Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic


need some advice...
do you gals take hospitalisation leave from dr Adrain before..did his mc state hospitalisation leave or juz write unfit for duty..i am very concern about this as my company don regonize that mc as a hospitalisation leave coz it just state unfit for duties..

Hi Jo,
u seeing Dr Adrian on Thur? Me too leh..
Think need to ask him abt the letter. Me having a boy boy...

Hi DS,
ya, heard from ppl that have to walk and excerise more, so that it will be easier during delivery.. but me always very tired, hot and panting nowadays. And my legs aches alot too.. think too much water retention liao..

Hi Puea,
glad to hear that ur boy is not too serious.. cheer up k.
hi mother of a princess

i got hospitalisation leave from dr adrian last year during my pregancy. i think it indicate unfit for duty and the deduction from the hospitalisation leave rather than medical leave since it is issue as hospitalisation leave.
hi mummies,
anyone can share how much is dr. adrian's package like? what does it include? and any feedback on him? cos heard some not so good and good comments abt him so now very confused. my gynae is actually from raffles and will be going to australia next month for 3 years so now i'm looking for gynae.

maybe i shld pay him a visit first and see for myself what he's like? i live in sk and he has a clinic near here that's why i'm contemplating visiting him. anyone can help??

hi jo,
long time no chat with you. how are you? you ok? pls sms me at 98445988. take care!
MOAP, u manage to settle ur MC issue already? I suppose u can ask him to issue u a proper hospitalisation leave. Why dont u call Dr Adrian to discuss?
Usually during 11-13th weeks, you will go for the downsydrome check and during 17-20th week, you will go for the detailed scan.
Hi all
Hb juz told me his colleague given birth was not delivered by Dr. Adrian, donno reason is it normal that ur gynae might not be there to help u deliver and instead get their counterpart to deliver for u?
RE: gripe water
Oic, ok.. will try out on my boy again this friday.

I see, your coll hb so funny hor.. "finally phew". True leh, now too many children.. very "xiong" one. If got car, got to "upgrade" car, etc...

If hb able to stand beside gynae, i think gynae will be nervous leh.. hehe

Arh.. not by Dr Adrian,.. like that "sian ji bwa" (1/2 disppointed). Must let us know what is the reason hor...
That time when i still pregnant, also very scare i may pop anytime when Dr Adrian go for his reservist, but lucky his reservist cancel liao.. I give birth after his "reservist period".

Try to walk a bit.. you intend to have normal derlivery or c-section?
ya, I heard that if the gynae cannot make it when u going to deliver, another gynae will do the deliver on his behalf loh...maybe that time your hb's colleague gave birth, dr adrian was also doing another delivery so cannot attend to her?....
U sure? U mean our gynae may not rush to us in time to assist in delivery and instead will get someone else to do it? That is meaningless huh? I thought no matter what, he has to be there for us when our time to deliver? What's the reason that he's not there for yr hb's colleague?
Last nite I asked hb again...he said he heard this piece of news thru another colleague. So not confirm yet. Will only know when she is back from her ML. Hmmzz....i hope i wont have to kenna another gynae to deliver for me
Celeste, then when your hubby's colleague returned from ML, we should have all gone for our pray hard this won't happen to us lor!
It's true... if they cant be there on time or if they r on leave, they will get help fr another gynae.

One of my frens lagi better...her gynae is in KKH but bec she stays in Jurong, when she had lab pain, she called 995... in the end, ended in NUH... and her gynae couldnt go there. so moral of story is dont call 995.
Ya lor, too many kids hor can't cope lah, not only financially, mentally & physically oso cannot... :p So I told my hb, 2 is perfect liao... too expect too much... Hahaha!

Rocher, thanks very much.

Ya, it's true lor, if Dr Adrian can't make it when you're in labour ward, then the other gynae will do it for you. So pray hard he won't go anywhere when your EDD is approaching...
Me quite worried becos tat time when i attended antenatal class at TMC, bumped into hb's that colleague. She was there after delivering bout 4-5 days ago and she told us her stitches were painful (she had natural delivery)....tats y i wondering izzit the other gynae did not do a gd job
Hmm.. i think Dr Adrian is half local.. that's why need to do NS. hehe Didn't ask him much leh.

Don't worry too much ah, sekali your "dream" come true then jialat.. so be more postive.

Aiyah, natural delivery by stitch also will be painful one mah.. where got such thing not painful? I also (natural delivery), 1st 2 days also painful leh.
But hor....her painful is she go to TMC specially lehz...when i saw her i could see tears in her eyes...i shudder when i tink of that...*faint*...but u r rite lor...cos this kind of thing chances quite low lah....hope Adrian dont have reservist or anything like tat during my labour....haha
Hi mummies

don't worry. you can check with dr adrian will he be reservist or out station during your delivery period, that what i ask him my last pregancy.
Wah.. so jialat.. aiyah think on the bright side lor. When is your EDD? Girl girl or boy boy? Forgotten.

Agreed with ic_69, check with him 1st, then happen that period EDD, tell your bb don't pop so early lor. hehe
juz brought Celeste for her 3rd mth jab on monday (had the date brought fwd by 3days cos shes has been drinking very little lately at oni 500-600ml daily) weight is at 5.67kg ONLY and length 60cm.. PD at first mentioned weight not so good, but later referred to the chart and said its ok, 50th percentile and length at 75th percentile. PHEW... PD said she's jus small built and small eater, so no force... jus try to keep offering her milk...

Re : Energy level
does any mummy feel tired easily now and at the end of a work day, you feel like your energy level has gone down to the lowest that you are not spending quality time wf the baby? at times, i reali wish i can be more energetic to play wf Celeste but aft a while, i get tired also.. think my diet not good enuf..not eating more though stil partial breastfeeding...and my nails have seem to become more yellowish ( lack of nutrients )!!!
hi samval,

his package is at $550 for unlimited visits including multi-vitamins and folic acid, payable through 2 instalments. he will also not charge for normal medication if you visit him for common sicknesses. i cannot remember the prices for delivery procedures. let me know if you need the info, so i can check at home and let you know.

my only complaint is the long queue at his Sengkang clinic. i usually visit him on weekday evenings. at least 30 mins wait. he talks real fast but he will answer all your questions. he can be very humorous at times. best is for you to visit him a few times before decision. i only signed up his package at my 4th visit.
hehe, ya...mabbe i shld ask him if he got any reservist coming soon...scarly he tell me "y lehz, u want me to go reservist ah" *lol*...cos i noe at times he can be quite humourous...haha

my EDD is in June
am expecting a gerger
I think all depends on luck too most times. When we are in the stage of mercy, just have to pray n hope for the best liao! Everyone's body condition also diff, some ppl's wound heal faster, some ppl's wound takes slower to heal...
Hi celeste

don't worry i think tis yr he should not have reservist as i remember last year he went for his reservist already.
Hi mummies,

Hmmm... as for his reservist, tat i'm not sure. But hor, if it's on holiday, then you no need to worry liao... Cos my fren just told me, she visited Dr Adrian last week, and he juz came back from holidays, so this yr he won't go on holidays again liao... Hee hee hee...

RE: Weight
Don't worry so much, as long as Celeste is drinking milk & sleep well, it's fine.

Maybe just like the PD said, she is smaller build, so won't gain weight too much. Just make sure she sleeps well & enuf, cos babies will grow bigger if they sleep alot.

Like my boy, he eats & drinks alot, and sleeps alot too, so he gains weight alot too. Kekeke!

RE: Energy level
Ya, I agreed. I oso very tired after work.
Last year his reservist cancelled leh (late Nov-dec 05).. unless u know of another reservist that does not take place at the same period.

What time your boy zzz since he also sleep a lot.
My boy zzz alot during daytime, so night time he can only zzz around 12am+. My goodness. Sometime if we are lucky, he zzz at 11pm+.

Wow, your boy sleeps at 11pm+... very late har...
Hmm... got to "train" him...
My boy usually will sleep around 9:30pm...

My boy's schedule (under my mum & bbsitter hard-training):

7am - 1st FM feed, then sleep again
8:30am-9am - Wake up & bath
9am-10:30am - Watch cartoons
10:30am-11am - Eat cereals + pureed fruits, then he will sleep again
12:30pm/1:30pm - Wake up again, then play play
2pm - 2nd FM feed
3pm - Sleep again for 1hr
4:30pm/5pm - Eat porridge
6pm - Sleep again
7pm - Wake up & will wait until 9:30pm for last FM feed
9:30pm/10pm - Sleep throughout nite

how old is ur boy now?

my son tend to sleep longer hours during his napping time.. duno why issit that when i m with him at my mum's place, he tends to sleep ard say 3-4hours during each nap.. from 1030am-1pm n from ard 3pm-6pm.. sometimes 7pm.. then ard 930pm.. my mum will bring him into the bedroom for his playtime on her bed.. after shower.. we try to let him sleep b4 11pm. by next week, he will be 15mths

My boy is turning to 6mths by this Sat.

Sometimes my boy oso will sleep abt 3-4hrs during afternoon time, especially in aircon room... He likes aircon very much! :p
Wah.. your boy good leh..

I think difficult to train him leh.. yesterday, we didn't let him take the evenin nap (7am -8pm)... so he still wants me to feed him, feed him around 830pm.. then he is like very sleepy.. "swing" him until almost 945pm.. he zzz until 1030pm, wake up again for me to latch him again. Finally he zzz at 1130pm.. till 6am this morning.. hiazz tiring..

oh.. aircon. my son sleeps with fan on most of the time unless its raining outside or the room is too warm. then we on aircon for him. dun like him to sleep in aircon too much.. i realised kids fall sick easily.. he so far so gd. *touchwood*.. never fall sick b4
Hi Jo,
my appt was suppose to be today. but yday @ 5+am, I got tummy pain again (maybe contractions)... so went to see Dr Adrian liao. He said too early to give birth so give me some pills to stop the contraction and oso he gave me the pre-admission letter. He did a scan and told me that my bb now 2.8kg.

Hi DS,
I intend for natural delivery. How abt u? You got any epi?

Hi Puea,
Dun mention it..

when is ur edd? ur bb big le.. now 2.8kg liao har.. me last mth went for scan.. bb onli at 1.9kg.. wonder how big this time?
Oh.. contraction so early ah.. icic.

My boy pop last dec 05. I natural delivery without epi.

I also like Jo, dare not let my boy sleep in air con room, scare he too use to air con. The most we switch on the fan for him only. So we also got to "lun" the hot weather without switching on the air con. Even when i am pregnant, i also try my best not to sleep in air con room, the most is switch on the fan nia.
hello anastasia,
thanks for the info. it really helps. ok will check him out and see if i'm comfy with him. cheers!

hi jo,
i got your email the other day. sorry was not able to reply cos was too busy in office lor. how are you doing? do sms me if you have time. take care k?

went to Dr Adrian just now. bb at 34.5weeks now, weigh 2.6kg. was told that 2nd bb normalli will b heavier than the 1st by abt 10% at birth.. so i est my #2 will b about 3.1kg. No wonder i m feeling heavy.. hahah..

going for ligation. opt for the temp one which last 3-5years.. 99.95% wont get pregnant.. cost abt 200+ but was wondering whether Dr Adrian will be doing the ligation thingy for me or another specialist will take over? need to ask him on this in 2 weeks time when i see him. He oso told me that if i want to go for ligation then i will hv to deliver at TMC instead liao.. guess i hv no choice but to go TMC when i hv wanted to deliver at Mt A once again.
hi ds
i went to my checkup last dec, he told me his went for his reservist is "siok" so i supposed he has done his reservist last year.

hi jo
dr adrian hp is 90011449.
Hi mummies,
can i know if anyone experienced wrist pain? Cos my left wrist very painful and went to a chinese 'twei na' and he said this is common for pregnant woman. But still haven recover and now my right wrist oso pain liao.. Can't hold things at a certain angle.

Hi Jo,
my EDD is 15 May. Think a few days earlier than you..but I asked Dr. Adrian roughly my bb birth weight, he said not so big abt 3.2-3.4kg.

Hi DS,
ya, experienced tummy pain, but dun know if thats contraction or not. Me experienced two types of pain.. one is kinda of 'Lao sai' pain and the other is pulling pain (at my right tummy).. dun know if will give birth early or not..wah, heroine!!! going natural w/o epi. So you opt not to use epi? Must be very very very pain right...I dun know wats my threshold for labour pain, I would oso prefer not to use epi.
So you opt out the epi right from the start? If i opt to have epi but in the end I dun use, will i still be charged?

ur edd is 6 days b4 me. i understand from Dr Adrian that my bb is currently in "engaged" position liao. hhaha.. i can even feel bb pushing at the panty line area today. so i bet as wat gynae mention.. possiblity of earli delivery by 1-2 weeks.

as for ur epidural.. u dun hv to tell them u want it now or not.. wait till the delivery itself.. if u cant tahan.. u let them know. gynae or nurses ard will let u know whether u are suitable to take the epi when u requested for it. i went for natural w/o epi at that time too.. a very good experience..

contraction pain i find is quite unique.. diff from the lao sai n the pulling u mention. it comes on n off.. i still rem that prior to contraction.. i had brown discharge.. when the contraction came.. i still look at the clock.. its going on n off exactly for 5mins interval.. for me, the pain was still bearable at a start.. however, the contraction interval will get shorter n shorter after that.. till to me, its the pull hair sensation liao.. my water bag didnt burst then.. after 3 hours, i left home n headed for hospital.
