Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

DS, Jo,

Maybe bcos my boy is totally on FM, so as long as he feels full, he won't wake up in the middle of nite lor.

No choices ley, we tried using fan for my boy, he can't sleep... cos the house is the most top floor, day time the sunlight is directly shining to it, so nite time is very warm lor.
Or maybe bcos when last time preggie I so used to aircon liao, so he oso "addicted" to aircon... :p

Rocher, Jo

Wow, very fast, your turn liao har...

Ya, go natural w/o epi is a good experience.

Too bad, I pained for 5hrs liao, my cervix still didn't open, so i took the epi.


my boy oso totally on FM.. but he like not full one le.. he take porridge.. then milk.. b4 he sleep rite.. abt 180ml.. he will still wake up ard 4-5am to drink milk again.. now his ht n wt both at 90percentile.. 83cm n 11.47kg for a coming 15mths.. babycutie n mom2nat's daughters are much older than Walt.. but they are of the same ht n wt.. i so scared he become a fat boy..

probably u wanna try on the fan n aircon for ur boy at a start.. once he sleeps liao.. off the aircon.. n turn on high fan.. see if it works?
Like what Jo said, don't have to opt for epi, when at that moment, if u really need to take, then just take. But must take note that if you are in the delivery room during "non-working hours", if u have decided to take epi, u need to wait for the one that adminster the jab u, for abt 20mins (shortest time) to come to hospital.. so u need to tahan the pain.

I got opt for epi (for standby), but i try to "lun".. Try to "lun" if u can. Sure can "lun" one.
DS / rocher..

yeah "lun" is the word. no problem one rocher.. as long as u tell urself to keep pushing continuously n concentrate.. u will b able to make it. if not, u tell urself, "save $$.. epi expensive.." then just push n push.. oso can la.. probably it helps?

I got add brown rice powder into my boy's last feed milk.
According to my nanny, brown rice will make him feel full & tahan until next morning.

Ya, i actually wanted to give my boy fan, instead of aircon... but my stupid hb keeps saying "aiyo, dun want lah, see he oredi perspiring liao.. blah blah blah..."

Hee, don't worry abt Walt's weight, I think PD will comment, if he is really overweight...

You very funny ley, asked Rocher to tell herself, "save $$.. epi expensive.." Hahaha!

Ya, try to "lun" but oso must know the breathing method, I think tat will help oso...
Me didn't know the breathing method, tat's why I can "lun" but cannot "relax" my lower part of body & then my cervix cannot open lor...
Sorry to ask.
ANyone who gave birth this yr or late last yr under Dr Adrian here?
Can you let us know the amount you paid for hospital + delivery charges? For TMC and Mt A?

I am shopping around for a gyne, currently Dr Adrian seems to be the best choice because of his clinic location. Can help?
dr adrian's package is $550 starting from 1st need to wait till 2nd tri then can start his package...

his delivery package is $750 for normal delivery, $900 for forceps/vacuum and $1150 for caesarean...

as for delivery charges by the hospital, it depends very much on the type of delivery u have, this shouldn't be the factor for considering which gynae u should engage....
What Jo said is true leh.. must really "lun" not to take the epi.. "save $$", that is also part of my thinking when i go for my delivery... save that epi $$ for other things for my boy mah.

Huh.. 2nd bb will be heavier than the 1st one? Aiyo.. i already gave birth to a 3.4kg bb.. i so small build leh.. cannot imagine to give birth to another bb that is heavier than 3.4kg.

Wah.. ligation still not no 100% one ah.. like that save the money la.

I understand what you are saying.
I am asking because when I had my first two kids, they were both at KKH.
Yr 2002 - 1 bedder, paid more than $2k cash although I stayed 1 day only
Yr 2004 - 4 bedder (gave birth before the ruling where more medisave can be deducted). I paid slightly less than $1k cash staying 3D2N.

I just wish to know under Dr Adrian what was the cash amount that we will end up paying at both TMC and Mt A.

This is for comparison purpose. I actually not so keen to go back to KKH as I pretty firm that for my 3rd kid I want it to be in another hospital.

talking about the brown rice powder.. u mean mix the powder with the usual FM?

so far i still quite happy with Walt's built & weight. still hv that chubby effect on him. (see pic taken recently)

hahah.. ur hb himself feels hot issit? thats why say ur son hot. my hb oso like that. once i bring son home from my mum's place.. he will b very gan chiong, on the aircon for my boy.

hmm.. abt the breathing method, i find that at the point of delivery.. we are oredi having so much pain oredi.. wont even know wats our surname liao.. all i rem was when the pain comes, i will breathe in the laughing gas n start pushing.. on n on i continue.. telling myself, "die die my son got to come out.. make it fast." so instead of the 3 continuous breathing n pushing.. i make it to 5. so very fast, bb comes out liao.. phew!


thats what Dr Adrian told me abt the birth weight of 2nd bb. I was then laughing away, so 2nd bb will b 10% heavier than 1st.. so 3rd will again be heavier than 2nd.. carry on like that.. probably will reach 5kg.. heavy man!

planning for ur #2??

after talking to Walt's PD, i decided to save up the $$ oso. cos of the side effects.. n PD kept telling me its a waste to ligate at my age. i did tell hb abt it but didnt tell him change of mind.. anyway, just hv to take precaution n mayb take birth control pill to reduce chances of 3rd preg.
Yah, partly i also scare of the epi side effect on me and maybe on baby, so die die don't want to take the epi.

Your Walt handsome with big eyes.
So walt look like mummy or daddy?
How come so exp? I can buy at $23 leh. :p
Why u want to sell away? Your bb walt not suitable to drink? Or expiry cannot wait till your 2nd boy to pop?
You must really "lun" when you going for your delivery. We (Jo and me) can do w/o epi, so sure can you. Jia you.

the can is not mine.. belongs to a fr.. expire in jan 2008. she say can sell at a lower price. she just testing market on the pricing.

Walt doesnt drink Dumex.. he took similac n to the current GAIN IQ. my #2 will be taking the similac range as well.

hmm.. most say Walt looks like daddy.. but recently some say look like me.. i oso duno. but one thing for sure, he got that boyish look that my hb possess. PM u to judge for urself..
Hi Ds and Jo,
Long time didn't log in here. Now i am in 23wk+. Trying to buy some baby stuffs. Can I check with u when u deliver at tmc?? What type of free gifts did u receiver from tmc?? For yr stay at hospital, Dr Adrian will let u choose 4 to a room and free upgrade to 2 to a room right?? Or we have to specially ask him??
The part on 2nd baby being heavier than the 1st is not true lah.

My first was 3.075kg, my 2nd was 2.65kg. So far most mothers I know, it's the other way round where the 2nd child is normally lighter.
Hi ladies,
I have another question. I notice Dr Adrain always in the clinic for our appointment. How come he no need to go hospital to deliver. I thought sometime there r emergency cases. *puzzle*. How he manage to be always around?? hehehehe. Very kah poh.

I delivered my boy last Oct in Mt A.
I stayed 2 nites in 2-bedded room, total only paid out cash $1K (after deduct medisave).

Yeap, but got to cook first before you mix wif the FM.
Steps I taking:
1) Take 3 spoons of brown rice powder, mix well wif boiled water (room temperature ones).
2) Cook for 5 mins (or you can cook until it boils like the smashed type).
If you cook it in watery type, then got to put it in a vacuum flask to keep it warm.
3) Mix it into the FM & stir it until melt into the FM milk

Ya lor hor, Walt very handsome look hor... I like his big big eyes...


You never run into Dr Adrian's "emergency" situations har?
I encountered before... There was 1 time I went down to see him to get mc... then the nurse told me he was away to hospital for delivery...
So I waited 1hr, then the nurse told me again, said cos of the delivery got some emergency situations happened, Dr Adrian cannot come back to clinic liao...
Haiz... i waited 1hr liao then this kind of things happened...
Jo, DS,

Hahaha! Ya lor, cannot be #2 heavier than #1 lah, if not last time those old folks how to give birth until #10+??
My grandmum got 13 kids ley... fainted!

DS, planning #2 har?? Very fast har... Kekeke!
puea, DS..

i was oso thinkin about the weight thingy Dr Adrian told me.. find it quite funny with the way he told me.. doesnt sound logical at all lo..

thanks for the compliments on Walt's eyes.. he got very long eye lashes like my hb.. end up till today.. ppl still can ask me issit bb girl?
Tks for the picts. Actually, when walt smiles, he look very much like u mah. Esp his eyes.
He don't look like a girl lah, he has got boyish look.

I delivered my boy 15 dec 05. TMC. Choosed 4bedded room, the hospital will upgrade you to 2 bedded if beds are available. I stay at 2 bedded room. Free gift ah.. bb got 1set of clothes, botties and mittens, receiving blanket to wear home. Got 1 goodie bag, but nothing much inside lah.

You want to "run" into his emergency ah??

I "run" to his emergency think 2 or 3 times leh.. waited for also 1 hrs + for him to come back from hospital. Even when the day (15 dec 05) b4 i go hospital for deliver, wanted to go to see him for checkup, also got to wait for him to come back from hospital leh.. Me very "heng" ah..

Plan for #2? Not so soon leh.. still thinking whether to have or not to have..
Hi DS,
I just curious. How come no emergency?? My hubby also ask me.. hehehe. Of course i dun want to "run" into his emergency. I just ask for fun. hehehehe. BTW, which brand bottle and teats are good?? I am looking at avent, nuk or pigeon. Dun know which one to choose. For breast pumps. I am also thinking to get those single electric pump. Which brand is cheap and good?? Any ladies with good advice.

duno le.. majority still say looks like my hb.. cos my hb's eyes bigger than me.. i oso see that Walt has got that boyish look.. duno why ppl say he look like ger till now..

on bottles n teats.. i like those from avent.. reduces colic on bb.

as for breast pumps.. i prefer the manual one from avent too.. cos for me. wats impt is save $$ (thou its a gift from my own sil.. i dun dare ask for expensive one too).. n i can control the force on it when i pump.. not too painful. after sometime.. oso dun use liao..

Aiyo, those ppl blind har... look at Walt's face oredi know it's boy liao lah...

Re: Brown Rice
Usually after I cook the brown rice (in watery type), I will mix it (abt 4Oz) with 6 scoops of FM powder & plain water (everything adds up to 9Oz).
My boy can drink alot hor... :p


Hee hee hee, like me hor, I oso still thinking whether to have #2 or not... :p


Better not "run" into his emergencies lah...

Re: Teats & Bottles
For the teats & bottles, I have unforgettable experience.
The first few days after my boy borned, he was so used to NUK teats, cos Mt A gave him NUK teats.
So when I got home & gave him Avent bottle & teat, he had difficulties to suckle, then my mum reminded me maybe it's due to the teats used in hospital.
Then we immediately bought a NUK bottle & teat, to feed him.
When he was abt 2 weeks old, then we start "train" him to use Avent bottle & teat, till now so far so good.

Re: Breast Pumps
I tried Medela eletric single pump & Avent manual pump.
I still prefer the manual pump, cos like Jo said, you can control the force on it when pump.. not too painful.
Hi Jo and Puea,

Re: Teats & Bottles
I notice avent has hard teats, so yr babies are ok with the hard teats? I dun want to waste money. In total how many bottles and teats yr baby need??

Re: Breast Pumps
You all still using the breast pump?? Assuming i have breast milk for the 1st 2 mth and due to work i have let baby go on milk powder. U think is it still necessary to buy breast pump?? Can feed direct or not for the first 2 mth??

yah lo.. think ppl blind.. that boyish look on Walt's face tells all he is a boy.. sigh..

9oz is alot le.. my boy onli drinks abt 180ml on average.. per feed

Re: Teats & Bottles
i find avent teats quite ok.. my boy is ok with them too.. i just bought a set for my #2. i onli have 2 avent milk bottles n a piyopiyo bottle with orthodontic silicone nipples for his drinking bottle.. but i change the teats every 1-2mths depending on the condition.. n oso at different stage (age).

Re : Breast Pump
somehow, breast pump is still a must.. cos tend to suffer from engorge.. its very torturing.. n wont b able to sleep with 2 pieces of stone .. hahha..

when i had my #1.. i onli breast feed for a week n had to stop. cos take too much ginger n my boy kana bad jaundice as a result. after which i turn to FM all the way till today.

for ur case, similar to mine.. need to work after that.. suggest u just get a manual pump will do.. its cheap oso. then dun entirely breast feed thru out that 1st 2 mths.. go with FM in btn.. say nite time.. cos FM is fuller & for breast feeding, bb tend to wake up like every 2hours.

whether i breast feed or go on FM.. i will feed bb then once he full, stop n let him sleep till he cries again.. then feed.. (mine was about 4hours he will wake up for feed).

my crazy sil that time kay khiang.. as if she very experience.. tell me must wake bb up every 2 hours to feed.. n she purposely wake her son up to breastfeed all the way till he was 1yr old. then she decided to go back to work.. give her son FM.. son refuse to take.. oways "pui" it out.. then start to turn very thin.. to supplement for that.. my mil kept giving the boy sweet stuff.. like those donuts with choco rice bits on top.. give those packet chrysanthemum tea.. OMG! the boy now 2.5yrs old.. so thin.. malnurition.. onli 12kg.. their kind of weird way of feeding.. *FAINT* my mil still ask us if my son want to eat.. my hb quickly say "NO".. my son dun take junks!
Hi everyone,

Really need ur advises. This is my 1st pregnancy and current in my 6wks. For the past few days, I experience my tummy abit blouted and no appetite. I'm also feeling my breast starts to swell or grow bigger. But today, I'm feeling stomach not so balloon and breast not so swell anymore. I'm worry, is it normal or have anyone experience that before?

I remembered in the beginning 1st trim, you do have this feeling quite often. I think is the food that you have eaten, produce gas in your stomach and cause it to bloat. Sometimes, you realise you can't eat too full also even you have good appetite. As for the breasts, you will feel full, abit painful and bigger for sure, it happens too when we had our menses...

U seeing Dr Adrian? I'm considering to take up Dr Adrian package? Do u find him speaking too fast, and don't really catch his words? Lost and don't know what to ask when he says any questions.

I don't find Dr Adrian speaks very fast leh. My hubby only thinks he's quite quiet. Usually we have not much questions to ask so my appt with him usually very fast!
