Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

celtricia, oic, then shud be okie wiz burmese maid la, she wl know that u hv burmese friends, she dun dare to play play la. Keep all inf la how yr burmese maid turns out to be.

i understand i also very sian looking for n chging maids, it is lk buying 4D. i tot of sending my daughter to student care n doing without a maid but when i tink of doing d hsework, gardening & etc, i pengsan liao.

Kanna sai, got pros n cons lah.. she may also take advantage of situation tat since i noe them i shld b able to give in more too.. so not too sure hw it will turn out.. ya.. will definitely keep u ppl inform..

sign.. maids r problematics..
maids maids maids...all the problems....

does yr maid says she doesnt wanna eat??? Mine does not want to eat on Sun Dinner, yday doesnt want to eat lunch..... and she can tell so many version of me and to the me said very full, to agent said nobody @ home, dare not eat.....

Now my mum calls me that she is crying..... sianz man.... hate it everytime my HP rings....
your maid miss home huh? Maybe talk to her?
For me, i cannot stand nonsense, if they start giving crying or sick patterns, i will sure send her home or back to agent.
yes mummy tang, my maid did!
there was a night, just 2 weeks after she join me, suddenly don want to take dinner. then i question her, ( i was quite stern then). She cried, then keep saying she not hungry. i told her, ok fine, wun force u to eat. but u are not allow to eat any bread or cook anything for tat nite. and if next time u are not eating, even better for me, but pls let me know earlier. i hate to throw away food. next day.. wrote my hubby a letter.... admit that she steal food to eat. warn her and gave her chance. so far don have such nonsense till nw
hi ivy....

this maid is a xfer maid...and my 4th, the 3rd was the one tat with me for 6days and washes her pad.... ..ok.....according to agt(maid also 1kind give fake biodata)

this 4th maid, in SG 2mths working at a 3 storey landed and employer was retrenched, we interview her, found her clean fingers, ask her abt her family said parents are odd-job labourers, still has a 12yr old sister at home and wanna come SG to work cos want to have a better future...ok, we take her....(since my mum saw her inperson and quite like her look)

brought her back on 22nd and i found out..
1) her parents was divorced
2) both had passed away in 2007(dad),2008 (mum) with both dun grow what thing on body and die... asked if dad smoked, said yes and if it was TB, said dunno....
3) the previous employer's mum aka AH MA dun like her
4) AH MA tell her cannot eat so much rice and cannot bath so many times ...cos we were so surprised she ate only 2-3 spoonfuls of rice...
5) best, when we "collect" her, she has this "ironing" scare on her right arm....
6) she sleep earliest 11pm and wakes up @ 5am, whereas my hse 10pm and 6am
and during the last week...
1) day 1 and day 2 we gave her very simple duties
2) we discover she is always breathless kind.....
3) dunno how to mop floor (like "shao yang" umm gently touch the floor)
4) no sense of safety still, nver close the window grill which is VERY VERY dangerous.... and just mention "forget"... my mum said reminded her umpteen times and remind her again , she can yet smile at me.... I gave her a hard stare and then scold her .... guess what, she then keep mumbling to herself, I called the agt for help.... she told agt Madam scold her very fierce...many times... gosh, this is only the 1st time i scold her....
5) since Thurs, I caughter her with oily and dirty utensils and cultery not washed properly, I just ask her to wah again...
6) she also dunno how to do hand washing....yet still tell us she hand wash clothes at ex employer's hse.
7) Sun noon ask me if PorPOr is going out... like very happy tat PorPor is going out....
8) we portion out her dinner before going out on SUn and when we came back at 7+ , dinner not eaten..... 9+ I ask her , said was full , will keep the veg for tomorrow... so fine with me
9) Mon noon time dun wanna eat again, I ask my mum to call the agt for help.... maid told agt Sun nite, there's nobody ard dare not eat, but my sister is at home in the room... maid also told that she dunno what to cook for our meals...which this is 200% not true... all my maids dun cook, they only help prepare...and after the meal is cook, maid is the 1st one to get food cos we portion out their share... so I told agt is not true, infact maids at my hse is like king cos they get their portion 1st...
10) despite waking up at 6am, these 3 days, she do things very very slow cos at 8am, floors are not yet mopped which normally can mopped by 715 latest. I saw her daydream at the sink...

11) Just now, cried.... I ask my mum to bring her down to agt..... mum said maid told agt Por Por very fierce, dun want to work for them.... but dunno what they tell maid, maid saoi ok want to work for us....
Back to abt this agt..... Mum said when she went to the agency, there's another auntie that brought her maid down for counselling..... and tat time when we went to collect this 4th maid , there's also another auntie that send the maid down for counselling..... so we are really doubting the maid quality...... or are we really so SUay?!

Now the maid is at the agt, she wants to go back with my mum, but I told my mumto leave maid at the office and I will pick her up later.... see these maid really really make ppl bo eng for nothing.....
Celtricia, i dun tink the maid wl tk advantage la, 1st, hv yr burmese friends warn her tat if she tries to be funny, she wl be sent home but mk sure that she doesn't buddy buddy wiz yr friends n mk use of yr friends as somewhere to complain to lor. U r rite, maids r problematics, close one eye, sometimes close two eyes also can not tahan haiz.

mummy tang - my maid hor nvr miss any meals fm day one hor, we r d ones that always dun eat hor, and the times we dun eat, she can eat up the whole pot of rice (upto 3 cups of rice).
Frankly speaking, hv u all eat upto 3 cups of rice yrself before? Sometimes, i tink she eats like the 7th month ghost lor ha ha ha, since she always c ghosts ha ha ha.

mama G, at least yr maid wrote yr hb to admit that she steal food to eat, my ex-filipino maid always steal my kids titbits, health drinks, vitamins n snacks to eat, tink we dun no. We just keep quiet only.

mummy tang ... huh, yr maid cry, at least she cries, my burmese maid no expression one, only pretend to cry to the new employer n lied to them that my son beat n bite her.

Real sick of burmese maid ...
mummy tang, yr maid also very yucks lor, lk to lie/complain to agent, juz lk my burmese maid lor, and agt believed her.

One moment she wants to work for u, next moment, she does not, another moment wants to work for u, same same lk my maid lor. So, in the end (now), i gv up liao lor.

Best is if a maid dun want to work for u n ask for transfer, let them go la, if we continue to tk them, they very 'u bin' n climb on top of our head, juz lk my burmese maid, she tinks too highly of herself lor.

i nvr scold her before hor, i got to kow tow to her, can u please here, can u please there, thank q here, thank q there, lkg back ... she lks like the employer n i lk like d maid coz i got to cook lunch everyday (wk up early in the morn to prepare b4 i go to work for my daughter n the maid) and lunch/dinner on weekends.

The burmese maid hor, bo paiseh one hor, everyday, the employer wks up early in the morn to cook for her to eat hor, weekends cook for her to eat hor n she eats more than anyone of us hor, eat as much as 3 cups of rice hor wiz lots of dishes/soup hor ... i nvr portion out d food hor, she portioned out the food hor, so she portion big portion for herself hor.

Last weekend, i boiled black chicken wiz american ginseng soup, she gv us full bowls of chicken bones n her portion, one big bowl of gingseng soup!

haiz ...... sick of her .... her owhhhhhhhhhhh ... she eats lk the 7th mth hungry ghost ... no wander she always sees ghost ....
mummy_tang, urs is indo or phil ah? haiz.. c such problems occurring yet again n again.. damn sian.. i totally understand..

Kanna sai.. ya.. i muz set rules straight to hb n let hb get the msg across to his colliq lor..

agents r another problem too.. they r blood suckers..
Celtricia, yes, agree wiz u, agents r blood suckers ... fyi, burmese maid hor, juz to let u know, not much (no) training in myanmar hor coz agents in myanmar dun hv proper training centre hor, so dun expect much fm yr burmese maids hor.

U must b prepared for the initial period lor ... train until vomit blood, still must 'can u pls, tq here, tq there hor, must kow tow to them hor, if not their pride very strong hor ...
Celtricia, mine is indo...... agts are definitely blood suckers, my tat #3 maid to #4 maid, cost me $500+, my mum damn heart pain for me; but no choice mah... this time my mum said if cannot then she rather engage cleaning company to come twice or thrice weekly.... otherwise the blood vessel will burst....

She also question the agt just now how come they give such un true biodatas, agt push the blame to the agt at the Indonesians side.....said the school nvr write properly....
Kanna sai.. ya i noe.. mine won't even haf training coz its consider direct hire.. its hb's colliq's fren's daughter.. so u imagine lor.. i can't vomit blood lah.. pregnant leh.. not v gd for me.. guess its more of my mum bah.. n i tink i shld take a few weeks leave to train her.. haha..

mummy_tang, ya.. stupid agts.. aws push blame to everyone except themselves.. even for my run away maid hb qns agent hw come din inform us tat she ran away 1st time.. she say she duno will check wif her maid supplier.. u c lah.. up till nw also din give answer for it.. n still ask me if i interviewed the maids she gave me.. only wan to earn money.. noting else.. give up menz..
Celtricia, congrats leh, must tk it easy on yr new burmese maid, let yr mum handle her ba, dun tk few wks leave to train her la, aftw get high blood pressure ... lv it to yr mum la.

oic, sort of know one, shud be fine la, at least, she wl not do those funny stuff lk my maid lor ... owhhhhhhhhh n sees ghost. Safe la n i tink shud work out fine lor.
Kanna sai... thanks.. if dun take leave.. tink hp also will keep ringing n if not after wrk sure kena nag n nag.. same ting.. duno if mum can handle to train n look after my 2kids at the same time.. so it i tink take some leave also beta.. we'll c hw tings goes n when can she get here.. coz i heard to haf their passport valid also a lot of trouble..
dun be too put off by burmese maid lah. there are good and hardworking ones. I think what kannasai experienced will happen to all nationalities, just a matter of luck.

Er, i will say pls and thank you to my maid(both the burmese and indo ones). Guess i wan to instill some form of human to human respect in my son as well? I dun wan him to grow up thinking we can order the maid around just becos we paid her.
Ivy, yes i noe.. there r aws a few black sheeps among the nationalities.. though i only hired 2 maids so far.. the phil one was the worst i've encountered.. sigh.. tink i dun haf the energy to go in search for maids anymore.. juz leave it to hb.. heh

as for the pls n thank you.. yes i understand.. tat's wat i do also.. unless it doesn't wrk n there's no improvement.. haha..
at least your maid got initiatives, so can still continue using her if you dunt bother about her black face..however, she black face how long/many days?cos my previous maid can black face for a few days and very pissed off by her look.

i understand your situation.. cos preggie the hormones changes liao, hence will get irritated may have to ask your hubby to deal/handle her. but i scared tat will your maid later only consider your hubby as the employer and not both of you?
tis situation happens to me. i was preggie when i got the previous maid. so most of the time, i got my hubby to tok/handle her. then after when i gave birth and ask her to do things, she give me one black face loh. and pretty long.. hence i very buay tahan her black face.

so far its me who dunt want to eat after the maid cooked as the food she cooked is not nice.. one thing good about my maid is she ate very little too as she scared gain wt. i prefer to bring her back to agency since she dunt wana work for us.. cos the maid will think tat we cant function without them hence we will beg her to continue staying working for us. then she may become ya ya papaya..

i aso said thanks and please to my maid. and taught my ger to do tat too. however, after an month, my maid aso give black face despite all these.. tats partly the reason i was pissed off with her.. but the main thing is she threaten me and scared me by writing those scary sentences loh..
i certainly agree that in all nationalities, there r a few black sheeps. My 1st filipino maid that worked for a few yrs for me was fantastic. After 3 contracts, she went back home, so i took another filipino, she stole monies fm us, stole my hb clothes to sell, got boyfriends n etc but none of them r weird lk my burmese maid lor.

i always say pls n tq to my maids too but for burmese one, if u dun, they wl pretend not to hear n show black face.

According to my agent, she handles so many burmese maids, none of her burmese maids finished their contracts, the best one was 1.5 yrs.

Celtricia, Burmese passports tk 3 mths to be processed, so that is why most choose those that wiz passport ready lor.
jennylow, my maid can not continue to use la, everyday sees ghost at my hse. she got an unsmiling face n black face everyday.

in my maid's vocabulary, there is no such words as good morning, good night, thank you, can u pls, can i eat hor ... despite us using all these to her hor.

Ya, i think u ladies should just send the maid back to agent. nothing to consider if they give so much problems. unless they hv a good point for u to keep her tat is part of your priority for hving a maid.

otherwise u just hv to keep on trying. but of cos dun change maid like changing clothes lah...

i even kena a maid that said my 5 rm flat is too small for her. she wants to work in a bigger house. amazing right? all sorts of nonsense and excuse for not working with us. they are choosing employer and taking advantage becos MOM been brainwashing them to be wary of employer that misused or ill treat them.
maids data are all faked! nvr believe what u see, u need to personally interview them and corner them if they can answer your question. all maids said can handle newborn or bb. but how true we duno, so we need to ask more detail question like how many hours bb drink milk, how u bath bb. as for cooking, yes, all said can cook, steam fish, fried veg etc. try asking them what ingredients they used for steam fish and for how long.

my previous maid who has 10yrs experienced in singapore in indian family, during interview said ALL can cook, good cook somemore. when i ask her to steamfish, she said her previous employer vegetarian, nvr steam fish and she took 30mins to steam a fish for my kids to eat. took 4 hours to cook a dark soya sauce chicken, almost fainted. fry veg with dark sauce!!! i dun think indian's food cook like that lor. 10yrs, i duno what she learn and she can't speak proper english. really bad for kids.
sorry.. forgot about this issue - seeing ghost.. in tat case, better dunt wan her. sounds scary and irritating to me.

the maid i just send off on last thursday, i aso found out from my MIL tat she had told my MIL tat she got a ger and tat she aso uses my FIL's hp to call her sis who had reached SG in may . wana get help from her to repay the loan.claimed tat she missed her ger. however, the biodata show she was single and no child. so i called up the maid agency.. the stupid answer was - oh really? i did not noe. where on earth the maid got an ger? wah pian, if i would noe, i would not get her liao. anyway, biodata really cant be trusted at all.
jennylow, ya.. will ask hb to handle certain tings.. but i tink when it comes to hsewrk.. i will still b the one commanding.. haha.. coz hb a bit bochap type..

Kanna sai, wah.. take so long ah.. sigh.. juz haf to c hw tings goes bah..
jennylow/celtricia, yday, my burmese maid told my daughter scary dreams again. Sian, still a mth to go to stay with her. Agt really kannasai. But at least, my maid is hardworking n keep my hse clean/tidy.

Celtricia, got good burmese maid also, my neighbour a few doors down the road, burmese maid very good wiz kids n nice (so far more than 6 mths liao - no probs). Very tall, fair & pretty also - sometimes, i tink she lks like the employer than the maid.

jennylow, huh, yr maid also problem, u send her back liao? u got another maid de?
btw, what scary sentences she wrote?
Kanna sai.. tink ur maid really got prob leh.. hw come keep telling scary stories one.. beta get rid of her fast.. 1 bad pt is gd enuff to send her away.. though she's hardwrking.. y can't they juz haf less bad pts? aiyoz..

ur neighbour so heng ah.. or issit got prob she din say only? ya i agree. some of tis burmese quite pretty looking..
jennylim, u r absolutely rite, all biodatas are faked, they said they like kids but when come, they dun like kids, juz like my burmese maid.

Agents also played a big part in masking n doing cosmetics to the biodatas.

I agree wiz u maids nowadays r tkg advantage n choosing the employer when they r already in our country.

Siao, ah, 5 rm flats too small for her to work? oic, mb, her hse back home big castle/villa ma with the forest at the backyard as garden, so not used to it lor, nonsense excuse.
Celtricia, ya, i told agent but agent said why tk it so serious, i shud tk it wiz a pinch of salt n shud hv more faith in God. Sian, mb she also scared to hv d siao ting tong stay in her hse, haiz.

Ya, my neigbour heng n it was she who recommended me to tk burmese maid lor, she said initially was juz some communication probs. i c this burmese maid n speak to her often n can c tat she really love d employer kids n good wiz them lor. one thing abt burmese maids which i observed, they lk to dress up nicely lor, u noe what i mean. my neighbour seldom dress up wan n a bit auntie auntie n her burmese maid (look very chinese & very pretty) n always dress up nicely n so when they go out together, the maid look like d pretty employer, my neighbour look like d ah ma lor ha ha ha.

Well 7 - 8 mths only, c whether she chgs lor but u shud be safe la coz yrs hb colliq friend's daughter, shud b okie la.
Kanna sai.. wah.. like dressing up ah.. cham lor.. i lazy to dress up type leh.. den i beta buck up if tis burmese also like dressing up.. sigh.. but looking at it, ur neighbour really heng lor to get tis gd one except for the vain part..
kanna sai,

i think your maid can't wait to get out of your house that's why keep telling your daughter abt her ghost dreams. quite irritating leh. she will go crazy or not?
jennylim, i tink so too lor, she wan to get out fm my hse soon lor, but agent dun understand, i m so fed up wiz her but got to renz lor n can not always ask agt to tot to her always, aftw she go more siao ting tong.

Agent kept asking me to tk it wiz a pinch of salt n ignore her. Dun u tink it is scaredy for me coz my hb pilot always fly here fly there, so i alone wiz 2 kids wiz d maid most of d time. Sian ... Heng, our rms upstairs, can not hear her shouts or whatever when she c ghosts ...

Celtricia, ya, c how yr maid dress up lor, if she dress up, u dress up too la. According to agent, it is their culture to dress lk tat lor, dress politely lor to show respect wor but in their vocab, how come got no tq, sorry, pls leh haiz. So far, my neighbour heng ah ... but one day, i saw her burmese maid brought her 8 yr old daughter for cca ... she walked in front n d kid walked at d back carrying her own heavy school bag, d maid also nvr even turned back to lk at her lor.
ya, i sent her back on last thursday as she threaten to go back to agency since i refused to eat the lunch which she had cooked. anyway, i already planned to change her but only waiting for the new maid to arrive.. since she had opened her mouth to ask for transfer, then go ahead. right now, i ask my mum to look after my bb temp till the new maid comes in mid aug.

she understand mandarin.during my confinement, i complaint to my auntie and some frds tat she dunt really noe how to look after my bb. had taught her but then still make mistakes and always talk back to me or teaching me wat to do,etc.. then she overheard my complaints. so she wrote on a piece of paper a few times - "i HATE the person who talked about me to another person.." so scary. then even said tat she will revenge on the person who talk behind her back. quite scary and i was afraid tat she will harm my bb hence decided to change her. so we had already chosen another maid.
jennylow, she siao, employer dun wan to eat d food she cook, also she lk tat.

yr maid veri veri scary, she can write lk tat, must b ting tong case also. gd thing u saw d paper n sent her back to agt liao. She indo or filipino?

Gd ting u got mum to help to lk aft yr bb till yr new maid come. Hope it is our turns to b lucky in our new maids. yr new maid, wat nationality?

i hear liao, so scaredy, mb my ting tong burmese maid also got write but we no read burmese ma, so dun no lor.
Gals, remember I sent my maid back to the agent recently? She got transferred to another employer who lives quite near my grandpa (around Serangoon North Ave 1), and she has been calling and coming over to my grandpa's place to poison my grandpa's maid's mind. She'll tell her things like how come she works for a family with little freedom in the day (my ex-maid is now working for a family who's out most of the time so she can roam the streets and do what she wants to do in the day whilst my grandpa's maid stays at home to look after my grandpa), and her pay so low (my ex-maid demanded a pay rise when she transferred). She even told my grandpa's maid to transfer, sure to get a family with more freedom and money.

I think my ex-maid is upset with me sending her back to the agent (cos she has to pay a few mths of her pay in transfer fees) and wants to take revenge by wracking havoc at my grandpa's place cos I'm v close to my grandpa. I just cannot think of any way to stop her. Looks like her employer is not aware of what she does.
hi kaimom, u can call ur agent and tell them abt this and ask them to do something abt it.. or if u noe where her employer is, just go up to their hse and tell them.

celtricia, i tink most myamar likes to dress up. my current one oso.. faint.. everytime she pass a mirror she will pose pose infront of the mirror... Everytime! dan my mum told me.. she even 'pose' infront of the tv to see her reflection... i really faint.

jenny, ur maid is so scary... the hate and revenge part... heng u send her back aldy.. can share her details at the singaporemaid.blogspot?
ya kaimon, i agree wiz may, u can call d agent n tell them n most important, tell d employer.

may, yr maid oso lk tat, wa liao, all burmese lk tat lor haiz, my maid even touch her face, touch her hair everi time she pose infront of d mirror. Is yr maid pretty?

yeah, jennylow share her dtls there la, she sounds more scari than my siao ting tong leh.
hi may, yes yes same same ha ha ha, LOL, how vain they r, lk tat, some more she can tell my daughter last time she veri pretti, now got a lot of pimples, veri ugly ... haiz.

mama g, no it is not allowed, it is an offence. U can find out more fm d mom website.
this is not the first time, infact 3rd time. for the 1st and 2nd time i chose not to eat, she aso told my hubby tat she wana go back agency since i dunt eat the food she cooked. then my hubby tok to her after that she is okie. so this time round, my hubby dunt bother to tok to her liao since she always threaten us. anyway, she cooked the same old dishes every day. you buy wat type of vege, she will cook the same method - fry with garlic. my hubby taught her diffent method for vege but she always cook the same during this period. hence i was sick of the food and dunt feel like eating it.

ya, tats the main reason why i decide to transfer her. but the replacement maid was delay due to medical checkup and the stupid agency never called us to inform us. till i call them up and told me to go down choose another replacement maid. hence i need to make full use of her to continue working for us till my new maid comes. but since she requested for transfer, i just agree with it though my new maid have not come yet.
better than facing her and worry about my bb when i need to step out of the house to send/fetch my ger to cc.

my new maid is from fillipino as the agency said can only choose back the same nationality. hope this maid will turns out nice and good as she is fresh with no experience.

at times i think i rather i dun understand wat she write so tat i need not be so afraid of.

for me, i think i will go inform the agency and tok to the employer if i noe them.cos the maid is very bad leh.. goes ard poison the new maid ..

i have spoken to the agency but they said can only send her back to agency and not home. this maid is generally ok still and will do her work. but the main thing is she cant put down her ego and very stubborn. initially she will say sorry to you when make mistakes. but the moment you are fierce to her, she will not said sorry as she felt she did nothing wrong. she prefer to have freedom in wat she does and expects you to listen to you. when she 1st came to my home, she works very hard and polite as we are working and not at home from morning till evening so she got freedom. my ger is in the cc full day andwe only be at home in the evening. we even bring her out during the weekends as we often meet up with my relatives and go out. in fact,she aso got nothing to do when go out as my ger often play with my relatives and cousins. she only need to carry a bag (my ger's pampers, etc) things started only when i was on maternity leave and confinement as i cant go out. i guess she cant accept it when i criticise her or complaint to other ppl.hence she write tat. however, she is still nice to my ger.just tat i dunt trust her in looking after my bb son.

thye not suppose to work part time. its illegal.
hi jennylow

huh, 3rd time liao, she veri bad, bossy n real siao ting tong leh, she tinks she is mil or wong ah ma, ar, pls la wait long long la - how old is she, sgl or married? My guess is she is older age n married, is tat correct?

How come lk tat, if employer dun wan to eat d food she cook, isn't it bttr, she can eat more, real cuckcoo. How long has she bn wiz u?

aiyoyo, she more scari than my siao ting tong leh, haiz, why we so suay get these kind of siao ting tong. Hope our new maids r good leh, come on, our turn la pls.

yr agent bluff u la, can be of diff nationality la, mine prev one filipino n then replacement burmese n new maid coming in sept filipino. When i tk burmese, i nn to top up $ 300.00 - suay wasted d $$ to get one unappreciative siao ghost ting tong.

how long she bn wiz u? u also very cham lk me kanna one ting tong.

in general, d quality of maids nowadays r real bad, back a few yrs ago when i started wiz my 1st filipino maid, quality were bttr, my maid then was veri good. Aiyo, wat is happening to d maid qualities now, haiz, sian
hi alamak,
she was with me from 24th april till the day i sent her back on 24th july. she is very smart, i would say. cos she told my hubby on 23rd that she wana us to send her back to agency on th as it is her pay day. however,my hubby refused to agree to it and did not tell her anything. till the next day (24th), my hubby juz asked her to pack her stuffs to go back to agency. she was very angry with us for doing tat.

she is very bossy. she can even teach me how to have more breastmilk as was taught by her grandfather. sure very good, etc. when i refused to listen, she will show her black face. she is not married leh, only 24 years old. however, the day before she was sent off, she secretly told my MIL tat she is single but with a ger. my MIL never ask her how old is her ger. i guess she treat my ger good becos it reminded her of her own child.

my package got 2 free replacement foc within 12mths leh, so the agency told me to get back the same nationality unless i pay the new package. ya, i aso scared wasting money hence decide to stick with the same nationality. plus at tat time, there is not many indo maid biodata leh. so no choice, i have to stick with it.

hope both of us kana good maid soon. else really tired of facing all these nonsense from them.
ya,i saw my frds got their maids a few years ago, was very good leh.. the moment i wana get maid, then things happen to me. so suay and sian.
hi jennylow,
yr maid veri chia lat leh, poor u in yr confinement stress by this mad woman, heng ar, u send her back, she reali veri veri scaredy n dangerous, eerie leh, she 24 yrs old onli, also so wong ah ma, she real scaredy leh, cmi liao lor (can not make it).

My ex-colliq (fili) told me can not tk maid fm siquihor (black magic), samar (revengeful n rude), Cebu (fighter), Viscaya (dreaming/ears prob). Was tat mad woman fm this part of fili?

At least she treat yr ger nice, mine onli love herself!

heng ar, yr agt so good, mine foc replacement 3 mths but for my case, she said gv me 6 mths, agt relative, wat relative, chg us so ex, $688 for fili n top up another $300 n $ 200 insurance for d burmese maid, sum more gv me leftover yucks biodatas to choose, save all d gd biodatas for new ctr. How much did yr agt chg u?

hope our new maids wk out liao la, our turn liao la to kana good maid. me too veri tired of facing all these nonsense, ... nowadays, they too much brain wash liao, so tat why.

i juz dun understand, they r here to earn $$, they must b prepared to wk hard n tried their best, why come cum up wiz so much nonsense ... nowadays, they too much brain wash liao lor, tat's why.

C all d gals finally get a good maid, only we two, our turns liao la pls.
Hi all, was reading this thread as I was planning to get a maid soon...but some of your stories have horrified me! I've had my own far share of poor performers and weirdos, but it seems like the worst is yet to come! *_*
sianz.... my mum just called and said maid wanna go home... just changed and sit in her room.... wah lau.... this is the 2nd time this week she got pattern.... pissed pissed pissed!
hi mummy tang, send her back 2 agent, dun send her home, dun care, let agent settle her i read abt her earlier, she veri chia lat leh. haiz, why few of us always kanna these kind of siao ting tong.

Nowadays, d maids lttl here lttl thr ask f trsf, they 22 well info n brainwashed liao, they nvr mk an effort 2 wk hard n try their best. Wander wat they r here for wat.

Hi little bubble, it depends on our luck la, sum lucki, sum not, choose wisely lor. i hope my new maid okie also i happy liao
alamak, only this tue i brought her back from agt after leaving her there for 1/2day... she get fm the agt left and right.... Wed can sing song and very efficient on Wed and Thurs.... except for Thurs nite when I return, I saw master bedroom toilet not clean so I ask her clean again...(1) and again(1).... then she boil water using ketter, have taught her and reminded umpteem times that the handle gotta be upright, otherwise it will overheat and explode, then just reminded her that you come her to work and earn $$$, not to die here, if died who send $$ back to yr family..... just like tat lor...

my mum said today nothing much happen also since she is so efficient, then who knows all of sudden want to go back...... wah lau, i just top up $500+ leh.. see maids, spend so much $$$ yet gotta take their nonsense......

hi mummy tang, yr maid veri siao ting tong n chia lat leh,at least my siao ting tong keep my hse clean but then if i c toilet not clean n etc, dare not tell her coz i veri scare of her coz she c ghost wan. no pt u keep her la, coz she no heart 2 wk, she veri lazi 22 la, no pt u keep her lor c liao heart pain. but if u wan to tahan until new maid cum, bring her back to agt for counselling 1st la, then send her back when new maid cum.

ya lor, veri siong rite, i also top up $ 500 + for d siao ting tong, trsf they also nn 2 pay trsf fee i tink, they treat it as if it is small amt to them as if they veri rich lk tat ... haiz ... maids nowadays qualiti bad
