Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

baobao (piglets) / puea

dun envy.. me having a tuff time now.. carry bb n typing here oso. Walt hving fever n flu.. my mum taking care of him.. dad in hospital, cancer relapse.. all come together at the same time.. i feeling so stress

Bao Bao,

Huh? Before 30? Wow, you're very young hor!
If I want #2, I think I reach 35 soon liao...

Wow, so clever your boy!
Mine very lazy ley, me & bbsitter train him to hold bottle himself hor, he just simply push the bottle away... Haiz...
Hee hee, ya, video it down, i m sure it's very cute & precious moment.

My son can crawl abit too, when he sees something interesting in front of him lah. Hahaha!
Last week, he attended the BJG class, the teacher showed him the bells when he is on tummy, trying to train him to crawl, he just simply bo chap the teacher... end up the teacher said "He just simply not interested in the bells hor?"

So conculsion, my boy is a lazy boy...
No choices lah...

Oh no! Then you better catch some rest, dun online so frequent. Wait until you feel better, then chat wif us again, ok!
Walt sees doctor liao?
Must take care har!
Jo - BIG BIG congrats on your fast delivery!!! Wow, tats a good weight... do take care and rest well and of coz, rem to share your boy's pics when uploaded!!!

Janis - welcome back! me also super busy, no time come in often... recently sick wf flu n fever and even had Celeste down wf fever on a day too... now gettin better and hopefully be totali healed by tis weekend!
How's your boy? share pics leh... i love to see bb pics... hee..

Baobao - i started Celesete on rice cereal at 4mths cos she is not taking milk well. She is taking Gerber rice cereal. i bought the Eu Yan Seng brown rice wf Si Sen powder to standby when she turns 5mths... its said to improve appetite!!!

Me nw 27 coming to 28 soon. The way u talk abt yr son sound cute too.

U mean Eu yan send brown rice so good ah. Okok me go buy tmr. Cos me oni let Jayden start solid when he 5mths half.

Hee hee, in fact, every mum sees & describes their kids very adorable ones, no matter how naughty they are. Rite?

Aiyo, you oni 28 mah... me oredi 30 liao ley... Haiz... I want #2 but got alot of factors to consider ley...

Ya, Eu Ren Sheng brown rice not bad, they actually grilled and pack the brown rice properly & added Si Sen, so it's good enuf for bb liao. Sometimes people will ask the chinese medical hall people to grill the brown rice & add in Si Sen, ikan bilis, and alot of other chinese herbs. But I think too "nutritinous" liao. :p Dunno bb's body can take it or not.
hi all...

i went to see dr adrian on saturday morning,

find he quite ok.. talks real fast but came late on that day.

after reading the posts here, guess i can understand why he is late.

so far i m ok with him.

i paid $152 on tat day. see him becoz i got spotting. anyway yet to decide whether to sign the package with him or not.
Bao Bao (piglets),

Of course I understand that Dr Adrian may have to do deliveries in the morning, but not up to the extend that every morning he is late rite.

My Company GP personally knows Dr Adrian, as he was Dr Adrian's junior in NS, when they were working as MO in the same camp, he told me that a good Doctor should not let his patients wait, and he never makes his patients wait, only when there was once he had to see another doctor, he was late for 15 mins.

But of course punctuality is not the most crucial factor for a gynae, what i trying to say is that if he has to make his patients wait, he might as well change the opening hours on the consultation card. It is not that serious to that extend that i will have to change a gynae.

Hi DS, god_child

Yes,mine is a baby boy,he is about 3 months old, very naughty but adorable.....heeehhee
I will be starting work on June 1st, and hope that i will have more time to log in here in my office.

Too bad, i only take pictures of him using my mobile phone,if not i will post a picture of him here.

Hi God_Child

Hope you and your child are feeling better now.

Hi BaoBao (Ah Juan)

I agree with Puae and BaoBao (Piglets), some gynaes will keep you waiting for a hour or even more. We must have trust and faith in the gynae which we consulted, if not, no point continue to see him.

His charges are very reasonable, and there is no 100% perfection in a person's character. Although, Dr Adrian speaks relatively fast, but overall, he is still the best gynae i ever met.

A company's GP is different from a gynae in a way that they seldom experience EMERGENCY cases. Those who visit a GP is normally of a less serious cases like fever, flu and cough, which is very different from birth delivery. We must compare apple to apple and not apple to orange. If Dr Adrian is a GP, then it will be fair to comment on his punctuality, but the fact is Dr Adrian is a Gynae.

Most importantly is that, Dr Adrian is able to be there for you swiftly when you are about to deliver and not keeping you waiting for him at the delivery suite.

I suppose PUEA and BaoBao (Piglets) will agree with my above sentiments too.
Oic, so much difference in the wt of your #1 and #2. Hope your Walt and dad will get well soon. Agreed with Puea, you take good care of yourself. When you got the time then online to chat with us.

Ah juan,
Aiyo, you never know that mummies will pop anytime. I still remember my frd telling me that when she go for her c-section that day, she is Dr Adrian's #2 c-section patient, saying that Dr Adrian still got 1 more patient to c-section after her turn ah. So that explain why he is late sometimes.
I still remember when i am pregnant, during my "pop day", i did call him to confirm that he will be around before i go over to see him to confirm my delivery on that day. Who knows when i arrive, he went for delivery, so i waited for him also.. his nurse call me up to inform me when he returns to his clinic.. thereafter i confirm with him that i be delivering that day.

When i am at the delivery room that evening, he still came to see/check with me when i will deliver (timing of deliver) before he left for his evening clinic. He left around 5pm+, then the TMC nurse called him up again at 7pm+ to come back to hopsital..(cos i abt to pop soon).. imagine he just started his night evening clinic.. so got to understand lor.. imagine you are the patient who going to pop.. definately u will want him to be around when you pop.. I quite worried that he not able to come back in time for my delivery leh, but lucky he made it ah.

Not to mention that i also waited for him a few times when he is out for delivery.

The way you describe your boy, so cute.. my boy also sometime quite lazy kind.. hehe

Hi Janis,
Okay, hopefully when you back at workforce you will got more time to come here to "chat".
do your experience any spotting in between periods? my first menses was per normal but this second time round, i had light spotting (pink & red) just 10 days after my menses ended. a colleague of mine said she had the same thing and her gynae said its perfectly ok cos our body is stil adjusting our menses thingie after 9months of rest... anyone having it too???
hi ladies,

I just started visiting Dr. Adrain, I am deciding between TMC and Mt.A, can share what was your choice and was the services good and charges reasonable?
Baobao (Ah juan)

He not late for appointment. HE still need to go hospital to do his round before he come. It his duty anyway if u not comfortable maybe u might wan to change gynae. (No Heart Feeling)


Really thump up for Dr Adrian loh. Every morning when he do his round he confirm happy ask u. Hw are u etc, and ask to rest more.

If i having my No 2 i confirm go back to him.
hi erkerk

me same as you... deciding between TMC & Mt A..

heard from friends & colleagues, Mt A is cheaper...

but i will love to seek some advice from mummies here...

mummies, pls give us your advice
High 5 Bao Bao (piglets), i agree with you, he got to do his round at various hospital in the morning, imagine, he do delivery at Mt. A, TMC, Gleneagle and Mt. E and Eastshore and he got to visit his patients at various locations. It is inevitable that he is late for his clinic.

I remember that when i delivered in TMC, i suffered from slight post natal blues and couldn't sleep until 3 AM. I asked the nurse for sleeping pill but the nurse said that she need to consult Dr Adrian. To my surprise, the nurse came back telling me that Dr Adrian will visit me later in my ward and ask the nurse not to give me sleeping pill.

To me, Dr Adrian is very caring toward his patient, and i bet not many gynaes will visit their patients at the wee hours of the night and listen to their patient's blues. Dr Adrian could simply ask the nurse to give me sleeping pill to put me to sleep, but he DIDN'T. In fact, he choose to visit me in the ward.

I strongly agree with you that tumb up for Dr Adrian.
Hi erkerk/icylemon

I stayed at TMC(single-beded) last sept. I find the nurse there are ok. But I heard that if you chose 4-bedded at TMC, normally(99%) they will upgraded you to 2-bedded for Dr Adrian patient. As recently one of my colleague confirmed with Dr.
hi ic_69

upgrade from 4 bedded to 2 bedded paying for 4 bedded price or 2 bedded price?

wats the price different for natual & c-sect?

anyone delivered at mt A?? i heard mt A is cheaper.

pls advice.

thank you very much,
Ya, when you back to work, logging more to chat wif us here lah... kekeke!
High 5 too! Agree lor, cos last time when i bleeding non-stop during midnite, he oso rushed down to hospital immediately after the nurse informed him.

Bao Bao (piglets),
Same same, if i want #2, i will go back to Dr Adrian too, though my mil kept asking me to change gynae bcos of my complication after delivery...

Sometimes, got to "train" my boy abit lor, i cannot tahan him so lazy...
Sigh... like father like son lor... :p

icylemon, erkerk,

Yeap, if you opt for TMC, most of the time Dr Adrian can upgrade 4-bedded to 2-bedded based on 4-bedded charges.
As for Mt A, I think both hospital charges are abt the same if you opt for natural birth w/o epi & 2-bedded room.
hi gers

Thanks alot for all your great concerns! Walt is ok now. Dad got discharged from hospital yest but having lots of fainting spells n vomitting.

here's #2's pics as promise.
hi bao bao,

wah... your bill so little only...

4 bedded to 2 bedded & C sec.. total bill $600+!!

which hospital?? by dr adrian too??

Heehee.. :D yeah loh. The best part is he a very responsible gynae.


Yeah loh. Anyway u comfortable with him it beta to go back loh. Change gynae oso sianz got to say all our data again
hi bao bao,

i realised your total bill very low... good.

but how come some ppl can pay up to $1,200 - $2,000 (c - sect)..

all these pricing things can i talk to dr adrian??

thanks for the compliments.. i oways find my eldest son like a toy.. the pic above remind me of eskimo.. hahah
Good Morning ladies.

Your #2 got so much hair and chubby. Thks for sharing both your boy's pict. They are so cute.
Glad to hear that all are well, hopefully you are coping well too.

Janis, baobao (piglet) and Puea,
Agreed Dr Adrian is good and he is a good listener. I went to see him during my confinement, "complain" to him my "sufferings", he really sit and listen and even console me. Haha

I will also go back to him if i really have a #2. No need to source for a new gynae, so troublesome leh.

Dr Adrian will tell you a rough guide how the hospital charges go about, he will give u a list lor. But the price shld varies a little.

thanks. so far so good for me. but sad to know that my dad's condition is not improving. maid giving some problem too. decided to change maid asap to help my mum.. if not, dun think i can return to work.

at this point of time, during my confinement.. i oredi start sending resumes n attending interviews. cant wait any longer as i see that $$ is running out soon. simply so many things to pay.. hai..
Jo - your sons look cute!!! do take care during your confinement... and hopefully you can get a job soon. i think wf the economy picking up, shld not b too big a prob...
Jo - your sons look cute!!! do take care during your confinement... and hopefully you can get a job soon. i think wf the economy picking up, shld not b too big a prob...
Huh, you going for i/v while doing your confinement ah.. hiazz.. try to take care hor. Cos you got to be healthy to bf your #2 ah.
cel_cel, DS

thanks! i try not to move too much during my confinement n have ample rest. but sad to say, i cant. no confinement lady n mum to help me. onli depend on my hb who got to work.. somemore on shift, need plenty of rest oso. at least he took an afford to cook for me whenever he is on nite shift n on his rest days. yest was still telling him, i m fortunate to hv hb cook for me during confinement. hee hee.

me opt out from bf cos my eldest kana bad jaudice from me as a result.. all thanks to the ginger. so my #2, decide not to repeat again. so far, #2 still ok. onli mild jaundice.

me bo bian le.. got debts to clear, bbs to feed, pay to maid oso. funds all running too low that i need to do something fast. thats why resort to gg for interview during confinement. cant wait till after confinement then start job hunt. but i told the potential employers very frankly that i m actualli under confinement now.

yest evening, i attended 1 interview at shenton. tot no chance for 2nd interview oredi. at lunch today, the company called. asked me for 2nd interview tml morning at 9am. i agreed. but back home, cursing away that i hv to join the morning crowd in the train.. sigh.. for sake of $$. no choice!
Hi all mummies,
i'm back!!! My bb arrived on 17th May. 2 days after my EDD. I had C-section cos my bb quite big 3.78kg.

Now doing my confinement.. so sian man! Cant wait for it to end asap. Btw, anyone of u was sick during ur confinement? Me having cough, flu, sorethroat.

congrads to u too! better take good care of urself. do rem to drink more water.

do share with us ur bb's pics 2!

Yo, your boys so cute! Hmm, feel like to pinch your #2 cheeks ley... hee hee...
His chin very sharp hor...
Aiyo, u went interview during confinement?? Really peifu you ley... but again lor, when $ running low, no choices lor..
Do take care yourself har...


Wow, ur bb very heavy hor...

Drink more water cos the foods u taking now are all very heaty ones.
Take care har & quickly share ur bb's pics to us.

Hahaha! I had the same feeling as you... actually 40weeks of preggie is not tough, the toughest is the confinement period...

do your experience spotting in between your menses after pregnancy? my second menses this time round has spotting in between... its so furstrating... spot for 4 days then 3 days clear... today spot again...
Congrats! Wah, your bb is big leh. Good.

Take care of yourself and your bb well hor.
Oh.. maybe you cant drink water leh.. can drink milo and red date tea, like that how har? Hmm.. maybe you can diluted the piping hot red dates tea with water.. so that when you drink not so jialat. Take care, show us your bb photo when you get better.

Lucky your hb got cook for you. If not wonder how u going to take care of bb and your #1?
How's your i/v, hope everything turns out well. Take care hor.

Erm.. my menses not back yet.. (still bf my boy), so cannot advise you. Maybe you can try to call Dr Adrian and check with him about it?

bo bian le.. still tot i send resume now.. interview wont b so fast.. who knows.. calls came n so i agree to go. dun wish to drag further.

congrads me first! hahah.. i got the job liao for the 2nd interview i went today. i was still quite blur when they offer me.. hahha..

saw my msg to puea i got the job oredi. tonite will arrange with my siblings on our domestic matters at home.. worst come to worst.. work half day till end of mth.. then 1 jul start full day.

yup.. hb cook for me.. still ok so far.. tummy start to recover liao.. shrinking day by day.. i quite lucky onli hv to take care of #2. #1 onli with me for 2days cos mum got to shutter to n fro hospital.. now dad back at home.. n i left maid there to help mum take care of walt..
Hi Jo

I am happy for you for having a 2nd newborn and a new job. You got to take care during your confinement.

Hi Rocher

Congrate to you too. Take more rest during your confinement. Take care

Hi Jo, can onli drink red dates tea.. and now weather so hot, very buay tahan man..

Hi Puea,
ya, everyday counting down... still got 12 more days to go..

Hi DS,
ya lor, can onli drink milo and red date tea. Me didnt dilute the tea cos have told my MIL not to boil till so thick. During the few days of my confinement, the red date tea is the same colour as kopi-O, very thick. Have told her to put more water or else cant tahan leh..

Hi Janis,
ya, have been trying to rest more on bed..

Here my bb's pic, taken just now before he sleeps

