'm not trying for 2nd one yet. Cos I cannot handle this monster. Now already no life. Can't imagine if I have 2nd one. I think i'll go mad. I'm not ready yet although age is catchin up.
just back fr check up. bb 3.4kg at 38wks wor. dr adrian comment bb on bigger size.....give me opt for c sec now. my cervix also not dilate yet. so cant induce bb out now even if i wan to. so next week see how ba. he say i'm not on the big size type, so if bb too big, may have diff coming out...n if i try natural, bb cant come out, then have to go for emerg c sec....then i have to endure a long process n also pay for high hospital also dunno how....shang nao jing....
hi cheezel, u monitor over the weekends lor, if bb still don't pop, u go for C-sec, save the long process and also save $$. Take care and keep us posted.

Athen: oic, most impt must be when you're more ready than try. Else later u suffer from post-natal blues.


Wow, bb consider big sia!! I have ex-colis natural birth to bb weighing 3.8 - 4kg one! Got one lagi good ah, 4.2kg, oso natural birth, wonder how they give birth leh??!!
