Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

Its also very far for me. I stay in north, but the ladies is so on, some even come from east side. The address is blk 152 bukit batok ave 6 #01-266. tel 68961618
TGIF ladies~~
Glimmer, am seeing Dr Sadhana nxt week. Haiz... Most likely she is going to recommend IVF. Will keep you gers updated.

I dun think there is a fix age. Normally doc will advice me accordingly depending on how many years u have been ttc, and what procedures have u done before etc.
Hi lynx_sea

sending you lots of positive vibes!!! enjoy the weekend. I'll be seeing her in 2 weeks. Hmm l dont know what she has in store for me. How many iui's have you done with her?

PL, let me know what she does. I am not scared of acupuncture l have done it previously during my wedding season to tone up its the medicine (yucks) tt l am worried about...
I am not sure if she does acupucture, cos so far I only hear the ladies take her medi which is very bitter. But I think ladies like us who are ttc can endure those

She is very good in taking pulse. She dun have to ask medical history and yet she can tell u what prob u have. One lady dunno she got fibroid, but Dr Su say she got 5, she went back gynae to scan & its true. In the end, take Dr Su medi for 2 months, all 5 fibroids drop out. There are still lots of amazing stories. But main thing is quite a number of ladies take her medi, preggy in 2 mths.

So, die die also must go. Dun care how far is it...haha
She can speak simple english. Go to her then. I cant wait for see her. I going next sat.
well... still wanna try iui meh? i oso not young oredi according to her. But meanwhile, i can still try iui while waiting for ivf. But this time, no jab coz she needs me to rest the womb. But can take letrozole.
Likely to try next month. Cos also gotta see if I ovulate next month after taking letrozole. If not, can't IUI also.
hihi lynx_sea and PL

I am seeing her next week. Don't know what she has for me. Anyway its my first time seeing her probably she'll ask me to do several tests. I am not that young too. Did you ask her if u can go for tcm to prepare your body? All the best to you..
PL let me know how your tcm appt went. I dont intend to do anything until l see dr.sadhana next week.

I'm with Dr Sadhana too. I in the process of IVF and currently phase 1. Will be going for blood test and scan tomorrow. Dr estimate likely my procedure will be carry out early aug. hopefully everything turns out well for all of us.
I didn't ask her if can go TCM to prepare body coz i been preparing since Oct last year.
SO your bloodtest n scan is done before your next cycle starts??

I started taking microgynon pills (regulate menses) on 2nd day AF for 21 days, and on day 16, I started lucrin injection (suppress hormones) till date. Going for blood test to check my hormones level and scan to ensure no adnormalities. Thereafter will start off with puregon jab to boost follicles.
Wahh.. sound complicated & lotsa drugs.
Coz today the procedures of IVF explained to me was tat puregon jab will start on Day 2 AF for growing follicles then move on to another jab to prevent ovulation for their retrieval of eggs etc.

How is your visit at kk?
I went to Dr Su last sat. She is good, very encouraging. SHe say no women cannot give birth de, so long as the body is healthy, anything is possible. She did not ask much initially, she take my pulse and tell me the prob. She can tell a lot from just taking pulse. Very amazing. I start to take her medi. Going back to see her on this sat again.

My appt is tomorrow. Tt sounds very encouraging. After seeing Dr. sadhana tomorrow l will draw up my plan. All the best to you
Hi PL & lynx_sea

Saw dr.sadhana today. She has written down a string of tests for me to do over the next 1 month to find out the root of the problem. Is the hysterosalpingography procedure painful? She mentioned something about putting in dye through vagina.

I did that test before. It is to pump a dye thru yr vaginal and see if the dye flows thru yr Fallopian tube. This is to determine if any of yr tube are blocked before dr can advise what is the best treatment for you. This test is done in an X-ray room by the radiologist and its quite painful initially when they insert the catheter and pump in some air. Thererafter u only feel abit discomfort and crampy during the process. After the test, u will be brought to a recovery area where you can rest for 30mins before u can go home.

Some ppl experience spotting after the test, i don experience it except crampy for that whole day. U can request mc for that day if u think u feel crampy.

For myself, I was freak out initially when they about to start the test on me. I started sobbing till the radiologist wanted to stop the test on me. Think back, it's so funny.
No prob... I be goin for my scan tomorrow... Hopefully follicles are big enough. If everything smoothly by next week will be retrieval and transfer.
I'm with Dr Sadhana too. Just did my scan today, total 16 follicles ranging 9mm-16.5mm. 6 follicles at 16.5mm and lining at 8mm. Doc is pleased with the results and instructed to go for ovalution jab sat night, next mon will be the pick up of follicles, wed will be transfer. Big Day finally come... Wish all the best to me... Hope its a smooth journey...
Hi Jess, sorry, i think the way u describe the HSG test is too scary n will frigthen Glimmer. haha.

Glimmer, i went thru the test before, i would said not painful but just discomfort n feel like mense cramp when they inject the dye thru ur tube. When i feel quite crampy the process is almost done. I would said it depends on individual, gyane prescribed me with pain killer which can be taken before the procedure but i didnt take, n still can manage the cramp.
Hi Jess
Tts good news. All the best to you. As for me l think next month l will finish all the tests and then will have to see her Dr Sadhana for further review.

Hi merry 123
Thank you for your reply, l will keep both yours and jess experience in mind in that way l will be prepared for the best and worst side of the procedure. I tend to get nervous hence l think the pain/discomfort gets more intense for me. I am going to go for yoga stretch from tomorrow to release all tensions from my body..

All the best to all of us

Have a lovely friday ladies.

I done HSG before too. Dun like it, so uncomfortable, esp the cramps but no choice got to do to ensure the tubes are fine. Luckily I got a very motherly nurse beside me, holding my hands & keep talking to me non-stop to distract me.

Good luck!!
Hi ladies, just happen to read through some posts yesterday, I don't really know any one of you here, but just want to drop a message.

I was once wondering to do SO-IUI or ivf last 3 years ago. I had a right block tube and ex endo patient. Went through lapo to remove cysts and then to discover that i had severe endo. I took my own sweet time to consider and then finally last yr took the courage to try ivf. As i had a right blocked tube, it's not advisable to try so-iui at all. Finally, when i am ready for ivf, i had to go through some blood test such as amh (ovarian reserve). My results are bad meaning low ovarian reserve and i was not over 35 years old. And then i had take DHEA for 4 months before embarking for my ivf. I wasn't a good candidate even for IVF. I was so devastated.Because i din read abt ivf process and stages, hence i thou every one can do ivf as their last resort. But it turn out not this way for me. So finally i tried ivf this year and now expecting.

And also during ivf, when there is no desire number of follicles, sometimes, the gynae might suggest to turn it into SO-iui.

So what i wanna say is that don't wait too long like me. Chances are lower as a woman ages. Higher chances of conceiving through ivf before age 35.

Maybe it's fate and the desire to have a baby is stronger as one gets older.

I hope i didn't offend anyone with my post.

Take care and good luck for all of you.
So do make a choice and work towards your goal.
Sorry, I don mean to scare you like what MOREBBS say. The test is all depends on individual. I am just telling you my experience. For myself, it's painful in the beginning thereafter just crampy. I freak out and cry at the start is because i am scared and not of the pain. Anyway tks for the encouragement.

Tks so much

Tks for yr advice... I guess all of us here can't wait and trying hard to have our own bbs.

All the best ladies, enjoy the weekends
HSG is not that painful. Its the opening of the virginal that I hate esp they gotta hold it there & insert the dye. I don't feel anything when catherer & dye went in. Anyway, just relax. Its just like a pap smear. I guess different ladies experience it differently.
I do agree with you on TTC early be it natural/assisted mean. Also to add on, ovarian reserves is also born with. According to Dr Sadhana, different people are born with different level of reserves. Even if a woman is in her 40s, she could also have more eggs than someone in her 30s.
Good luck & hope to hear good news from you in weeks to come. ^_^
Hi Glimmer,
am fine, thks. Good luck to you & juz relax. By the way, try be there early as not necessarily need to go at the allocated time.
Morning Glimmer,

I think it depends. That time I din ask specifically for any gender. So, I have a male doctor who do the procedure, 2 female nurses and 1 female radiologist.
Thank you PL

Thank you for your reply. Was yours done at KKH? Mine is tomorrow. Praying that all will be fine..How are you doing?

I done mine at TMC. I am now taking tcm medi to tiao my body. Dr Su really good. She took my pulse and know what problem I have, even past medical history. She say in general my health ok, womb not consider cold, just need to bu my spleen and liver. She say these 2 areas weak, then difficult to implant. She say I can conceive but difficult to implant, perhaps that is the reason for every month disappointment.
Hi P/L

That's good. At least you know you're in good hands. I intend to finish all tests listed by Dr. Sadhana & then proceed to tcm. One at a time.
