Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

celtricia, my friend's maid 2 months liao. Guess what she has been doing? When I visit her house, they have 6 children there. Plus my 2, became 8. Naturally, my maid was running after my 2 kids while they join in the rest of the 6. My friends maid, she hide inside the kitchen to eat the leftover pork ribs for boiling soup. she don't like to bath, and when you ask her to wash clothes, she wash her top and bottom but her undewear and bra, she kept in her cupboards. When my friend told her to go shower or change, she will tell my friend she is not dirty. When told her to do housework and they went out to go marketing, after 2 hrs, the house all still untouch. Marketing food, she will leave it aside untouch unless they tell her to clean and keep. It just seems like a typical fresh maid to me. More importantly, they want to eat and sleep only.

ok, i name the maid in the singapore expat blog and guess what? the editor says i shouldn't name and shame the maid there...and asked me if i have confronted the maid on why she didn't tell me about the the editor acting dumb or what? do u think if i call the maid up she would give a hoot about me since i am no longer her employer? really naive people...anyway, all i can say is i've tried. just hope nothing happens to the ang moh kids.

Thanks for info. My maid is an indonesian.Can I just check with you what is the code that she needs to dial if call from the public phone to indo?She wanted to call home later.thanks
JChew.. wah.. tat's so terrible.. but for mine at least when we r out i ask her do certain tings she will do lor..tat's y am contemplating if i shld change.. but i guess after the 2 incidents over the weekend.. i shld..
No point posting on angmo web .. It simply doesn't pay to be the good guy ... Since they are so protective about maids and see s'poreans as slave-driver, let them ganna bad maids and suffer loh .. why bother abt them getting your bad maid ..
These expats are like that…human rights blah, blah until their maid does something bad then they get nasty and go straight to court.
Since you maid is already transferred and the new employer did not call you for a reference and your daughter is ok, then I think you can forget about her and move on with your life.

However, I understand how you feel and if you need to take action against this maid I would make a police report (for record purpose) and give a copy of your statement to MOM and the maid agency. After all, your maid did cause hurt due to negligence.

I’m sure you all remember the case of the baby who died at the hands of the maid because she knocked the baby’s head against the toilet bowl and did not tell anyone about it. If she had alerted the MIL or employers, the baby might still be alive today.

Imagine if your girl had brain damage due to her fall because your maid didn’t tell you she passed out.

For me, I will never trust a maid alone with a child. Even now, I still fork out extra $$$ for a nanny because although I feel my maid is a good person and really likes my girl, I still don’t trust her. At the end of the day they only care about their paycheck, not their employers. Just remember (esp with Filos) that once things get a little “difficult” for them (ie. they get scolded, ma’am not happy, kids to playful) they will ask for a transfer. So really, how much can they genuinely love your kids….?
yup u r right pinktweet, they deserve them...

btw, i've sign up an indo maid this time round. she has 4 yrs of experience in indonesia taking care of 2 and 5 yr olds. she is 28 and married with a kid. she sounded ok and mature over the phone so hope this maid can help me feel at ease. i still have to wait 2-3 weeks for her though...
thanks liana, i will forget about her but just that sometimes i would imagine seeing my child lying unconscious...and then i get tense up. ok ok i shouldnt since i should think of the little one inside me as well.
u r right about the transfer...she asked a few days later after the incident...
i'll still send my daughter to full day nursery when the new maid arrives. only when really near to my delivery then i will let her go for half a day. i learnt my lesson liao!
sometimes my daughter will ask where is auntie nelia...then i will tell her she is a witch and mommy has turned her into a frog with my magic wand...hahahahahaa...
Agree more than 100% on Liana's statement - once things get a little "difficult", these maids will either call it quits or transfer. My maid is another classic example...I recalled some instances.

1. Stupidly stand in hawker centre with my 18 mths old near the auntie where the auntie is clearly busy clearing plates. I told her she has to be conscious of where she stand. And this is not the first time anymore. Sometimes pple will give irritated look at her cos she's blocking everyone's way!
2. Asked her why she assumed and threw things w/o checking.
3. Told her she cannot go out on her own w/o informing me even though she used her money and buy her personal stuff. She could have told me first before she action.
4. Didnt bother to check fridge items until we searched out tonnes of food turning bad - but everyday asked me what to cook.

And once they cant find a good excuses, they come up with LAME excuses like, feel body weak, hands trembling blar blar...then asked her to see doc - straight away rejected. I got ever come across one maid even claimed she got bruises from no where when she's has only started work with us for 1.5 day! She sounded she is going to die....

Anyhow, my maid appears normal yday..I think after a night's thoughts she will have to hold on to her plans until she earned enough money to buy a ticket back home. I dont intend to follow up with her on what she wants..I would imagine she would come to me if she has decided what she wants. I cant believe myself handling another woman of the same age as me (33) on such childish matters. If she wants to go back I will fulfill her wish - of not earning a single cent back home....
Breadlover, it depends where is her home town. It's just like dialing an overseas call, you need the country code and area code and tel no. Usually behind the card, they will tell you exactly what to do and to dial out. They have different language, so your maid can choose bahasa and just follow the instruction will do.

celtricia, Fresh maids are like that, you must be very patient to train them. if you can tahan, as in her attitude still ok, just don't know what should and should not be done, then you tell them. Like go and help ah mah, go and wash toilet, etc. You need to give them more time and tell them specifically what to do and demonstrate to them how to do it your way. After a while, they sure will get it.
JChew, nah..i tink i won't tahan longer liao.. sigh.. areadi dislike her.. if continue i will scold her for every little ting.. if my mum repeat wat she say everyday for the whole of 1 mth on cleanliness.. n she still din improve.. i tink i c no pt in waiting longer.. LoL.. give up hope liao.. juz hope agent can give me biodatas to view soon.. can't wait..
cletricia, ya, I understand. that is also one reason why I choose ex-sin maid, cause at least they know the basic standard of cleaniness in Singapore. But then again, I cannot say all ex-sin maids are clean. My ex maid, ex-sin 4 yrs, wah lao, damn dirty. I very chin chai person, I also cannot stand her.

She can wash my kids hankie, then wash the table cloth, then without washing her hand, squeeze dry the hankie again for my kids to use.

She can wipe her hand on the table cloth and then want to come and touch our ham and bacon for separate packing.

After cutting out the fats in the meat and bones, she don't rinse and throw into the pot to boil soup. Can you imagine the meat on chopping board, her hands, the knife?

She can use the table cloth to clean the floor, the cloth she use to wipe the shelves and cupboards to clean the table, the hand towel to clean the kids mouth.....

She also don't know for what reason keep scratching her backside for crotch area and after that can continue to deal with the food prepaaration for cooking.

She can ask my kids to wash hand before eating, but she don't wash her own hand, and want to use her hand to feed my girl. And alot of times, we saw her scratching her head and backside.

And more more more......... it's just horrible.
JChew.. yucks.. its juz plain disgusting the way they handle tings wif cloths n touching their backside, crotch, legs den handle food n kids.. sometimes really duno wat in the world they tinking.. simply er xin.. haiz..
she only started to sleep from 11pm for the past 3 weeks cos im doing my confinement now and still adjusting my time. during this 3 weeks, she will sleep early in the weekends as scared she is tired. Prior to tat, she slept from 9plus to 7am.

ya, same same.. so sian when think of employing another maid..
your maid sounds abit like mine too. always ask wat to cook when there is lots of things inthe fridge but never check if they had expired a not.

wah, its terrible leh.. the maid is so dirty.
Hi all
cautious for those getting maid with kids.
My current maid has 2 kids 6 & 8 and the issues it that they will miss home and kids....I let my maid call home on 2nd day to tell family she is safe in Singapore and guess what, she keeps crying during the conversation and after 2 weeks wants to go home...faint...

I thought she will know better as she is ex-Malaysia for 3 years..still like that...
i agree with you. I got fed up with hiring maids who have kids. They always get weepy and everything. Also they like to compare, though not aloud, our kids and their kids. This makes them emotionally imbalanced! Now my current maid is single. And i prefer it this way. She's more focused on her work, than my previous 2 maids.

These maids always tend to overestimate themselves thinking that they have the determination and tenacity to work overseas and away from home, but in actual fact, they just cannot take it. Little bit of difficulty they think abt calling it quits.

i don't pity them at all for being so overly homesick, neither do i respect their so-called courage to leave their families behind. Because they do not have the perseverance at all to see through what they had set out to do.
its been a while since i pop in here. i'm now doing my confinement. and i hv to say that my myanmar maid has screwed up terribly since the arrival of my #2. It is very obvious now that she will not be able to handle the work and oso help out in taking care of the 2 kids. we are sending her home once my new maid has come in... likely to be next week.

these are jus some of the things she has done over the past few weeks....

1. Last week, I told her to put the laundry into the washing machine to wash. I even stood beside her and made sure she put in the clothes properly, pour the detergent and softener properly before I left. Fyi, she has done the laundry for us many times already.

In half an hour, my MIL came into my room and told me she has hung up all the clothes, and they were all dripping wet. The whole kitchen floor is wet. I went in and true enough. So I got her in and ask her whether the machine has finished the washing. She say yes. I ask if the machine made the beep sound to indicate washing is done. She say no. Then I ask if there was water in the machine when she hang the clothes, she say yes. FAINT! So she got a good scolding from me. I have written down in simple english step by step instruction how to wash the clothes and this shows she has never attempted to learn. I made her bring out the notebook and go through. Then she got an earful from me and I made her take down all the clothes and wash again, telling me she has wasted alot of water. And I made her stay in the kitchen and not step out until the washing is done.

2. Yest morning, my MIL saw her taking the spoon she use to stir her coffee, licked it and attempted to dip into the peanut butter can and spread her bread. My MIL stop her in time and scolded her. Wah kao! Wat hygiene is this! And God knows how many times she has done this without us knowing!

As usual, she got a good scolding from me. I told her, from day one, I have told her which cutlery to use to spread the bread and ask her to show me, and she can do so. So I ask her why did she not use it and use HER spoon??!! Keep quiet, no ans. Nevermind, I ask how many times she has done this, she say first time. Yeah right... expect me to believe? Told her that now no-one in the family dares to eat the peanut butter already, and she can jolly well eat that everyday with her bread. And mind you, the tub of peanut butter was oni bgt last week! Told her this is my family, not hers, and this is Singapore not Myanmar. I dun care back there how she eat, but here, she has to follow rules my way! She can nod her head and tell me "yes, dirty"...

3. She has put on 3kg in 2 mths. All thanks to her enormous appetite. Besides the 3 main meals, she eats about 2 snacks in the day. I threw away some sample packs of those pregnancy milk powder and she actuali took them and drank them. It's not as if she does heavy-duty chores all day. In fact she has pretty alot of spare time in the afternoons and she could sit down and stare into space. So now, we try not to leave her with too much food. Not that we want to starve her, but eating so much at one go isnt healthy. And if her body is so used to taking so much food, next time if she doesnt hv so much to eat, she may suffer stomach upsets easily. And oh... she has asked for sugar and salt a few times and mix them with water to drink... claiming that it makes her strong. Dun ask me the logic, its too weird and I cant be bothered to find out.

She is oso so obssessed with eating that she is VERY prompt in clearing out plates when we finish our dinner. To the extent, that once the plate empty, she will come up to clear, without even asking if she can clear. How rude is that? Sometimes, even though our rice finish, we still want to eat some of the dishes. And even if she is in the midst of doing some chores, and when we have finished eating, she will drop them and take her rice and want to eat.

anyway... everything we ask her to do is yes yes yes... even if she doesnt understand she oso say yes... and end up doing the wrong thing. even though we hv told her numerous times that she has to speak up and clarify if she doesnt understand our instructions.
Ya, my ex-maid was not the first one to be so dirty. I got one ex-sin phil maid before, also like that! And the weird thing is, they finish contract!

Talking obout married maids. Actually, I have no preference. But now I tends to choose those who are single. Cause I realised that most married maids, they don't really take care of their own kids, cause they need to work, so is usually their mothers or mil that is taking care of the children. And also the fact that after 14 maids, I actually find that single maids tends to like and take care of the children better than married maids.

Of course, this is my own personal experience. I also have friends who got married maids and taking care of the children well.
My maid also gain about 2 kg when she is with us after 3 months. She said my house got nice food....She love milo and coffee. I get those 3-1 pre-pack milo and she can finish 1 whole pkt of 20 or 25 sachets inside within 1 month, so I told her 1 pkt have to last 2 months....she end up drinking other stuff....everyday tell me got sorethroat but then continue to eat chilli padi, drink milo, coffee and ginger tea.....told her can't drink some much heaty stuff don't listen...till in the end I stop buying chilli padi, milo and stuff then my HB complain as he sometimes wants to drink....
Agree with you, next time I will get maid that are still single, if this maid ask for transfer, the next maid will be my 4th maid.....vert sian, have to train again.

I also feel that sometimes ex-mal, ex-Jak experience are as good as no experience...never use brain one....

My current maid that day use her dirty finger (just finish mopping floor with detergent) to poke my raw meat to see if it defrost already or mum saw her and scold her....I came back from work and scolded her as well as I think she purposely one as pork she don't eat, so dirty also not her problem....don't know how many times she does that already as my girl eat the minced meat daily.
for some food like 3in1 coffee and stuff... we buy separately for the maid... so she cannot touch our stuff... so maybe u shld make that a rule for ur maid. u can buy her milo... but like wat u say, oni one pack every 2 mths, so if she finish b4 that, too bad, she has to wait until the 2 mths window is over?

actuali... after reading this thread... there is no such thing as which ctry's maid is better... cos it seems that be it indo, phil or myan... all hv diff problems. sigh... its a matter of luck for all of us...
tat's y now the preparation n cooking all my mum do herself.. esp if its for my kids to eat.. can't imagine wat they did before handling the food.. sigh..

Why dont you write the washing machine instructions and paste it near the washing machine for her to refer? I did that when my myanmar maid repeadtedly cannot remember the instructions. But hor..sometimes, she very "kah kiang" and refused to look at the written instructions and ended up all done wrongly.

The part you wrote abt dropping her half done work and went to eat is exactly like my maid. She can drop everything to go and eat if you ask her to finish her work first and eat. I noticed everytime if I tell her to take her lunch/dinner only after she has completed the task she was doing at that moment, she would immediately stop her work and went to eat instead although her work was halfway done..wah liao...cannot tahan.So now I will not bother to ask her to eat but she will come and ask me if she can eat and I will tell her to finish her work first.

My Myanmar maid can use 2 packets of 3in1 coffee ech time she drinks becos she said 1 packet not sweet! She also eats alot until we have to seperately buy cheaper food for her. Sometimes when I am angry with her becos of her no common sense mistakes, I purposely let her eat noodles instead of rice. I know she dislikes noodles..haha

I am still contemplating to send her back to the agent now as my hubby is going for 1 month overseas reservist soon. The longer I keep her at my house, the more things she breaks. She will break my house thing each weekend without fail. She has broken 7 items for the past 5 week here.

Which agent did you get your maid from?
kristen mum...
i gave her a notebook to write stuff down. the 1st time i taught her to use the washing machine, i wrote down the instructions step by step in simple english and make her take it out whenever she is doing the laundry. but she is lazy at times and refuse to take out the book and refer.

mine has oso broken many things since the last 2 mths she was with us. 3 mop handles, 1 electric socket cme off from the wall, the water kettle cover are jus some of those she broke.

oh... i realised mine oso dun reali like noodles leh... she likes to eat rice...

i go to Swift Arrow. an okay agency actuali, quite responsive and responsible.
wah, seems that all myanmar maids are big eaters! I shared here previously my myanmar maids eat 3 bowl of rice for each meal! and she can really "clean up" our food! Nothing get left behind! Before maid, we usually have left over soup for a meal the next day but when she was with us, we had to cook for extra 3 person portion and yet nothing get left behind.

my replacement indo maid coming this weekend, pray for me that she is a good one..damn sian of no good maids!
that being said, i believe there are good maids around. cos my sister's maid is superb, good in cooking, good in taking care of toddler and infant, good in cleaning! i pray hard hard for such a maid leh.
Oh yes, I should also say my maid is plain lazy to refer to the instructions too. This is the most frustrating part. They cannot remember things so we help them by giving them written instructions and yet they refuse to refer.

Does your maid cry easily? My maid cries over small little thing which to me are "bo liao" but when she broke my things or made stupid mistakes, she does not cry when I scolded her!! Instead, she would look at my blankly and sometimes she could even laugh!! Really make my blood pressure shoots up!!
kristen mum...
u know... when she 1st arrived, i can see she is more hardworking. i see her burmese beside the english instructions i hv written down in her notebook. but lately, no more.

she doesnt cry easily... in fact i hv never seen her cry.

and oh i forgot to mention one incident. yest morning, she put the laundry into the machine b4 i woke up. my mil saw that her towel and the one set of clothes she wore last nite wasnt in the usual place, so asked her where they were. she then pointed to the washing machine. gosh, she actuali secretly put her clothes with our clothes into the machine to wash! instructions were told to her from day 1 that she has to handwash her clothes herself (but can use machine to spindry). i got so angry i scolded her like mad. i keep asking her why she put her clothes inside, she can stand there like a dummy and not give me an ans.

all the best to u... i wld be getting my replacement maid next week too. i'm getting a 2-yr ex-sin filipino, single, in her 30s and good in taking care of babies and kids. i hope she will be better. i hv heard stories abt filipinos, but then since she meet my requirements, i'm willing to give her a try. wish me luck too.
My myanmar maid at first came dare not eat much, now she can help herself to second serving of rice.She is the only one who eat the most rice!
usually, I scoop the vege and meat for her, even got excess vege and meat, i wont leave all for her to eat all.I will ask her to keep in fridge for tomorrow lunch etc.

But my hubby says as long as she can work , she is entitle to eat well.
Check with you all, I sent my ex-maid back to agent on 28/06/2008. Today I checked WP online, it shows that her 3rd employment (me) ended 30/06/2008. Does that mean she has found a new employer ? so fast ?

Kristen mum, my ex-maid likes instant noodles. She can eat 3 packets at 1 go. We often leave her at home during weekends. Even though we told her she can help herself with anything she find in the fridge, she alway ended up eating noodles.

When she had meals with us, she ate very little. Think she is shy, don't want to let us know she eat so much. Left 2 spoons of rice she also want to keep. Wow piang ! End up she complain of gastric pain a few times.
no new records for her employment? then maybe she is sent home instead.

if can work then eat more is okie. the worst is cannot work and eat 3 person share! The 2mths she was with me, my aunt and mum take care of son, aunt cook, maid only need to clean and wash up, also cannot make it..sigh...she just take her own sweet time to do her things till everyone say is total waste of resources! hope the new one will be better.

good luck to both of us!
dats wat my hubby says too. bt too bad the maid nt showg she learng. when she join us, she v skinny, thk her prev employer dun let her eat much. so then we let her eat mre. n fr then on she tk thgs for granted.
I find most maids are big eater. My current maid can work, so when my mil says, I saw her eating 3 slice of bread, then hor go my house still got biscuits for teabreak, etc. I told mil, never mind lor, as long as she is not eating my children food, let her eat lor. Cause she works well mah. Of course, we also got some limits lah. So far, this one although big eater, but she is like actual mean eat her share of rice and dishes, then with morning and afternoon tea with biscuits type. I won't consider this as the real big eater lor. Last time, i got maid who finish a big bottle of peanut butter or kaya in 2 weeks. Eat 5-6 slices of bread every morning.
Ivy, Tamarind,
Sent home ? can't be, wouldn't the agency charge me for the airtickets ? Suspect the new record for the new employment will show up in 1-2 days. Will update you all.
i dun mind a big eater maid who is able to burn off most of what she eats. if a maid has a very good life in terms of chores and duties and yet eat alot, to me its not acceptable. if she gets fatter, her work productivity will oso be affected.

my maid is everything oso eat leh. the day b4, my MIL caught her eating ALL the red dates and longans that were used to brew my red dates water. wah piang... hungry until like that meh? i dun mind her eating but she finished all leh... wat if she gets too heaty and fall sick? i hv to bring her to see doc and pay oso...
Hi! just wanna check, does yr Indo maids take/drink pork ribs soup? if no, do you let her eat instant noodles? COs my #1 maid after sometime take pork and drink soup; the #2 taitai runawayfmhome maid is a strict no-no.... so she will cook her own meal...

my #3 coming, so i want to check wat u gals do....

hey mummies,
been busy last week so I didn't come in here to read...

Some maids just take things for granted huh...haiz.

I'm also wondering whether to send my current one back or not (hb & my very 1st maid, but my whole life, practically brought up by maids coz my parents working).

Just some of the things I've encountered with her:-

(1) First few days at our home, she never check with us and just assumed and threw away our empty containers. We never gave her instructions to do that either.

(2) There was one day, hb and maid were at my parents' place. Hb was training her. My then 5-mth+ baby (now 6-mth +) was crying (going for nap time). She was trying to put baby to bed. So hb decided to take over. He went into the room to carry my gal. He had left his laptop on and plugged in (but not charging. switch not turned on yet), so he told the maid to go and "turn on the electricity". What did she do? She went to the computer, CLOSED the IE window that he was working on (think he was on the internet coz he's work is done over the Net) and close down the screen of the laptop. HUH??? How does that equate to turn on electricity??

(3) I taught her to use the Avent bottle warmer to warm up milk and baby's puree when she first started (so she's been doing this for 6 weeks already). Just over the weekend, I saw her put hot water (from the airpot) into the warmer and turn it on to the 2nd setting. I'm ok with long as u dun leave the milk (esp EBM) there for more than 3 min. Puree leave longer is not so bad...just that I'm wondering, if use hot water, then why do I need a warmer? I suggested that she turns it to setting #1, just in case it gets too hot at #2,, since it's already hot water. Otherwise, dun use hot water. Just use tap water and put on #2. What did she tell me? "Oh, this is my first time using hot water. Other times, I use tap water." YEAH RITE. If other times have been using tap water, how come today change? It wasn't as though my gal was so hungry that she was crying, and needed the milk / puree fast fast.

(4) Gave her a notebook to jot down what my gal did for the day. so that we'll know what she has been doing, and can pinpoint shd anything goes wrong. Everyday, the entries are the same. Wah, so good leh, we thought at first. Then one day, hb decided to take off. So he was at my parents' place. That day, everything did not happen as the other days (per the notebook). What was wrong? Maybe my gal knew her father was ard, so behaved differently. Or, gal was behaving like that all along, but maid recorded it in the way we would like to see (not reflecting real situation).

(5) When looking after my gal, she doesn't really play with her. Everytime is just read book (same book) and play toys. How is the playtime like? Put my gal on bumper mat with some toys, and maid just sit by the side and watch her play. At most maid's hand is out near my gals' body, in case baby rolls back suddenly and hits her head. But that's all. She don't sing or play with my gal. Just look at her. It's only when we go over to the mat, that she becomes more active in playing with my gal.

(6) Hb grill and grill her until he sianz. Think she also sianz. Yesterday, she whole day give sianz sianz face. When hb brought baby down for walk, and maid followed, she was sianz sianz the whole time. She just stood at one side and did her own things (look ard, look at fingers etc). Previously she would follow where hb walk and talk to baby too. Then, when we got home and got out of the car, she went straight to lift lobby. Never helped carry bag or ask if there were anything to carry (we wouldn't have let her carry hb's bag also lah, coz got his laptop inside. but shd at least ask also mah).

(7) We get the Today newspaper at our doorstep everyday. HB usually brings the copy with him to work to read. This morning, while waiting for the lift, hb was carrying baby, I was locking up the door while carrying my bags. Maid was just standing by the lift....get this: reading the newspaper. Sometimes, we wonder if we look more like maids than she.

(8) Preparing baby cereal: I would prepare the exact amt of cereal (put into a container to bring over to parents' place) and milk (put aside the exact amt of milk, as per instructions on box). But I would tell her to slowly pour in the milk and mix...coz the instructions on the box is just a guide. May need less milk to achieve the right consistency. So each time I ask her how much milk u use to get the right consistency? She'll tell me 50ml (the amt I prepared for the 5 scooops. If 4 scoops, it's 40ml etc). Ok, so seems like the box's instructions are correct right? So over the weekend, I tried myself. Used 6 scoops and 60ml milk. It was too watery. So makes me wonder how she got the right consistency. So, was she telling the truth when she replied me 50ml gives the right consistency for 5 scoops? Or was she just saying, coz she thinks it's what I want to hear?

The only thing is: she's darn good with cleaning the house and cooking. I can't cook for nuts, so didn't have to train at all...

So...dunno whether to send her back or not leh. Sometimes, I look back at the things she has done. Not that they are very major mistakes lah, but I dun like the "replying-me-with-answers-u-think-I-would-like-to-hear" and I feel she tends to twist and turn her story kind. A bit "see human talk human, see ghost talk ghost language".

What are your opinions?
Hello CSI_Fan

My opinions:
(1) Very normal behavior to expect from a maid. Just have to tell her ask before throwing everytime.
(2) Cannot depend on them when dealing with more sophiscated items regardless she is educated or not. She can only touch home essentials electrical items - and thats good enough.
(3) The maid's working routine sometimes do hiccups abit. Nothing wrong on you - but it is common such thing happens. If you get a next maid - also can be like that. To me, no point getting uptight. As long as not life and death matter.
(4) Tell you, no maid will bother to really write in the notebook. They cannot be bothered and they have no responsibility.
(5) Oh the playing - your maid is not the only one. My maid is the same...sometimes it does irritates me - but now i dont expect her to play with him. I do it on my own better.
(6) The more we grill on these maids, the more demoralised they will be. DOnt be surprised she can tell you she wants to call it quits! So, if can close one eye close one eye. Of cos i am not telling you to accept her mistakes. When comes to serious mistakes and something you are firm, stick to it cos you are her employer!
(7) This can be common. My ex-maid used to stand inside the lift and make the whole world press the button for her! If yours is a PH maid, then you could use Liana's method and I think it works...i.e. to act blur and say wah so heavy things, your back is hurting. But let me tell you, some idoitic maids will act blur and smiled back at you!
(8) She probably didnt even noticed how much water she put. Either you tell her how much you want and she has to follow, else you ask her to do it in front of you. Correct her in the spot if there is something you have to let her learn.

Having said all these, I aint an expert in training maids. But I have been through what you have been through. Ultimately I gave up on these pple...lay NO expectations and it will make yr life easier. I am now into my no. 8th maid...Longest serving maid: 6 mths for now....and could probably drag her few more mths before she threatened me the 3rd time to quit.

You mentioned abt her housework skills and cooking is good...then let her concentrate on that first. Until she is ready to take on more responsibilities - then you train her to the next level. There is no perfect maid I think, and to me if you need desperate help, make do with what you have - what I am worried is that the next maid may not do what you expected also.
Looking for Babycutie...

Sounds like the Maid A u got is the same one I am employing, called Nurmala. Paid Statxx deposit ord, but only read about their infamous reputation now..

Dunno if to take her or not.. argh..

Any advice? U getting your maid from Statxx?
Hi eileen,

Yah...agree with you...cannot let them handle sophisticated equipment...but she knows how to close a window worh...hahaha. Knows how to click on the "X" at the top right corner to close the window...that's what got hb so angry lorh. can close the window, but dunno how to press a switch? hahahahaha.

true lah...some things are really not a big deal. those can close eyes, close eyes lorh. if we can help it, we'll take care of our kids ourselves. but we gotta work...sometimes I wonder if my gal feels bored with the maid. Does a 6 mths old baby know how to feel bored? hahaha

Sometimes, really wonder what these maids expect. They can't be bothered to write in notebook to communicate with us what baby is doing, but yet they expect us to communicate with them?

I happened to be on leave on Monday, and told her to prepare 1 oz FM to mix with baby's oat cereal (breakfast). Not her first time preparing FM for baby (I partial BF). I happened to go into the kitchen and saw the bottle. One look and could tell that it was more than 1 oz. So I picked up the bottle, wanting to explain to her that it's too much. milk will be too diluted, not good for baby. But wow! I picked up the bottle, almost wanted to drop it! The water inside was so hot! Yes, it'll be mixed into the oat cereal, and after mixing, it may cool down a bit...but I still dun think that's the right way to do things. Plus, baby's feeding from a warming bowl (those kind you put hot water beneath to keep the food warm).

Yah, agreed lah...grill too much, pple can get demoralised. But dun grill, they do wrongly repeatedly. Haiz. Sometimes, why do we pay money just to gek ourselves? hahaha.

There's only my grandma, grandma's maid, my maid and baby at my parents' place during the day. Dunno how also...
Yes. Maid A is Nurmala. I didn't get her because she can't answer my simple question on child care thou she has 4 years working exp in Sg.

So u have employed her already? Has she start working with you? To me, she will be those always black face type.

I chose Maid B. Ex HK. But Statxx can't provide me with her ex employer's contact so I let the maid go. I dun want to take the risk. When I phone interviewed the maid, she said the details is at home. Sumxx told me will be able to get her ex-employer contact on Sunday and get back to me on Monday. Then Sumxx called me on Monday said that the maid can't find her ex employer details and ask me can I release her to other employer. I said go ahead.
still hunting for the right one. Jennifer said her SIL want to release her Indo maid cos the maid can't communicate with her SIL hb who is a European.

She said the maid can work just that communication break down. I have arranged her to bring the maid to my house for interview. My mum will be around to judge. I will bring my maid and one of my kids to my bro place.

My intention is to ask the maid to do sweeping and washing some dirty plates anc cup to test her housework.

I will grill her with those questions.

Will judge from there.
same here.. for now jennifer has yet to give me any biodatas to c.. sigh.. guess to haf indo christian maids is difficult..

ya.. tat's gd.. at least by instructing her wif simple hsewrks..u can c hw she follow n her attitude.. when will she b gg down to ur plc?

good luck to u..
Haven't been to this tread for long, still very happening.

Just to let all to know, my new myanmar maid has just crossed her 2 months employement with me. So far so good. She also like to eat a lot of rice, but given too much food, she will keep it in the fridge if she cannot finish.

One things I know with maid, we must not get too personalize with them and if they make mistake, try to keep cool. Tell them and correct their mistake and after few times if they cannot learn and you cannot tahan them anymore, change them. Don't get so angry and shouted at them till the whole flat also get to know what you talking...doesn't look nice on us anyway. And too much shouting also may lead to abusive action.

Somehow, I manage to do it with this current maid and I find it very effective and "my neighbour no longer hear me shouting". I now regards my maid as a assistant, only here to help, but not to take over my work totally. So when she can relief me from some of my housework, I can close one eye and forgive her on her not so perfect work.

CSI Fan,
i agree with eileen on what she had posted. But i'm also curious about your expectations on the maid. You mean you expect the maid to be 'smart' enough to be a nanny in the real sense of the word?? I don't trust them at all, no matter how good or capable or experienced they seem to be.

I prefer that my maid not sing songs or read to my boy. I prefer that she do not teach my boy anything. I'd rather she just jaga and make sure the kid doesn't fall or get hurt. because i don't want the maid to teach the wrong things. Also maids don't care to teach the right things.

my way of handling the maid now is i treat her like idiot. assume she doesn't know anything. and tell her she really doesn't know anything (as in how we want things done) and make her ask all the time.

Ref to recording abt your girl's activities, since she's at your parents' place, why don't you check with your parents instead? The maid will never tell the truth.
