Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

mummytang, i come across maids like yours before - as in I experienced similar one like yours. I also do the same like you. At the end of the day, I gave up, cos she just cant be bothered to clean, even though you specify she has to do it. I given her patience and patience as days go by..until all the screamings and shoutings come out. My final conclusion is that such character maid just cant be bothered at all. If ah ma does it, she stands there and watches. If you asked her to do it, she stares at you back. You forced her to do it, she just anyhow does it.

Seriously my thought is you wont need such kind of maid. Their initiative is on themselves only (like eat, sleep and watch TV). One thing having coming across ID and PH maids, I do find that PH maids are more automatic (but there again, its another set of problems with PH maids)..I gave up on the basis that the ID maid said she understands English and blar blar...but I dont think she really understands - she basically guessing and she dont ask cos she thinks she underestands...On the language part of it, I gave up. If you have loan to be covered back, then you may have to transfer..I dont think the retraining will work for maids who cant be bothered. She obviously should know what is her job, isnt she? To think she can stand there and stare at you!
By knowing to say "Going to embassy", this is enough to put you in caution of her. Means she knows that she has the backup from the embassy. Scarly next time a little bit not happy, she will go embassy to complain. Though employer does not mistreat her, once any incident is brought to embassy, it will cause a lot of inconvenince for the employer in the course of their 'investigation'. .. I'll be wary of maids who bring up name of 'embassy' .. esp. maids with off days who have plenty of chances to suka suka go embassy.
babycutie, if she only has 2 off days and no friends here, what can she do? Shopping by herself??? I don't really fancy the idea of giving maids off one. They will be tempted to do funny things, and worse, if they get pregnant or run away, then the penalty is on us, the employers again, $5000!!! It's always a lose-lose situation for us.

Thanks. I will see how it goes after the interview at my place. My mum is around to help to judge. Regarding the off days, I can re-negotiate with the agent. Agree that Hari Raya I can let her off since its a holiday. But for Independence Day, I can't let her off if its a working day.

But I still don't understand why she only interested to work with Chinese family. What's there so special in Chinese??? Better food?? Better treatment?? Scratch head!!
More ST Forum letters..

July 9, 2008
Wrong to suggest that employers profiteer from maids

I AM writing in response to the Ministry of Manpower's (MOM) latest work-permit guidelines to prevent employers profiteering from employment of maids.

It is timely that maids are now protected by law. Employers who breach the new conditions, such as recovering payment made for repatriation or health insurance, or deducting pay from maids, are now punishable by law.

This is a right step in our national quest for equal human rights for employers and employees.

However, it is inaccurate for MOM to suggest that employers who flout the law in this way profiteer from employment of maids.

First, there is no profit to be made when actual cost is deducted or recovered from the maid.

Second, there is no profit to be made when maids are employed because their primary purpose is to enable a Singaporean mother to return to the workforce, leaving her vulnerable children in the maid's care.

Third, when household items are stolen or damaged by maids, employers bear the full cost of replacement.

Lastly, when employers put their children or elderly folk at risk in the hands of maids in order to return to the workforce to earn a living to support their family, what protection do they have?

In fact, as a working mother of two toddlers, I have lost a great deal in terms of bonding time with my children, and risking my children and property as the maid is left at home alone with them.

My maid is paid her wages promptly, and she gets a monthly bonus to maintain work standards.

The truth of the matter is, it is the maids who profit from employers: They are paid handsomely in addition to enjoying good food and lodging. Now, the new rules may help them to profiteer as well.

Ng Shien (Mrs)
i agree with Pucca that actually someone from MOM who sets all the rules should come into this forum once in a while to understand and sympathize with us, poor employers before setting all the rules that cause us so much misery!!!!
Thank you for the info. Yes, when the agent told me the maid wants to go to the embassy during her 3 off days, I find it funny. What in the hell she wants to do at the embassy??

Anyway I still arrange to interview her since it is at my place.

Ultimately its my option whether to hire or not to hire her after the interview.

According to agent, she can do her work fast and clean. In fact she work for the agent for a week (because the agent's maid suddenly want to go back, so she has no choice but take in this transfer maid). The agent has 3 kids - 2, 4 & 7.
According to the agent, the maid can do housework fast and clean. By noon she is free and manage to take care of her kids. However, after working with the agent for a week, the maid requested to transfer. Reason given is she wanted to work with Chinese family. Its because her ex employers were Chinese, so she prefer to work with Chinese.

I don't find any logic. Thought she is here to work but still choose race of employer??

Oh yah.... she can't handle new born.
Baby from 6 mth onwards are ok but not younger than that. I dunno why also. My mum said its because new born are very difficult the take care. Especially when the maid needs to wake up few times in the middle of the night when the baby cries. Perhaps she can't take the stress.

Anyway I am curious to see this girl.
I used to agree totally not on giving maids off day...but as I experienced more and more difficulties on finding a suitable maid, I admit I gave in...Now I look at this aspect in a different manner...The intial 6 mths of probation is a good gauge for me to have an impression if she does a fairly gd job or not. If these 6 mths period she cant pass my expectations, the off day or not is no longer an issue. If this period she does a gd job, I think she deserves a day break for a mth. Of cos I understand there are temptations out there blar blar..but we all seen and hear before..Dont go out doesnt mean no problems. So if they go for their off day and comes back motivated, I acn accept it. This also gives me a chance to go back to reality - for me doing housework and managing kids at the same time and that if one day the maid plays me out, I will not die until so cham!

I understand there are certain constraints in each household. But if we can slightly give in abit and in return have a gd suitable maid, why not? Nowadays many employers gv off day - so the maids will also know what to ask for in a new employment. What is saddened is that you might only end up getting lousy maids who is willing not to have off day cos they know they have no mkt value and possibly easily kena transferred by employers...

I now always tell myself, even I gv my maid a day off in a mth, she will turn bad or no mood to work or call it quits, there is nothing I can do. I have done my best as an employer already - so better to depend on myself if I can, then depend on a maid.
The agency I went to is Crisxx.
But I am not getting my replacement from them. Because find that their service is not good. I have to call so many times to get to the person in charge.
Yah lor. I think her previous maid who work for her for 7 yrs oso get good $$. And her current maid gets every sun off and everyday at 4+pm she gets to go chit chat downstairs. My fren say, "oh, she know how to come back when it is time to cook dinner"... can faint hor... WEll, another fren and I both said we wont let our maids meet hers, in case they compare! For tat reason, I oso dun like to give off days.

Her minus point very minus to me hor... lie and steal money. Sometimes my maid comes up with silly excuses, I can dun bother, but it makes me feel so stupid, I gotta say her lor. I will ask her, she think I stupid ah! Hahaha.... I dun work, right under my nose can gimme weird excuses... I dun trust maids who lie. Other positive points you give, many maids oso have, without the lying part. And bcos of these small positive points I kept my previous maid for so long. Oso bcos my mom and mil say no need change... but the irony, she fell out with the both of them, then I change! Wah piang.
babycutie - i am sure there are working styles differences..Just like if you cant work well with an Indian boss say as an example, maybe you also want to change employment? The ways of dealing household work may be different and she is not used to it? You probably can dig into more information for that aspect - but keep your choice open harm anyway..

To all, re the ruling, I suppose if a maid is found pregnant and have to send back, the repatriation related cost is on employers right? I cant remember the details. Thanks.
Hey i read this comments online from the ST forum - sounds v true.


at the moment, you "employ a maid at your own risk". that is the way it is for now in s'pore. so if u don't like the rules, don't employ one.

but i understand in s'pore, parents often need a maid if their in-laws can't help with the infant care. so to "get protection" for such employers, we should swing the argument to point to that very real fact (plus see below)...

and please, it is not a simple matter of sending the maid back and choosing another. first of all, you get the sudden bad news she wants to leave. then you question and ask why but she remains silent throughout (were they taught that?). and u wonder if it's a lie. but u soon realise u have no choice coz u don't want an unhappy maid bathing your baby or cooking your meal.

next, it takes time for you to go down to the agency to sort out the papers and payment matters. then to find a new one by looking at numerous bio data and videos and asking your spouse, "this one how?". then when u have selected one, you interview and find she's not how she looks. you try another until you find one you are comfortable with. you leave the agency with some hop eand wait.

then they tell you her passport is delayed and in the mean time your current maid can't wait anymore to leave. so u are stuck with no maid for a week or two and you have to cope alone with the baby and make requests in short notice for temporary help from your siblings or in-laws.

then the maid finally comes, the re-training starts all over again and you hope for the best this time.

Mum2nat, it's funny how I don't trust my maid with my money and yet I have to trust my maid to take care of my children hor?

My head tells me to change her and have a new one, but my heart is telling me to retain her because my mum needs her.

Just got a telling off from my colleague just now after she learned that my final decision is to take the risk and renew my current maid for another 10 months.

babycutie, my maid ever told me if she were ever asked to work for an Indian family(I am not being racial prejudiced here, SHE is), she would go back to Indonesia (she is very ya ya papaya huh? :p) So I think the maid you are going to interview later may have some racial prejudice also.
Maybe. But since she wants to work with Chinese, I thk should be no problem with us.
But my concern is can she handle childcare cum housework.

I will observe her during the interview. I will request the agent to show me her employment history. I might request to speak to her ex-employer.
My maid agency did not allow me to speak to the ex-employer (mine's a transfer maid). My maid worked in the house for 5 days and was transfered out by the employer. The reason given by the agency was they could not communicate with my maid. (which is strange coz my maid could speak hokkin, english and mandarin)

Actually there should be a practice for MOM to keep a database of ex-employers for transfer maids/ maids that claim to have worked in Singapore. Then if new employers want to hire these maids, they can call up the ex-employers to ask about the performance of the maids.

That would be so beneficial to employers. When we write our employment history in our CV, we have to declare it's true and employers can call up our ex-companies to verify. But as employers of FDW, we have no channels to do that. It's Employ At Your Own Risk. And we have to trust whatever that's written in their CV or what agencies claim.

It's so unfair. Can there be some laws or practices to protect us???
Babycutie, I understand from my previous indonesian maid that Independence Day is a very big thing back home. In Singapore, there is a also some celebration going on at the Embassy on this day. In fact I was my neighbour's maid who told her this, and asked her along. That was her 1st day off. She met many friends and exchanged telephone numbers. Of course the so called friends taught her a lot of things, which finally triggle our sending her home.
The morale of my story : Do not grant off-days, unless you are prepared for the consequences.

She is ex-sin for 4 years. I dunno whether she has any off days with her ex employers.

I have gotten her bio from the agency. It state her ex employer name and the area they stay. Based on this info, I checked the yellowpage and manage to get the phone number of one of the ex employer. (But not sure that is the correct one cost bio only state area the employer work. Never state Blk, which street and unit number). I will try calling this evening and hopefully that is her ex employer. Will find out from them about her performance.
Then get another maid for your mom lah! Why must be this one? YOu are at the mercy of your maid. Imagine one day she really buay song, decided she dun wan to work. YOu oso gotta let her go. LIke my maid, decided she wants to go home, then show some terrible attitude. and I was left stranded no maid for 5 whole weeks, and everyone in the family was ill. IMagine the trouble I went thru and all the crap. So ah, dun be at your maid's mercy. Find another one, then tell this ne balek kampung. Why do you need some big unhappy events to happen to do it leh? Trust is v impt hor. Maybe she pinch your bb, or wat you oso dunno right? Sigh... tats the prob, can't live with a maid, can't live without one.
Ladies.. Had a damn pissed off day.. My maid ran away tis morning!!! Leaving my ger all alone in babycot wif her pacifier.. I woke up tis morning n only found out she wasn't in the hse when we were abt to leave for my mum's plc @ abt 8am.. Decided to take urgent leave, took my kids to mum plc n lodge a police report for missing maid.. Police called embassy, hospitals but still cldn't find her.. I called my agent.. she did not receive call frm the maid, not even the supplier tat brought maid in.. Damn damn pissed!!!

Juz the day b4, she had asked my hb for her $20 allowance, n i was questioning her tat night abt it as she actually did agreed in front of me to the agent tat she wasn't suppose to haf any $$ wif her..whh she denied she agreed,so i told her its ok i'll clarify wif the agent.. Argh.. guess the $20 let her haf a chance to get away by public trpt..

disappointed + damn angry tat she did tis to us, despite us giving her chances again n again after all the negligence.. argh!!!
nellu.. hw ah..i cancelled her WP lor.. so she will soon b an illegal immigrant... super tired menz.. mayb no maid for the moment.. can't tahan to deal wif another of such dumbness... really duno wat they tinking..

Need some opinion here.

I have interviewed a maid earlier at my place.

Lets call her C.

C has working exp in Sg for 4 years. 2 years each with different employers who were Chinese.
She take care of the children and housekeeping.
She can answer all the questions that I asked her.

We let her wash some oily bowls. Indeed they were very clean after 1 washing. (That means agent is telling the truth abt her cleanliness).

However she has below request:-

1) She can work without off days but she wants 3 off days - 2 days during Hari Raya and 1 day during Independence Day. (I thk this is justifiable. Its only 3 days in a year.)

2) She asked permission to keep her hair long. (I am ok with that if she can tie them up during work and most importantly, she must wash her hair everyday.)

3) She requested to let her use hp. She can let us keep her hp during daytime. She will use it after finishing her work at night. My hb proposed to her that we can get phonecard for her and use our housephone to make call. She is not willing. (BTW, she has 3 sisters working in Sg - CCK, Tampines, Condo in Yishun, and she told me she has a bf in Malaysia). We were not very keen to let her have hp because we afraid it might affect her daily work. My mum ask me what if she use the hp whole night and din sleep? There is a point there.

I think she does not want to work with agent that's why told the agent that she prefers to work with Chinese family. Because I asked her why she didn't want to work with the agent (who is Malay). She told me due to communication problem. I told her they can speak Bahasa with her. She said its different. Then I ask further that the agent family can speak English and she said yes. So I told her if that's the case, communication is not the problem already since they can speak English. Then she told me its because of different treatment. So agent dun treat their maid well??

Further to above interview, I managed to contact one of her ex employer whom she work with. The employer said she is good, do work fast and responsible. She left her kids (4 & 6 then) alone with C while the employers went out for work.

She has another employer whom she work more recently. However, I can't find the name in yellow page so not able to contact to verify her performance.

Based on above, do u thk I should get her? She is ok overall but I dun quite like abt the hp thing.

Any comment?
Something to add on....

The ex employer told me that she is married with 2 kids when they hired her back in 2001.

But her current biodata states that she is Single. I ask whether she has children. She said she is single how can have children. I told her some might be divorce and so indicate as Single. But they have kids from the previous marriage. C told me she is not married and no kids.
You wrote:
<font color="119911">1) If we have mutual agreement and I know the maid that she has to pay her own air ticket if she breaks the contract and how would MOM know?

2)If I renew the maid's contract without going through the agency, is it still valid contract?

I have confirmed with MOM, that even with the mutual agreement, it is still an offense to make the maid pay for the air ticket.

Whether you want to take the risk or not, it is up to you.
Hope that your maid can be found within the one month grace period. Have you bought the security bond waiver ?

It is not possible to blacklist a maid, unless she has committed criminal offence. Please refer to the following.

Don't panic. Most likely she will return to the maid agency, or the police will find her after some time. is nightmare when this sort of things happen.
2 years with 2 employers, have you verified at MOM online ?

Personally I think that is not a very good record, it shows that she cannot last long. Furthermore you found that what she said did not match what her ex-employer said. You saw the ex-employer name on her biodata from maid agency ?
Its 4 years with 2 employers. 2 years <font color="0000ff">each</font> with 2 employers.

Yes I saw both ex-employer name on her biodata from the maid agency. It state the employer name and area they stay. So based on that, I try my luck at the yellowpage to see whether I can find the phone number. I managed to find her 1st employer and spoken to them. Her 2nd employer's phone number was not listed in the yellow page. Hence I could not call them to verify.
Hello Celtricia - oh you still have outstanding loan? I was told not to call Embassy or Police if you have an outstanding loan, cos the investigations can be v troublesome and v likely you wont get back yr loan. I have 2 runaway maids before...and all got outstanding loans and therefore I didnt make any report. The first maid found quite easily cos she went to her ex-employer house (whom she grumbled abt to me every few days with us for the 2 mths), and the ex-employer gv her money and ask her to go back to agent, and the other one was sitting at the agent's office (where it is a Deepavali day) and that the agent whom is an Indian also cant be bothered to go down to the office to look see look see..I knew these girls have nowhere to go with no money, no passport even, so I wasnt that much worried - cos I know they wont starve themselves one!! Hope you will find her soon!

Babycutie - I find her employment record least she finished her contract! But still best to check the MOM online, cos some of them do transfer but cos its only for like few weeks or few mths, they dont declare it. But on the other hand, it is nt easy to find a maid whom can finish the contract liao lor - sometimes close to the 1.5 yr mark, they have already been sent back! She actually sounds v much like my ex-experienced maid (the first one whom ran away from me), but my that maid didnt request for off day and oblige my no hp rule...Is this maid from Sta***? I came to know that if work for agent, the maids have to "serve" the other maids staying with them also. For example, marketing &amp; cooking blar blar and some other additional responsibilities...not sure if this is something she doesnt like?
Having said all these, Babycutie, at the end of the day are you comfortable with her request on hp, and the part where you are not sure if she has kids or not?

I think the hp will be more on sms purposes..If you accept her, hopefully she has the judgement when to use her hp.
tamarind.. yes i did buy.. its incld in my agency fee.. damnz.. can't blacklist here.. den i'll post her details here n make sure none of u hire her.. argh!!!!

eileen10, she has outstanding loan.. well.. i areadi cancelled her WP.. so its too late to retract wat i did areadi.. am seriously damn sick n tired of such nonsensical maid...
Geez... celtricia, that must be a nightmare! I will be so shocked to find my maid missing!!

mum2nat, perhaps I have heard too many stories of bad maids that I am scared of changing. Every time I hear or see reports of maids abusing children lah, maids get pregnant lah, and in this most recent case in this forum here, maid runs away lah, then I think my maid not so bad after all.

babycutie, what did your maid's first employer say about her?
The maid you interviewed sounds ok. Maybe allow her handphone at night only and keep back the following morning. If she wants to use it all night that's up to her as she is required to complete her work during the day.

The only reason I would take her is because her previous employer said she was good.
Tam, I cant remember..just asked again, do u keep maid's WP and passport? Let maid keep a photocopy?

Cutie, think ex sin w finish 2yrs contract.. normally can work but another set of problems..

Yesterday, when I came back at night..I saw a rotten mango on table,where keep in rice bucket,so easy ripe, wonder why she wait till rotten..and she scoop rice everyday to cook,cant see earlier(its ripe)..leave till rotten??? and maid didnt keep unfinish soup in fridge,just leave it.. where I told her previously 2night after dinner, she didnt keep balance food,leave on table and go to sleep..I stil called home yesterday, telling her, I'm coming back for dinner, after dinner remember to keep food in fridge..what can I say, she is a forgetful person? Or bochap?

Another thing, when I hire maid, I told her about hp..lots of problem w BF,so I dislike..maid keep on telling me to call her mother,she dont play BG I allow her to use hp only after work, children sleep, no day time.. my girl told me, maid use hp when ferry her to CC..
Hi mummies..

Havent followed this thread for a while.. Just to share my recent experience (pls excuse the long post)

Withdrew my application for the transfer maid frm Stat**. The agent had such aggrogant and bad attitude, to the extent that she is belittling us, totally unprofessional. She even told my husband. " I not a maid, dun have to put up nonsense from you singaporeans..."!!

Anyway, cos of the withdrawal, left without a maid for whole week. Last maid left on Sat, after hiring her directly from Indo.

Went back to my inital agent and tried to apply for Fhilo transf, and had to attend the compulsory (3hour!) Employer Orientation Course, as this is my 5th appliation.

Bottomline message from the trainer is this:
EMPLOY AT YOUR OWN RISK! If the FDW doesnt eat, its employer's pblm, find out why dun eat, make sure she eats. If home sick, be extra nice to her, help her to adjust.

TO me, yes, all these can be done, but there must be a line drawn for all these. Are we supposed to mother another ADULT? FDW has the responsbility to be mentally prepared for working overseas. WHY DOES THE LAW ONLY PROTECTS THE FDW? As the trainer said in my last case when FDW wants to go home.."TOO BAD LOR..even if the FDW commits crime n needs to go back, employer has to pay for airfare" in other words, I unlucky lor!!! Why do we have to pay for FDW's irresponsible action..

Super fedup.. this is my last try for a maid. If this doesnt work, will need send DD1 to Childcare. I refuse to be at their mercy any more..
celtricia, hang in there. really sorry to hear that she ran away.
jo, thanks for info. really sien cause still no news about the passport and the agent doesn't update me. r u now looking for a different agent?
i sort of noe where she is liao.. but can't b sure coz its ppl telling me only.. so we will c hw it goes.. after all the cancellation of her WP has been approved.. if she dun come bak to me soon.. she will b a illegal immigrant..
oh my...hang in there. You've already done what you shd and can. Now just focus on the care for your kids. God's plan, maybe...coz dunno how she would have treated ur kids while u're not at home also...

I can't really remember your story...but my dad also experienced something similar. He selected an Indo maid from my agent. He was told passport ready. Then, 1 week later, he called agent to find out more (when can pick up etc), he was told, passport NOT ready. Indo side apparently is like that one. When they mean ready, it can actually mean "Application SENT". Waited another week, still not approved yet. Still pending. From not urgently in need of maid to urgent liaoz. Agent also never update him. It's always my dad who calls agent up. Think that's how the agents work lah. They will only update when they have new info lorh. If info is the same (i.e. passport still not out) or no further news, they got nothing to update. Anyway, in the end, my dad got his refund / $$ back and he went to another agency.
after cancellation of WP, she has up to 7 days to leave the country, right? so just get her bags ready...? so that you can immediately sent her to agent?
then the outstanding loan how? You paid upfront right? My new maid so far so good but i am always worrying if she run away then my upfront loan how? After i see what happened to you, i keep the house keys in my MBR when we slp.
CSI_Fan, ya.. gd ting is she goes over my mum plc.. n i seldom leave her alone at hm wif my kids..

but the pissed of ting is someone is getting her to threaten me to sign a letter for her to b transferred if not she will go MOM complain i made her wrk 2 hms...
ivy, guess the $$ issue is not the 1st ting on my mind now.. wat i wan badly nw is to get her ass bak to her country..

n yes.. after tis.. i guess i wldn't wan to leave my keys in the living rm when am still aslp..

BelMum - hi!! Yes I also gotten the horrible treatment from Sta*** when my transfer maid ran away. She made alot of unnecessary statements abt me and my final conclusion - She's really quite a bit**! After our brush, she still didnt let me go, you know! She did some childish acts and I came to know abt it - then she willing to disappear. Where got agent behave like that?

She said few statements that I dont think its right of her:
1. The YCK branch once kena demerit points, she said something to the extent that it doesnt matter - cos many other agents also kena demerit points.
2. She said, she earns more money from the maids than the customers. So she dont have to see our face!
3. She thinks that no maid will suit us after she took our agency fees. Its fine if she doesnt want to do business with us, then return us the money lor! Simple as that!

One conclusion I made is that she oversells her transfer maids. My opinion of her maids are not as good as she claims..she is rather good in her sales statements in the first intial meetings..
