Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic


Nope, I got the list from the magazine I read.
Basically just a few things. I think I mentioned in 1 of our archive threads.
You may want to search through.

That time I got contractions (something like want to poo poo) in the middle of nite.
Then the interval of that kind of pain will be shorter & shorter, until abt 15mins interval, you can call Dr Adrian to tell him liao.
Then he will tell you what should you do.
My waterbag didn't break before I reached hospital.

Saw Today newspaper last Fri, got this ads saying that if you buy $10 Johnson & Johnson products in single receipt at any NTUC outlet, you can attend a baby massage session.
The session is for newborn to 9mths babies.

They got a few hospital for you to choose.

KK - 4, 5, 513, 18, 20, 23, 25 May 2006
TMC - 2, 8, 11, 16, 30 May 2006
Eastshore - 6, 12, 20 May 2006
Mt A - 2, 5, 9, 10, 16, 19, 23, 26 May 2006
SGH - 9, 10, 11, 16, 22, 23, 30, 31 May 2006

You can call Ms Linda Huin at 6827 6208 from Mon-Fri 9am-4pm, or email [email protected] to check the availability of the session.
Need to present your NTUC receipt at the session for verification.

I know the following timing, see whether you can make it on that date.
5 May (Mt A) 3:00pm - 4:30pm
20 May (KK) : 2:30pm - 4:00pm

Hee... I oredi booked the time slot on 5 May @ Mt A.
hi all...

i am so pissed wf my maid... she actuali lied to me and said she had to go for a dance practice cos her minister from Manado is coming. and the embassy has asked those ex-performers ( she had taken part before ) to do an item. thinking tat it was oni 3hrs, i allowed her of my own free will... BUT guess wat, shes so suay... my MIL neighbour saw her at 4pm at Ginza Plaza wf a man!!! i am going to sack her!!! cant stand liars...

You better get it to bottom.
That's why i oso scared to have a maid in my house, though everyone keeps asking me why not. "Cos they can help you to clean house, help you to take care of your boy".. blah blah...
Ya, I dun want end up the maid oso helps me to "take care" of my hb... :p

hhahah.. thats a funni one.. "take care of my hb". quite true lo.. i oso scared but no choice le.. my mum needs a maid to help her.. so i state in my hse rules.. "no going braless. no tight n strappy clothings"

u hv come to the rite thread.. actualli individual mummies hv different views on Dr Adrian. But i believe most of us here are quite happy with him.

if u can.. just browse thru the archive postings. Alternatively, u can go to him for once n decide for urself whether u are comfortable with him. One thing i agree with many mummies here, he speak too fast. But still patient enuff to answer all qns u may hv.

Hahaha! It's true ley... somemore, my hb says he doesn't have confidence in himself, if really there is temptations around.

I think for your case, still ok, cos most of the time your maid is either wif your mum or you mah.

Yeap, I agreed lor, they really can help in the house chores.

Just share with you all on the incident of my sil's maid.
My bil & sil employed a maid since their 1st kid borned (which is 15yrs ago). Initially the maid stayed wif them for abt 10 yrs, then she said she wants to termintate the contract & go Saudi Arab to work. So my bil let her go. Then one day she called back to my bil & begged him to save her from Arab, cos she kena beaten by her employer. So again, my bil "saved" her from Arab, and let her continue working wif my bil. Then after 1 yr, my sil learned a shocking news from the maid of her neighbor, the maid pregnant liao & borrowed the money from next door maid to do abortion!
So, my sil decided to send her back to her country. But my sil was very scared cos my bil usually works overseas, she scared if let the maid knows she is going to send her away, the maid might do something silly or dangerous things to my sil & kids. At the end, my sil got to arrange cisco people to "escort" her to airport. :p

The lesson learnt, though it's good to trust the maids, too trust them might be harmful to ourselves too.
wah.. your maid betray your trust.. hiaz

Agreed with Jo that Dr Adrian speaks very fast, but he will answer whatever qtn you ask him. He can even be your "listener". :p

During my confinement period, went to see him for check up, i "complain" to him how i "suffer" in my confinement.. hahaahh he listen patiently leh.

wah.. your sil's maid story sounds scary also.

scary le.. the maid! sigh..

even thou maid at mum's place or with me most of the time. my maid havent come into the family, i oredi get unfavorable remarks from my parents liao yest.

dad first told me that the maid i employ got 2 yrs experience. hard to control etc. think they are influence by my gu gu who was saying she got a fresh maid, very gd n cheap. i was quite pissed liao when i heard that.

then later in the nite, my mum commented.. say having a maid in their hse oso not very convenient.. cos they are very used to things lying ard.. then say my sis's room got to lock n my mum got to clean sis's room herself. i asked her.. then wat u want me to do? i cant b a SAHM.. i dun work, my 2 boys will suffer. cant depend on hb oso (u gals know my story with hb) i get a maid to help lessen mum's work load on hsework n kids.. so that i can go to work in peace. yet give me this kind of comments..

then my sis another one. duno what the hell she doing? just get maid to clean up her room will do.. mop floor, clean window n change curtain thats all.. wats so difficult? must ask my mum to do esp for her.. n lock her room, no access to maid.

ask my sis to clear her wardrobe.. throw away all her old clothings.. pack nicely.. so that maid can iron her clothings once a week.. n she can just pick n wear.. dun hv to trouble my mum to iron for her every morning. yet say she like it that way.

hb n i chose a maid with 2 yrs experience cos it will b easier for my mum to teach her cooking.. since maid got basic knowledge liao. do hsework dun hv to teach much oso. mum can just relax n rest well.. take care of the boys will do.. yet they want to grumble this n that.. compare n compare.. which i oredi told them that i m given 2 yrs unlimited change for the maid.. so wats the big problem here? not happy.. then just change..

ask them go select themselves.. my dad got difficulty moving abt.. ask my mum chose.. she will end up asking me to chose instead. i chose experience ones.. they say no good.. later chose fresh ones, hard to teach, oso the same. if ask them to chose.. they end up not happy with maid.. say maid agency no good. so hb n i decided to chose it ourselves when time is running short n saw one we like.

my dad still expect me to hv the maid in earlier in the first place.. i told him how to when i m financially unsound? got so much bills to pay n maid comes in earli means i hv more financial burden.

realli make me want to tell them that if they dun want the maid.. then i bring my boys back.. pass to my mil to take care.. boys get ill treated.. sick, eat junks.. get thinner each day.. get character n attitude of my mil.. fall here n there.. end up looking like a retarded chimpanese.. dun blame me.. n dun blame me oso with me losing my job as a result.. cos i end up hv to stay home to look after my boys myself.. hb ask for divorce.. immediately i wont get custody of the boys.. when in the first place they keep telling me i must hold custody of the boys shld divorce happen.

realli very sick n tired of their comments. get maid to help ease their burden but increase mine cos of my 2 boys.. still get such comments from them. mil n hb oredi gave me enuff stress.. own family still want to give me more!

guys normalli cant resist temptations.. dun say ur hb. i dun even trust mine. i get very sensitive with little actions he do. today, even tell me.. u got anything want to look for me, just sms me will do. i was like.. y cant call direct. finish wat i want to say n hang up. y must sms..? makes me feel fishy. then his frs call.. he can talk n talk.. for me i got to sms.. wat logic is that?
Wah.. understand your problems.. hiazzz really.. is like that one.. everyone likes to "chup 1 leg".. end up u difficult position. But u very good already.. employ maid to lighten your parents load.. they still like that.. haizzz

"jia1 jia1 you1 ben3 nan2 nian4 de4 jin1"

Hannor.. strange.. why hb say u cannot call him? Maybe .. once a while then u call dont sms lor.

i oso duno wat my parents want. probably they old oredi.. so like to think this n that.. very "light ear" oso. hear ppl say good. they go. i oredi told my dad in the presence of my gu gu.. say, not all the time strike lottery one mah.. oso poh heng suay on maid as well.

i oso wish to b a SAHM. then dun even need my mum to take care of my 2 boys. i just handle on my own.. but i cant. i m a workaholic. still prefer to work.. at least i hv $$ to spend on my boys.

i m pissed with wat my hb says but i bo chap, will just call him when i want to. if not, take phone for wat? mite as well use pigeon to send msg to him. siao! he oways have this attitude problem after he goes out with his friends for gathering n drinking session.. become very ego after that. simply hate it!
Maybe somehow is true lor.. parents old liao, will "listen" to those pple...

Hannor, employ a maid not easy liao.. good luck to have a good one leh.. bad then bo bian liao.

I think to have own income is better than to keep asking hb for allowance.

True, to have a mobile is for us to be contactable.. use pigeon.. will never reach him leh.. kekekeke

me cant depend on hb for allowance. will still end up finding a job. i prefer to hv my own income.. can get wat i want. dun hv to see his face or even his mum's.. oways think i hv been depending on her son all these while.. she better go get her facts rite!

he got mobile oso no use one i find. anyone find him.. he will answer, call back. i sms him.. no reply somemore..
DS / Puea - maids are real horrible things to have around the house... gettin smarter nowadays... gona go and talk to her tonite... hormone levels racing up n down all cos of her!!!

updated pic of celeste at a wedding , i searched high n low for the hairband... haha
Puea, Honeyhaven

I saw this contact for nepia in other threads but duno still available or not.. Order from nepia home delivery 62262650. u gals may want to try calling to check.
Hi Jo and Puea,
I busy with work yesterday. Just manage to do some catching up. I bought 1 pack of nappies for our baby at kiddy palace. New brand - Pureen. Really cheap. 66 pcs only $10+. Dun know good or not. The sales promoter says good and cheap. Just bought 1 packet and will try when baby is born. I having another headache. Its abt my weight gain. I think i have gained too much weight. I already gained 12kg. Now wk 26 only. Haizzz. The ladies in my Aug thread their weight gain is only 3 - 8 kg now. I am too embrassed to mentioned to them abt my weight gain. Dr Adrain never mentioned anything abt my weight leh. I hope he willl never have the chance. How, how, how?? I think i will gained up till 20kg if this continues. My hb says never mind. I will go back to my b4 preggie figure. I really hope so I can do it. Haizzz.

Hi godchild,
Your baby's eye looks big and round. Very nice.

dun worri too much. weight gain is just part n parcel of preg. are u on the slim side prior to preg? i actualli have a weight gain of 20kg for my 1st preg. but ok la.. i was onli 40kg prior to preg. i m oso hitting the same for my #2 now.

shld weight gain b a concern to u.. its best u ask Dr Adrian for his advise.
Sorry. Need to ask u girls something.
When is Dr Adrian W. in SK clinic?
I remember someone typiing the schedule here.

Please help!

Wow, your troubles seems never ending hor...

Employ a maid not easy ley, not oni financially, mentally too... always got to scare whether the maid will mistreat kids not, whether the maid will go astray not... haiz...

Ya lor, i agree with you. Women must be financial independent.
In case anything happens *touchwood*, we still got money in hands mah...

Re: Nepia
I have the number. Last time did order together wif another mummy in bt batok.
I tot the promotion ended at end of Mar?


The maid story not scary liao.
If i tell you my cousin's story, that's even scary. I feel like cannot trust those men lah...


Wow, pretty mummy & sweet daughter... so nice!


Hmm... 12kgs is alot liao...
Aiyo, Dr Adrian won't mind your weight one... last time I oso gained 20kgs ley... i kept asking him am i overweight???
He kept replying "No lah, dun worry..." hahaha!
Puea - no la, its cos i got put make up mah, a fren's wedding dinner...

Re - milk intake low
any ways to help bb to drink? my celeste is refusing milk, so difficult to feed and she doesn't even seem hungry after 5-6 hours!!! i started her on a little rice cereal last Sat and she likes it! she will only hit 4mths this 11th... i started earli leh...

my hb got super serious attitude problem. like mother like son. i very sick n tired of he n his family's nonsense. noted everytime after his family look for him, he will give me attitude. after he go drinking session, he will oso give me attitude. not a man of his words oways.. now say, help pay half for maid expenses.. after i told him a big "NO" to his mum using the maid at home.. as i dun want her to malign my maid of stealing her things etc.. she back out from paying. so i told myself.. its fine! i will pay on my own. just dun ever tell me he wants to bring son out.. want to use maid etc.. since he hv never given me a single cent to raise the kids since day 1.

Huh? So early celeste dun want drink milk liao?
My boy oso behaves like tat recently. My bbsitter commented tat my boy could be stopping drink milk even before 1yr old.

I think it's ok, dun worry, when babies reaching 4mths, they can "tahan" hungry up to 12hrs.
AS long as when they hungry, they drink as per normal amount, that should be fine.
Or maybe you can check with the PD?

I noticed babies like the solid foods very much hor... Like my boy, he likes the cereals very much! Have let him try various type of cereals, he likes the Fish & Vege cereals most.

It's ok for celeste to try 1-2 tsp now.

Since she likes it, then it's ok, cos cereals will supplement the nutritions if she dun drink milk.

Very tough to raise 2 kids on your own ley. Salute to you!

For me, I dun care, since my mil & my hb claims tat they dote on my boy very much, I "force" my hb to pay for the bbsitter fees. :p

at least u can force. i cant. cos i still foresee divorce in near future. so i hv to leave no chances to them to take my boys away from me..

somemore, hb oways tell me sons not his.. so better still. i take care n raise my 2 kids all on my own. he dun talk cock to me say he wants to bring son out to his family etc..

Wow, how can your hb say this the sons are not his?! Last time when i pregnant, my stupid oso said the same thing, he suspected tat my son is not his! I was like you, almost mad liao!

Then I told myseld, it's ok, never mind, if you think the son is not yours, then dun fight wif me after borned.
But after my son borned, he looks very much like my stupid husband, then he believes tat is his son and now he always fight wif me over my son!
Jo - u reali are one strong woman... it must b tough to stil be strong for your sons at a time like this, esp wfout HB's support...

Puea - ya lor, somehow she doesnt like milk. i stopped bf aldy. its too tiring for me... i rather have a relexed lunchtime than to rush n stress... useless mummy!
im feeding her 1.5tbsp rice cereal once a day now, hopefully can replenish the lost milk intake...

even thou my son looks very much like my hb.. but still he can say son not his.. at times, realli want to tell him.. "dun tell me sons not urs till we go for DNA test.." or even go tell the judges abt it.. they will laugh their heads off when they see such a lovely boy..

he dun even bother to go see son who is at my mum's place permanently now.. the last he saw son was 28 mar 06.. more than a mth liao.. he dun miss son at all

i m in a forced situation.. didnt open my eyes big enough last time.. shot gun marriage.. n i still insist to keep my son then.. cos its a life in me.. somemore.. it shld hv been gone then during the first 3 mths.. cos i bleed but tot my menses.. onli at 4th mth then know i preg.. lousy me!

saw celeste doesnt want to drink milk.. u try pediasure on her??

Well, for ur situation, what can I say more? Sorry to say, ur hb is really a useless hb & father... :p Very irresponsible ley...

You must be strong, ok!


Dun feel helpless, ok. Cheers up!

Maybe you want to seek opinions from PD.
Which PD you go for all her jabs?
Or, maybe you try, after giving her cereals, you feed her some milk. Cos I think 1.5tsp is not euf for her ley... she may get hungry ver fast after that.

From my experience, when my boy hits 4mths & starts solid foods, he can't finish 6oz milk per feed. Always left abt 1-2oz, unless he is very very hungry, still the same until now near 7mths liao. Hahaha! And he prefers to eat porridge & cereals than milk lor.
My mum did mention to me, my son may like me, stop drinking milk after 1yr old, totally on solid foods.
Hi Jo,
you've to be strong for ur boys. If you foresee that you will divorce, then you have to start planning for your future.
Me taking my maternity leave to stay at home liao.. but too bad my computer crash so cant surf the net haiz. Now using the PC at my mum's place.
puea, rocher..

thanks for the support. yes, i agree that he is truly a very irresponsible & useless father n hb. I dun ustd why he still can b so proud of his doings.. a disgrace to all men n his family.. anyway.. he dare not tell anyone the truth about how he treated me n his tots..

until today.. he still feel that he is rite.. i realli feel very sad for my sons.. but nevertheless.. my boys still hv me.. i will oways b there for them no matter wat happen.. even if it means to take my life away..

Ya, at least ur boys still have you.
We back you up!


So fast you start taking maternity leave liao?
When is your due?
All the best to you...
Wow me very long didn't come in this thred happen so much thing.

Hw come yr hb like tat. Haiz... Lucky u have yr boy. They can give u mentally support. Don't bother abt wat yr family and yr hb say. Live for yrself.

Hello puea

Hw are u?
puea, bao bao

my hb claims his mum is brainless.. so like mum like son. bet u gals know wat i mean. watever he say n do are oways contradicting.. still can b so proud to tell his coll n frs that he gg to help me during my confinement period etc.. aiyah.. nothing but bullshit la.. still at the end, i hv to take care of everyting myself.. depend on him i die faster. just look at how long he didnt see Walt.. almost 2 months liao.

hb says i m evil to bring the 2 boys to this world to make them suffer. he forgot whose sperms? whose surname the kids take after? at least i m responsible enuff to carry them in me n give a life to them.. n provide for them. wat has he been doing? say tired, busy, sons not his, its his life.. wld like him to tell all to the judges.. make them laugh over it.. wat a joke to crack!
Aiyo.. sorry to hear about your story.

Like what the rest say, you must really life for yourself and for the sake of your Walt and #2 who is on his way.

When is your due date? Forgotten liao. Must stay happy hor. Then your #2 will also be a happy bb inside your tummy.

As for your hb, maybe is really fate. Who knows.. if you really divorce (Choi Choi Choi), you will find another better father for both of them who will cherish them better than your hb? Not encouraging u to divorce lah, but then.. see whether your hb will improve a not. Who knows, 1 day he really "kan4 kai1" liao, treat u and your sons better leh.

Happy Mother's day.

My boy also at certain period (think 3mths+), his milk intake also reduce. But after sometime maybe 1 week, then his milk intake came back liao. So dont worry so much.
Wah.. you start your girl with cereal so early ah...
Bao Bao,


Saw your BP for the bumwear.
Didn't join cos i dun need the diapercloth thing.
My boy wears the diapers all the time. Hee hee hee... lazy mummy to wash the diaperclothes lor... :p


Can start cereals for your boy from 4th mths onwards. You can check those cereals packaging, they got indicate that the cereals is whether for 4mths or 6mths onwards.
I even gave my boy porridge from 4mths onwards, cos he always feels not full lor, big eater... *sigh*

All mummies,

Happy Mother's Day!
It's 1st year we celebrate the Mother's Day wif our little beloved ones hor... Hee!
Actually, nowsadays divorce is quite common.
Recently i got 1 female fren oso filed divorce, similar case like Jo's.
Her pil is very very ridiculous, and her hb dun bother to "help" her.
So she can't tolerate anymore & filed divorce, & her daughter is under her care.
Sad to hear that news, but it's good for her lor, dun have to suffer the "mental tortures" anymore.

DS - i got no choice... since doc say can start on cereals, i went ahead... acutali juz a few days earlier than her 4mths... she has been rejecting milk for more than a month now, juz tat shes more cranking... to get her to drink can take 45mins! i pray i wont lose my patience!

Jo - Stay reli so sad to hear of wat ur HB says... but i must say you reali are strong..
