Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

Peggy ya it good. My DH ate got improvement oreadi. But must et least 3 months. Peggy I bought it et KKH pharmacy. But it's a bit ex. 90 plus to be eaten 1 morning 1 nyte.

My pleasure Peggy
Hello ladies,

I'm on my 1st SO-IUI cycle this month, tonight was the 3rd night of my injections, i am on 75iu of puregon. Injecting myself was a scary experience - i was shaking like a leaf the 1st night, but i'm slowly getting the hang of it. i go back to the doc on Mon for a scan. Praying for 3-4 beautiful follicles!

All the best to the ladies here!
Hi ladies,
I'm new too. Just started my 1st cycle SO-IUI this month and taken 5days of clomid with 5 days puregon on 50iu. Did my u/s today and gotten 9 follicles in me... Doc say got 4 which is ard 9mm-13mm... Now waiting for ovulation.
Hi ladies,

I am on my first SO-IUI this month too. Now on 5 days clomid, going to start 5 days puregon on 75iu soon. So scared of the injection though.

Jess, wow there are 9 follicles?? that is a lot. Good luck to you!!
Hi princessleopard, need not worry abt the jab. Initially,I don't have the courage to poke my tummy too but it wasn't that scary. Take a deep breath and slowly push the needle in. It isn't that painful after all. Small little bruises will appear after a few days.

9 follicles is a lot, but my doc advise tat IUI not suitable to have so much. My dosage was reduced to 33.3iu hopefully only 2-3 follicles will grow well otherwise either have to abandon this cycle or convert to IVF.
Hi Jess,

Thanks for the advice. I see, no wonder doc advices have fix a few appts to scan the eggs, so that they can adjust accordingly.

Have u been ttc long?
No problem... I been ttc for 3yrs, seen Chinese physician to "tiao" both me & hubby body but still can't conceive naturally.

Which hospital you doing iui?
Hi ladies,

I just did my IUI on Fri, now in my 2ww.

I was on Puregon 75iu fr CD4 - CD8. On my scan on CD8, i had 7 follicles ranging from 9.2mm to 14.6mm plus a few tiny ones, so my dosage was cut to 50iu for CD8 - CD9. On my scan on CD10, my lead follicle was 19.7mm, and i had 2 others at 15mm and 16mm. The rest were 13.0mm n below. So my doc instructed me to walk into A&E that night for the trigger shot (5,000iu of Pregnyl) n do the IUI 36 hrs later (cos they did not want the smaller ones to catch up n end up having too many eggs).

This is my first SO-IUI cycle w injectables, I had previously failed 3 unmedicated natural IUI cycles. Really hoping for the best this month. We have been trying TTC for 1.5 yrs.

Princessleopard, believe me, I'm the biggest chicken when it comes to injections, n for the first 2 nights when I jab, I was trembling so badly that part of the needle kept on slipping out before i can inject all the drugs in. But really, after a couple of days, u get used to it. It is honestly not painful (maybe just a pinch), n actually 75iu of drugs is very little liquid to push in. Just that the idea of injecting ourself is so gross, I know, but we just gotta keep our eyes on the prize - a beautiful healthy 2013 baby!

All the best to you ladies

Me too, I have been ttc for more than 3 yrs now. Done all checks & everything is fine. Just cant conceive naturally.

I am with Thomson medical. You?
No problem Princessleopard we r all here to support one another in this ttc journey. Thanks, I hope to hear good news from u soon too! Hopefully we can all graduate to the 2013 mums thread together!
Princessleopard, I went TMC before but ended Kkh cos if IUI not successful, I will try IVF and kkh has govt grant. Btw I also in the queue for IVF. Don't wish to waste any more time as age catching up. Both Hb and l hit 35yrs Liao...

Bbcrips, after doing iui were u given mc to rest at home? Any tips on wat to/not do during the 2ww?
Hi Jess,

We r in the same boat, I'm 34 n DH 38 already, no time to waste! My previous IUIs were at Mt E, my SO IUI is at Raffles *$$$$$* Change of doc, hopefully change of luck, plus Raffles is a lot closer to my place. I did think of putting my name down at KK for IVF just in case, but then i'm currently not mentally prepared for IVF yet, and once i can get to the mentally prepared stage, i don't want to have to wait, i will want to do it now now now (b4 i change my mind, hehe). So most likely i will do it at Raffles. Wah i think of the bill i sweat already. But then, like i said, eye on the prize! Well, hopefully, we all do NOT have to get to that stage, cos our SO IUI will work! *positive thoughts*

Yes i was given 1 day MC for Fri, i think if you do your IUI in the middle of the week, you can request for 2 days maybe? i was told a few things by the nurse:

1) get together with DH at least one more time within 24 hrs from the IUI, to cover all bases.
2) no strenuous exercise (but yesterday, DPO2, i was walking up n down the whole of Singapore le, jia lat).
3) i was given utrogestan (progesterone) pills to insert, er, down there, 2x a day. this is to support the progesterone level to help implantation.
4) blood test scheduled for 14 days after IUI *stress!!*

n from some of the ladies on this forum:

3) eat alot of egg white throughout the cycle, as its full of protein, which is supposed to help with our egg quality. One of the IVF ladies ate up to 20 a day! Wow, respect! i can only manage at most 2 in the morning, and 2 at night.
4) don't drink cold drinks as it will make the womb "cold". some of the ladies use tummy warmers, some of them wear socks n slippers at home, some of them drink longan red date tea.
5) some of the ladies also drink ensure, or annum milk, or immunocal, also for the high protein content.
Hi Jess, I see. I hope the SO-IUI will work. I am not prepared for IVF yet.

Hi bbcripps, wow this is so informative. And thanks, I hope we all can be 2013 mum!!
Oh I forgot one thing - drink chicken essence everyday / every other day for nutrients n to help blood circulation. N for me, as I have mild PCOS, cut down on sugar as body is slightly insulin resistant so might affect quality of eggs.
bbcripps, I dun like the taste of chicken essence. Any substitute? What is the nutrients that u took alternative days? I know cold drinks not good for womb, but how about those "cool" drinks or food? Some say tea is not good, not just the caffine but cos its cooling. Is that true?
Bbcripps, tks for the information... I've cut down on cooling stuffs but occasionally still take cold drinks... The weather is killing me... Hot hot. At times I also make some Logan red dates drink.

Tmr will be CD13 going for scan early morning hopefully my follicles are good and stable.
hmmm i'm not sure what is a good substitute for chicken essence. i don't think we can anyhow drink like ba zhen or herbal soup during the 2ww unless its prescribed by a fertility TCM cos apparently, different people should take different herbs for their specific conditions (eg lining not strong, qi not strong, egg not strong, hostile womb etc). Oh ya we r supposed to stay away from caffeine too, though some people say up to one cup a day is ok. Some of the ladies say green tea very bad, which is bad news for me cos when i need a drink, since i cannot drink coke (which i lovvveee), i can only go for iced lemon tea or jasmine green tea, n supposedly green tea is liang, n black tea has too much caffeine. Haiz, sometimes there's so much info out there abt what is potentially damaging, if we were to follow very strictly, it might be quite tough, so i just try to do everything in moderation la.. esp since i eat out everyday, it is abit difficult to avoid certain food/drinks.
Princessleopard, u can drink red dates drink to help nourish & blood circulation. Alternative, double-boiled eggs with "dangui" can "bu" too...
Jess: Good luck for your scan tomorrow!
Hope for a few beautiful big follicles for you!

Ya this weather sure is not helping. Sometimes so freaking hot, n then suddenly, thunder n lightning. Think the weather is really abit cuckoo nowadays.
bbcripps, i agreed, there are so much info out there & if really are to avoid, there is nothing much left to eat/drink.

Jess, how to make the longan red dates drink? Good luck to your scan tomorrow!
Tks Princessleopard & bbcripps.

Princessleopard, this is the recipe I got from forum:

18-20 red dates de-seeded 
8-10 black dates 
8-10 dried longan 
2 pieces of bei qi 
2 pieces of dang shen 
some wolfberries 
1-1.5 litres of water 

1. Add all ingredients into a pot to boil. 
2. Once
the water has boiled, use small fire to slowly simmer the tea. 
3. After slow boil for about 45 minutes, off the fire.

This drink is good for all ladies.
I always tell myself to drink it every other day but always forget to make. Heehee...Just drank today and going make some tmr. U can drink every other day if u find it heaty can drink 2-3 times a week.

Can replaced with plain water. I was told to drink lotsa water during the cycle as to prevent OHSS.
Hi ladies,
Went for scan today, got 3 follicles growing well 15-17mm but my lining only 6mm as ideal one is 8mm.

On my way to A&E for the trigger shot now... Heard the shot is quite painful... Abit scared. Wed I will do my iui.

Finger crossing & prayers time, hope it will be a smooth and successful journey...
Hi Jess,

Don't worry, if u r getting Pregnyl in the butt, its not that painful. Just a pinch. N nurses inject very fast cos they r experienced, so it will be over before u know it. All the best!
Bbcrpps, I heard it will be on butt/thigh.

Btw, do u do another scan on the day of iui?

What to expect on the day of iui? I knew that hubby gotta submit his troops early morning for washing then I need to come bk later to do the procedure.
Jess, i was told it is less painful if its on the butt, so i opted for that.

On the day of IUI, i did not do any scans. Here's a timeline of what happened:

8.20am: My DH produced a sample at home (he cannot do it at the clinic, too clinical n stressful). Note that the sample has to reach the clinic within one hour.
8.40am: We reached the clinic, DH had to sign some consent forms, then we could leave. The washing takes abt 1.5 hr.
11am: I was back at the clinic waiting, and when its my turn, they got me to go into the treatment room, lay down on the bed n wait for the doc to come in.
11.20am: Doc came in for the IUI procedure - she inserted speculum, cleaned out the area abit with gauze (to get rid of any mucus/fluid), nurse showed me the sperm sample in the small test tube, asked me to verify my name against the name on the tube, doc transferred the sperm into the catheter, nurse showed me the empty tube to confirm that nothing is left behind, then doc inserted the catheter into the uterus, n injected the sperm in. The whole process took abt 3-4 mins. Not painful, only a bit of cramping at some parts.

Thereafter, they will let u rest on the bed for another 30 mins. N before you go, they will pass u the report of your DH sperm analysis for before n after wash.

I was given utrogestan pills to help improve lining n chances of implantation. 2 tablets each time, to be inserted down there twice a day at 12 hrs interval.

Jia you, and all the best!
Princessleopard: Good luck for your scan! Hope u have a few beautiful big follicles!

Jess: How did your IUI went? This morning right?
Hihi ladies,

Had the trigger shot on mon night at my tummy instead butt. It's painful with 5000iu at one shot.

Started abit crampy this morning when I wake up. Bbcripps, you are right. I went in this morning, dh submit his troops for washing at 8am and I went back ard 10am to wait for my turn.

One funny thing happen!!! Hahaha

The nurse called my names and 2 other ladies into the procedure room. Instructed us to undress bottoms and lie on the bed. Imagine 3 ladies lying side by side with legs hanging on the stand!!! Only separation between us was the curtains. When all ready, the doc was called in to do the procedure. Lol... I was the first to do. Painful when inserting the catheter but still can manage. The doc couldn't find my uterus opening and Nearly requires more assistance but lastly found it. When I'm done and resting on the bed, the one beside me was screaming and shouting when doc try on her. Different pain level of threshold I guess.

I was given 2days mc and no medication as I had taken clomid during my cycle. Will be going back on next Monday to do blood test and pregnancy test on 24 May.

Princessleopard, all the best luck to ur scan tml.

Bbcripps, I started eating egg white yesterday,2 each day and chicken essence every other day. Just to chk the cramping will last how long? I still feels it and back ache also.
Jess, for me I had mild cramping on Fri (day of IUI), on Sat my whole body ached. Not sure if it's cos of ovulation. Then Sun n Mon my tummy was super super bloated, not sure if it's the side effect of the progesterone pills. Up till yesterday, I still get bloating n gastric pain on n off, but today better. Was just commenting to my DH that all these drugs r really torturing my body, make me so 辛苦 for so many days, if this cycle not successful I need to sit out at least 2-3 months to let my body heal man. One thing I noticed though, cos of my severe bloating, I actually look 3 mths pregnant lor, jia lat.
haha, your story very funny. lucky u went first, if not hear the lady next door scream u also panic right? hehe...
Bbcripps, I expected the kinda pain to be similar to Hsg test. My tears will flowing uncontrollable and am sobbing during Hsg. So during iui I still can control the pain. Last night was quite crampy but woke up today seems back to normal.
Thanks ladies!

Jess, this is really funny. Is this the usual practice? To arrange IUI to be done together this way? lol. I have heard from other threads that some ladies can see from ultrasound how the "army" swim towards the follicles. Did u get to see?
Oh ya my HSG was a total nightmare too! When they inserted the balloon with the dye, the pressure was so so painful, n to make matters worse, my left tube was partially blocked n they were turning me this way, that way etc to try to make the dye spill out from the tube, it was so freaking painful that I think I had a "out of body" experience, haha, as in I could hear their instructions, n I could hear myself reply "ok" each time, but my mind was totally numb, n I was hearing them from a distance, plus it was like my body didn't belong to me. But I guess I must have moved accordingly, cos in the end the dye did spill out. Then the moment they took out the balloon, I felt so much better. Still can thank all the nurses n doc n go to toilet to change n put on new panty liner, then the moment I stepped out of the xray lab, I fainted. Haha. I think delayed reaction to the pain. Damn drama lor. I had to lay down for another 40 mins, lucky I was the last patient for the day.

Since then I had 4 IUI, n I can safely say the amt of pain for all 4 IUI added up is nowhere as bad as one HSG.

I'm not sure about the usual practice cos it's my 1st SO-IUI. Mine did at kkh no ultrasound to see the procedure. How was yr scan today?


Agreed that hsg is really terrible. I Sobbed very badly till the doc ask me want to stop the test. I told him to go ahead and continue comical...

Really hsg is nightmare, now still can remember the pain. back then, doc say its just like menses cramp. Gosh, its definitely more than that. Really have a phobia then, lying flat on a icey cold metal table, when it hurts yet cannot do anything. But I am lucky to have a very nice nurse who talk to me throughout the procedure, trying to distract me.


I see. My gynae also dun provide that service. Today's scan saw 3 big follicles, one 16mm, two 13mm. Going to do trigger shot on sun night. Will do iui on tue morning.

I really hope we can all graduate in 2013. Hope we can succeed in this round od iui and dun have to go through ivf.
Princessleopard, sounds like u have 3 good follicles growing in there, congrats!

Yes, like the 3 beautiful follicles we each had, I hope very much that all 3 of us do well n graduate to the 2013 mum thread together!
Yes, hopefully all of us will get BFP after 2ww...

Btw, anyone experience lotsa gas in the stomach? I tend to release lotsa gas these few days. Too frequent than normal.
Jess I also had quite a fair bit of gas for the first few days, n constipation too! U ladies have the same problem?
So far I got no constipation just that giving out gas and every night before sleep I will let out lotsa gas and both me and dh will laugh over it... " por por por" lol...

Bbcripps, when is yr blood test and pregnancy test? What is the blood test for?

Hahaha I will let out alot of gas esp at night too, n my DH will always look at me n ask: "how come when u do that it's ok but when I do that u always scold me?" So I always reply: "Cos mine smell like roses mah!" Hehehe. Obviously it doesn't la...

I am going in for a pregnancy blood test on 18 May, which is DPO14. I think your blood test is scheduled earlier maybe not to check for pregnancy yet but rather it is to check your progesterone level to see if u need support?
