Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?


Wow.. i just receive news about this forum friend also a triplet mummy, she just gave birth on 14 Feb.. She delivered on her 35th week. Actually considered full term for triplets already. her babies weigh 2.08kg, 1.83kg, 1.77kg. And she told me after birth, usually newborn will lose weight and her 2 smaller ones now only 1.7kg and 1.63kg and now jaundice.. Her biggest one already discharge but the other 2 need to hit 2kg n above than can discharge, furthermore no insurance for her cause natural.. She expects her bill to hit $15K n above.. Scary right...After hearing so many life experiences from mummies sometimes i get frightened too...Especially stories about DH straying after wife give birth and all.. Sad ..


think it's better to just go see a doc. my colleague just told me last week that his sis-in-law (when 7 mths preggie) ate nasi lemak, ended up ls n stomachache. went to a&e, doc gave a jab n said nearly miscarriage. so we hv to be very careful. no harm to check it out. you can go kkh a&e n they should also be able to do a scan for you, just for peace of mind.

must remember that it's better to be kiasu/kiasi a bit during this time. don't feel paisay n think that doc will say we're too kan cheong. we hv to take all precautions ok?

don't worry too much. things will work out. you're covered with insurance liao so if you're concerned, just find out which ward you should go to for cheaper nuicu care for the bbs. as for dh straying, yr dh appreciates what you're going thru, hv faith. not all dh are so mei liang xin one. think positive n don't read such stories. it doesn't help, end up making us paranoid only. be a happy mummy n you'll hv happy bbs.

actually after lunch got one more time, so total abt 4 times since 5am this morning. But now stomach feels ok liao.

I wondering if i should juz go GP or go to women's clinic to see gynae leh? GP sure won't scan for me, but if go see women's clinic end up gotta pay $200+ for scan & consultation. Dunno abt going KKH A&E though.... gotta wait long long leh

If happens again, I probably will go the women's clinic liao...
I know if I want to risk it.. then I mus be prepared to be left with nothing in the end. But my thking is.. if it's meant to be left with nothing, means I do a D3 transfer also likely BFN one lor. Plus the more times u do FET, actually ur embbies quality decrease. Cos they always put the best ones inside 1st.

My DH even ask me if I want to do another fresh cycle.. since he hear me say they always put the best ones in! But then thk thk.. I hv 9 more. Plus I nv do FET b4.. maybe jus try once, c how lor.

I thk KKH D5 transfer, is it cos that lady kana OHSS, that's why they waited n transfer on D5? I can't rem also.. I tot I read somewhere.

I know the other forum currently there's one lady jus had her D5 transfer. Thk she did hers at TMC.

If D5, put in 2 is enuff liao.

U take care hor.. watch wot u eat. Sometimes, u know drinks also not so 'clean' leh. Someone ever told me abt fruit juices.. u know how they left the pulp inside the juicer, they said bacteria really can grow inside there one leh!

Do u hv a gynae near ur workpl or home, who has a scanning machine? My 1st GP has that, she's actually a GP but she has license to do scanning. Her DH is a gynae at TMC, and I was intro to her DH to do my lapo then. I went to her for PAPSmear. She'll also do a scan for u during ur PAPSmear that's when I found out I hv endo.

Her charges ok leh.. thk scan only abt $60. But her clinic at Jurong East.. thk a bit far for u rite?

U went thru a lot to come to this stage, if ur DH ever strays, thk not worth letting ur 3 sons carry his surname!

But I thk both of u went thru a lot, I'm sure he wun be so stupid as to do something like that lah.

Woah.. not easy to strike triplets via natural leh. She's really blessed.

better to go women's clinic. think kkh a&e won't cost $200 rite? yeah, but long wait lah. which women's clinic did you go to? $200 sounds quite ex leh. my gynae charges $60 for consulation n $60 for scan. that's $120, cheaper than yrs.

do you know what might hv caused the ls? hmm ... if it doesn't get better, it's best to go. don't wait.

The womb environment & lab environment also different cannot compare isn't it?

But so long as you know the risks involved, we will support you lah! Check with DR Loh whether he can do that lor. No harm trying.

Next time u ask him, when is the season coming?? Can I match my timing with your bb season ah? haha I think he will be surprised also.

Yah, nearby there's this raffles women's clinic. That's the one I went to last week, consultation & scanning charges totaling abt $200. I guess if I wanna go there again, then also abt the same lor. Consultation for repeat visit probably cheaper by a bit lah.
I doubt he'll let me try D5... and I thk since all my embbies r 'average', they aint likely to survive til D5. I read only those more than 8 cells by D3, wil hv a higher chance of making it thru to D5.

Anyway, jus a thought lah. Since I tried 2x liao, w or w/o OHSS doesn't seem to make a diff. Dosage n protocol wise, I thk I'm ok, since both times also abt the same no... jus this time hv slightly more fertilised, maybe cos D2 freeze lah. If left til D3, maybe not that many.

I rem last time by D3, 2 of mine gone to heaven liao.

haha... I doubt he knows when is the stock season also! Like I said, so many strike then, also hv to c luck one lor.

maybe it's affliated to raffles medical? that's why so ex. maybe it's time to check if there're other women's clinic ard yr home/workplace, just in case.
hi sam,
congrats for having 3 boy boy!! So good leh, so envious...can really close factory le n forcus on other things other than TTCing.

U decided on natural or C-sec le ma?

hi RuRu n hazeline
nah, I'm still popping pills...shld be having my FET this sat.

Dr Yap's patients strike ah? They r all IVF patients? So good leh...

for me, if this FET fails again...hmmm, I think I will still continue with the treatment ba...a fresh cycle for me, as soon as i'm given the 'ok' fr Dr Yap. I started my fertility treatment in End2007/beg 2008, so it's slightly mr than a year le. I'm tired too...but cos I do not intend to stop at 1 or 2 kids (if I'm able to), so I want to continue with shortest 'time lag'. That's the problem w starting family planning so late. Work wise/taking leave etc, i've the flexibility. My worries/stress come mainly from work coz alot of biz decisions only I can decide. At the moment, family planning comes first though.

Greetings from Chengdu.

Back from Lhasa, now inside an internet cafe @ chengdu airport waiting for 8pm flight back to Spore.

The 1.5 hr flight from Lhasa was most turbulent.

I told DH, i realised I forgot to buy travel insurance for this trip, which i usually do.

He calmly told me, we have no kids n also no pt. leaving so much money for family, so why bother anyway?


I believe so lah. Part of the raffles medical group, more ex. But the scanning very detailed leh abt 20 mins wor.

Yah, mabbe should research on cheaper alternatives nearby.

think d3/d5 transfer will hv to depend on the quality of eggs for that particular cycle. i think each cycle is different so all depends. but for those embbies which we've frozen, you mean we can still cultivate till d5?

yes, i'm looking forward to stopping work, even though i'm very eng now. nothing to do actually, just sit ard n surf net. heehee. boss said i may be able to stop coming to work before end apr.

good luck for yr fet! hope you'll strike this time. what's yr ideal no. of children to have? i used to want 5 but the no. kept reducing as i grow older.
for now, i think 2 is enough for me liao. even though 3 also can. haha.
good flight back to Spore 8:) Will wait for your picture upload when you're back, and let's meet up for dessert session at Lot1 one of the weekends 8:)
most wil let ur frozen embbies grow for another day, c if they thaw well or not. Those that doesn't grow, thk gone case liao lor. Like KKH, thk they do FET at D3, while in private, most does FET at D4. There's not much diff in success rates for D2-D4 transfers.. but that n D5, quite a lot of diff.

Woah... good lah. Since ur mind is already set on not working.. each mth's pay now is jus like added bonus!

Woah.. thk it's ur gynae's 'season' now... so if u can ride on this stock wave.. good for u!

Some husbands cheat on wives n vice versa is all due to Karma.

Even Twins, who r born on the same day n time, can have different destiny, its all also due to Karma.

Thinking too much negativity of ur DH will only push him further away.
hi haze,
ya, reg the D5 transfer, much of it depends on quality of embryos. For my ist FET, coz I still had a number of extras n quality of embryos were good, so Dr Yap encouraged a D5 transfer. Now I have only 3 good n 3 so-so de, so a D4 transfer is a wiser decision. For FET, i guess both dr yap n I think a D3 transfer not so good, coz my embryos were frozen during D3. So for D3 transfer, we may not be able to really tell if the embbies will continue to grow after thawing. A D4 transfer is better, after a day of monitoring.

For fresh cycle, I think a D3 transfer is fine, coz those were already the best ones who survive for 3 days le.

hmmm...actually I'm thinking of having 3. haha. So my naive thinking is ...ok, give birth le, rest 1 year, then give birth again, rest 1 year, then give birth again, FULL STOP. hahahaha, like factory production.

The decision lies in you, n what u believe.

Hope u can fight for ur right with Dr Loh for D5 transfer. I also belive its higher success rate.

Furthermore u have 9 embbies frozen, n there is no concrete data showing average ones cannot survive till D5.

Certain embbies can be slow but survival will r strong.

We all know, the grading of embbies even till now is not universal n is actually very subjective to that individual embryologist.

Anyway, most clinics already have the lab n technology to culture up to D5.

Btw, part of the reason i switched camp is I know Dr Loh is not pro D5.

I was telling Bambi that day via MSN b4 i left for holidays, i already decided, its either D5 transfer or nothing.

I think its too cruel to suffer another cycle of 2ww for nothing.

Yeah let's do it this weekend ! Confirm via msn

Miss S'pore deserts n food.

It was everyday "Ma La" (Spicy) here in China.
how about Sunday 2pm, or your preferred timing ?

you wanna join in? Yve will still be in 2ww, so next time then 'jiou' her for dessert session 8:)
D5 transfer is good if you have a number of extras. Sometimes even the very good ones may not survive till D5...according to my experience. It is also true that only abt less than half can make it to D5...n sometimes none. So if the number of embryos is not many, I suppose most dr will not want to put their patients thru the mental stress n heartache of eventually having ZERO embryos for transfer. So...the consideration r basically how many embryos extracted n quality of embryos...for the dr to determine if D5 transfer is encouraged.

Why LS again?

I remembered the last time u LS n had a scan was 2 wks ago?

is it better to consult Dr Loh just in case its risky ? U can always email him for faster respond.

Avoid dairy products temporarily as it will worsen LS.

Take care of urself yeah?

I still think its more cruel for someone to go thru the 2ww not knowing the outcome, than zero transfer.

Like u said, most of the times the good ones cannot survive till D5.

Its becoz there is no fix theory of grading which is good or bad. Sometimes bad to them can turned out to be good.

If my embbies zero survial till D5, then i'll know its not my womb's fault. Its my embbies all not good.

If i have a D5 transfer n yet it ended failed, then its definitely my womb that rejects them,

i got to "tio" my body n womb better for the next cycle.

To me, this is a huge experiment about my body.

Cruel it may seemed but this experiment follows e nature's way, only the fittest can survive.

Maybe last time work as R&D engineer, so i'm always game for experimentations :p
i know what you meant abt experimenting ur body...
I had a D5 transfer, 2 embryos, for my FET in Jan. My gynae and the embryologist were very hopeful n thought I would most probably conceive. Because it's a D5 transfer, n when I fail to conceive, I am able to sort of 'pin point' it's most probably due to condition of the linings or uterus.

But my gynae told me the condition of my linings n uterus were good then... Anyway, I was given metformin to improve my PCOS condition. I'm having a D4 transfer for this coming FET on sat.

Right now, u'll just put behind all these messy stuffs.

Fill ur brains with only happy thoughts n hopes for ur upcoming FET this sat.

Jiayou! :D
Hi Rinoa and Bambi,

Aiyo, why Sun har? Cannot Sat 11am+ meh? Then I can talk to Rinoa and ask her about the Tibet trip logistic and admin stuff leh. I cannot meet on Sunday as have to visit my HB's dad and grandma on a weekly basis.

Can u, Haze and Rinoa change the timing for me please? Pretty please? Meet at 11am at Lot 1? My treat for the desserts ok?
I'm fine with Sat 11am+ also, no problem. After that then I go my mum's place to play with my nephew 8:)

Now my BIL is undergoing training in Munich for 9 months, so my sister drives 1 son to visit every Sat. The elder one is around 3 years old, younger boy is less than 1 year old. She can't handle 2 boys in the car at the same time, so she comes over with 1 boy every Sat. My sister said, one of the days when she brings the elder boy, she will drive me, mum, our unmarried auntie to go shopping & coffee drinking at Jurong Point. Hooray !!! DH & me also very siao on for Jurong Point nowadays, everything under one roof, very convenient leh 8:)

If you feeling uncomforatable you can go to GP but its ard $50 Plus at this time.. No scanning and tell them preggie so they will prescribe milder pills for you. Private gynae at this time i think close liao, if not is hospital A&E its $90 inclusive scanning and tell them you pregnant so q faster.


Triplets no way to natural... so no choice must C sect.

I just sent you a, I actually checked my messages here and couldn't find your msg, then found out its in my email.
Hi ladies and Haze,
I listen to radio recently and know Mark Lee?? He and his wife finally getpregnant with their own kids after 8 yrs of trying.. that day radio station interview his wife, his wife actually try 2 times IVF but fail. Then she takes things easy... go take TCM medicine.. then one day, her mum told her that in a temple, there is this monk tell her how to get pregnant. That is go to a friend or anybody's house who just gave birth after 12 days, sit on that maternity lady's bed and eat "Mian xian with egg soup" together with your hubby... So she try as Zoe just gave birth dat time. So miracle happens, they get pregnant the next month... hmm... but not anybody will let you sit on their bed unless they don't want give birth anymore else they may worry you took away their future baby... if they stll want give birth.. so find a friend who have enough baby and just gave birth.. try it.. but i know is not easy as it is funny to go to someone's house to eat mian xian on other's bed... so funny hor... unless if relative is easier.. do you believe in this?

Sigh... thot abt TTC journey... i think i got the longest compare to all of you gals... i start ttc since Yr 2004... but didn't really put much effort except keep seeing doctor... as i don't believe i can't conceive naturally since already got a boy... so keep delay doing any procedure until recently feel cannot wait liao so decide to try SO-IUI... very tired mind too but will never want to give up... so u gals shouldn't give up easily too... ;-)
my mum actually brought back the red ang-gu-kueh & pink dyed eggs from her friend's grandchild's baby shower & asked me & DH to sit on our bed & eat finish the food there. Aiyoh, how to crack those eggs & eat on the bed... DH complied with me & ate the eggs on the bed, but he didn't want to eat the ang-gu-kueh. I didn't force him lah, so now still can't lay any egg 8:p

My mum said DH & me gotta sit on the bed together leh. From what you heard on the radio, must the couple sit there together, or only the lady herself is enough ?

Sam & FelixCat,
when we all go to visit you & rush to sit on your bed, you'll know why 8:p
hahahahaha really??? unbelievable.. okie i supportive of you all... you all wanna have many bbs can come to my place and sit on my bed to eat MIAN SIAN.. but 7 days after my birth la..ok?
you won't be lonely while on confinement, so many people wanna go to visit you and babies 8:) You let us know when you're ready to receive guests lah.

My friends actually don't encourage people to visit during their confinement because they are still struggling with breast feeding & caring for their babies. Visitors will add more stress on the new mummy, so you beep us only when you're ready, then we'll all crowd over to visit you & babies 8:)
Hi Joanne,

I heard about Mark Lee's story of him and his wife sitting on Zoe Tay's bed but I didn't know about the eat mian xian part! Very interesting but unfortunately I think I don't have any friend or relative who can let me do that leh. My only elder brother stopped production 2years ago, my circle of married friends are in their Child 1 stage only, so don't think they will welcome me to their bed. If don't tell them that when I sit on their bed, maybe will 'suck away' their child luck, then also quite evil right? U see, I do have a friend whose wife just give birth 3days ago.

Hmm.... the only one I can think of is Sam! As she is giving birth this year and she says she wants to stop production factory liao. Imagine the funny scene where there are many sets of couples crowding around Sam's maternity bed eating mian xian! Hi, Sam, just joking only lah
Hi Sam,

Woah, u are so generous leh! Ok, if you really welcome me and my HB, I will buy thick thick gold ankle chains as present for your 3 handsome sons ok? LOL....

I think your mother-in-law will wonder why your friends all like siao like that? Hee..hee...

Have u ever stop to think that it is almost impossible for u to carry your 3 darlings alone for a photo shoot? What a happy problem right?
Hi Bambi,

Yah, I also force my HB to eat the red-dyed hard-boiled eggs leh, but didn't know have to sit on the bed and eat. Hee..hee... no wonder not effective leh.

Another way is for you to 'adopt' one of your sister's sons as your godchild. U have to see their ba zhi and see whose is compatible with yours and HB's ba zhi. The thinking is that since it is so difficult to have the 1st child, u adopt a god-child and the rest of the brood will come smoothly after that.
Hi bambi,
Yes. Mus eat together with ur hubby. Remember is mianxian with hard boil egg. Hey, i think maybe is true else why mark lee wife get pregnant naturally the next mth despite do any ivf oso no result. She does nothing else that time except go tour and take the tcm medicine which already take 4 1yr. So she encourage everyone dont give up hope of having own bb. That day will come.

Hi sam and ruru,
No. It mus be on the 12th day after sam give birth.. Cannot any days. Very funny is zoe elder son asks mark lee n his wife why eat mian sian on my mum bed? Haha,kids r so innocent. Sam, are me n my hubby welcome too? Hee.. As had oreadi ttc for 5yrs.. Really hope to strike soon. Mind very tired le.. Yet dont want give up.. Anything can help will want to try. Btw,think everyone is concern roughly when is ur edd date?

Hi gals,
Sam got triplet neh, who knows, her power more strong.. Hee.. Maybe some of us will get triplet due to sit on her bed. Keke..

you can set up a booth outside yr room n collect admission fees liao. just kidding.

but it's really very tiring during confinement. i fell asleep when my friends visited, rite in the middle of their conversation! if you're planning on breastfeeding, maybe it's best to check with the nurse (forgot what they're called liao, specialises in helping mummies bf) how to go abt it since you'll hv 3 darlings.


when i visited my cousin a few yrs back when i was overseas. i asked ds to jump on her bed. it was just for fun as she's been married for a few yrs n didn't hv any children. ds hits off very well with her so before we left, i asked ds to jump on her bed. she got preggie soon after. also don't know if that helps or not. but quite interesting.
then I'll invite my nephews to come & jump on my bed before I proceed with next round of fresh cycle 8:)

I have 1 god-son already, but I hardly meet him & fulfil my duty as god-mum. Also, there are so many obligations/duty to fulfil, with the CNY new clothings, gift exchange & visitation etc...
yes, you're right. Better get nieces & nephews to jump on my bed, hopefully I can conceive boy+girl twin for next cycle hor, thanks for this brilliant idea 8;-)
Hi FelixCat,

I also got ask my best friend's son to jump on my bed on recommendation by my geomancer, ehh... but jumped abt few mths liao, still no effect leh.

I also adopted a god-child (my niece) 4mths ago. Hee..hee... anything that can help I will try lah, desperate man!
Hi Sam,

Thks for the advice. Last nite dragged my DH to go to KKH 24 hrs women clinic liao. No scanning but got check bb heartbeat. All ok, doc juz prescribed charcoal pills to stop the LS.

I don't see the point of going to GP coz if unable to check if bb is ok, i also cannot have peace of mind. At least got hear heartbeat not so bad. Quite cheap also total abt $30+ but waited for 2 hrs lah.

Is it all hospital A&E they will do scanning for me? Or is only a maybe? Must know so that next time dun need to think so much. If A&E with scanning so cheap no need go pte gynae liao haha.

Wow I actually didn't know abt the mian sian part. If I know I should have done that when my sister gave birth 16 mths ago!! coz she got 3 boys now close shop liao. Wah if really true, maybe I already give birth also haha! But the difficult part is to find the ppl who are willing to help us this way lor. Only family is easier, friends not so easy.

I hear b4 that got one kind of banana better not to eat, but i dunno which one, so since 2WW till now i did not dare to eat bananas.

Haze, Devilina,
when my sister was preggy, my mum forbid her from eating soya beancurd(豆浆)& grass jelly drink (青草水) cos' it seems like there is hardening agent(石膏) in the ingredient to solidify it. Just hear say, dunno if it is true, but just to be on the safe side.
