Advise on Baby & Maid Exps


i got a question. i'm the employer but the maid will be working at my mum house. but the agency tell me her work permit address will be my house address. I thought not allowed? No way to state the maid's address as my mum hse?


Hi kyxy,
the add should the place where maid will be station at, isnt that what the course said so?

Yeah got a call this afternoon, my maid ready to come in anytime, but I have yet to prepare her sleeping stuff. So can only bring her in on Fri. Do you all start her working on 1st day, or just orientation only?
tats wat i tot so too. all along i tot tis can be done. meaning i'm the employer but her work permit put as my mum address. but agent tell me if wan tis, mum got to be employer, i be sponsor. I'm lost already... erm how should i tell the agent ah?
Your agent is right. If you want the maid to work at your mom's place, then your mom has to be employer. Unfortunately, tats the ruling that MOM has stipulated. Just tell the agent that you wanna make changes cos the maid is for your mom's place. Should not be too much hassle to change bah.

my mum also 1st time employer, so she also got to do the online test? Sigh... so troublesome...
and also maybe after a few mths when my new house come, the maid will stay with me... so i'm in the neither here nor there sitution...
Yes.. if your mom is 1st time employer, she will need to take the online test. Boh pianz.. ruling by MOM cannot circumvent. If later on you decide to change the working address, then you gotta do the paperwork again. Yah... very troublesome in this case for you.
Kyxy: can understand your situation, neither here nor there. very sian right? all these rules they put in for what also donno. u ask your agent if now put under your mum's name then when your flat comes, just transfer back to your name will take how long and ask them for the procedure? then u call up MOM and ask them also see what they say. Or you tell MOM your situation and see if they allow case by case basis to put under your name?

i have finally selected a maid, 26 years old pinoy and have 3 kids. then hor, i show the photo to my colleauge and she tell me that the girl looks like her previous maid that ran away ! she no keep the bio anymore, and the name sounds familiar also. i check with the agent and they inform me that not possible that this maid came to spore before cos MOM has record. even if they change the name or passport, she say the thumb print cannot hide once they come to spore. but if really the same person then we will know be able to know by the thumb print ONLY when she arrives here right? by then it will be too late? anyone knows how to check? now i really worry and my colleague say may not be the same person cos most of the pinoy all look alike, but i still worry.

and again, this girl i got she is from that province with black magic.. is it i worry too much?? i am beginning to be paranoid and sensitive .... haiz.
Thanks! MOM rules really... Haiz...

Thanks for ur advice. Will try calling MOM to check.

Erm, u sure u wanna take the risk? And like u say, arrive liao isnt it too late. Wait u got to waste time searching for one all over again.

U wanna check out this website for the list of blacklisted maid?
samval, yeah my #4 also pinoy. aft this if anything else happens i am switching to Indo.

just checked with agent, probably can fetch maid earliest on sat or else is tue. *sigh* i need to go back to work on wed (working 1/wk till end dec to clear leave) so everything is just nice. no allowance.

3jems, yeah i know what you mean. kinda of sickening to see the pinoys with ang mo kids and act like as if they are the boss. sometimes i really pity the kids. then again all the neighbourhood maids (regardless nationalities) also equally bad, outside with kids can still talk and talk and talk on the hp. OMG, no need to watch kid is it?

samval, regarding the maid, thumbprint now cannot lie. when did your collegue send her maid back. *sigh* later she passed everything then end up really is the same maid.... .... you want to tell your agent? tell them to give you a backup or something.
anyway way to check if the maid is 1st time working here or wat based on pp number? Or rather, does their passport number helps in anyway?
hi cheryl, glad that you finally found a myammar maid. english not that bad as what we hearsay, right? they pick up language pretty fast. mine already understand a fair bit of cantonese and malay. she can mimic very accurately within 2 months. good and bad- we can't voice our family discussion and about her upfront lor. good, in the sense my mum able to converse with her.
hi cheryl, glad to hear TM Global is good in service. can give me the phone number and address too? i will consider this agency next time, as Janelle who served me has left united channel for their other new subsidiary..
to check working history here has to be wp no. as wp no issued to any foreign worker will be the same one thru out, even though they change passport.

My maid so far so good, rather hardworking, got to repeatly request her to rest. English not bad, we can chat. A gentle giant. Pick-up quite fast. Probably she has been here for 6 mths already. Hope I dont have to change this maid, rather please with her.
can share how the wp number can be the same if the maid change passport before? if come in with diff passport, then its diff name right? glad that you are happy with your current maid's performance !
hope she stays like that.
thanks hopefully..

btw, MOM has approved my application on Friday. Agent told me that it takes 1-2 weeks before the maid flies in. Why so long?? I ask her and she say cos now Phil is strict when their ppl leave the country to work overseas, so need to pay a bit of kopi money to speed up the process, then an escort (officer) will escort the maid to clear immigration etc. They say fastest is 1 week, and longest is 2 weeks. Is this true?

I need to plan my leave as my boss is asking me for my schedule (either one of us have to be around in office and cant go on leave at the same time), which i have informed him of the situation. He needs to plan his business trip and i dont have any dates yet on the maid arrival. Informed the agent about this, but they say they also dont have exact date from Phil side. How ??? I cant wait , but i just need the firm dates.
Need some advise here. My maid's cousin has been working in SG since June this yr. Till today she is left with 2 mths loan. However she is not happy working for tis employer as her employer dun give her dinner until 10pm... Etc.

Can she request for a chg of employer? Or she muz finish her loan first before she can request for chg of employer? Her agency is a relative of her employer. Therefore she is seeking help from my maid.
hi all, got my maid yesterday and she is a cleaning machine! she will really CLEAN the house, it is good but makes me look like a sloppy employer.

anyway, she is very keen to learn and i hope that it will be a permenant thing and not "true colours" once loan finish.

BUT HOR, after chatting to her yesterday, i kinda of worried cos she got a very complicated personal life and our main worries are 1) she will try to borrow money/advance salary (like #3 maid) and 2) have men problems here. i wouldn't say she is "looking for men" but her complicated personal life makes me rather fearful.

she is single parent and the father of her son is a married man who wants to take son away from her. so she works as maid to have some financial footing. she got bf in PH who lended her $$$ to come to SG, hoping that she will marry him BUT she knows he got other gfs. OMG!!!! she was in PH for less than 6mths and can managed to hook or get hooked.

anyway, told my HB and mother and only hope she will finish 2yrs peacefully. being maidless for 2wks and now face with this potential time-bomb maid, very disheartened. was on leave during the 2wks so can manage to hsework and kids but can't imagine if working + hsework + kids alone. *sigh* now only pray for the best.

samval, yeah they will not be able to tell you a confirmed date. my agent can somemore tell me 6wks last time cos of the paperwork here and there. no choice lor, unless you want to take transfer like me.

kate, no need to finish loan to transfer. when she transfer she will be burdern with about 1mth of loan. so either way, still have loan, just how much.
yup kate,
and she should get a new employer within 2 weeks, otherwise will be sent back, which i not sure the air tix back to here again to be borne by who (if she still with this agency?)

best you make it clear to her that u dont want any money problem from her, tell her - dont borrow money from people and dont lend anybody money. Remind her once again that she will be send back if she got pregnant.
Hopefully... So she can request chg of employer even though her loan not yet finish? If say I have a relative who wants her, can my relative go to her agency and request?
take a whole afternoon to look into this's not easy to find a proper maid...

Need your advice on maid selection:

1st: 38 years old, Phillipino, single mother with 2 kids (14 and 16 years old), she got 3 years hongkong experience, and 2 years taiwan experience. We are worried about her age, seems a little bit old,

2nd: 28 years old, phillipino, married with a 7 years old kid, she got 2 years quatar (middle east) experience.

I'm not sure which is more suitable, can anybody give me an advices?
Lyli, think the 28 year old is better n heard not to get those ex hk or tw. Think importantly u need to ask yourself what are the priorities you want your maid to do, whether kids or elderly or just housework. Any other bio that your agent able to provide?
samval, Thanks a lot...

My family is quite simple, our couple with 1 P3 girl, we need a help to take care of my girl, cooking and general house works...

I called both candidates yesterday night, the 28-year-old girl has 1 year quata experience, she mentioned that during her 1 year staying quatar, no meat can eat, everyday eat egg, and employer don't allow her to go outside except accompany kids playing outside, and those make she no happy...that's make me a little bit worry. I also don't want maid go out if no special things except her holiday...

The 38-year-old lady, her family quite simple, only 4 members (2 kids, herself and her mother, has strong willing to earn money for her kids and her mother. But she did not cook during her staying in Taiwan and Hongkong. And I also a little bit worried about her single...hehe, maybe I think too much.
dear all

my maid must be very fearful of being transferred again cos she will really work and work non-stop, until she will double do to look busy. told her i know how much work in the house and pls dun double work by open and close the washing machine door everytime to put in 1 pc of clothing. mon morn change kids bedsheets and stuff so use washing machine.

best of all, she told me that got cleaner tried to pick her up last sun cos she asked to call home from public phone. HB brought her down but left her there to call. i got a calling card, will let her use when she next request to call back. next she tell me that her parents expecting her to send $$$ back in dec cos her loan (if never transfer) should be finished in nov, i just "oh well, what to do since you never tell them what happen to you." wah, she better dun start asking me for loan or whatever.

seriously, i very prepared to maidless. even tot of telling work that i do min hrs to get govt childcare subsidy. these few days really bad mood cos sore throat and younger kid also sick + this time-bomb maid. HB also shake head. just see how long she can last with us.
she can ask for transfer, but she got to understand what kind of penalty will be impose on her (if any) for making the request. And how soon her present employer can release her. Best she inform her present employer 1st hand.
Guess the relative can go to the agency to request for her.
Hope everything turns out well.
May I know if a maid finished her 2 years contract, and try to looking for a new employer, does she need to any agent fee again for her new job?
can passby agent, provided she know the necessary doc to produce and process here and in her country. I remember some of them here employ direct without agent.
trying searching under 'transfer maid'
gracian: your maid really "hardworking" leh.. dont be so stressed ya? keep monitoring her.

btw, is there any way that we can complain to those bangla worker's company abt tmem since they like to "harass" n "pick up" maids? or is it no use?

as for my maid, i still dont have any firm date when she is coming.. is it possible to inform tje agent if i want her to come by end dec or jan? re we allowed to tell them that we dont want them to bring in the maid so fast?

still no news about ur maid?

i confirm my maid in early nov... hopes she can come in by end nov... been pushing agent...
kyxy: i confirm my maid in end oct. but till now no firm date when she can come in. told the agent i can wait , but i need the dates because i need to plan my leave also. but its the phil agent that side that cannot confirm the dates cos they say now phil takes longer lor. this morning i spoke to her again, and told her to bring in the maid during 1st week of dec.

you selected indo? fresh maid?

need some advise. i let my maid call home using my hp and end up her hb kept smsing me cos the number that she gave me to dial was his hp so he can see my number. i lied to him that she no longer with me so stop sms me and indeed, he nvr sms me anymore.
but i will still hv to let her call back to her mum (she dun wan to talk to her hb thats y i dare to lie to him that she is nt with me anymore), so hw to let her call back? cos it seems like those numbers that she gives me are all hp# (!@$$%@ all so rich take hp in indo).
i dun want to change my long-time-use hp# just of this....and i knw that using those calling IDD card, will oso reflect my hp#. and blocking my hp# will need to pay mthly subscription which i oso dun wan cos it is not necessary for my personal use. how??
Hi gummi,
I thought those idd calling card have their own number? so your own personal hp no wont be affect?
I also intend to let my maid call back home end this month, any advice on calling back to myanmar? eg idd card or prepaid card better?

useless to complain abt the blangahs, its really up to the maid to ignore them.
hi hopefully,

my coll tried the idd calling card n it showed her number...what is prepaid card? is it the Hi card? bt i tink there is an expiry for the $ inside if nt used till certain timeline? n per min call is more ex compare to just a normal direct call, nt using idd calling card lor....

btw, myanmar's telephone connection is v lousy. difficult to get connected at times. n last time my myanmar maid dun hv a phone at her hse. she had to call to a provision shop n the person will then go n get her mum to the phone. so the per min will just run run run....nt too sure abt urs, just let u knw abt my exp.

any mummies any own way of letting maids call home?
gummi bear, you can get a prepaid card, hi card or M1 also have i think. the other way is to tell maid to inform her family only to sms or call your Hp when urgent. my agent told me never never let maid know the hse no, or the family will call non-stop.

speaking of calling, my very clever maid called agent to ask if i have collected her WP cos she wants to buy prepaid sim card. one hand can tell me her family needs money, on the other hand want to spend her money on prepaid card and new Hp. agent only told me when i collected the WP, better still she is making calls while alone at home. i tried calling back and the line was engaged. the fella also never tell me she use the house line. wondering if i should confront her.

really feel very cheated cos maid told agent she had bit of running nose before coming to work for me and i told her to take some anti-flu meds cos want her to get well and not pass to kids. after taking for nearly 1wk, still sniffing away and now she say her nose bit allergic to dust so she will cover with hankie (tie like some robber) when sweeping the floor.

i told her that she better be honest with me if she got other medical conditions cos we will send her back when discovered, dun think we will let her see dr and get well. also if she feel unwell over her so-called "allergy" she can foot medical bills on her own.

damn sian!
Gummi Bear,
For me, I will get those prepaid calling card for the maid. You can get it from any of those phone shops. Got many different kinds and all types of value. I usually get those with stored value of about $15. My helper will use my house phone to call back home using this prepaid card. Your home phone no need IDD function to use this prepaid card. The helper will dial out using a special number to connect her to some type of switchboard. Refer to back of calling card for usage details.

P/s: I will never ever let any of my helpers use my personal mobile phone as I feel that is an invasion of my privacy.
anyone sent their fdw for health screen before confirming employment? if so, any recc where i can send mine to? we would really like to make sure she's healthy before we confirm her and the agency has agreed to that.
the card that u mention is those IDD calling cards which ur house phone number will be reflected on that whoever person's handphone. i dun want that whoever peron to see my number...and i find using house phone is worse than using my handphone cos house phone ring will wake up everybody and for my case, hv to run to the living room to pick up. whereas my handphone is always under my pillow. there was once her hb called at 4am lor...imagine if he called the house angry...i think the only way is to get a Hi-card by which is an individual phone line, so just pay when use and off it when not in use, so like this wont kena disturbed by these nonsense. bt setback is, per min call is much much ex than using the IDD card or even direct call from hp lor...but i tink will still be cheaper than paying mthly subscription to privatise my hp# long as i control her callg time...this is the oni method i can think off...

wa...damn sian lor...i can understand. as if problems given nt enough, still give me allergy at least she uses her hanki to cover her nose...must make sure she change and wash her hanki everyday hor...

any GP can do the health screen.
hi all! i need to vent!!!

on sat, i took my kids out in the morn(8-12), HB work and so i told her to clean bicycle(actually tricycle but only cycle at home) plus some other stuff(clean floor skirting and switches). sun evening i found the tricycle basket still very dusty so i asked her. was rather angry cos 4hrs and only 3 tasks and still not done. she went to the storerm, i have another bicycle there, and started cleaning the handle and horn. i was damn pissed and asked her if the bicycle got basket, she replied i asked her to clean. i kept asking her if there is a basket, yes or no. then i said either you are seeing things or i am blind. then i showed her the tricycle. when i showed her what to do on fri nite and sat morn, i never went into the storerm and she knows very well i have 2 bi/tricycles.

never mind, i called home while in church and found the hse line engaged. then i just on and off miss-call home. never confront her abt this.

yesterday, i asked her if she ever went out of the hse or use the hse phone without my knowledge. if yes, tell me now or i will angry if kena found out. she flatly denied then said got ppl keep ringing the hse line on sun but she forgot to tell me. i kept asking her tell me honest, but she claimed never do anything behind our backs.

i scolded her for not emptying my son's bag properly cos the mattress cover was still in the bag and she should be alerted cos she knows what to pack for them and what to wash every nite.

she was looking at the employment agencies ads like want to go back to agency. so i asked her if she is planning to leave. i was already very angry with her not being honest with me, missing out items from kids' bags, standing at the window and looking out like some love-sick puppy, not being able to plan the cooking timing (esp spinach soup, want to boil at 4pm, already told her 4.50pm since kids' dinner at 5.30pm) despite of repeated reminders (worse if i cook and she will faster want to cook rice and spinach, start cooking at 4pm so when finish frying at 4.20pm still got time to mop kitchen floor before kids back).

SO.... she started packing her stuff at 7.15pm and claimed that she wants go back to agency. i told her kids at home, not now and only tomolo morn, she can somemore tell me only closed at 8pm. called agency, they say settle tomolo cos they are closing. dun care her, she must have regretted cos she went to wash kids' stuff before we could stop her. i kept all the keys cos worried she will run away.

this morn again tell me go agency now, i sent kids to childcare and was mopping floor. i told her not opened but if she wants we can take a cab now, agency open i pay cab fare agency not opened she pay. then she say want to continue work cos dun want to transfer cos of the additional transfer fee. then say easy for me cos got unlimited replacement. i told her i am seriously thinking of not hiring and i will lose S$750+ and levey until she finds a new employer. she confessed to calling agent when i asked her again, she claimed she was too frightened to tell me yesterday.

WTH, i told her before finding out abt calling agent to be honest with me and even asked her if she got any requests or questions. talked to her nicely, she only told me want to write home.

never mind! she then tell me dun want go agency want go embassy. i said no, you go back agency. she ya-ya tell me she will find her own way to embassy to complain abt being transferred. said that back in PH recuritment centre, never know abt the transfer charges
plus employers can't talk rudely to maids etc. lucky i kept all the keys with me and was really shocked to hear her say go embassy.

i told her she will be left alone at home or with my kids. if i can't even trust her abt the phone calls, how to trust her to be alone. i told her dun just think of yourself, put yourself in my shoes, how i go work knowing that you may do something funny. she just keep quiet.

then she went on abt the WP card cos want buy sim and Hp cos she lonely. i told her day 1 already told you ok to have sim, since you dun have $$$ then wait for your allowance in dec. we have even prepared an old Hp for her to use.

i told her she better changed her habit of looking out of windows/gates like love sick puppy. no employer will like, i sometimes see also angry. day 1 also told her my hse very free, she can take newspaper or mag or kids' books to read. she preferred to look love-sick.

at the agency, she told agent(PH controller, at HQ) something abt transfer, running nose and god-knows what. all in tanalog. i told agent maid lied to 1st employer abt back/leg pain to be transferred out, she being sniffing for 3wks she with me(started before at boarding hse) and maid claim her nose allergy to dust, not honest, she brought a pinoy sim card but her 1st employer took it away. all these are things she told me. i told agent i was rude talking to her over the basket issue, actually since she told me abt the cleaners and lies(1st employer), i avoided talking to her unless necessary cos i know i will not be able to control my temper. only complained to my mum.

ANYWAY, pls pls pls dun hire her. her name is Jessn(something) Menoz(something), DOB: 25th nov, this yr 28. she in NATION now, dun get her cos i really dun think she is a honest person, plus all her nose allergy and love-sick habits. i was very worried that she will accuse my HB of things, cos i sometimes work nite shifts.

thanks all!
Hi, i wonder if anyone here can advise me on something. I'm thinking of hiring my ex Indonesian maid back after some dramatic incident with the replacement maid. I went back to the previous maid agency and was told that to get her back, she will have to get a loan again. But my ex maid doesn't want to take loan (I'm told the loan is a processing fee - which will help her get her passport and all related paperwork for her to come here and work). The alternative is that we will have to pay for all the fees. But is there another way out of this? Does anyone have a similar experience and what is the solution you took? Appreciate anyone who can help, thanks!

Need some advice here. My maid just joined me on
17 Nov 2010. So far her performance is still acceptable. Whatever we told her to do, she can remember and do them accordingly.

She is ex Sin from 2005 to 2007 with an Indian family at AMK. Her employment history is "clean". Clean as in she completed her contract successfuly with her ex employer. Before she work in Singapore back in 2005, she worked in Malaysia with Malay family.

But I found out something yesterday. She has been secretly communicating with the maid below my unit by using a long thread to pass messages written on paper.

Will she be a good and reliable maid? Why does she has to excel such act? What is her motive? Can I continue to use her?

Can anyone advise?
babycutie, i guess she may be lonely and wanted to make frens. i think you better monitor her. seriously think all the maids now the same.... a bit low quality.

some of you may think that i very mean to say this BUT the #5(pls read my msgs, threatened to go embassy) was seen holding paper in her palm abt 1 wk before i sent her off. she was writting and when she saw me, she will keep the paper and pen. i never questioned her and now suspected that she may be dropping notes from the windows. for who? i dun know. another maid or cleaner. frankly speaking i dun care now.

maidless again and working. lucky still clearing leave till dec 2010, parents helping out. so we as a family are struggling along. both HB and me find boys more well behaved without maid and we enjoying the privacy now.

i think ur maid just want to make frens and gossips abt employers long her working attitude not affected, then i think shldn't be a big problem. just continue to monitor her.

Gracian / Gummi Bear,

Thanks. I will monitor her work. Hopefully she won't give me much problem.

Since July 2010 till now, I have changed 3 maids already. My current is the 4th maid....

And at the moment, we do not have any problem with her. And she also communicate well with my mum...
