Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

hi florida,

i'm with dr foong n went thru ivf with him in dec. the cost is ard $14,000. you can use $6000 (1st time) from medisave so hv to prepare $8000 cash upfront.

my 2nd fresh cycle at KKH, $2,700 government grant + $3,883 from Medisave, inclusive if medicine & procedure. Very minimal cash payment for Progestrone & HCG beta blood test, around $30 to $50 each time.

At private clinic, you pay a premium price, but you get very personalised service. At KKH, it is crowded like a market place. So you decide for yourself based on your own financial ability lor.
Thanks all for the feedback and information.

The price differences is really great.
Think I will go for the KKH.
If I decided to go for KKH Dr. Loh, I should just walk in since I wanted to go straight for the IVF right? Anyway it will be charge as private.

Sorry for asking such stupid questions.
Hi Florida,

My first fresh cycle @ KKH, taking $3k govt grant & $3+k from medisave, cash payment abt $1+k only. like what bambi says, u pay for what you get lah. u can pay the premium and get personalized service or u dun pay premium and get so-so service.

But I have to say, I always like to go early in the mornings for the scans & BTs so my waiting time @ KKIVF is usually not too long. I think for the price I'm paying, the service is satisfactory lah.

U make your own choice lor.

Juz went to spend $200 bucks on my bb. sigh sunday morning almost fainted, till now still stomach upset, a bit like gastric flu. Was quite worried abt the bb so decided to go to the nearby gynae for consultation & scan. At least can set my mind at ease now. Altho stomach still don't feel good, but at least i know my bb is safe & sound.

Ladies, pls lets all take good care of ourselves hor. Be careful of what we eat... I think it must be the murtabak on saturday nite that caused the stomach upset.

must take care of yrself at this time. try not to take too much spices. i know sometimes easier said than done. :

how come you only use $3k from medisave? can use $6k for 1st cycle, rite?


just to add, the cost will vary depending on how much medicine you'll need. i was on 300iu of puregon daily for think 12-14 days. at private clinic, 100iu is ard $100. so if you're on a lower dosage, then the cost will reduce. but the difference between private n govt is really big lor.

if you want to go for dr loh, you hv to first call up to make an appt. with the govt subsidy n his expertise, he's very 'hot' so you may not be able to start straight away.

Yah I learn my lesson the hard way. Was so anxious since sunday....

Orh coz the $1+k is those non-reimburseable from medisave one. The remaining of the cost is from medisave lor, which addes up to abt $3+k only.
Halo ladies...
I seem to bloat back a little bit... a bit strange... maybe it's the jab.. thk I better dun dwell too much into all these... watch my TVB dramas better!

Hope u've got my sms.

I stil wun test lah.. I very chicken one. I'd rather hang on to that tiny weeny ray of hope, not knowing.. then test liao.. if -ve, woah... I'll feel bad earlier! haha

Like wot the ladies here said, I thk u weigh wot u want n wot u can afford.

KKH's wait is pretty long now.. some hv to had longer BCP time cos they simply can't handle too many ERs or ETs per day. Nurse jus complaint to me they came back to work last Sun, for procedures!

Good luck to u!

Take care hor... maybe u nex visit, u can let doc know u hv this kinda effect while on BCP.

U take care too hor.. I hope I'll be like wot u said.. things wil turn out well like u too.

u mus hv done with ur ET liao.. hope ur 3 bbs r resting comfortabily inside u hor.

now is the 'being a queen' part... hehe

My results were ok. Risk is very low so no need to do further tests.


happy thoughts!!


hope everything went smoothly yah!


Yes I'm with Dr loh. My impression of him is he has no airs, he speaks a bit uncle uncle at times. Has a sense of humor, don't give you false hopes, matter-of-fact when he discuss technical issues with me. Overall I feel very comfortable with him lah. U got question for him he will answer one, won't avoid lor.
maybe its time to update the charts...

dear all,
it has been a long time since i have last sang the congratulation song...
hope someone will stike and the baby dust will start spreading...
nurse just called me that 28th February, i have to go down to KKH to collect my 1 week of BCP pill (extra) and learn again how to jab...
due to the crowd.. and I have to change to the normal procedure.. bcp, lucrin, puregon, et n er...

to me it does not matter as I waiting for my ex boss offer to go to his new company in raffles place
agree with what you mentioned about Dr Loh, he answered all our questions. Just that I've not yet experience his sense of humor. Maybe because I brought a list of questions to ask him, and too emotional session for me lor. Hopefully consultation next month will be a more relaxing one 8:)

Yve mum-to be,
how was it ? The procedure was not so frightening right ? Remember to munch the brazil nuts that is good for implantations 8:)

full bust is good mah 8;-P Sometimes it is about finding the right clothes for certain period of the months. I have different sets of clothings for bloated days and good feeling days 8:)

I just ganna bullied in office & had a good cry. But I'm still learning the trade, not yet have the strong wings to fly. Also under current economic situation, and thinking of my TTC journey, I wiped my tears and will tahan with it for 1-2 more years. It will be foolish to quit this comfortable job just because of 1 stupid individual who is so full of airs, only know how to win by shouting. DH said I have no character, ganna bully but not thinking of switching job. But I know my ultimate goal and I'll just work towards it, and I just feel better now 8:)
Hi strawbearbi,

With your comment I reconfirm my decision to go wif Dr. Loh.


Thanks for the precious information. Although, I have some problem to understand some of the information in the discussion esp with short form. e.g ET, ER, BCP etc. However, I enjoy chating to you all. In fact, I have been very sad with this problem but nowhere to express my feeling. HB likes children very much but he is understanding and accepted the fact that if we are fated not to have then we no way we can force it. But, I will continue to try before giving up completely.

nice people get bullied. u are just too nice liao! Don't worry, bad people will get their karma sooner or later. rite now is not a good time to consider a job switch. As long as got a job is good enough. Don't be sad ok?


Don't give up so soon ok? Who knows maybe you will have your dreams come true soon? if you wanna let out your feelings or frustrations, u are welcome to share with us =) Talk to us often and once u start your own journey in IVF, you can share more with us also =) jia you !!

I will hang on to it until I am too old to continue. ;D


The Dr. Zou is doing acupuncture or to see him then to take some Chinese medicine?
Does it help to "tiao" yr body?
Hi Florida,

Dr Zou is a lady TCM physican, she do both accu and dispenses chinese medicine to 'tiao' our body. Bambi, Haze and Yve goes to her for accu regularly.

Do try to call KKH asap as there is a long queue to see Dr Loh leh. U maybe able to see him for a 1st consultation soon, but may not be able to commence on the IVF treatment so fast as the IVF centre is jam-packed (Based on Hazeline and Juliana's experience).
Hi Bambi,

Don't be upset ok? Must think positive, any company whether big or small, will have this type of bully one lah, so finding a new job won't help.
Hi Strawbearbi,

Gosh, u must be in a state of anxiety from sun until to the u/s right? Thank goodness the BB is fine, so the $200 is money well-spent. Hmm, should be careful of your diet but exactly how I also don't leh?
Hi Dolphy,

Great that you respond well to metformin and clomid. Some of us here so hard-core that eat until 4tabs of clomid also no use leh (me being 1 of them), so u can try naturally yourself until you have time to do IUI.

Will think about the adoption issue when my heart tells me enough is enough for my fertility treatment.
Haz1ine, sorry morning too buzy to send a note to u...hang in there and don't read too much into everything...wat will be will be lah.

Btw, not sure if I had mentioned before that Dr Nair sent me for a whole listing of testes after my m/c and the results came back with 1 test showing as apart from the thyroid doc, I got to see another specalist!So sianz...
Hi Ah-Kat,

Really? Is it convenient to reveal what is the new specialist u will be seeing? Oh, btw, based on your advice on thyroid, I went to do see a endocrinologist recommended by Yve but sadly, even he said PCOS cannot be cured, and the only medication to control PCOS as of now is still metformin. Sigh.... I was so disappointed after seeing him as I thought there is hope for my condition.

He told me to see him 3mths later and he will run a series of tests for me too. Can share your info? Or just PM me?
Hi Ruru,

Did the endocrinologist gave you glucophage or metaformin? I thot I read this morning that someone was saying that she get LS after taking metformin. But I can't find the thread now on who posted that....For me - I had LS and vomiting very badly after taking metformin and my doc switched me to glucophage (delayed action metformin) - better for me with lesser side effect but I always forgot to take and I feel that there is no effect on me, so I had stopped on my own. : P

And yes, there is NO CURE for PCOS - it is not actually a disease - so all docs can only treat the syptoms associated with PCOS.

For me, the blood test shown that I had this auto immune diease antibodies - meaning that my body is producing antibodies that are harmful to my body (complicated right!) and it seems that this is again related to my thyroid. Therefore, really very important to check the thyriod hormones and its related antibodies.

Not sure if you want to see my endocrinologist doc? I rather you get everything checked now before proceeding with any further treatment.He is from Mt E too (recommend by DR Nair). Just my 2-cents
I won't be that xiang-bu-kai & quit my job lah, I still need the salary for a living & to 'bu' myself for this TTC road leh.

That stupid a****** is putting me through a test for a new job scope. If I can't perform by end March/early, he said he will find someone to replace me. I'll try my best to perform on my job, cos' I like challenges & learn new things. But if I can't perform, then let company retrench me & pay me 2 months salary lah. I'm a very practical & money minded person, I won't quit on my own lah 8:p

after seeing Dr Zou, I find my BBT (Basal Body temperature) is more regualr now, 36.4 before ovalution & around 36.7/36.8 after ovalution. There is a 'heater' placed above the tummy during acu, so I feel warm warm on the tummy most of the time. I also wear slippers at home & inside toilet so as to retain heat in my body. Nowadays when I don't wear slipper at home, I feel cold on my feet leh.

Recently I stopped taking Dr Zou's TCM medicine as I've taken it for almost 1 year liao, abit tired of the taste leh. Instead I double boil the chicken essence to 'bu' my body.

do you know where to buy men's slippers to wear inside the house ? Happy incubating the 3 little chicks 8;-)
Hi Ah-Kat,

Is the endocrinologist that Dr Nair recommend on the #10 flr of Mt E?

I take glucophage as prescribed by my ex-gynae and my current gynae, not by the Endocinologist. I take the normal tab, not the slow-release one. Woah, your side-effects so serious? LS and vomitting? Mine is LS, low-energy and low-mood and sometimes nauseousness at the initial stage, then u eat and eat until the body adapts and then u feel nothing liao. But I do notice that my hair is more glossy and my face condition has improved, not so oily and lesser black and whiteheads. Not much weight loss, only 2-3kg at the initial stage, that is all.
Hi Bambi,

That is the spirit! Yah, never say never until you try right? Hope u can get the hang of the new jobscope fast so that you can stay on for the time being and gain new working experience. And when the economy recovers, then u can turn your back on the nasty colleague of yours and say bye-bye!
Hi ladies,

Any idea where to go for our 3rd outing? Is 28th Feb (sat) afternoon too rush a timing to 'chope' u ladies?

Hmm... but I have no idea where we shall meet leh? If about 8 of us, then need round table quite headache hor?
Hi ladies,

An ideal place will be Straits Kitchen at Hyatt Hotel, it is a halal buffet serving chinese, indian, malay food. But pretty expensive at about $40/pax+++ (I don't exactly remember price).

Or to save cost, we meet for tea and cake somewhere? The BakerInn at Suntec is quite spacious but I am not sure they have a round table.

Suggestions from the ladies please?
ah kat,
the one who LS is me, this is the first time i'm taking metformin. Hazeline also LS while on metformin. Mine is also the time-release metformin, on top of LS, my other side effects r nausea, low energy n sian abit bit depression like that leh. arghh.

hey, ur collegue's very rude hor...n that attitude!! He's the boss ah? Wat goes around comes around la, he'll get it one day. :p
Hi Joyy,

Must tahan ok? If really after eating feel very bad, can play cheat abit and eat a sweet or chocolate just to get s sugar rush? For the 1st few days after I start on metformin, I even need to take afternoon nap or lie on the bed as feel so low-energy. I thought it was becos I just did laposcopy surgery that is why feel so weak, then after that I realised it was due to the side effects of metformin!
hi RuRu,

ya, i'm trying to tahan the side effects, coz doing FET soon, so just bear with it.

oh btw, u going to take medication to postphone/time ur menses just in case it falls on 4th-8th Mar? I didn't know Dr Yap will be away too.
I'm ok for 28 Feb, but Yve will still be in 2ww.
Is Rinoa back to Spore by then ?

I'm also ok for tea & coffee, buffet abit pricely for me 8:p
Hi Ladies.

I'm back! It has been really an experience. It wasn't painful. In fact, I didn't even know that dr has done it. It was more uncomfortable than anything else.

First of all, my bladder wasn't very full 'cos the clock in the ward was a bit slow and I started to drink a bit too late. Before I knew it, the porter was here to wheel me to the room. Nurse in OT told me that dr foong has very good eye sight and he need not have his patient to have a real full bladder before he proceeds. Anyway, when dr came, he says he is able to see. Still, got to drain out the urine from me after the procedure was done as he didn't want me up from the bed for the next 3 hours.

In summary, 25 follicles were retrieved, 21 were matured. 17 were successfully fertilized. Trsfred 3 cute little embbies and freeze 14. Dh and I were happy that all managed to survive after fertilization. Out of the 3 that were trsfred, 2 were grade 1 (9 cells and 7 cells) and 1 was grade 1/2 somewhere in between, says the dr (6 cells).

It was a bit difficult to fall asleep yesterday night. Now, as I told dr, I will rot at home for the next 2 weeks. Gathering on 28 Feb, I got to give it a miss this time.
wow, bravo... so have a great sets of embbies... Hope this time you can strike and I can sing the congratulation song.... Pray that ur embbies will grow into babies....

I'm still worry about DH sperm.. one time I feel negetive and one time I feel positive about doing IVF, I dont know if taking BCP pills make me feels this way.... Sometimes I dont have confident in myself...
I'm ok for the 28th Feb. But have to go KKH in the morning to collect my 1 week extra supply for BCP and lucrin. Might start lucrin 4 of march 2009...
yes RuRu - the doc is Dr Loh.
I think he will kill me if he know I stopped metformin - shhhhh
U seeing him too??

Btw, Feb 28 I can' in Perth again for biz trip. U ladies enjoy hor
very good grade embbies leh, I'm so happy for you 8:) Have a good rest this 2ww, munch on the brazil nuts, drink the chicken essence and enjoy the fun 8:)
Hi ladies,

Since got so many absentees - Ah-Kat, Rinoa (4got she maybe haven't come back from tibet) and Yve, we postpone to March?

Hi Ah-Kat,

Ok, Shhhhhh...

He got mentioned Dr Nair's name during our conversation and I told him did he know about the notorious 6hrs wait for Dr Nair? He just smiled.

I am still undecided whether to go for the battery of tests in April, hope by then I have striked jackpot and can save $.
Hi Yve,

Hope today is the beginning of the 9mths wait for u! Jia U!

Remember have to move around to improve blood circulation and not lie on bed or sit on sofa for long period of time.
Morning Ladies...
Today go KKH, extend my HL til BT.. that doc like giv me one kinda face... say they dun 'usually' do that... blah blah blah. Sian.. I gues they stil dun understand how we felt.. who will like to go back n work wil u stil duno ur results... esp the last few days.

Anyway, I got my HL extented.. can't be bothered abt her.

Jiayou hor... not sure if u're stil hving backache but mine lasted for abt a wk.. then felt more bearable aft that.

Ah Kat
Yes.. I also LS while on metformin. I can't rem if I had any other side effects... cos been quite a while liao.

Some ppl do respond well to metformin.. hope u're the lucky one.

yes.. happy thoughts.. happy thoughts. My bloated come n goes... today I ask nurse, if bloatness gone liao, is it no hope? She ask me dun thk -ve thoughts! haha
I thk go any co, there's always someone like that. That's wot I learn.. jus do ur best.. as long as u thk u've given ur best.. u didn't let anyone down, ok?

Nowadays, I find I getting older liao, dun even want to argue back at ridiculous things.. I'll jus say 'I'll do wot I can'..

U mus jiayou ok? Dun let ppl let them upset u.

I thk push back to Mar better.. wait til ur 2ww is over, k? Maybe mid or end Mar?

Our gathering can't do w/o u & Yve lah.. so make sure u two can be there, ok?

hehe... I got scolded by Yve when she found out I've been out. But I told her.. OHSS mus move around one.. sit or lay down.. wil feel worse.

Mus jiayou, ok?

Thanks I will jiayou jiayou.
I called up KK this morning for appointment le.
Its schduled mid Mar..... So long queue.

By the way, usually what will be discussed during the first consultation? Must do lots of tests all over again? Any idea if its possible to transfer my data from Dr. Foong to Dr. Loh?

After how long with Dr. Loh then he will proceed with IVF? Will it take months?

Hi yve,
so after drawing out the urine, u manage to tahan till 3hrs later then go toilet ah?

My gynae also drew out the urine for my previous ET, n I was supposed to lie for 2hrs. But immediately after reaching the day ward, I was already walking in n out of toilet for 10-20 over times (come out fr toilet, sit 5min, n I had to go to the toilet again) coz I had this urgency to urine but the urine just wldn't come out. So, i did not have a good rest at the day ward.

I'm not sure if this is 'natural'....were u ladies like that after ET? N this urgency sensation lasted for abt 4-5 days after ET.

Hazeline, how long did you lie at the day ward after ET before going to the toilet?

I'm thinking of not drawing out the urine after ET...coz I'm not sure if the urgency feeling is a form of infection after drawing out the urine.
I had only 1 day heavy flow last AF cycle in late January, & today D19 of the cycle already spotting. My AF is going haywire, siao liao :p
maybe due to your emotional and body hormones. I bought this book from the library about infertility. I got to know that sometimes our body dont produce good eggs n also late menstration partly got to do with hormones, food we eat, emotional.
Too much of carbo can caused late menstration, we have to eat proper food with consist of protein, iron during our ovulation day or if we dont ovulate maybe 1 week b4 menstration reports.
now that you mention, maybe because I didn't take the multivits & didn't go for acu this cycle, & the emotional roller coaster recently, my body is not well adjusted lor.

Yours is full bust but no AF, my AF show out of a sudden... so irony hor
Hi Joyy,

I never draw urine out after ET op finished leh. The nurse gave me bed pan in the op room but cannot do it and I was wheeled to the day surgery recovery ward where I tried to pee on the bed pan again (without success). In the end, 15mins later, I got up from bed and went toilet to pee.

I definitely think the feeling of you wanting to pee every 5mins or so is not very normal leh, perhaps during this time round, don't draw out urine? Try the bedpan 1st, if cannot then use the toilet after resting in bed for around 20mins?

The protocol in KKH is to rest only about 15mins after the ET op on the bed then can leave liao and their success rate is equivalent to that of private IVF centre, so not to worry about not resting quietly in bed. In fact, I read this article on the internet about a IVF specialist who used to work in the US army and he said there are female patients who had to be airbound in a helicopter back to their respective camps straight after their ET op and the Army IVF centre success rate is the same as that of a private ivf clinic.
Hi Florida,

I think it is up to Dr Loh to assess yours and your HB's health and decide on the fertility procedure to use for you. If you have special and compelling reason to do IVF straightaway, perhaps u can talk to Dr Loh upfront and see what he has to say?

It is not possible to transfer your medical file from Dr Foong to Dr Loh. However, u can request for Dr Foong's clinic to prepare a summary report on the treatments administered on you. It is usually just a 1-page report and u may have to pay for the report (please check). As for the tests done by Dr Foong, did u keep a copy? If yes, then bring along for your 1st consultation and see if Dr Loh accepts them or want to do a fresh round of tests.

Hi Haze,

U are right! Ohss must move around and not keep sitting and lying on bed, not good for blood circulation and may lead to higher risk of blood clotting.

Glad u got your HL extended, try to stay relaxed and enjoy your rest days.
