Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

Morning Ladies...

Our life revolves around ART... it's very sad but true lah. But u're stil young.. me getting old liao leh. *sigh*

Ur nephew so sweet..

Nex yr.. u'll hv ur child to celebrate with u liao.. thk that wil be much sweeter!

congrats, you're reached the new milestone, must be very anxiously anticipating lah huh 8:) Go go Ju, jia you 8:)
Akan datang.. coming soon liao...

Once u start.. u'll realised it very fast n b4 u knew it.. ER & ET liao!
very sweet boy indeed 8:) Beautiful cake, and pretty thing for your BD leh 8:) You wear to show us at our March gathering hor 8:)
I really bo chap one... never think of it so much.. I dunno leh.. never feel excited thro...
my mom n dad very excited, and already saying they will take care of me alternate days. I just stay in bed...

bcp for 1 week and start lucrin on 4 March 09..
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">GOOD MORNING ALL LADIES</font></font>
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">TGIF! FINALLY! YIPPY!</font></font>
It's good to hv family support.. but I'm those who dun like to bother ppl. I only allow my parents to visit me aft 1 wk! haha
Hi Strawbearbi,

Yah, I should go to the temple to pray more frequently for my peace of mind. Have slacken quite abit last month due to CNY, my holiday trip and my business trip etc.

Hi ladies,

Does anyone know how to text chinese character in an sms using a nokia handphone? I very IT-idiot leh, so have to ask.
Hi Ju,

U have to moderate your parents' expectation ok? Old folk think IVF is sure-strike treatment, especially since it is so very expensive in their eyes.

My mom followed me for the ET op and boiled chicken essence for me on alternate days and when I tested negative on D9, my mom cried when I told her and eventhough I am feeling so sad, I still have to comfort her!

That said, I hope u will strike 1st time lah! Ox baby for dear sweet Ju!
during my 2ww, my mum brought lunch &amp; soup for me everyday. When AF reported &amp; I called to inform her, I was the one crying uncontrollably, cos' I felt so bad that her effort were wasted on me. My mum was the one who comfort me, asked to to rest then try again... mums are the greatest people in the world 8:)
Can't blame them lah.. no matter how many times I tell them abt the process is stil not 100%, they thk each time we do, sure strike one.

That's why my one-kind mum... say I shd jus 'bao' one back instead! Ha!
<font size="+2"><font color="119911">hi bambi</font></font>
Actually u jus hv to key the code in below 4mat to hv color. No need do any html.
\ red{gd luck} (do take away the space between backspace n red).
Sometime all black,boring. Life mus hv color.. Keke.. I use this color serve as my bookmark so that i know where i read till when no time read the tread. Keke.. Easier.
Hi <font color="0000ff">bambi,</font>
<font color="ff0000">i agree with u, mum is the greatest pp to us, i will oways tresure my time with her every time.. She had oways help me prepare chicken essence and black chicken soup too,when i am pregnant,i am most happy to make her happy. But when i mc, can feel she cant believe its true,she is very upset compare to dh.. Maybe guy dont express out but i do feel very upset to see her so disappointed.. jus hope to get pregnant soön to make her happy..
definitely dislike the 2WW time..
Can understand most of you girls feeling because also tried for so many years and watch out for this and that, try this method that method, listen and do all the myths. haiz...
but we must believe our time will come. i think all of us believe that that's why we are still here.
Enjoy your weekend.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Ruru</font>
<font color="aa00aa">My mom &amp; dad, do know that the chances of having IVF babies can be low... But they just being excited cause its their 1st grandchild. Btw I just received a call from my ex boss, wanting me to follow him to his new company in dubai, noble denton... He knows that I'm starting a family so he told me to give have baby then migrate to dubai.. I only told him, I will call him next year</font>
I thk u concentrate on ur IVF here 1st.. thk abt ur job later. If ur current job is stil like that.. i.e.. they nv ask u to go.. better stil! Jus hang on n do ur IVF in peace..
<font color="ff0000">Joanne,
thanks for your advice, I'll try try abit.</font>

<font color="ff0000">Ju,
Dubai is very far away leh. Will the company offer a job for your DH as well ? I won't want to spend a long time overseas by myself...</font>
My boss told me that to find job in Dubai is easy... But I told him that after my IVF so it means after my pregnancy if I strike...
<font color="0000ff">Gals,
it's nearing the end of the working day, 1 more hour to go, yeah!!! Most probably I'll be by my computer petting my pet on fb until late night. Then tmr I'll sleep till 10am before gg to meet Haze, Ruru &amp; Rinoa. After that I'll get to play with my nephew who's always excited about food - he always sit so close to the table, &amp; his saliva dripping, very comical look, haha 8:) He always speak very fast before ending with a string of words 'malu malu malu'. My sister actually wondered if his speech is influenced by his indian teacher. But thinking again, maybe the teacher told him 'malu' as in shameful, and he string up the words thinking that it sounds like Indian. There's no lack of entertainment from my little nephew 8:) I'll just enjoy my share of fun, need not worry about taking care of the children, shake shake my backside and go home free to be myself again. Maybe that is a bliss in itself 8;-) </font>

<font color="aa00aa">Hope you all have a great weekend too 8:)</font>
<font color="0000ff">Just received a courtesy call fm person in charge of DH's appointment. He said DH's rheumatologist Dr took up the case personally &amp; spoke to the doctor in charge of adminstering the treatment. They will do their best to slot in an earlier time for DH &amp; will call me back next week to let me know again. Heee...push push push, cannot be paisey man 8:p </font>
Hi Bambi, Rinoa and Haze,

I will see u ladies at 11am at Lot 1 main entrance ok? Then we either tabao back or eat lunch tog then take my car to Rinoa's house can?

Hi Bambi,

I still don't know how to do colour text leh? Can u explain Joanne's instruction to me again?

\ red{your red colored text}
( left hand side - gotta delete the space between \ and red)
( replace red with blue, purple for the desired color )

pls advise how to make bold, underline &amp; italic text, appreciate very much 8:)
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2">hi bambi</font></font>
<font color="119911">glad that start to see more color in this page
actually is not diffcult rite.. </font>
Hi <font size="+2">ladies,</font>,
<font color="0000ff">actually is not diffcult, for bold,bigger size, jus put \ b{\ red{\ 2{ur text</font>}}. (then take away the space between the backslash and the word..) ok, try it out. }
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">enjoy ur weekend!!</font></font>
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2">Thanks Joanne,</font></font>
<font color="119911">you're setting a new trend in this</font> <font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2">forum!!!</font></font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Haze, RuruCat,</font></font>
<font color="0000ff">you can copy Joanne's code, take out the spaces &amp; type your text within the blackets, you can make it too. Try try 8:) </font>
Is it the season to get preggy in HKG ?
Cecilia Cheung, Kelly Chan, Gigi Lai and now Vivian Chow... pop pop pop... hope we get that chance to announce our good news very soon 8:)
hi <font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa"> bambi,</font></font>
<font color="ff0000">u r a fast learner..
u r most welcome too.. seeing all this color make my heart lighter n relax.. Keke.. Hi gals,try it out. Jus take out all the space. It was not tough.. I only get to know how to write color text this morning n quickly share with u all.. Hee hee.. </font>
I think alot of babies are conceived during X'mas, NY &amp; CNY festive season. 1/3 of my colleagues have birthdays in October 8:)
can i check if anyone is seeing dr zou from amk for tcm? i'm seeing dr tan in clementi but he's quite far away from where i stay and his timings are so hard to book so am thinking of switching to dr zou when i start ivf so that i can have more regular acupunctures. for her medicine, does it come in satchets just add hot water or must buy the ingredients and boil ourselves? how's her bookings? very packed too?
other than Ivy Lee, who else is popping ?

Dr Zou has 4 beds for acu, so it is quite easy to get appmt with her. Her rest day is on Wednesday &amp; she practice half day on Sundays. If your appmt is for evening after work, and pp with earlier appmt time arrive late, you will have to wait abit. During normal working hours, there isn't much people there, so you can enjoy some quite time or chit chat with her.

She dispense medicine no. 1 for before ovalution &amp; no.2 medicine for after ovalution, in satchets which cost $7/$8 per day. You just need to pour some hot water, stir abit &amp; drink. She has another herbal medicine which you have to boil it yourself for 1st until 3rd day(??) of AF, which is supposed to help clear the endometriosis condition.
hi ladies.
It has been a long time.

Hello, hello, hello kitty.

To cut a long story short, I kana ohss big time.
Just discharged today. Can't post too long cos lying down with wound at the side. Will check back once I'm better.
Everyone, jia you!
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2">Yve,</font></font>
<font color="0000ff">congratulations once again 8:)
Smooth 9 months !!!
Understand that it's painful &amp; uncomfortable with OHSS, tahan tahan...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Jia you q(*.*)pq(*.*)p</font>

congrats!! really happy for u. take good care. it's really no joke with OHSS. remember to update us once you are well enough!!
i think ivy lee, evelyn tan... but it seems they are all popping these few yrs... or maybe i'm just esp sensitive to pple getting pregnant these 2 yrs keke :p

from wat u mention, dr zou's procedures are similar to dr tan... so maybe i'll try her out
i just had a polypectomy done... so waiting for the spotting to clear b4 i go see tcm... wanna tiao my body b4 ivf in april/may.
Hi Yve,

Congrats! Do rest well for the time being and once the ohss is gone, u can enjoy the joy of being a u-know-what lady right?

Woah, I am sure your Lao ye will pamper u like a Queen for the next few months, maybe u can think of what he can buy for u to make u happier?
take good care of health, and good luck for your IVF in Apr/May 8:)

what did your Laoye say ? He's going to be a papa soon, must be extremely happy now 8:) Take good care of health and enjoy the bliss of a mum-to-be 8:)
Hello Yve,
So happy for you... looks like patient who is under Dr Foong really got high chance of success rate... that time when I go do bt, the nurse told me there are many patients who is under Dr Foong get pregnant successfully... if got $$, will consider if needed to do IVF to do at Dr foong clinic too... ;-)
That time dr foong told me if i will to do IUI again, he will give me some medicine to prevent me get mc again...hope he really can help me... ;-)
Do take good care of yourself and pls do sprinkle all of us with your baby dust...
Thx for hving us at ur place...

Congrats! Take care and now is ur time to make demands...! hehehe

I realised I forget to pay u the dessert $ leh... when we meet on 14th, ok?
thanks for hosting us today 8:) Did you win at the mj table just now ? DH &amp; me went for a long long walk at the park connector, then went grocery shopping at NTUC. We don't exercise nowadays, both sit by computer most of the time &amp; grow fat on tummy liao 8:p

This is what Lilian Too the famous fengshui Master says.. Its all in the magazine and her calendar. Maybe she is wrong lor... but she is so famous internationally.
Spring cow year also brings a lot of tao hua.. if you ladies have seen the Chinese New year program i think the fengshui master also quoted quite a no. of animal zodiac also kena tao hua yun. I think it attributes to many pregnancy too.
