Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

Sorry to hear what has happened to you and thanks for sharing your experience with us. Just checking, did agent absorb the maid's outstanding loan?

Kristen_mum, not too sure if i can blacklist her though we did went down personally to MOM n ask, they say we cld try writing in... whh i hope they cld..

PinkTweet, agent din mention or contact me,but i will wan her to offset the loan for my replacement maid.. but having said that,hb n i were considering if we wan to get a maid nw unless there's gd recommendations frm frens or frm any mummies her of gd trf maids like the one Joy747 has mentioned.. if not i will ask hb to make sure agent return bak the loan..
thanks for second maid also run away but luck I found her wandering in my developement as she scare of the security guard.

Currently without maid for 2 weeks. think I can survive.
yuen,dun tink my maid is scare.. since its her 2nd time running away..

ya.. tink i can also survive w/o maid for nw.. but will require someone to mop flr n iron clothes.. but wif 3rd kid on the way.. i afraid tiredness will soon wear me down n i won't haf energy for my 2 kids..
if only mopping and ironing then can consider part-time cleaner. But with your no. 3 on the way, then it better if you have a maid. Although we think we will have lesser workload actually I don't think so as we need to mother them and constantly supervise them which is even more tiring...let hope the new one you get will at least do for 2 years and then you can try to be maid free.

During this two weeks with maid, I realise that previously the milk bottle not very clean and the teat can wash till got algae growing....told her that if see such thing than change but never everytime must I check...

The place to store those tins food milk powder etc, super messy, must I pack and end up got so much chilli sauce. think she never pack and see and always tell me no more.
Mama G,
Threating to send a maid back is not a good idea. If you keep threating and never do it then they know it's an empty threat already and will likely behave even worse. They might even be happy for the chance to get a new employer that allows them to watch tv all day, not clean the house well and serve up horrible food for dinner.

i agree with Liana. Empty threats may not work..

i dun noe is it becos my family is very far we have not scold this maid who has been with us for 23 months..

Even after the episode share my maid issue below..
Din expect my maid to be like tat trying to tie up with the agency to send her back

she left my mum alone with the 2 kids and disappear for a long long while, without telling my mum..

in tat duration, my aunt chanced upon her behaving intimately with a long hair man a few bus stops away from my mum's place

i always tot that my maid is okay and was thinking of giving her a big hongbao b4 she leaves

stupid me

my maid is not new. Her 2 years contract is ending with me end of Aug.

According to her, she said that she wanted to go HK after she went back to Jakarta to get married in Sep 08. BUT she told my aunt's maid that she wants to come back to singapore ..i only get to know of this currently

According to her, her parents have chosen for her a long hair man that she claimed she dun like. She even showed my mum a picture of this man saying tat her parents has sent her that pic fr Indo. And yet my aunt saw her with a long hair we wonder is the pic really mailed from Indonesia.

Since yesterday, we did not confront her..just keep quiet, pretend that we dun noe and my aunt din say anything. My mum said alto she took a long while to come back, my mum also keep silent..cos there are 2 young kids at home..dun want to offend her

I have always advanced her payment and thought this is the norm. Every month, i just pay her all her salary on the 15th of the month. So i have paid her whole month of July pay on 15/7..

my agent said the new maid i have selected will need at least 14 days to come in..i just came back from maternity leave and now take urgent leave ? dun noe how my boss will react

now we are just worried she will run away
anyway, i think if my maid gets sent back, she has nothing to lose..cos it is already 23 months a

maybe lost a bf ..

ladies, how fast does it take to buy a new air ticket to Jakarta ?
babypink, getting a new tix is like instantly if u don't mind the rates. SQ has a online portal that i think u can fly her out on the next available flight. I recently booked that for my maid when she had some emergency at home and had to leave that very night. Alternatively, can try budget carrier or travel agencies since they should also be open today (Sat).

celtricia, the runaway maid story just came out on news today. maybe it's the trick ur agent did as there were some shortage of maids in SG these few years..
Mummies, my maid, who is the one asking for transfer.. given reason that my 3yrs old girl cry for me(she is fullday CC,so an excuses) my toddler already accept maid,can play,shower,eat,sleep with maid. VERY SURE IS EXCUSES..she is choosy(I didnt raise my voice at maid even she is very dirty,lazy) she is the main caregiver to my toddler,just want maid to take good care of her,that is my minimun requirement..closed both eyes on her hse work..

Yesterday, I meet a Malay lady stay below my block, she told me, my maid actually approach her, asking her to hire my maid, and complain to her about my family, said my house very dirty, when the malay lady heard..she was thinking that is my maid's job,where she is not cleaning n complaining..the nice lady ask me to change my maid,saying she dont even know each other or whether this lady know me and dare to just tell anyone about my hse.

I told agent,now I'm the one that want to change maid,see this is what maid did for me..I havent complain about her, closed eyes yet she told outside about me,I dont feel good. next time I go out,ppl have another kind of look at me if really misunderstand.

part 2, agent is looking for employer for my maid, there was an interview, before the employer can ask further more,my maid asked to speak to agent..the employer(malay,cos maid only want to work w malay) asked, I have 4children and will deliver the 5th in OCT' maid immediately reply hrr!..called agent..

So my agent scold maid up n down,at least respect,listen finish...yet maid said only want to work less children(maybe2) n prefer older children dont want bb..then agent asked do u make friend, and talk nonsense with outside ppl? maid still want to lie and said no agent scold her again,dont let me know you talk to other.. you better do your work get back to work.

Then agent talk to me..what was happening. All, I just told agent..I have to torelate till I come back from my USA trip, am going next wk for 2weeks.So my children is in maid's care.

After hang up. My maid immediately, cried,hold my hand, asking for forgiveness, saying she talk bad to other..and she just want to work with me now. Too drama, I dont feel sincere from her.. when I think of my toddler, i just feel so sad..if I keep this maid,just because my toddler want her. maid cant cook, dirty(she lazy didnt clean hse properly n told other we are dirty), dont bother about hse work..9pm,straight go to rest,as long children sleep, she bochap,even didnt finish hse chores.
Celtricia, glad its all over for u... maids sometimes are really a nightmare. She must dreaming work as maid where got easy one...

babypink, better send ur maid back asap.. skali she dun wan to go back and elope with that man dan headache. dun tell her in advance.. jus book a ticket and cancel her wp online and send her to airport.

Mummies, need some advise. My current maid (the one who's young and look like chinese) has been working for me for abt 2week. Last night she told me she wan to buy slipper and a pair of tweezer for her eyebrow. Shd I buy for her or ask to pay on her own. Recently I find her more and more irritating. Whenever hb is home, she will act cute playing with the children else she will sing while doing hsework (i dun see her doing dat if hb not home) and today when i ask her to clean my room. I caught her posing infront of my full lenght mirror... really cant stand!! Feel like chging her, but she can get along with my mom... haiz.. anyway she's my 3rd in only 6mths... i dun really have the energy to go thru the whole process of sourcing a new maid... Told my hb, he better watch out.
must be careful as my first maid was in love with my hb. Very hb at home, will do thing just to show him...cry to my hb that hand pain etc etc to him also super soft and fact my mum also like her then after a while think she very strange and warn me...end up because of her hand allegry, I send her home and she sms my hb a few times....
That't outrageous! If your house is dirty that's because your maid isn't doing her job! She's awful. Imagine telling strangers your house is dirty. I think it's she that is dirty. No point keeping this type. Must get rid of her asap.

Just tell your maid you will buy for her and deduct from her salary. I do not think slippers (unless for work) and tweezers constitute maid expenses such as doctor's fees and repatriation expenses. From the way you describe her behaviour she sounds quite vain huh.
i also brought a pair of slipper for my maid n she can complain not nice....the shopkeeper told her the expensive one no her size and so in the end paid $15 for it and guess what that day when I send her back to the agent, she did not take the slipper as it is not nice...this kind of maid better don't keep.

on day of transfer, I check her things and she brought so much stuff like cleaner for face, nice powder for face, 2 of my capsule of moisturier, lip gloss is indo maid and no off day but sometimes I let her go to the mama shop to buy pad so I guess she must have brought them there.

my maid also talk to other maids and aunt...I warn her that if I hear any thing from them I will tansfer her....then I stop her from going downstair to pick my girl and so guess what, she ask for transfer after 2 weeks...

recently I have been picking my girl and some of the aunt told me that she also complain about my house etc....and she also ask a korean mum to employ her.
VERY ANGRY, this maid really driving me nut, and she can act so well....TMD..

Today, hubby bought 4live crabs, so I'm cooking chili crab..bought some chicken,as usual, I already taught maid how to remove the skin(too oil for steaming), and I will steam emperor herbal chicken.

My FIL like to eat the crab hard shell(have eggs), ..maid asked FIL, this hard shell can eat? FIL, said yes,dont throw...later, when I'm going to cook..maid asked me again, this shell can eat..I reply,FIL like it(but I sound like I'm not happy)..later when I cooked,and saw the hard shell so dirty(when I put in) decide to take out and throw...

I scolded my maid, when I saw her washing all the chicken fat/skin with runing tap, below are plastic cup/plastic plate belong to my children..that monent I cant control,cos have been telling her many times, not to brain, so all the oil/fat go into my children's cutleries/plates/cups..not easy to wash...I scold her..who is the one that is dirty??!! yet u dare to complain to other ppl,my hse dirty!!

I close my eyes,knowing u are busy with my children and didnt tell you off about my bathroom,smell like public toilet floor, full of dust/hair/ants shopping..but anything with children must be CLEAN!! I dont know how to teach you..I dont want to be angry, I dont like to scold ppl.

I let her clean up the kitchen, and I went to make my children take their afternoon nap.

Later, maid throw rubbish after cleaning(going outside,near lift areas)..on the way, I heard maid ask my FIL again(show FIL his hard shell being throw away by me in plastic bag)..this throw away?..maid tot I didnt hear/know.. what is this maid trying to do?? want to make FIL tot I purposely throw away the food that he want to eat? make us argue? FIL just said, never mind.
you maid playing politics. be careful, how long is she been with you. ...should consider to transfer her out...

Yesterday evening, there was some news on the maid thing....please don't use that agent as that is the agent I use for my first maid.
yuen, Your maid is terrible.. you buy for her she still dun appreciate.. Ya lor.. i quite worry. the other day I went to check thru her things and saw she got quite a few charms (like 4-5) in her wallet. In her workbook (the book she use to practise english) there's one page she wrote things like I love him but he dont' love me. He love me but my heart is with another kind of thing. But my hb not those handsome kind so I dunno if she's writing abt him or not..

Liana, I asked her this morning if the slipper is for work she said yes, so i gave her a new pair which i bot in BKK. She doesnt really look happy about it. Haiz. I think I got to change this one again. HB not at home, my son says wan to drink water she ignore him. My son says wan her to bring now the toy for him she oso ignore. Nw resting in her room, the moment hb went out.

Jo, ur maid trying to stir up problems... she's hopping your Fil make a fuss out of it.. Than she can 'revenge'. I hate this kind of maid.
Yuen. only 2weeks plus... I dont know she purposely forget what I have told her/ she just dont bother,never listen what I teach/ she is stuborn. I will grant her wish to transfer, since she ask for it..I give in so much just for my toddler,..thinking give her chance, closed both eyes..but she is just too much. How to take good care of my girl when she herself is so chin chai, so dirty...???

Any mummies have normal maid to transfer to me?

May, just let your hubby know, what u noticed from ur maid.

Yuen, can pm me ur agent name? Thks.
Your maid is a big time trouble maker. She sounds like the type to engage in black magic too. You've really got to be careful.

Honestly, I really understand why employer's end up hitting their maids. If I had a maid like that I would be very tempted to poke her head to see if there is a brain in there.

One of my previous maids was lazy and dirty too. She can wash food with my baby's milk bottle in the sink also and leave the dishes to pile up for hours. Btw, she's the same one that threw dirty water off my balcony. There's only one place that these types of maids should their own country.

Jo, why dont' you take a new one that is on Social Visit Pass...can get in 3 days.
Hi All

Any one knows what is the market rate for fresh indo or filipino now?One of the agency is marketing fresh indo at this the rate?thanks
Hi Joy
On the news on chinese news on Friday, I hear it is now SGD 350 for Indo maid, but I was distracted by my son so not too sure whether it was for fresh or transfer.
Liana, I have call another agent..she only has Phil.,I told her my requirement,she said she will search and hav will contact me. Only pay agent fees, insurance n 1mth salary, no upfront.

I meet an aunty with 2maids with her..she share with me, as she has more than 20 over yr of hiring maid, she said.. she only hire transfer maid, the moment she like her look, check her finger nail..if clean,can hire,married/single all not important..its luck,she said..she also has maid with her only 3mth and get preg,hav to send home..all her upfront lost,thats why she only hire those no need upfront.

Joy, my agent also charge fresh Indo $350 no off. Reason, their supplier charge higher n low supply. Some agent, for Phil maid still cheaper.. depend on your preference.. good/bad not base on nationality.
Joy, in tat case i dun wan liao.. coz dun tink i can afford to let maid haf off day.. sigh..

yuen, tink ultimately haf to hire a maid lah.. but i really dislike to tot of gg thru maid hunting n tolerating all the nonsense.. sigh..

SNG's mummy, wat news? haha.. i din watch or read any. no chance to leh..

Jo.. ur maid is horrible.. sigh.. tis maids.. aws tot they haf the upper hand in tings.. hope they get their retribution..

May.. ya.. finally its over.. if she wan gd life stay hm n b tai tai lor.. haha.. sometimes really amuse by wat they tink.. they tink SG is land of GOLD ah... siao..
Joy, can I contact your friend regarding the maid? she is still available for transfer? Can speak to the employer? Thank,can pm me the contact.
Dear mummies

I'm new to employing maids. My new maid will be coming in soon mainly to look after my newborn. What are the things i've to prepare before her arrival to my place? What are the agreements I must set with her?

Can anyone advice me? Thks!
Regarding maids' loan thingy, MOM has clarifed in last saturday's news on TV. MOM says that repayment of loan is not under MOM's perview and MOM leaves it to private arrangement between employer and maid.

In short, MOM don care how the loan is repaid and will not interfere whether employer wants to claim back the upfront loan.
i hv been using swift arrow... for me, so far no adverse feedback. the agent i go to hv been pretty honest to me when it comes to comments and feedback abt maids. i go to the branch at bukit timah plaza.
Hi Mummies

Sorry to intrude...but can I have an idea of the average $$$ of increment offered to a maid upon renewal of the contract...what is the average maid hinted tat some of her friends were getting about $50 to $100...which I thought was A LOT!!! maid was a fresh maid n we are paying her $320 with 6hrs off a month...thanx a lot...
I do believe $50 increment is the average. $100 is too much. But if yours was fresh 2 years ago then $30 is reasonable since if she was to look for a new employer her salary would be $350.
their agency fee is 188. so far been wif them for abt 3mths. 1st maid lastd 2mths. i sent her bk cos i realise she cldnt reali handle baby during my cnfinement. my current fili maid has been v gd. n i oso hv to thank agent for knwg my nds. bt i believe i was lucky cos when i went to choose my replacement maid, my current fili maid jus end her 2yr cntract wif her ex employer n was there.

u can pm me if u wan mre info n i wld share mre wif u.
salary increment:
I told my maid that I will increase $10 more for first six months subject to good performance, thereafter, $20.

Passport fee:
Her passport is expiring in June next year and she is going to pay for the renewal fee of $300 plus the income tax from her Myanmar embassy. She has agreed.
I told her if she is not returning to her home country then I will use the airticket fee to help her pay, about $400.

have u post ur maid's pic on tam's blog?
want to see her face.. jo... urs also ... think transfer her out and post to share with the other bah.
soyabean.. thanks for sharing.. will pm u if there's a nid for more clarifications.

mama_G, not yet..sorry.. din haf much time to do tat..will try to do it asap..
Emma, better clarify with MOM if employers are allowed to "claim" passport renewal fees from maids under the new employment terms.
you got a point there...i wonder how much MOM tell the new maids during the orientation? Do these maids know abt the rules? And the rules are always changing...

On a brighter note:
Let's see wat WKS have to announce in next mth's pro family package.
mummies help.

pls comment if i'm petty to get angry over this:

i discover that my maid dye her hair (using those DIY ones) when my girl was taking her afternoon nap.

1. she is so vain/free to so this but do not wash the dishes or iron my clothes.
2. what if my girl wakes up and she needs to tend to her?
3. she is supposed to be saving up money to return her loan from us. yet she is spending this kind of money.

damn sian.
i think only pt one and pt two are valid reasons for you to get angry with her.

1. so free to dye hair but not finish work
-- this is enough for me to reprimand any maid.

2. charge wakes up and needs her attention
-- I would also reprimand her on this too. but less so for pt 1

as for your 3rd pt, yes while it looks stupid to us employers that she should waste her money like that, but it's her choice on how she wants to use her money. If this is really one of the main reasons for your unhappiness with her, then i think it's a good idea to tell her that since she has the money to blow on hair dye, she should pay up the loan with that money.

I would be angry too...for the same reasons (1 & 2) as you. As for ur no. 3 reason, if that's how she wants to spend her money, and end up with no savings, I dun really care. Don't want to care too. She's an adult so dun need me to teach her how to handle her money. (But that's assuming the loan is what we've paid to the agent lah). From what you write in no. 3, so for your case, did you pay the agent the loan upfront and then withhold a portion of her salary every month as loan repayment to you?

I will be angry too, for another reason. Personally, I feel that the chemicals used in hair dyes are not safe for babies. There's always this smell with these dyes...which I dun feel comfortable letting my gal be in close range with. So if my maid were to dye her hair, then carry my kid....I will flip. Coz those smell don't go away so quickly.

That's just my thots...
thanks nellu and csi.
She's with me for 1.5 years. She borrowed money from us on top of her loan. The most recent being last month.
I'm really pissed off at how vain she is!
oh i I understand what ur pt 3 meant. Yah, then in that case, yes, I'll be angry over that too. So, you're not petty.
Your maid should not be dyeing her hair during working hours. That is wrong.

However, for my own maid, how my maid spends her money is of no concern to me.

But in your case, since she borrowed money from you I think she should not be spending money on colouring her hair lah....

Suggest you do not lend her money any more.
getting my hb to tell her off later.
when i notice she dye hair, my 1st reaction was 'so stoooopid & vain'
cos i think she saw me dye my hair then she wanna follow suit.

liana - that's what i told hb when she wants to get a hp. then her sister SMS ME to ask for help when her mother was hospitalised.
but the next day she even has the mood to paint her toenails to prepare going out on her off day.
i really doubt her sob stories, but hb say we shdn't be so heartless.

read your story.your maid and agent are very bad leh.. your agent should have informed you about your maid left home once loh.. at least you can dunt take her.
anyway, glad tat its over now.. hope tat your new maid will be better.
i agree with wat you said - "guess no matter wat if a maid is no gd its best to send them away rather den b soft hearted n let them stay due to hse wrk gd or gd wif kids."

i would be angry too for point 1 and 2 as she should not be dying her hair during work hours and how to carry the child if suddenly needs her attention. if we are too kind to them, i think they will take things for granted.

i need to vent out here too.
very angry with my maid. this is her 2nd time to threaten tat she wana go back to agency since april she joined till now. she told my hubby tat i do not like her and did not eat wat she had cooked for lunch the first time when she threaten (was in mid june). then my hubby told her tat mdm can choose if she wan or dunt wan eat. so her altitude is quite bad, i just tolerated her as my replacement maid has not come. then today, she cooked lunch and i told her im not eating as she cooked the same old dishes everyday and im sick of it (fried veg with ikan bilis and steamed egg - same method for different kind of veg and steamed egg for 3 times a week). so i told her to go ahead and eat as im not eating. throughout the whole afternoon, i did not help to look after myson as i thot it would be good to train her to look after myson without any help since i will be going back to work in early sept. who noes,when my hubby is back in the evening.she told him tat she wana go back agency on this hubby was rather pissed off. we decided to send her back today. my hubby has to send my bb son (only 6 weeks old) to my mum's place first while i have to look after my elder ger (28mths old). damn pissed off with her leh.. think she thot tat going back to agency would have good life and perhaps she can find better employer.. i treat her very nice but tats what i got at the end.. really cant treat them too well, else we employers kana bullied. now pray hard tat my new replacement maid will be here soon and not full of nonsense. she is a brand new maid. i will need to be firm with her liao..
sorry for ranting to much, cos really very angry with her.
