Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

washing machine lah.. but stil.. takes a long time n also very troublesome rite?

I wil usually sweep or iron in betwn... dun waste time mah.

Suddenly aft lunch kana a lot of things to do. *sigh*

I had 'Lu Mian' jus now.. ok lah. Nothing great.

2molo eating my reunion dinner...

So u got call ur laoye tell him tonite got dinner or not? One pax.. very diff to cook one lah.

eat outside until dunno what to eat so I cooked myself a sumptuous lunch. Kekeke. Then got leftover so I will eat for dinner later as well. The laoye got clients in town. Been late everyday. I told him everyday I so cham, injecting and injecting. He's not making an effort to "preserve" good soldiers.
hi haze,
?? Jus let my washing machine do the job and u can do anything ú like.. No need purposely wait 4 it mah.. Is not troublesome at all mah since u no need to do anything??
Nowadays i left my dh to hang up the clothes as i need to rest..keke..
I nv complaint abt washing.. Yve is the one lah.

I said in betwn, I'll go do other stuff.

My DH also stress with work.. dun thk his army wil be in any great condition either
keke..i see. As i saw u wrote troublesome.. :p
Anyway, i really admire pp who use hand to wash nowadays.. Not easy hor..Keke...
yes I was the one. Even let washing machine wash I also no like to do. Got to split diff clothes and wash with diff modes. Got to hang. Got to fold clothes. No like, no like, no like. And I don't even do the ironing cos the part time help does it but still I just no like to do laundry. And work clothes I send to laundry so I don't use hands to wash. Ok, I'm not exactly a good wife.

I know.
Dr says good condn then dr will have more to choose from.
Yve, thanks

Rinoa, thats great! Now you just have to talk to them and grow them in your womb, think postive! All the best!

Yup, i have been busy with work and cny. My FET will be after cny, around the 30 or 31 Jan. Time really flies, seems like a while ago i hear you jabbing now ET liao.

I'm on progesterone tablets. Will be taking for another 2 weeks then can stop liao.


Nice to hear from u. Glad that everything is fine =) I still feel nausea, actually I think now more easily nausea. Go toilet also nausea haha.

Ok, I can only check in here once in a while... gotta get back to work again.... late nite again today =(

jiayou jiayou !
Must relax urself, n think positive.

Our mind is a very powerful thing.
When we thk positive, we will do n act positive, outcomes tend to b positive too.

for me , i thk my body respond to hormones jabs better than expected.

On Puregon for only 9 days, plus ET in kkh is D2, hence everything seemed like fast-forwarded.
hi yve,
Dont say that u r not a gd wife neh... We r the best wife as we try our best to conceive so that our dh can be father.. Keke..

Happy Chinese New Year to everyone here. May this year be a better year for all of us in our IVF journey. Have a good holiday with family and loved ones.
hello ladies,
i'm back from my appt with Dr SF Loh...
heheheee he seems very nice and his face seems to have this charm... very comfortable with him!

Well consultation time was 30mins including ultra sound. He confirmed I have no PCOS.. just that I dun my body sometimes dont ovulate well, he told me its because of my weight gain... Main factor of infertility is still the male.. he ask weather my DH smoke Menthol / light / normal. I told him is normal kind, he advise me to let my DH smoke light one and smoke less.
My lining was ok, womb is in good condition.
He is giving me a short protocol of IVF/ICSI. Confirm I have to do ICSI.
He wants my menstration to come naturally, but if next two week no menstration and HPT negetive, induce menstration.. which he has prescribe me.
He also prescribe me with BCP for 21days. Start on 2day of menstration and follow by 200IU puregon (for puregon I have to call KKIVF for the collection of medication).
He also told me that my eggs are very good.. The sucess rate for me is very high.. But I just smile and tell him that if GOD really help me than I will grant a baby.. As all these are really on fate and GOD wishes... He smiles...
Quite angry with the registration nurse, kept telling me that the consultation cost $90++ to see Dr SF Loh. Well I already know that...
Until I was so piss off, I just tell her that I was from the KKH Clinic and the price is almost the same for 1st Consultation!
so what did the dr say?
Don't get angry. Think some of these pple do not have much EQ when dealing with clients. As patients, we go see dr and pay for the services, that makes us the clients.
Hi Mystyy!
Glad to c u pop by... wish u hv a lot of bb luck too!

Hmm... I wil ask nurse again on Fri, if mine is via ICSI or IVF. Did u hv assisted hatching done? Were u told?

Well.. glad u've got ur IVF journey all mapped out. Now u can jus go along with the flow!

I rem the nurse also keep on repeating the consultation fees to me also... haha Nvm lah. I hv my lousy days too at work!

Short protocol neds to be on BCP also mah? I tot like Ruru's.. straight away jab puregon liao aft AF comes. So u're taking BCP together with puregon?? No Lucrin?

Try Again
Good luck to u on ur coming FET!
hi ju,
Did dr do a urine test 4 u to see whether bfp?
If bfn then really hope ur af will come soon so u can fullfill ur motherhood dream very soon.. But i am curious,now ur ovalution shd be over oreadi,how come he can still see ur egg quality?
Dear all ladies here..
This coming ox year,lets all jiayou k.. Am glad to know all of u thru this is fate that bought all of us together.. Lets support one another regardless whether u r walking towards the iui/ivf journey or walking towards the motherhood journey..when we r happy,we happy together.. When we r sad, we sad together..
lets all jiayou together! Never give up! Wish all of u 新年快乐!心想事成!万事如意!身体建康!
Hi Tryagain,

No choice, year end closing lah. Got take short breaks if not i will go crazy. Keke. thks for the concern.

Hi Rinoa,

I wasn't prescribed with pregnyl jabs after ET. I was prescribed progesterone jabs for 15 days including ET day i.e. 2 weeks. So every morning I go GP to pay $10 for a jab lor.

I think Felix was prescribed with pregnyl. Bambi also. U can check with them.


Good that he map out your protocol for u. Short protocol means what leh? No Lucrin for u?

oh yeah , i remembered u went GP for jab, but dunno what was ur prescription until now when i reached ET all seemed clearer pic.


Only got natural ivf (sperm allowed natural fertilisation of egg)

ICSI ivf (1 sperm selected to inject into egg).

Should b ICSI by default in KKH.

Hatching is only available if we got D5 blastocyst, where e cells were assisted to hatch out of the egg shell n ready for implant stage.

D2 ET, embbies still too early to hatched yet.

Probably will need laser etching if egg shell too thick to inject e sperm.

But if e chief embryologist n sf loh never mentioned anything to me, i doubt i will be billed for laser etching bah.


Happy lunar New Year to u too!

Good nite all !!
Hi Haze..
Ya...had think before wrote those idioms... like 万事如意!means IVF journey and motherhood journey is smooth...keke...and lastly most important one... with a healthy body..
Frankly speaking.. I am glad that can chat with you all in the day time now... can relax abit when tok to u all but got to secretly key using handphone else worry my boss thought I eat snake.. keep playing with handphone.. later 1st in the list to get fire..haha....
Good night to all... chat again tomorrow.
Ju, thats great to hear! All the best!

Thanks Rinoa, Hazeline, Strawbearbi
How are you gals feeling today?

Rinoa feel tired or not? Pregnyl has this drowsy effect on me, everytime jab liao, that day will just snooze and snooze.

Btw ladies, assisted hatching or laser thinning the embryologist will decide de. I had asked for it my previous FET, dr Loh even say ok lets try, but on day of ET, i was told the embryologist say there is no need to. So end up no assisted hatching/laser thinning. Think the embryologist knows best when he sees our embryos, maybe he wont want to thin it too much if its already ok.
Morning Ladies!

Seems like KKH also hv diff protocol for ww2, guess depends on ur condition too.

i'll ask abt all these again 2molo, duno got ppl want to entertain my questions or not! haha

I had assisted hatching done for D3 embbies the last time cos of thick eggshell.

Hmm.. if u kana thick eggshell, it's forever thk one rite? Wun be sometimes thk.. sometimes normal rite?
Joanne i like all the idioms you wrote!

新年快乐! ya must be happy then got positive thoughts
心想事成! think bb can get bb this year
万事如意! every part of our cycle and process go smoothly as planned
身体建康! healthy body, healthy spermies, healthy eggs, healthy embryos, healthy pregnancy!!
Hazeline, how to tell whether got thick egg shell other than the embryologist looking at it? Can FSH tell? Cos high FSH means poorer quality eggs so maybe thats why its hard?

Pardon me, just wondering out loud. Hmmmm
Try Again
Oic... ok, thx!

My AF not much flow.. like last mth. I duno if it's the normal thing... cos my 'normal' AF, is pretty heavy flow one, with cramps n all. This time, no cramp leh.. the last one also no cramp.

I was wondering if acu helps... blood circulation now better.. so no more cramp?

Ytday I told my DH my AF is here.. then he got this shock look on his face n ask me.. 'means wot?' Aiyoh... means can start stage 2 soon lah! *faint*
Try Again
I thk only by look.. cos I can c the pic that the embrylogist showed me.. the shell does look pretty thk compared to the pics I saw on the internet on normal embbies.

That's why I was wondering.. is it u're born with it? Cos I know the no. of eggs we hv, it's born with. So the thickness of the eggshell? Also born with ah?
Hazeline, good that AF is here! ===万事如意! every part of our cycle and process go smoothly as planned!=== Soon you can start stage 2 already!!
hi morning all,

yesh mine is without lucrin... It also depend on my body reaction... cause if with lucrin he scared that I will produce more eggs which he does not want it to happen... cause too much also no point he said...
Lucrin suppose to suppress.. why would produce more eggs ah??

Try Again
Hope ur Seven in Heaven wil protect the current 3..
with lucrin will produce more eggs? Then we PCOs got to jab lucrin? Somehow I'm confused by all this info. This wasn't what dr foong told me.
Thk it's the same as Ruru's lor... jus jab puregon straight.. but I duno why he wants u to take BCP.. thk maybe to make sure ur menses comes on time n as planned.

U dun hv PCOS, so thk u wun produce as many follicles as her lah.

i thought age also affect the shell thickness leh.


i was on 2 pregnyl jabs after et, once every 3 days. on the day of the et i also had one.


good to hear that everything's fine. so now just hope af will come soon so that you can get started!
Yes.. eat b4 I start my stage 2.. hehe

Actually jus now I look at my diary, very fast leh. Aft CNY holidays, I only hv abt 3 days in office... likely. Then off I go liao, I jus hope I can clear my work as much as possible lor.
I thk I'm born with thick eggshell.. thk not cos of age lah. Aiyoh.. make me sound lik I very old like that! haha

That time my previous TCM said I ate too much soya products.. but I doubt so leh. Forget to ask Dr Zou...

If u go this Sat, c if u rem to ask her, is thick eggshell in-born or... we can do something abt it?

no lah, i remember dr foong told me that i should consider ivf because things might hv changed since my ds, egg shell may be too thick, etc. so i hv the impression that as we aged, the shell 'may' become thick lor.
maybe hor... cos our eggs we hv since we r born.. old liao.. the shell maybe become thicker.. actually makes sense.

U had assisted hatching done also?
haze / felixcat:
I will ask dr zou if I see her on Sat. My AF also akan datang. Been feeling all the symptoms for the longest time already. When I see dr foong next week, I will also ask him.

Haze, remember dr zou says taking soya products is ok? Not like you drink 1 big glass of soya milk every day for the past 3 years or so. When will you get your ER/ET dates? I still down here happily jabbing my Suprefact. Then u going on to stage2 and er/et..meaning me also soon. All of a sudden scared, scared.

2molo I c if anyone at KKH wil answer my queries.. haha

Yes.. that is abt E2 level. She said wun affect if u jus drink occasionally.

Stage 2 is the critical stage. Thk I shd start my eggwhites too.. n hope to cut down OHSS symptoms by the time I do ER & ET.

Thk now.. half boil shd be ok lah... hate the thought of hving to swollow the raw ones. *sigh*
