Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic


thanks for all the support here.

i m hesitating whether to send him an sms asking him to think properly whether sons are his? if yes.. he will hv to play his part as a dad n hb.. contribute to bb's expenses. if not, then get ready to bear the legal cost of changing Walt's surname.. n at the same time, bear all consequences there after..

DS.. i m due on 21may


U saw the BP is not under me lah. It lynett. Mine already close my BP on wed and collected my stuffs on thurs. I do thing on the dote one, once hit the minimum i will close the bulk.


Don't worry so much lah. If u have confidence and fate in yrself i noe without him u still can support yrself. Just spend little on yrself.

As for yr hubby he really hopeless, if my hubby like tat i confirm will leave him. Lucky he support me more than his own parents.

U need any help just let us know.
Bao bao..

thanks so much!

i hv been spending very little for myself eversince i m preg with Walt.. my focus is more on my son. hb is oso unhappy that i rather keep Walt's angbao in bank than to help him tide over the financial crisis when he was jobless. but he never understand the rational behind.

i hv been paying thru my nose on bb's expenses where he didnt lend me a hand at all. hse belongs to him n his mum. shldnt they b paying? if he cant make it.. then his mum shld help. why my son? his mum works.. but my son dun. i keep the angbao $$ in son's account just in case something happen to me one day. or there is an urgent need of $$ that son need to use. shld the $$ not b kept, who is gg to fork out that sum of $$? he n his mum will not do so. end up, my son got to go thru the sufferings.. my hb is simply brainless like his mum.. didnt even bother abt the wat ifs.. all they care abt is wanna take the $$ away for the hse.

good thing was.. after i took away the angbao $$ last year.. hb didnt dare to talk anything abt using it to pay for hse or even my credit card etc.. which i told him, "all these $$ belongs to son.. we hv no rite to use it at all. i incurred my own debts.. why shld i expect son to b paying for me?" this year cny, he was super enthusiastic to bank in the angbao into son's acct instead.

he doesnt realised that i hv been very tolerant towards him n his family's nonsense.. yet still take me n sons for granted. i stay in their flat doesnt mean i hv to b at their peck n call. but they felt this way..

yest.. i sent him an sms "all u noe is give me lots of attitude. rudeness to ask me shutup when i tok to u. it all reflect well on u. watever i ask from u, i got to wait. even cfm watch MI3 on monday. i hv to drop the idea cos of ur continuous complains of tiredness. back home, u not tired at all. simply sit in front of ur pc, do ur stuff n watch animation. dun even see u study at all. onli sleep at 2am. same happen on tue. took an effort to cook dinner for u. but no sign of appreciation. my legs are failing me. yet i get no help from u in getting the necessities. buy bb stroller, electric kettle, pay half 4 maid expenses, i guess all gone with the wind. to get a tilam for maid, i dun get help oso. say pack study room this week, oso no actions. i wonder if u feel ashame n guilty to act infront of ur frs n coll. tell them how u nid to help ur wife take care of UR SON when born. yet u are still so proud to tell me wat u told them. when its coming to 2mths that u last saw Walt. a very lousy excuse to say u are tired, busy, sons not urs, its ur life. think b4 u talk. u are onli disgracing n contradicting urself with ur comments n actions. ppl got eyes to see n ears to hear. same goes for the god up there. dun point bragging oso. ur super high ego in comparing with others will lead u no where. thou u oways claim that there is nothing for u to compare n u dun compare. imptly know ur limits in watever u say n do"

he didnt reply to my sms.. n i know he wont reply oso. expected as much, yest.. he called his buddy trying to get him to go out today. but his buddy was occupied with some events. i purposely went up to him n asked "when u want to cont' with the packing? asked me when the maid coming in? 18-21may.. i cant drag any longer. quickly finish packing all. i may deliver anytime. he then told me do it today.. but now, he is still sleeping. onli went to bed at 4am this morning.. again infront of pc watching animation.
in fact.. shld the conversation turn nasty yest, i wld hv serve him with qns on sons' surname. once he agree to change.. i will get things done immediately. wont give him any more chances to regret. he shld know my style. i hv given him plentiful chances on this oredi. not the first time i asking him after he claim son not his.

i m very much unlike him.. keep saying.. "afterall she is my mum, she is my sis.. etc" ... "the more i shld give them chances!" i ever post a qn to him.. "chances? how many more? unlimited? simply allow them to take u for granted?" he went silence..

there even came a day when his mum told him they are into vegetarian.. knowin that, i told hb "hahah.. wat a joke? wats the point of vegetarian when one's heart is so black n evil? here eat.. there do evil.. its just a disgust to make him think they hv mend their ways" again.. he went silence..

i hv yet to show him wat his dearest mum did to a white sweater i bought for him.. i handwash it alone n hang it up in the kitchen to dry.. wat i saw the next day after she left was.. green stain on the top.. front n back. i will onli tell him so when he ask why the stain? n rebuke him with "u will give her chances rite? simply say throw the top away then.. so wats the point of telling u?"
Happy mother's day to all!!

Hi Puea,
my EDD is tml, 15 May. But now still no sign leh.. so you delivered b4 or after ur EDD?

Hi Jo,
glad that you can still think straight. Maybe for some other women they may go beserk!. Why dun you move in to stay with your parents? So where will you do your confinement?

i hv been controlling hard on my emotions. did tell hb b4.. if i still carry on staying with his mum.. see her everyday.. i will surely go berserk b4 she does.. somemore.. i dun wish my sons to hv that weird character like her. i noted that those who are at his granny's place often.. all same pattern one.. rude, weird.. inconsiderate.. etc

did tot of staying with my parents first.. but my sis is another one with mood swings oways.. cannot tahan her. so rather stay at home.

wil b doing confinement at my own place.. cos dun want to stress my mum out having to take care of my 2 boys.. need to cook for me.. n still need to teach maid.. my mum will start to vent her frustration on my boys by raising her voice when my eldest gets notti.. something i realli hate!

hope i can bring my sons home n take care of them myself than to leave them with my mum.. i cant tahan when she raise her voice.. n my son can b timid.. somemore end up imitating wat my mum do oways.. sickening!

Ya, agree wif Bao Bao, if I were you, I will leave him immediately liao.
U need any help just let us know, ok.

Your due date is so near liao, got to take care hor.
Stay happy!


Wow, today is your due date liao? How? Still no signs? Last time my son popped out 3 days earlier than my EDD. Same thing, so signs until one day, the contractions suddenly came. Maybe my son "heard" Dr Adrian said want to induce me if he still dun want to come out on my EDD... Hee!


Maybe celeste is teething? Is she drooling quite alot? My son starts drooling when 4mths, then 1mth later he got his 1st tooth.

Babies can be very cranky during teething, so you got to be patience lor.
Do you give her the gripe water? It helps to relieving her uncomfortableness during teething.
Very surprise lor, my boy didn't get fever or cranky alot during teething. Suddenly, bbsitter and I just realised tat he got tooth liao. Hee...

i wish i could leave immediately.. but financially i cant make it. jobless now. lately his attitude towards me is getting from bad to worst. i didnt want to ask him wats gg on. somehow felt his family start to poison him again. as i check his hp n noted they hv been looking for him last monday.. his sis somemore msg him to call granny place on last monday morning at 9am.. say urgent! after that .. he hardly want to talk to me liao..

Wow, how can he like tat??
Imagine you're preggie now ley...
Anything he should at least check wif you, hear your "story" also mah, why oni listen to 1 side story??

Last Fri I talked my hb abt your case. Told him tat, wat's the point getting married if the guy can't even take care of own family??
Which is why i have a few gfs till now not married.

i feel good he didnt jump on me immediately on things that they say liao.. which he oways do in the past.. n if things are done by his mum.. he will keep quiet. even if he listen to my story oso.. he will still side them.. cos "afterall they are my family mah".

as long as he dun jump on me n accused me rite away of things i didnt do.. i m ok. but still i m very unhappy of the treatment i get.. probably oso cos he feels not indebt to me anymore since he oredi almost cleared wat he owe me.. plus.. think by giving me a legal status n sons a father's name.. means he do his part liao..

lousy man!

Ya, that's what men always think, think they give their "sperms" very NOBLE liao... like my hb too. So, I always tell him that, what I get at the end of my marriage is just a "sperm", nothing else liao! :p
sorry can someone give me the details of dr adrain woodswolf clinc address @ CCK & the contact no. to call the clinic pls.

thank you...
hi icelemon,

Dr Adrian's clinic at CCK:

Blk 304, CCK Ave 4

Tel: 6893 1227

His clinic is shared with the 24-hr clinic...his visiting hours are in the morning for CCK branch...and 2 evenings only....

will keep u gals inform asap once i pop.. edd 21may.. till now still very quiet le.. he still feeling comfortable in my womb. gonna see Dr Adrian this sat for check if i hv yet to deliver by tml..
any of you had miscarriage before ... did you stick to same gynae or change to a new one ?
I am still very scared after my miscarriage.. sigh my pvt gynae was not contactable that day and I had to rush to hospital... but guess he has his own pool of loyal customers...

Any of you know if since my current miscarriage is with my present gynae is it advisable to go back to him since he have my history now ?

Sorry to hear abt this.

My personal opinion, if you're comfortable wif your current gynae, it's advisable to go back to him. My cousin did the same thing too.

But if you want to see whether you comfortable wif Dr Adrian or not, you can just make an appointment, & talk to him abt ur past experience, then you decide whether you want to switch.
Hi Puae, DS, Jo and God Child

How you guys been? I have been very busy with my baby that i couldn't find time to log in.


You are still as jovial as before.


How you been recently?


I am sad to learn about your plight, but at least you are a strong enough to face all these nonsense. I really slatue to you.

God Child

You look so lovely with your child.
Hi Hi Janis,

Can understand your "situation"... Hee!
I was like u last time very very busy wif my boy, but now I die die oso want my hb to help out, if not I will die, man! Hahaha! :p
Bao Bao,

He is eating Heinz cereals.
Not bad, he likes the Fish + Vege, and Banana flavor ones.
Let him tried solely Vege flavor, he rejects, so my babysitter taught me to put in juice instead of plain water, then he eats. Very choosy hor...

You got to check the packaging of the cereals, they will indicate the cereals is meant for which month onwards.

My babysitter starts weaning my boy since he is 4mths old. So far so good, he eats whatever we feed him... Like a "dustbin"... Hahaha!
Thanks Puea,
hmm... that's what i am still very confused... anyway the next gynae will only come in if i conceived again... but I thought maybe I could have idea on whether it'll be good to change or stick on... Thanks puea for your advise
Halo Janis,
Glad that you are back. Agreed with Puea, can understand lah, when i am like you, looking after bb alone at home, also dont seem to have time to log in. Come back to office, at least better, can surf net, etc. hehe

My boy is 5mths already, currently still have not start him with solid food, intend to wait till he turn 6mths. Now still the same, sometime when he crys, still trying to figure out what he wants.

How are you and your bb? Are you working? I think no right?

Your bb is a boi boi hor?

No news from Jo, guess she must have delivered.
I'm in the 3rd trimester of my 1st pregnancy, and I have signed up the package at Dr Adrian's CCK clinic.

After visiting him for about 8 times now ever since my first checkup, i still have mixed feelings about him.

Until recently I came to know about this website, and found out that people are discussing about their gynaes and Dr Adrian was one of them.

Before i went on to read the articles, I thought that most of the articles would be negative comments about him, but after reading part of the articles, to my suprise 90% of them are positive feedbacks.

It is true that Dr Adrian's package is very reasonable, and he doesn't charge extra for the medicine & consultation, if we see him in between appointments when we fall sick or whatever. Most of the people are suprised when I told them how much i paid for the package. Ok, Thumbs up for this!

Another fact that he would always ask whether I need an MC for the day and give me a copy of the ultrascan sounds of my baby at the end of each consultation, without fail. Another thumps up!

Dr Adrian also doesn't encourage me to spent too much money, as when I told him I wanted to do the 3D scan, as it is not included in the package, he reprimaned me, as he said that what is the point of spending $200 over bucks just to see his face, when your baby is coming out in a few months time.

One of the things that really irritates me, is his sense of punctuality, in the sense that, if I am going for my checkup on weekdays, I will either apply for leave or 2 hours off, for the day, and make it a point to plan my checkup as the first trip of the day, before heading towards to work or another place.

On two occasions, I arrived at Dr Adrian's clinic ard 8+ close to 9pm. First time I waited for about 45 mins before he arrived at the clinic which was around 9.30am, second time I waited for almost an hour and he finally showed up at 9.40am. His patients, that reached before and after me, were taking turns to make trips to the counter to ask his staff what time he will arrive the clinic, most of the answers from her was "he is on the way"

What I'm trying to say is that, if he has something else going on in the morning to cause him to be late everyday, then he should change the consultation hours on his consultation cards to a later time, maybe say 9.30am or 10am, instead of 9am, so that his patients will not arrive that early in his clinic and made to wait like dummies.

Another incident before that was when I was around 4 months pregnant, my colleague asked me whether I have taken my blood test, I was totally clueless about it, as it was my first pregnancy afterall. So at my next appointment, I questioned Dr Adrian about it, and the reason he gave me for not taking my blood test yet was, that, I wouldn't feel good if he keeps on poking needles into me, to draw out my blood everytime, as it will be a one or two time thing throughout the whole pregnancy, I find certain truth in his statement, but I still felt that he should take the initiative to do my blood test, rather then wait for me to ask him. I am disappointed also by the fact that when the blood test results came back, his staff did not call me to inform me about it, and neither did he tell me anything when I went for my next checkup. Again, I was the one who asked him whether the results have came back, and he then told me that the results are normal.

Another thing that bothers me is that, whenever it is my turn for checkups, they usually doesn't last more than 10 mins, Dr Adrian gives me the kind of feeling that he can't wait to get rid of me. During the first few checkups, I still had to remind him to take my weight, as he still didn't do so after the blood pressure test and scanning, and when he started briefing me the same old details and about to ask me to leave. I could clearly remember that during the very last visit, as usual I had to remind him to take my weight. What pissed me more was, after I stepped on the weighing machine, he didn't even wait for the digital weighing scale to come to a stop, and he asked me to step down to do my scanning. WTF ? he gave me the feeling as if he was, doing checkup for some alien, and can't wait to get me out of his room. LOL.

And also, my ex-colleague also told me that her package included blood tests for the hubby, but not for me, so his staff's explanation was that if there is nothing wrong with your own blood test, why should we take your husband's blod test, unless you have a low blood count, then we have to do that. Ok, I gave her the benefit of doubt, cos i failed my Biology anyway and of course my ex-colleague's package was way more expensive than mine.

I'm not sure of Dr Adrian's advises also, as I have read in MotherHood Magazines before that it is not advisable to eat raw meat, during pregnancy, but when i ask Dr Adrian about it, his answer to me was as usual, "its ok, not to worry about it", and this was always his answer to me, whenever i told him my problems, big or small.

Last thing that is bothering me is that his patients only take their Urine Test, after each consultation, which I find rather ridiculous, as, what if the test shows something abnormal, does that mean we have to queue up again to see him to do the checkups again? Am I right to say that? Common sense tells me that it should me done before the consultation so that, if there are any problems, we or his staff can tell him when it is our turn for consultation.

Gals what I have mentioned above is from my own view, not to influence anyone, because maybe I belong to those "niao" type, but pls do not take it too personally, as i certainly do not want it to affect Dr Adrian in anyway.

Ya, I think so, since last Fri she din log in liao. Hopefully everything is smooth for her...

ah juan,

I agreed wif your feelings.
However, I think we have to trust Dr Adrian lor since I have signed up the package wif him.

Everytime I have questions for him, he never fail to answer me & assured me everything is ok.
There was 1 time I had diarrhoea for 1 week, and I kept dragging to see him after a week, cos I felt that my baby didn't move much. When I told him tat i got diarrhoea for a week, he immediately scanned my baby & showed me my baby's heartbeat to assure me my baby is alright.

Re: Punctuality
Sometimes he really got to go hospital for some emergency cases, so he always late for his clinic. That I can understand.
Just imagine, if your waterbag burst or contractions comes & you almost want to deliver liao at early of the morning, of cos he has to rush to hospital to deliver for you, right? Then he definitely will be late for his clinic liao.

That was 1 time, I need to get MC from him & I waited for him in his clinic. Then the nurse told me tat he will be back in 30mins, cos someone is delivering in hospital. Ok, then I went to have my breakfast. After 30mins, the nurse called my hp told me tat he won't be back to clinic as the delivery has some emergency situations occurred, and he told the nurse to give me the MC on his behalf. At that time, I dun feel angry, cos I know anything can happen during labouring. He can't control tat too.

This is my experience. I got into labour ward by 8am+, and he showed up in 10mins time, then he has to explain to me the procedures, and the estimated delivery time & assuring me everything is smooth. By that time, he left the hospital was abt 9:45am liao, so he definitely late for his clinic.
At that moment, then I understand why he always late for his clinic.

Another thing is, did you try to call his nite clinic @ abt 9pm? I did before. When I was 3mths preggie, I had fever, and bcos I felt weak & unable to make it to his clinic, so I called his clinic number @ abt 9:10pm. Surprisingly he is the one picked up the phone, and instructed me what to do to "cool down" my temperature.

Re: Short session
If you have any questions for him, you can just ask & ask. If no, he will definitely cut short the session. Can't imagine if you got nothing to ask, then why you want to sit inside the room longer??

My personal conclusion, overall, he is still the best gynae I met, though he speaks quite fast & his session is pretty short.


Your #2 so "accurate" in timing har! Hee!
How heavy ur bb is?

Take care & rest more har...
Remember to share us your bb's photos.

thanks! both pregs come on edd itself.. both on 21st.. Walt was on 21jan05.. n bb 21may06. walt saw his younger bro yest .. n kept smiling away.. but still can sense some jealousy in him.

bb was 3.55kg at birth. kinda heavy. close shave.. i nearli deliver at the door step of Mt A.. hahah.. delivered within 30mins after admission. nurses were saying if all patient like that.. they very happy.. sigh.. but i was in pain.. sob sob..

will share pics once i get it uploaded.

Wow, so "zui" har!
Hee... sure Walt will jealous his bro cos everyone's focus is on his bro now mah...

Huh? 3.55kg?? Dr Adrian din ask you to go for C-section??
Hahaha! Ya, I heard from my coll, the subsequent deliveries will be faster & faster... can pop within a few minutes one ley...
Okie, okie, next time I got to be "careful" liao, provided I still want #2 lah... Hahaha!
COngrats to your #2. What is his name?
Btw, what is walt's wt when you deliver him last year? Is your #2's wt heavier than your #1.

Take good care of yourself and your bb.

Why do you ask Jo why Dr Adrian didnt ask her want to opt for c-section a not? IS it becos bb over 3.5kg must go for c-section?

My own thinking is that maybe Dr Adrian feel that since this time round is Jo's 2nd delivery, thus dont need to do opt.. since her virginal will be be "flexible" liao.. hehe

for the punctuality part I'm really not so sure, cos even his nurse will only reach around 9.30am every morning. His nurse is defintely not doing any delivery, am i right? I guess every employer sets an example for their employee in this case.
Puea, DS

Actualli.. focus is still very much on Walt. cos he is too lovable not to catch my attention. I m glad my parents teach him well. My mum bought Walt 2 garfield toy.. He gave one of the toy to his bb brother. So sweet!

my estimated bb's weight one day b4 delivery was at 3kg. thats why Dr Adrian didnt ask me go for C-sec. i was very much surprised that bb came out at 3.55kg! but very painful now. the stitch went all the way near to my ass. sob sob. #2 is truly heavier than #1. Walt was onli 2.84kg at birth.. see the diff? 2.84kg v 3.55kg..

i havent got a name for bb yet. just called "you long zi" today. will get to see bb's name tml. but may go next week instead cos tml got visitor coming over to my place.

most of the gynae told me that if my first was natural birth.. 2nd one will follow suit..
Baobao (Ah Juan)

Not i speak up for dr Adrain. If u go to other gynae it oso will be like tat they not punctual. I got alot of frend can wait till 1 to 2hr just to see their gyane.

This of stuffs got to give and take. Let say u giving birth at the timing , ppl oso got to wait for him to come back. Isn't it the same.

As for the blood test for hubby, paying a S$ 550 i don't think it can include so many thing loh. Other gyane is few thousands over dollars and this make a diff.

If u feel uncomfortable abt him , maybe u might wanna change gynae cos i noe he can refund u the balance.

For me my whole visits and c-section done by him. It a thumb up loh.

wow indeed yr bb is big. Wahaha... But my second one will c-section too. Heehee... ME nw waited jayden to be one yrs plus before i plan for another one. Hopefully it a girl. So it a pair. And me closing shop at 2.

Cos I remember last time Dr Adrian said if the baby is more than 3.5kg, usually he will advise to go for c-section lor.
Less risk for bb & mum...
Maybe you're right hor, cos it's 2nd one so maybe the virginal will be more "flexible" liao... hehehe...

ah juan,

ya, i know the nurse always comes at around 9:30am. Or maybe Dr Adrian asked her no need to come so early?
Nobody knows.

Agreed wif Bao Bao(piglets), my first gynae is from Mt E, I oso waited for her abt 1hr before seeing her, even I was her first appointment @ 9am.
That's why I still can tahan the waiting time for Dr Adrian, at most I oni waited half an hour.


Wow, so envy you lah, now got 2 boys liao lor & both are so lovable hor... Hahaha!

Bao Bao (piglets),

High-5! I oso "aim" 2nd one to be a girl, then can close shop liao...
But till now, I still dare not to plan #2... :p


Haha... Yeah me hope to get a girl at least my son got compianion loh. Me won't be stopping at one. But got to wait my son abt 2yr and hope i can get preggy before 30 yrs old. Haha....

So hw is yr son. My son nw start to crawl alittle liao. Very cute use a videocam to take down the moment. And he drink milk himself to. He hold the bottle himself very cute, me oni use a pillow to tilt the bottle so he can drink well. So funny.
