Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

Hi Florida,

Welcome. We have ladies here with KK (SF Loh) & also with Dr Foong. Maybe you can be more specific with what you wanna get advise on?

Hi Sunflower,

If you get a referral letter from polyclinic, you will not be able to choose the doctor, so you may not get Dr Loh. Yes you will pay subsidised consultation rates also. In addition, not sure if you will be able to go straight to Clinic D for the fertility treatments. They may put u in a general clinic, then assess your case, do tests on you, then decide to refer u to Clinic D (that's where Dr loh sees patients).

So it's a risk you have to take if you wanna get the subsidy.

Strawbearbi/ bambi:
thank u. I will definitely look out for u-know-what. After er, the tummy already more bloated than it was in the morning. Even my mum, who accompanied me there in the morning noticed the difference.

bambi, u reminded me. Dh will be leaving for Japan on Mon night so he will still come and drive me home. I will remind him about the humps and turns. Everything must do gently yah.

welcome to the thread. Don't know if u read the previous postings but I'm with dr. foong. Whether to go KK or dr. foong, I think you will have to ask yourself if you have any budget for your ttc journey. And, your 4xIUI, where did you do it? At dr. foong's clinic, there is no govt subsidy since it is private but there will be the subsidy at KK.

However, a lot of pple who are/were with KK are already giving feedback that it is overcrowded with patients since the govt has been giving out the extra subsidy. Alternatively, you may wish to consider dr. hema at sgh, think this dr is a few ladies' dr here. Or, dr. pc wong from nuh. I heard he is also very famous. Whatever the case, all the best in your ttc journey!!
hi'ya ladies.

Happy Valentines' Day!
Not that I'm celebrating the day. Will be at home resting. As felix said, already lao fu lao qi, my dh also dun bother about me le.

1 more week only leh... hang in there!!
Hi ladies,

I am back from my work trip at thur midnite but yest busy with errands and didn't log on.

Hi Sam,

If only I am so lucky right? 3 embryos split into 6??? If I am lucky and 1 embryo stick, already go temple to 'huan2 shen2' immediately!!! I think not so easy for my embryos to implant leh, my previous IVF cycle with 2 Grade A embryos also didn't managed to stick, now doing FET, I think more or less the embryos will be slightly damaged during the thawing process, so putting in 3 will not be excessively dangerous (i.e. multiple birth).

Hi ladies,

My AF haven't report leh, today D35 liao. Sianz...

Hi Joyy,

Oh, you see Dr Yap recently? She told u to eat metformin? For my case, she told me to stop metformin (I took for 6mths liao) and try another medicine. Hmm... regarding weight loss from metformin, ehh... I only lost alittle bit, like 2-3kg leh. U have break-thru bleeding from eating progynova like me? I also leh, eat for 5days suddenly started bleeding, scary!! That is why I opted for the stimulated FET cycle protocol instead.
A big halo to everyone new here!

U'll make it thru ET n I hope all the way to delivery.. no worries!

Yes.. one more wk. Thk abt hving to go back to work, I super sian liao.

Welcome back!

U tested? Else.. maybe stress lah. It'll come.. dun worry.

PMed u...
Hi sarahttc
I did mine with a private gynae then.. thk cost abt 2K.. Mine was fully on puregone jab protocol. Hv to depends on ur protocol too. Some take med + jab, some med alone, some jab alone.

Hv to c how well u response to them too...

Best is.. talk to ur gynae.

i'm leaving for Tibet trip tonight.
hope by the time i'm back will
hear good news from haze n yve.
jiayou ladies!

and happy friendship day
Hi Rinoa,

Hope you read this before flying off for your holiday. Have an enjoyable and relaxing trip in tibet.

Do tell us all about the trip when you come back ok? Tibet is such an exotic destination. Do tell me about the journey, the culture, the people, the accommodation and the sights when u are back ok? I will love to know and maybe one day go there too.
Hi Haze,

Hang on there! One more week to go! That is very fast!

Don't need to test lah, I got went for u/s during D12 and D22 to check, never ovulate this month, just waiting for the lining to thicken to a certain level before shedding. Super sianz...

thks, looking forward to tibet too.
2 wks ago, i watched e hk serial 'zhuguangbaoqi" they film @ Lhasa n i told dh, if we failed that cycle, i wanna go tibet.

me n dh going on this DIY trip n very last minute to coincide w vday, also our ROM 7th anniversay. hope i can get my tibet permit in time when i reach Chengdu, sichuan..

even though tibet is open for tourism , china govt stil impose every tourist to apply for permit b4 we get to fly to Lhasa.

can check out updates fr my this trip in my facebook.

i'll upload pics as n when i can find internet connection.
hi Rinoa,
enjoy ur trip!

yea, saw Dr Yap recently. Nahh, my break thru bleeding was when I took medication (prescribe by Dr Yap previously) to induce menses, coz I wanted to 'time' the FET according to my schedule. However I only took the medication for abt 7 days (dosage was 12 days n wait 2 days for menses to come) n I started to bleed b4 completing the course. So much for planning!

Yup, I was given FET protocol is same as previously, lucrin + progynova. I'll be putting in 3 embbies too.
Ladies, Rurucat,

Before you do ET, did the doc do an interior cleansing for you to remove mucus from the inside? My doctor did that for ard 20 mins as the mucus was think and it will cause an unfriendly environment for the embbies to implant, although it feels yucky and some discomfort and for me i feel slight pain but think it helps the embbies stick better and live in a more environment friendly womb.
I rem for one of my IUI, I hv a lot of discharge so my gynae did say he's going to clear it a bit.

But 20 mins like quite a long time leh...

But not for IVF..

My bloatness like go down liao today.. so I guess if it's the same indication as the last time, I shd be prepared liao lor.
dun keep thinking about it. Some will have symptoms, some will not. It all depends so don't keep thinking negatively. Be happy! Speak or sing to your babies!!

so happy u're back!

Just a short update. Will be going for ET tmr. Told dr I want 3! I want 3! I want 3! Hope he remembers. keke. Anyway, out of 25 follicles only 17 have been "nicely fertilized". Dunno what he meant by that. Dunno what the final numbers will be also. Will check back once I'm up and about.
Dr only cleaned outside, not on outside leh.

yours is 10DPET now ? Bloatedness for pregnancy usually increase at later stage. Strawbearbi did not have much bloatedness, but she's preggy. I was bloated, but BFN. So don't read too much into it lor.

there will be some smaller follicles that are not yet mature at retrieval. 17 is very good number, so relax and have good preparation for tmr's ET 8:)

have a wonderful holiday in Tibet, you'll sure love it 8:) I'll be waiting for your pictures on FB then 8:)

Yesterday DH & me went for consultation at TPS/KKH with Dr Loh. I asked him about your questions. 1/ Dr Loh said there is no requirement for auto-immune blood test & ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma hominis test because we are given antibotics medicine before ER, which will take care of it. 2/ He said that cold culture ( you mentioned vitamin culture) is to cultivate the embbies to blastoscyst stage, he said not for me lor.

Dr Loh said that there's alot of resistance going on now, but there is a movement to enforce only 2 embryos transfer for the future. As I've already failed 2 fresh cycles (& 2 FET), I'm allowed to transfer 3, or even 4 emmbies if I choose to, but no government subsidy lor
ART insurance to transfer 4 emmbies cost 4 bucks short of $2k leh. If I strike Toto, I'll go for it lah, but I'll be content just to transfer 3 emmbies. Hopefully next cycle will be a better one.

Dr wrote a recommendation letter for DH to see rheumatologist, see if they can prescribe alternative medicine for him. He also prescribed tribestan & multivits for DH, & we'll see Dr Loh again next month. As each IVF attempt will disrupt DH's arthritis medication, I requested to freeze DH's army progressively over the next few months for future use.

Dr Loh is a very straight forward person lor. Tell us in the face that it is unlikely that we can conceive naturally. He said that with DH's medication, there is high possibility for defective babies, even with IVF. I really couldn't take it well, tears already welled up there & then. With DH's ultra bo-chap attitude, I broke down as Nurse Tan at KKIVF centre brought me to a room to arrange for appointment to freeze DH's spermies.

For the last cycle, we chose to freeze DH's armies for 1 cycle ($50++) compared to $150 per year. I really regret it, cos' they didn't use it for that fresh cycle and it was discarded on the day of my ET. So this time, we'll pay more for for 5 years freezing storage.

I really wanna drag DH to go for IVF counselling with me, but they only have slots for weekdays, not on Saturdays.

Today I called Dr Zou to cancel my acu appointment for this month. I wanna relax for this month, until DH's condition improves and nearer to my April/May or May/June fresh cycle.

I've just put the chicken in the stewer to make essence for today. While it's boiling, I'll go for a nap, and distube DH in his sleep 8:p
ya, dun worry abt the bloatedness, it's diff sign for diff individuals. Late stage of 2ww normally bloatedness will subside, but the ladies still got pregnant anyway.

today's my 3rd day on metformin, n I had LS since yday. hmmm...should I continue till body become adjusted to metformin and LS will go off?

I think for me, there's no cleansing also on the inside b4 ET...I think my gynae only clensed the outside. What do they use to clean the insides?
when r u going to start your IVF fresh cycle?

dun be too stressed ok? for most of us, the possibility to conceive naturally is low also, that's why we opted for IVF. Guess we just have to be patient n continue with the treatment. If only there's some sort of sticky glue to stick the embbies on the lining.
so sorry to hear abt ur DH condition. Maybe u could try fertile aid. My DH sperm improves...quite thick but not too sure if its ok as I have yet to go for DH SA.

My bloatedness also reduced towards the 2nd week of 2WW, n i tot also no hope liao but things turned out fine. So don't read too much into symptoms hor.


Seems like Dr Loh has made clear the various issues you and your DH need to tackle. It's good u try to relax a bit and with the new medication, hopefully your DH condition improves. But it will take time wor, so don't stress too much ok? It's already improvement that he goes to the appt with u liao. So jia you ok?

When is your DH going to see the rheumatologist? maybe you will get good news from there?

if dr loh already so straight forward.
do u wanna consider NUH instead ? they r e only lab that can do preimplantation genetic diagnostics for defective embbies n transfer only good chromosomes embbies for u ? these embbies will have veery high implanation success.

ur case very different. kkh might not work besst for u.

now in Chengdu (sichuan province), will visit er mei shan , b4 going to tibet.

restaurant offer free internet so i get to log in using my ppc, haha.
don't be disheartened. sometimes I feel it's better that the doctor be straight forward than to keep things from us. At times when my dr tells me that result's "good", it does make me think what is "good" and if there is anything he is trying to keep away from me to stop my imagination from running wild. I would really prefer any doctor to be straight forth with our condition.

all of us here somehow has some difficulty to conceive naturally. So, don't be upset over this, dearie. What's most important is that we have tried our very best. Ganbatte ne!

don't know about "genetic diagnositics" or whatsoever, but if you want to see dr pc wong, do give our friend a call. Think she will gladly help you to make appt or advise on the way since she works in the hospital. Do u still have her hp no.? If not, can sms me and I will send you her ctc.
It's already a big step that ur DH went with u on Sat for this consultation with Dr Loh... I'm sure he has a better understanding of his problems aft going thru that.

I thk if we can conceive naturally, most of us would hv already.. aft trying for so many years. I'm sure none of us here wants to come to ART stage if we hv a choice..

But dun giv up ok? Take some time off... dun let all these dates giv u stress lah, ok?

Can't help not thking abt it leh.. that's wot happens the last time.. though this time drags a little longer.. n nv kana OHSS. Things like that.. does freaks me out. Try not to thk too much into it.. today watched many many episodes of 'Fa Zhen Xian Feng 2'...

Last time my TCM teach me... take metformin slowly.. meaning u start with half a pill each time.. ok liao, no LS, then increase to 1 pill.. if LS, go back to half a pill. She said like that can train n make the side effects lesser Once u go to the 2 pills dosage, ur stomach shd be able to take it liao.

I duno if it works... cos doesn't work for me.. everytime I hit the 2 pills.. I LS real bad again n goes all the way back to zero! haha Even TCM herbs to curb the side effects also no use.

I duno angmoh doc wil recommend taking metformin this way or not..

Actually hor, I thk it's cos of the LS, that makes ppl lost weight while on it leh. I lost a lot of weight while on that.

Woah.. envy envy leh. Enj ur holiday hor..
Rinoa, Yve, Strawbearbi, Ju, Joyyy, Haze,
thanks for your comforting words.

We'll go for consultation with rheumatologist to see if there's alternative medicine for DH's athritis first. We'll stick with Dr Loh for now, cos' he didn't say that there's no hope. He mentioned that there's DNA frgments in DH's SA, for which he prescribed multivits to help improve the condition.

I'll proceed with next round of fresh cycle only when I see improvement in DH's SA result. Knowing that his SA plays an important role in the success of IVF, I'll not rush into it lor.

Actually DH & me are to be blamed for our failure also. We skipped the green antibiotics pills for our 2 rounds of fresh cycles, cos' the pills made us LS. Next round I'll take it & ensure that DH finish the tab lor. So hard lesson to be learnt.
mus follow the instructions for the antibiotic pills.. canot take on empty stomach.. n also take milk or multi vit immediately... thk they dun want too much iron. It's all written there lor...

My DH ever took once w/o brkft.. then he said he got tummy cramp... aft that.. he dun dare to take on empty stomach liao.

I thk u r doing the right thing.. fix the root of the problem 1st.. then things wil be a lot smoother aft that...
Hi Joyy,

It is up to you how u want to tahan the side effects of metformin. I felt low-mood and low energy and LS for about 2weeks, then gradually feel better. I started with 1 tab then up to 2tabs when I feel I am ready. On certain days when I don't feel like shit, I just eat 1 tab or none and gradually build up my 'resistance' towards the metformin.

Oh, the author of the book that Dr Yap recommend is Jennie Brand-Miller. Sorry for the late response.
Hi Bambi,

Don't give up hope ok? U are my idol leh, so upbeat and strong even though you met 4 setbacks so far. Must believe in Dr Loh and that he can help u and your HB.
Joyyy, Haze1ine, Bambi,

Yes, the gynae will clean the inside not only the outside, will use the opener kind like pap smear and use a very thin thong thing and cotton and some liquid to clean... My gynae checks my inside before she transfer the embbies leh..Maybe different hospital do it differently lor..but think of it .. haha total cleansing lor imagine if pregnant cannot clean inside liao for 9 months.
Hi Haze,

Oh, today is D10pt liao? That is very fast. Why don't you do a urine test on tues morning and save yourself from the suspense?

Now that your bloating suddenly subsided and due to the past bad experience we both had, your mind will play mind games with you for the next few days until your BT date right?

Maybe some moments you will feel that you are confirmed pregnant becos of some positive symptoms you are experiencing and then there are moments u feel like crying becos you are 100% sure you fail again this time? Can u stand the mental torture? Knowing earlier doesn't change the truth right?

But if really no courage to test, then some words of comfort. Based on what I analysed, both our severe OHSS bloating subsided around D6, which is the most crucial period as it is when implantation should be ongoing. OHSS usually starts around ER op and takes about 10-14days to subside, so what you are experiencing maybe just the OHSS running its course and u are recovering. You could be pregnant leh, don't lose heart ok?
Hi Sam,

Yah, both mine and Joyy's gynae got clean our vaginal with cotton and liquid leh. But whether got clean inside anot, not very sure. Will ask when I see my gynae.

Hi Joyy,

Today is D35 liao, and no AF in sight, super sianz. Thinking of eating medication to induce menses also. Will tahan another few days and see how.

So u are going ahead with FET this AF cycle? Or have to wait for next cycle due to work commitment?
Hazeline, RuRu
oh...can lessen the dosage of metformin if side effect's bad ah? ok, I'll monitor and see how it goes. Now LS subsided le...but nausea kicks in, n also low energy level. Wah, this medicine how come so 'potent' ah?!! haha, hazeline, u r probably right, the losing of weight must be due to LS and vomitting.

I did some online research, it's supposedly to be good for PCOS n may up chances of conceiving, so I guess I'll just continue to take. I'm taking 2 tabs a day now.

Thanks for the infor on the author.

I'm having my transfer end of this month. I dun have the patience to wait till next cycle, so will go ahead with the FET. This FET will probably use up all my embryo reserve le.

Yea, u wait a few days see if u feel crampy not. Take medication to induce also got to take 12 days n wait for 2 days, total 14 days (2 weeks), also very sianz...keke.
Hi Rinoa,
You going Tibet? My honeymoon was in Tibet...nice country but we suffered badly due to the mountain sickness - hope you don't get it and be able to take some nice pics - u be going to foot of mt everest??
all the best for your ET, jiayou jiayou all the way 8:) So excited for you also 8:)

will remember your advice for the antibiotics, thanks 8:)

no turning back for me. Giving up means I have to accept lonely & misery life without children, which I am not yet prepared for now. I often cite DH's aunt (married & without children) & my aunt (single) as example to DH. They both love us very much & cling on to us, but he doesn't appreciate their love & has no emotional attachment to them. I told him, I don't want to become like them in old age 8:p

good luck for yr et today! remember to rest well n don't overstrain yrself.

thks haze,

got yr pm.

don't worry abt the symptoms. this is a fresh cycle n you didn't kanna bad ohss as the last time so that's already something different. so cannot compare with the previous ivf. stay positive n happy thoughts ok?


don't be sad ok? you're already doing yr best to tackle the problem. good that you've got everything all planned out n hope things will improve with dr loh's help. jia you!


so envious. enjoy yr tibet trip!


welcome back. af likes to play hide n seek with us. when you want it to come, it won't, when you don't want it to come, it appears. *sigh* try n relax n don't focus on it. it'll be here soon.
today is only D8 for BCP. Still have D20 more to go... my bust is already super sensative and sore... and also full bust... i dunno when will it over...
Hi Bambi,

Yes, I also very afraid that when I am old and without child, I will also become clingy on my niece and nephew as scared nobody to take care of my "sheng1 hou4 shi4" for me if I don't have children of my own. I told my HB that we must build up alot of $ reserve if we decided to give up and don't adopt becos at least we can use the $ in the will to "force' my niece and nephew to be nice to us in our old age. Very sad and cynical to have such thought right? That is why I will strive on until I strike jackpot.

read in the ivf mummies thread that you've stock up on diapers. just note not to over stock on the new born sizes are babies grow very fast n they will not be able to fit nb size sooner than you think. just my previous experience.
Hi Ah-Kat,

Woah, you suffered from "gao1 shan1 zhen4" in tibet? Was it very bad? I heard that usually fit and young person tend to get it more as being fit, your body needs more oxygen to pump the heart whereas the older and less fit then to need less.
Hi ladies,

Just called my gynae to check whether need to induce menses and she told me that she is not in her clinic on the 4-8th March!!! That is very close to my FET date leh!!! Sigh... unless my menses come today or delay until end of the week, if not the FET date will be too close for comfort.
Hi strawbearbi and Yve

I am with Dr. Foong for my 4 IUI. Unfortunately, all are unsuccessful. Now, I am considering to go for IVF. Understood that there are subsidies if go for govt hospital. But, I am not sure how much would it be. Also, not sure which Dr. is good. However, after reading the thread I find that quite a no. are with KK Dr. Loh. But, if I choose the Dr. then I will not be entitled for the subsidies right?

Budget is also one of my concern if I continue to stay with Dr. foong. Not sure how much will it cost to go for IVF since I have not visit Dr. Foong after the unsuccessful IUI.

Yve, can you tell me roughly how much is Dr. Foong charging for the IVF?
for pp who get referral letter from Polyclinics, they enjoy subsidized rate at KKH Clinic D for consultations, blood test, SA test & check-up etc - cannot choose doctor. If you walk in & request to see specific doctor, then you pay private rate.

Once the Clinic D doctor refer the patient to KKIVF centre, she will be considered as private patient. In fact, all patients under KKIVF are charged at private rate.

All IVF fresh cycles under NUH, SGH & KKH are entitled to government grant of $3,000, in additional to medisave utilisation $6,000/$5,000/$4,000.

The difference for you is, under Dr Foong, you are not entitled to government grant of $3,000,
and there is difference in cost of Puregon injection.
Hi Bambi,

Does that mean tat if I go for Dr. Foong I can still use medisave to deduct for part of the IVF cost? Roughly how much do i need to fork out in cash in case of private Dr.?

U mentioned that all patient at KKIVF are charge at private rate. But, it should be lower than Dr. Foong right?


MIA for a while coz really busy with work. Did not manage to do IUI this cycle due to work. Sighz.. will be doing IUI next month if condition is good. the good news is my body respond well to clomid + metformin. had 3 good eggs and lining was good. hopefully next month can do IUI.

bambi, hang in there. have a good talk with your HB on changing lifestyle habits to strengthen his troops. my DH now takes cordyceps daily and once a week, my MIL will brew gao li sheng + red dates + longans for DH to take. get your DH to take more fish (esp cod fish), sea cucumber and fish maw. these foods are suppose to help troops too.

haze, good luck. since this time u did not encounter OHSS, maybe your body is more tuned to all the medicine and higher chance of success! hope to read your good news soon.

rurucat, instead of clinging on your niece or nephew, there is the option of adoption if finances permit. adoption will be my last resort i think.
