Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

Jo, anything could happen...Its scary isnt it.. even if we send the maid back home, we have to find another maid all over is as if we are really that free hor? If we tender,we give notice period. How many maids really give notice period??!

Actually this latest rule MOM imposed is really not fair to us! The whole ruling seems to support the idea for the maid to come over for holiday leh!

Hi all,
Sharing something I read from a Hong Kong forum. Quite funny. It is Cantonese style chinese. Interesting to know how Hong Kong employers view us.

嗯, 所有0野一開始講清楚, 免得將來有咩爭拗~ 惡唔惡就睇個人啦, 唔惡都唔代表我冇要求0既, 嘻嘻~ Smile 我諗住初期集中d教佢點睇阿b, 其他0野都可以慢一步~ 請工人請d晌新加坡做過0野0既會好d, 因為0個邊d僱主駛人駛到好盡, 人工又低~ 咁佢過到0黎hk應該易d適應, 亦唔會太離譜~

It's good to hire a maid who has worked in Singapore before. Because the employers in Singapore made "extreme use" of their maids (meaning the workload is extremely heavy), and the salary is very low. So when the maid go to HK, she can easily adapt.
Cutie, my current maid no idea on food hygiene, very her to clean/wash chopped chicken, she soak the chicken meat, leave in the sink, wash chopping board/knife,where the water run into the pot of chicken...wondering if I have time to train her on cooking or send her for cooking class but she is not the smart type..afraid she cant learn,forgetful..

Hang clothes on bamboo stick, when raining she bring in the bamboo stick with clothes still hanging,she place on top of dirty towel(towel used to mop floor),half way n forget..not neat..have to train again all hse work.

Plus point, can pacify my todler, put her to sleep..she can handle kids,know how to play with them(make my kids like her) but her English is jialat.

I told my PIL, when I'm not around(travelling), her duty to make sure my kids are well, sleep, eat, school, bath..and closed eyes on hse work, and buy food outside.
Yes if we want to employ maid, then we must be prepared to buy the air ticket to send them back. We have to factor this into the cost. But I think employers will simply just send their maid back to the agency for transfer. And the end result will be more bad "recycled" maids in the market.
Eileen, my friend said, few hrs also can get preg???..she cant believe it when happen to her so called GOOD MAID.. really no suspect at all.. now,she urgently looking for least her mum is helping her,and both kids go to school. But still very stress for her.

Re:new rules from MOM
I agreed, very unfair for employer.. if maid know this rules, they will not be responsible..more yaya papaya. Everyone(agent/MOM) to push the responsible to employer,usually when something happen to maid.Even not the employer's fault.

Tam, thks for sharing..

All my previous maid dont really work. Maid only use Sin as a stepping stone. If what the HK forum think maid that work here before,really can work(easy adapt)..I dont change so many maids liao.
this is funny. I don't think it is SG employers who make "extreme use" of the maids. My MiL's friends in Msia thinks that we are too lenient with the maids. Some Msian Chinese families really do work maids hard and really treat them like lower beings.

When we took our vacation to Msia last year, we took my 2nd maid along. Of course this is how MiL's friend said we were too lenient to her. And then she (MiL's friend) started to lecture my maid and told her she cannot eat at the same table with us, (in restaurant) must help to pour tea, set out the cutlery; must handle baby and let us eat first then she can eat. Then Mil's friend also make my maid walk behind us and all sort of funny things... i think this is a bit extreme.
I also heard before Hong Kong work condition is harsher than us (crampy house etc), therefore pay is higher. Somemore HKG folks expects a higher productivity, so naturally I suppose housework also must do fast and good...
Very disappointed right? In the beginning when my current maid joined me, I also feel disappointed. I expect more out of her since she has got 6 years working experience in Singapore. But I am wrong. Her hygiene is poor. Can't manage her chores well (can't finish one chore before doing another one, leave many "half finished" chores all over the place).

She is better now since my mum kept screaming at her everyday (now still screaming).

Anyway, I don't trust my maid. She twist her words very fast.

Misah called me last night. I have yet to hear from her. Because I told her I prefer someone who can work without off days. She needs to check with the maid.

Can't say that Singapore employers make "extreme use" of our maids. Should say we are more stringent with expectation. We expect our maid to have the same cleanliness and speed level as us. Hence, we demand a lot from the maid. Expect her to catch up to our standard of living when working with us.

Hence, once these maids finished their contract in Singapore, it is much more easier for them to adapt if they work in HK in the future since they are already well trained to be fast and clean. (This only apply to those maid with good working attitude hor.)
May, my maids he cutting something dan walk around with the knife to get something.... these maid have no idea abt safety...

My mother is complaining that the maid stand like a statue and watch TV and not listening to her instructions, clean toilet for 1hr for the past 2 days keep screaming @ her
My hubby aka Mr Kind said they come here to work not to be scream @...he cannot stang my mum's screaming and he still believe that there is "GOOD MAID" around which we will find..... and this "GOOD MAID" will help us alot when we shift out in the future..... I am so sad,depressed and angry..... there's no such things as "GOOD MAID", I still want my kinds to grow up with por-por... aiyo... I wish my kids quickly grow up and we can do without Maid!!!
I also think that is quite a general statement. I know some maids in Singapore have a very easy working life.

Yes my maid is coming back after 2 weeks.

I think with the higher pay(about 2 times more) in HK, the maid will definitely be motivated to work harder.

Yes I agree that most employers here demand a lot from the maid.

Exactly what did your maid do in the toilet?

My maid was given 1 hour to wash our toilet weekly.

She needs to scrub the bathroom area floor and wall tiles. Clean the tap. Clean the area which we put our shampoos....
After finish bathroom area, she needs to scrub the floor tiles on the dry area, wash the basin and tap, wash the mirror area which we put many many small bottles of lotions or cleanser (we get her to place all these bottles in a clean pail which she needs to put them back neatly after washing the mirror area). Wash the toilet bowl. Wipe the ventilation window.

Exactly what did your maid do in the toilet?

My maid was given 1 hour to wash our toilet weekly.

She needs to scrub the bathroom area floor and wall tiles. Clean the tap. Clean the area which we put our shampoos....
After finish bathroom area, she needs to scrub the floor tiles on the dry area, wash the basin and tap, wash the mirror area which we put many many small bottles of lotions or cleanser (we get her to place all these bottles in a clean pail which she needs to put them back neatly after washing the mirror area). Wash the toilet bowl. Wipe the ventilation window.
Is that it? The pay in Hong Kong is 2 times more than Singapore? Then do you think my maid may decide not to come back to Singapore after she is back to Indonesia for her home leave?

My colleague is telling me that my maid may lie about coming back and yet not come back at all. She has actually asked for a pay increase to $380 but we said that's a bit too much. We told her that she would save on the loan if she continue to work with us instead of changing employer. But if the pay in HK is going to be so much higher, perhaps she might really not come back afterall.
hi ladies, i am still waiting for my maid's passport to be done in indonesia. the agent told me last friday should be ready...but it is yo...i am getting bigger by the day and really need help soon...
do u ladies know how long it takes for their passport to be ready? my agent told me 2 weeks.
though salary in HK is higher, the employer there need not help them pay the loan. They have to pay the full amount upfront to agent before going HK or Taiwan to work .. hence, many maids need to have ready $$ first, be it borrow from relatives or friends .. they are more willing to work hard, cos if they were sent back home, they still have to repay the loan they borrowed from friends/relatives .. they are also not allowed to get transferred to another employer . . once employer not satisfied with them, they are sent back home, that's it .. hence, they are more scared working there and more well-behaved than in s'pore
babycutie, precisely....tat's why my mum scream...cos my elder need to go sch hence need her help to prepare.....give schedule, talk to her, still dun understand leh..... my mum is constantly calling me at work just to complain....
Pucca, what was ur maid's current salary with you? Maybe increase to market rate for ex sin, which is $350 with 1day off or $370 no off.

Bee, my agent told me, renew passport in Indo is not easy, unless give under table money.. cos my current new maid's passport will expired next year(expired before 2yrs contract), agent advised me to renew here, althought more expensive but more easy(fast)..

Not to scare you, my past experienced, agent told me next week, this date, end up another week, later maid cant come, passport have problem,with this agent CRIxxx. So I choosed another maid, transfer maid cos by that time,very urgent.
pinktweet, my maid is quite well to do in her country. She has land, house, lorry, motorbike. In fact, she told me in her kampung, her land is the biggest. She had wanted to go to HK to work initially but the agency closed down/ or she missed the dateline or whatever, can't remember the reason she gave. So she chose Singapore instead.

Jo, her pay is based on the old rate, i.e. $280 per month. We will be increasing her pay for the new contract, but not $380 as she has asked for.

Tamarind, how do you ensure that your maid will come back after 2 weeks har? My colleague was telling me just now that most of the time the maid will not come back, or if come back, come back with an attitude one. So I am quite worried loh.

This maid of mine has actually threatened to go back twice in these 2 years. The first time was when we reprimanded her for not washing the baby bottles clean enough (imagine I found ALGAE in between the screw cap and the round thingy that covers the screw cap.)The second time was when I questioned her whether she opened the main door secretly while we were sleeping. My hubby remember and was very certain that he locked the door before he went to bed but the next morning I found that the main door was unlocked.

But she chose to stay in the end for both occassions. The agency manager told me that her ego is very high and does not like to be reprimanded.

Oops. I side track again. SO, how do I ensure that she will come back and work for me?? If she's not coming back, then i am just going to get a single trip ticket, and will not get the endorsement stamp, and will quickly look for a new maid soon!!!
Pucca, think your maid know the asking $380, which is higher..

Can keep her salary, maybe 1mth's salary, and return to her when she come back..just incase, she did not return, you dont lost on the return ticket. But still the trouble to search for new maid..mayb can stand, look out for maid..

Check with your mum wat time does the maid wash the toilet daily. If she washes at 10am daily. Tell her u want her to finish by 10.30 am everyday.
i have tried whichever or watever ways liao........ still cant work..... my mum keeps calling me at work, makes me feel so fedup....
I cannot complain to my hubby who is the Mr Kind and insists that we are just too strict and stingy...and says somethings can just close 1 1hr was toilet, he can say they work from 6AM to 10PM so 1hr to "tuan"(eat snake) is MORMAL!!!! faint.....
My #1 maid also let me go through mental stress and depression for 8months b4 I scream at my hb to send her back........
Now this #3maid, he says if we(me & my mum) continues to be like this, there is no maids that is suitable for us...... But I think the things that my mum complains are quite basic things....... Iam just so fustrated to be sandwhiched
Pucca - if your maid is one who is confident of her work, v likely she will go HKG/TW to work. I come across 2 maids (neighbours' maid) - fairly decent altho cut corners kind - after contract ended, cos the employer dont want to renew - they all choose to go HKG/TW to work. With a little experience here is SG is good enough for them to go over to earn more...
also one thing abt passport, if the maid renews their passport, sometimes they will put wrong name (they can have different version of names) and then if agent realise this, the maid has to redo the passport again. It is illegal for them to re-enter SG with a different passport name..think if MOM found this out, the agent will be penalised by demerit points or something like that.
Only employment related costs included. Sanitary pad, toiletries etc should be OK to let them pay.

I cannot really ensure that she will come back. So I have to be prepared to find a new maid if she doesn't come back.

But my current maid is very very good. She does everything as expected, and never complains about anything. I reward her good performance by giving her salary $410 and 2 days off a month. She knows very well that she will never get this anywhere else, since she is already 39 years old.

But I advise other employers not to use high salary to retain a maid whose performance is not good. If the maid performance is so so only, then I will be more than happy if she does not return.

Honestly if I were you, I would have sent your maid back long ago. Once a maid threatens to leave, we should send her back as soon as possible. There are many good maids out there, we just have to keep changing until we find a good one.
tamarind, a lot of people told me the same thing. That my maid is too ya ya papaya, if it were them, they would have sent the maid packing the 1st time she threaten to go. She does have her merits loh.. she understands English, Mandarin and Hokkien. So she can communicate with everyone in the family, and most importantly, my mum.

My sister just emailed me to tell me that my mum told her before (but did not tell me coz she didn't want to add to my stress) that if I were to change my maid and she is left in the house with 2 toddlers and 2 babies and 2 new maids (my sister has another new maid in the house), she will go crazy.

eileen10, hmm.. based on your theory, then most likely my maid will not come back hor? Not even for 10 months isn't it? Or will she? If I retain a part of her salary to ensure she will come back, do you think it is feasible??

mummy_tang, if your mum cannot stand the maid, better do something about it before things get bad isn't it? What if in the event, she gets too frustrated and say, push the maid or whatever (just depicting the worst scenario), and the maid accuses your mum of abuse, not that good leh..
I would advise you not to scream or scold your maid. If her performance is not up to your standard, tell her in a cool calm manner. If she still does not change after a 2 to 3 months, or until you cannot tahan anymore, just send her back and get a new maid.

I think maids are very smart now. They may purposely behave in a certain way so as to provoke the employer, until the employer cannot take it any more and hit the maid out of anger. Then the maid can claim that the employer abuse her. There are quite a few cases like these recently in the news, where the employers get into trouble.

So be careful, don't fall into the maid's trap. Not happy, just quiety send her away.
That salary is too high. My SILs are looking for maids now, I heard $350 is the norm for filipino maids with experience.

I would not pay any maid this salary at the time when I employ her. I will only increase the salary, after the maid has worked for me for at least one year and her performance is very good.
Tam, I also find that, it is too expensive.
Now lack of biodata from Indo so maid try their luck to get higher salary with as many off posible.

Now, the salary between Indo n Phil no different liao..yet Indo maid's loan(7-8mths) more than Phil maid(6-7mths).
I would listen to what Tamarind has to say. She is always spot on.

There is nothing you can do to ensure a maid will come back. Since she has "allegedly" stolen from you before and she's well to do in the Phils who's to say she won't steal again before she leaves. She'll probably sew the notes into her clothing or hide them inside her shoes under the insole. Or pass it to another maid to send back for her at a 5% commission.

I would have sent your maid back long ago too. Once you suspect her of being dishonest, how to trust again?

These maids have no loyalty. Most of them can't even be bothered finishing their contract...why would anyone trust that they would even come back? Words are cheap...and maids words are even cheaper.

Think about it....they all say they can cook and clean and are good with kids...YEH RIGHT...what a load of crap.
Hi Pucca - I dont know if she will not come back as promised, but nowadays maids v clever. Now that she has the language skills, she has a higher market value, you nvr know when she goes back under pple's influence, will she still want to come back to you? Even if she returns, you also dont know if her heart is here or not. I will suggest you to get ready for other alternatives, so that you wont be play out by her. But I know how yr mom is not easy esp the stds of the new maids nowadays. Before you make any decision, you must discuss with her and see what she says. You have a 3 yr old and a 1 yr old right? Similar to my can consider childcare option for the elder that if you got a new maid, it will free up yr mom a little bit. Your mom is v kind to help you and yr sister's kids..
hi mummies
I have a few questions,

1) If we have mutual agreement and I know the maid that she has to pay her own air ticket if she breaks the contract and how would MOM know?

2)If I renew the maid's contract without going through the agency, is it still valid contract?

Thank a lot.
How about passport renewal fee? Are we supposed to pay too?
I have told my Myanmar maid to settle her own passport fee as I am paying other costs.
Why do you wan this kind of maid to come back? She threaten to go back ah? I will tell her go fly kite hor... My previous maid a lot of pride kind, dun like pple to say her. End up got probs with my mom. Aiyo, after she left, I wondered how I tahan her for so long. Tat time I always say, nvm she young... now think of it, not good then change lah. How can you be threatened by a maid?? Like tat you lugi leh.

My hb say my house toilet 30min enough to wash all liao. At most 45 min.
Anyway, you gg to change her liao, nvm lah... hee...

Well, maybe singaporeans more ngiao lor. Oso maybe not so wealthy like the expats here who can provide so much for the maids. I got a fren (singaporean), her maid gg back for 2 months hol, cos sis wedding. My fren give ang bao to her maid, S$10K. Wah piang, I ask wat if the maid find a boyfren in tat 2 months and dun come back? My fren replied "nevermind lor, she oso quite old liao, let her get married lor" *fainted*
Wow..give S$10,000 to maid???
Can recommend me this friend of your to me???
Want to interview her... i come across a client that donate S$10,000 every mth to charity.
ST Forum Letter....interesting.

New rules may prompt abuse by maids
AFTER I received notice of the new work permit conditions set by the Ministry of Manpower, I called the ministry contact centre and asked: 'Who bears the repatriation cost of those maids who, a few months into their employment, decide to return home for personal reasons?'
I needed to seek an answer in the light of an unpleasant experience with a maid who insisted on leaving to sort out some family matters.

I was told the employer has to bear the cost. This appeared to be an unreasonable imposition on employers.

Why should they, through no fault of their own, be burdened with this additional cost of paying return airfares of maids before they complete their employment contract?

Will this not encourage them to abuse the system and seek the slightest excuse to return to their country of origin, knowing they will not be penalised in any way? I am all for extending due protection to maids who come to Singapore to earn a living, but due consideration should also be given to employers.

I appeal to the authorities to reconsider this rule so employers who are already burdened with employment-related costs, such as high recruitment fees, levy, security bond and medical costs, are not made to bear this additional cost.

Padmini Kesavapany (Mrs)
tamarind, u r right to say that the maids these days know how to find a way to provoke the employers....

ok.... something to complain..... pls bear with me!
today when I came home after work, my dad was doing some fixture by drilling the wall....i heard my mum called the maid to bring out the vacumm when I step into the living room.....
I went to toilet straight, when I came out I saw my mum vacumming, dad cleaning the fixture with wet cloth and maid just standing there.... i ask my mum to stop and ask maid to take over..... ya take over the vacuum and STARE AT ME!!!!

I instruct her to vacumm the edges of the cupboard, she can vacummm the drawers.....argh!!! then I ask her to vacum the sofa bed(below & behind) , she just STARE at me again, i action her to pull out, she STARE at me... i STARE back then she move.....

I went out to do grocery shopping then when I came back my mum said again she just STARE at her, my mum gotta help her finish vacumming and pushing the heavy furniture....I already told her before hand that my mum just hurt her back and cannot do such heavy chores.... my mum said nevermind..ok....

then i made an effort to go through the timetable again and I ask her to read/describe to me....she can do leh, ask understand said no....then ask again said yes.....

was 10pm, my mum happened to go to kitchen and found that the kitchen was still UNCLEAN...leftover food not kept...and she's going to sleep!!!!!! I went in saw the hob was SO OILY!!!! told her keep the food,if dun keep, she start to give me black face... the kitchen top is dirty and not clean too... she quickly anyhow do... i checked, hob still not clean...ask her clean again, she super black face...abt 1040pm then she finished and go sleep...
btw, just want to check, for yr new maid, do u immediately buy the insurance,bond etc? or wait till 1week,1mth later?

if u have bought, then the maid ask for transfer, can the cost of bond and insurance be transfer to the new employer and recovered back to the 1st employer?

I am thinking of if shld I seek agency help to retrain her, or transfer her or send her back??
mummy tang,
so sorry to hear abt your maid.

i think this is really a battle of wits. Tell your mum NOT to do anything for the maid. Tell the maid to do and go off. If come back the work is not done, just tell her to do it. Keep making the maid do it until the work is done properly. That is the approach i use now. fortunately for me i don't have to do this much.

I think your maid is just taking advantage cos so many times you mum cover for her. So she thinks that if she just spaces out there someone will just do her work.

btw, how long has your maid been with you?

4 days old and a list of things happened like the knife thingy...dun they have any sense of safetness..... and day1 can iron spoilt my blouse....arent they train to do ironing??

ya i am trying yr method, i am more hard hearted but not my mum who is the typical hsewife who is softhearted....say so young can be her daughter lah....etc... but pls lor her biodata said she has 2yrs indo experience with a family of young children....

btw, just want to check, for yr new maid, do u immediately buy the insurance,bond etc? or wait till 1week,1mth later? i just want to make sure tat if I have another maid, I wish i can "know" when to buy....or can they refund if maid is <1month? anybody know? TIA!
hehehe....Its not my maid that take such long time leh...its mummy tang.

I give my maid 1 hour because she has a lot of cleaning to do. She needs to scrub the whole floor of the bathroom and wipe dry the "dry area". Empty all the bottles from the shampoo holders and clean the area. Wipe the mirror. Wipe the taps, wash and scrub the toilet bowl and wipe the ventilation window grilles.

I don't thk she can finish all these in 30 mins.

Like what Tamarind has suggested. If she still don't improve after giving her so many chances, get a replacement. Did you ask yr hb whether his boss let him skive for 1 hour each day??? hehehe....

I need some opinion here. I am gg to interview a transfer maid this evening. She has 4 yrs working exp in Singapore and only wanted to work with Chinese family.

I told the agent that I prefer to hire someone who can work without off days regardless she is fresh or Ex-SIN. Agent called and told me this maid agree to work without off days but she requested to have 3 off days. 2 days during Hari Raya and 1 day during Independence Day. Reason given is she wanted to go to the ambassy on these days. Is there any special event gg on at the Indo Embassy?

Something I learn and need to ask "YOU CLEAN THE FLOOR, OR THIS AREA OR THAT AREA?"They will always say YES even never clean and that answer always make us boil as when we ask means its not clean....So, I will now say "CLEAN THIS AREA".....I know if I ask, I will jump with her answer....
doubt there's anything going on at Indo Embassy. Quite likely they will be closed during those days. Think that maid anyhow just throw up some reason to justify asking for off day. Maybe you negotiate back. the 2 Hari Rayas can (if you're ok with it lah), but not the Independence Day. Indo's Independence Day is 17Aug. If that day is working day, then how? She go off, then nobody at home? Hari Raya, at least that's public holiday. u or family member likely to be at home...

sorry to hear about your maid. I agree with Nellu. Think she just spaces out, coz she knows that someone will be there to pick up pieces for her and do the work for her.
Haha.. actually someone from MOM who sets all the rules should come into this forum once in a while to understand and sympathize with us, poor employers before setting all the rules that cause us so much misery.

Emma, my colleague says these days the maid are very smart. They will go to their embassy to complain about you behind your back and then you will be in trouble.

Mum2nat, Eileen10 and liana, I know what you mean. The people around me ALL tell me to change, send her back etc, but my family memnbers all think that I should just retain her.

She has her merits of course, otherwise I wouldn't be so vexed. Her plus points are:
1) She can communicate with everyone.
2) She has high initiative
3) She is independent
4) She can be a fast worker
5) She can take care of babies and children

Her minus points are:
1) She lies without battling an eyelid
2) She stole money before
3) She shows black face when we order some food she don't like
4) She will try to cut corners e.g. if she thinks I am not watching, she will not follow procedure.

babycutie, he will tell you he managed by objective.... aiyo anyway....i told my mum to stay cool and dun be angry.....

ok i found out the insurance thingy....i called up(Tenet Insurance) and enquire...they will terminate the policy once they receive the MOM's discharge letter, the date will be effective per stated on the letter...

refund of 70% if cancellation within30days
refund of 30% if cancellation is 31-180days
further details can be found at
