Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

morning ladies..

Wendy & kaimom, i find tat both ur hbs r too soft hearted liao.. y bother to let them stay in SG n get trfed when they dun do well at ur place? Chances have been given to them for improvements n if they dun cherish it, juz send them bak. Tat's my opionion.. As for kaimom, b4 sending ur maid bak, thorough check her luggage n all belongings she is bringing bak, even if she wan to engage bomoh, she nid to haf ur hair or photos, etc to do it lor.. if u sending her bak to agent.. the agent will earn more money, n the nxt employer will suffer..


If you still have your maid's WP number, you can just log in to MOM website using your SingPass and check under Enquiry on employment history. From there you can see how many employers a maid has worked before in SG and the period of work with each employer.
As what Kristen said, they have the ways to come back so really sending them back shouldnt be a too much concern (in my opinion)..i wouldnt be soft-hearted.

The sad thing is the demand for maids are high, so they can easily find an employer...15 days to return back to SG is surprisingly quick. The maid agencies really know how to sell ah!

As for interviewing a maid's ex employer who is on transfer, I would have abit of doubt what the employer will say. First that employer will be v keen to get her out, so dont have to pay levy so how much truth will there be?

Babycutie - as for the 2 biodatas, how long are they already in Singapore? Sometimes have to "look" at the person to determine your gut feel abt the maid...
Good morning.....

Wendy/kaimom/Celtricia, my hb is also soft-hearted…always ask me to return maid to agency.but my logic is same as celtricia, if they cannot work well in our hse, dun think they can work well in other's hse.

esp come to like attitude and carelessness etc….so I usually return them home, my frens said I am very "hor-sim" but hey if my maid genna xfer to yr hse/relative hse u sure u wanna take? Esp my #1 maid can let the hot herbal water overboiled till nobody business for so many times and still act ba-bo-doh...and 1 more best incident tat my hse almost on fire...... she's alone in kitchen and the double boil pot was burnt, the kitchen is so smoky liao and she didnt realise till my bro saw and dash in and see wat happen; when ask her, as usual said dunno and said tot was the rice cooker!! I scolded her upside down, ask her you everyday cook rice in rice cooker, u duuno how it smell meh, and whr's yr eyes??? cant u see there's smoke??? my blood pressure really shoot damn high tat night....finally on Xmas day, I sent her back...I wonder if she's back... curious to know... but WP will not change??

I suspect my maid might have already contacted the agency when she was inside the airport to inform her that I was sending her home. The agent might have advised her to take the next earliest flight to Batam (where they have a training centre and my maid ever went there while waiting for me to apply for her) once she had reached Jakarta. I am not surprise that she did not go back to her hometown at all but might have booked a flight directly from Jakarta to Batam on the same day itself since she had some salary with her. Therefore, she could find an employer so fast.

If my guessing is true then I have to really hand it to both the agent and the maid!!
Kristen_mum, the WP no. won't change meh? hmmm..

mummy_tang, wow! ur maid really act blur menz.. so serious liao still tot tis tot tat.. kaoz.. i sure suan her n say if i put her in her own hse wif smoke coming out of her rm, wld she try to put it out or stay put or run out.. idiot! common sense leh.. sometimes really BTH tis maids..

therefore conclusion is NEVER B SOFT HEARTED to send tis maids bak..

lucky my hb dun bother abt wat my decision is..
celtricia, another reason i send her back is cos my clothes always STINKs after washing!!! Really dunno why? I even ask her is it you dun like me, you wash till my clothes like tat? use all the soft and hard tactics still doesnt work.... and best she know how to play politics betwn my mum,hb and me..... ***really angry*** her name is ERNAWATI...incase she is back, pls dun take her!

I dont think the WP number will change each time this maid is with a new employer. When I key in my previous maid's WP number, the name shows on MOM records is the same person. Also the date of birth is the same.

This is also how we can check how many employers has the maid previously worked for before us. I usually check through the employment history of the maid if I am taking a transfer maid. Of coz, there are cases where the agent can lie to you that the maid is a fresh maid but in actual fact they have ever worked here before. You will need the WP number before you can verify with MOM's records.
celtricia ,

fresh maid, 23YO fm Indo....i suffer mental stress for 8mths then send her back....

I hope my new maid coming next week will be better.... or rather pls let me have better luck....
mummy_tang, fresh maid??!!! terrible, did u complain to the agent? weren't they suppose to learn all the basics of rice cooker, etc.. tink ur maid purposely one.. its a gd ting u sent her away liao..
My 2nd maid also like that, the soup boiling and water was flowing out, she stand there and stare at it....praying that it will stop....faint....when I rush in to open the cover, she can still stand beside me and prevent me from putting the cover down and my hand as over the boiling hb have to push her away if not I kanna burn which is why I send her back to agent as she is with me for 3 weeks only.

We have to set-up a list of maid to avoid so that we will not select them when we go to the agency.
My previous maid oso called Ernawati. But I thk she is not the same maid as u have mentioned. Cos from time to time I checked her WP to see whether she is still in SGP.

Which agency did u get your maid from? Next time must avoid this agency.
tis ERNAWATI very yayapapaya one cos she tot she got Snr high school can speak English.... the agency just scold and scold lor.... I also know... so after few months, we gave up calling the agency.... gave her so many chance still the same, so in the end I told me hubby, I am gg to have mental breakdown if this continues as my mum will keep calling my HP many times while I am at work! The agency name is Citiz@@ fAM**** H**per
hi jo and mummies who hire myanmar maids

can i know where does your maid come from? which state?

My maid says those from Shan state are better, not sure how true is it morning and got so many posts. I cannot keep up!

abt sending maids home or transferring, i always prefer to send them home. But for my previous maid, i had to transfer her even though i think she's really very bad. cos she still owe the loan. and that agent i took from had taken a lump sum payment from us. In this kind of situation, really got no choice but to 'pass on' the bad maid.

Now I won't take maids from agents who require lump sum payment for maid loan. I prefer doing it by post dated cheques.
Confirm the Ernawati u hv hired is not my ex maid. I hired mine from crisxx.

I will be gg to Statxx to interview transfer maid after wrk today.

Maid A which I have mentioned might be taken up.
So I only left with Maid B. I will see how it goes.

Will print the sample questions in Tamarind blog and ask the maid these questions.
good luck. Must really grill the maid ya?!
Babycutie - just sent u an PM, if you are visiting the STAT** @ IP...just want to caution you on some matters..

I posted some reviews on that agent in Tamarind's blog.

My Myanmar maid is from Bamaw..dont know whether is part of Shan state or not. Do you know how to check?

Your Myanmar maid has been with you for 2 years already??? did you manage to keep her for 2 years?? I mean mummies like myself, Jo and Suzie have so many problems with our Myanmar maids
Yes. I am gg to IP. Saw your remarks. You dun have good terms with Sumxx. But not on maid issue.

I wanted to look for Angeline. But she has left.


I will be "grilling" with below questions:-

<font color="0000ff">How old are you? What’s your age? Born in which year? (in case they lie abt age, ask abt the year, they cant think of lie so fast)

are you single? No children? (single doesn’t mean no children. Divorcee they dun declare children cos agency tell them not to, so they put single)

How many people are there in your family? Who are they? Are they married? Working? (shows the level of responsibility to the family re $ and if someone is sick/dead. If single child, then they will worry abt family always. If got younger siblings even better, makes them work hard for the $)

Any young kids, babies at home? Have you taken care of babies, young children? From how young? (experience with children. Although some single, they may hv taken care of younger siblings since birth)

Any sister/cousins working in sgp? (shows her understanding of working as a maid in sgp. Ppl with no relatives may not hv a good picture of the working environment in sgp and wats required of them)

Does your family need you to send money back every month? (show commitment. If no need to send back means quite rich, so she is not pressurized to do well)

Wat do they need the money for? (to chk if someone is sick at home. Usually if they want to work, either they are in debts, are poor, or someone is sick. If someone is sick, ask wat sickness. If TB, thank you-bye!)

Do you have a boyfriend? What does he do? (if bf is loafer, then may ask her to play tricks. Think ‘joy’. If got stable job, positive influence, cos planning for future)

If yes, do you plan to get married soon? If not when? (shows how long she’s gonna stay here. Dun want to waste 2 years coaching then hv to change again)

How far is your home from the city? Do you go to the city? How long is the traveling? (shows how ulu the village is. The further, the poorer)

Wat are the things you do at your previous employer’s house? (show the types of things she’s done b4)

Why you stop working for them? (if she stammers and cant answer, then something suspicious. Also can test their level of English)

Will u finish the 2 yrs contract n renew another 2 years? (if they say juz want to come 2 years, then show no commitment, juz want quick bucks)

Do you like children? (yes is the best of cos!)

What will you do when the children fight?

You will need to sleep with the children at night, attend to them if anyone of them needs attention in the middle of the night. You have any problem with that?

You are needed to do housework and keep alert on the children at the same time. Can you handle?

There will be Ah Ma at home. You have to listen and respect her. Are you ok with it.</font>

Any other questions that I can add on?
Babycutie - I am just disappointed on the way the customers are treated. As for the maid performance, it was a real terror - although she swears her maids are very good and housekeeping stds are very high! The transfer maid I got is basically a goondu - and maid agency make the whole matter worse. In my opinion, they tend to oversell the maid abilities. One of the mommies here (which I dont quote names) gotten a transfer maid from them, returned after few months also - and gotten another maid from them (so far the 2nd maid seems a better performer). For me, the service encounter is already bad enough for me to continue getting a replacement from them. So you see, I am not personal against her but dont think this is the way the business should be done!

Of cos maid performance is much more impt. If employers are lucky and got a good maid, of cos their service is superb as I mentioned in my review. But if the maid sucks (as you will nvr know), do you want to handle maid agency issues? Its no fun we all know.

When my requirements are laid out to the agent right at the start re my hubby 12 hrs shift, she said the transfer maid is good. I nvr expected that the maid is so stupid and then she told me experienced maid will be better. She also suggested that i have to give the maid nap time, let the maid sleep early as early as 1030 pm..etc. Then when the maid ran away, she said no maid will be suitable for me.

And imagine if she can say demerit point is not important to her at all, I would be skeptical to make business with her. Final choice is up to you still..
STAT** at International Plaza..

Note: their transfer maid transferring out speed is v fast! I was surprised how fast my goondu maid got transferred out!! Good or bad? Well, it depends isnt it? I probably one of those also easily taken by their sales talk on their maid.
Eileen - I nearly wanted to use them as they are very near my office. But after talking to them a few times and still did not take from them, their services when downhill.
yuen - i am not surprised really..I just want to share my bad experiences..The YCK branch also dont have license anymore after they kena the I believe there are more stories abt this agency, regardless the mgt or staff or customer service.
I went down to Statxx just now. Its a small office. Sumen spoken to me. Thk she is really good at sales. See ghost, speak ghost language. See human, speak human language.

There were 3 maids in the office. I interviewed Maid A whose most probably will be taken by next employer. But I still go ahead to interview lah. While I was interviewing this maid, the other 2 maids were gossiping in the background.

I really grill hard. I asked all the questions which I have posted earlier. Her English is ok. She can understand what I am saying. But I thk I will not get her because she can't answer this question.

"If you are doing your housework and the kids started to fight while playing, how will u handle?"

She pause very long............

I repeat my question again saying "If you are washing the plate in the kitchen, the kids started to fight while playing in the living room, how will you handle?"

She pause and thk so long........ Then I look at Sumen and said she dunno how to answer this question. Sumen then tell the maid "Just answer what will you do. U let the kids fight?"

Then the maid answer : "No, will pull away the kid".

Another question asked: "Do you sleep with the children in your ex employer house?"

She answer a soft "Yes"....."sometimes"....

From here I know she don't sleep with the kids.

Abt her age. I ask her abt her birthday. Bio state born in 1984, she replied 1985. Loophole again.

I interviewed Maid B over the phone.

She oso stammer when I ask her what will she do when the children fight while she is doing her housework. Thk she dun understand what is fight. I have to use Bahasa to describe fight. She then said stop the kids from fighting.

I went on and ask: "but only u and the kids are at home. How would I know whether u really stop the fight?" She answered " Yah".... Maybe she din here my question well??? So I stop asking further abt this issue.

Birthday stated on her bio is 03 Mar 1984. She replied 13 Mar 1984..... Can forget own birthday???

Asked her why work only 1 year in HK. Replied: "Mam afford to pay her".

She slept with child (6 years) and mam in the same room in HK.

There are Ah gong &amp; Ah ma at home with her and the kid.

She told agent her ex SIN employer is very good. So I asked to speak to the ex employer.
She said she can't recall the Name and address. Has to get her mother to retrieve from home and send to the training centre.

I told Sumen I want to speak to her ex employer in SGP.

From the above, wat u mummies thk? Which one will u take? Or both oso won't take??
All the maids I have interviewed can answer better than both of those maids....and the maids I had weren't exactly fantastic either. Maybe cannot compare Filo to Indo as Filos are full of bull***t. If they can speak well they sure can explain their excuses well too.

They both don't seem to have had experience with kids.

Ya lor.... This show they can't do 2 things at a time. They can't weigh the seriousness between housework and fighting.

I can't blame them since both of them are single. Only those married with more than one kids will know how to react if this happen. Unless they super bochap.....
my maid with 2 kids, 8 and 6 years old still don't know what to do with my 7 and 3 year old kids. My mother in the kitchen, I am eating dinner, they are fighting. she just carry on her work. my mother scolded her, she still don't know that she is to go out immediately to attend to my kids. she finish her job on hand than go to the living room but by then my mother is in the living room taking care of my boy already, my mother scolded her that when she is to take care of them, she don't and now when don't need her, she tries to brain.

so even if she have her own kids, also can handle...
Yeh, agree with yuen...even if they have kids of their own doesn't mean they know how to look after them. I suppose we have to remember that in their country they let their kids take care of themselves (that's what my agent said when I complained about my previous maid letting my girl go hungry). The agent told me they just leave the food on the table and when the kids are hungry they help themselves.

That's why I think the most important thing is good attitude but they still have to be hygenic and know what CLEAN means.

My agent agreed with me that if the maid is not personally a clean person (with regard to her own hygiene) then she will not be able to keep YOUR house clean let alone look after your kids.

There are good maids out there...I'm sure...but not many. That's the problem.
All good maids are gg extinct liao...

Perhaps standard of living is different? They let their own kids "zi(4) shen(1) zi(4) mie(4). (left alone to survive)
Babycutie - are these maids that u interviewed fresh but kena transferred maids? Or they have some experiences in SG. If they have experiences in SG before be it 2 or 4 yrs, they should be able to answer yr questions isnt it? And at least their english will be better...I guess if you widen yr search, maybe can do a better judgement?
wow...I missed so many posts...
was not able to come by this thread much the past few days as I was quite busy at work...gotta slowly read through...

got a question: anyone leaves their baby with the maid at home? Not alone, but the other relative/adult at home does not look after the baby. Basically, it's just the maid looking after the baby. Anyone in such a situation?

These 2 maids I interviewed are not fresh maids.

Maid A has <font color="0000ff">3 yrs exp in Jakarta</font> &amp; <font color="ff0000">4 yrs exp in Sg</font>. And take care of children. Now she is on transfer because Sumen said her employer is having stress as the employer has changed 3 maid within a year.

Maid B has <font color="ff0000">2 yrs experience in Sg</font> and <font color="119911">1 yr experience in HK</font>. In Sg, she take care of 4 &amp; 6 yrs old. In Hk she take care of 6 yrs old.

Both of them can't answer this question.

Maid A was a face to face interview in the agency.

Maid B can't answer because she didn't catch my question I thk. I kept repeating the word (fight, fighting). Ended up have to said in Bahasa then she understand. It was a teleconversation.
After meeting Maid A, what do you feel abt her? Any gut feelings? Btw, you can request for a webcam interview at Stat**, even those maids waiting at the training centre - i thot that webcam service is good.

In fact I was recommended to Stat** by my neighbour whom she partronised the YCK branch. 3 mths ago, she got a fresh maid again from YCK as her previous maid has finished her contract - but now she is toying the idea to change her maid cos she felt the maid is really stone and dont take initiative and cant manage the kids...If her maid goes over there for transfer I will let u know the name so perhaps you dont need to consider. But I hope you can find a suitable maid soon lor..
Yes there is a webcam. But it is not very clear.
I asked Sumen to get the training centre to take a snapshot of maid B and email to me. I received the picture thru MMS just now.

Maid A is too small size. My boy is pretty strong if he cry and struggle. She might not be able to handle him. Also I thk she look like those easily black face type leh.

I have pic of both Maid A and B in my handphone now.
Any mummies here staying in West Coast by the name of Nelie Yong? Have you hired a maid called Juniyah before?

Pls share with me about this maid. Thank you.

U can pm me if you dun want to reveal your identity here.
Haizz...this maid was probably an real stupid idiot...but no point physically abusing the maid. Just pack her sh*t and send her home.

June 27, 2008
Jailed and fined for drawing on maid's face
By Khushwant Singh
TO TEACH her maid a lesson, finance officer Sally Ang Poh Choo took marker pens and drew lines on the Indonesian's face.
She punished Miss Sri Hartuti Rokiman for not properly closing the front door of her Eastwood Place house, off Bedok Road, while washing the family car in the front porch.

The 26-year-old maid, who was left with scratches on her face, ran away the next day and reported it to the police. She also asked a neighbour and her maid to take photographs of her scratches and bruises.

Yesterday, Ang, 44, a mother of two, was jailed three weeks and fined $1,500 for hurting the maid on that day and on four other occasions over a two-month period in 2005.

She had pleaded guilty to the offences, which included pinching Miss Sri Hartuti and poking her head with a finger.

Ang abused Miss Sri Hartuti because she was disappointed with the maid's work, including the way she scrubbed the kitchen.

Ang will start serving her jail term next Thursday after her lawyer, Mr Ramesh Chandra, told the court that she needed a week to tie up loose ends at work. The company she works for had been unable to find a replacement for her, he said.

Mr Ramesh said Ang regretted her actions and had compensated Miss Sri Hartuti to the tune of $4,000.

When District Judge Wong Choon Ning asked why there had been a delay of about three years in prosecuting Ang, Assistant Public Prosecutor Olivine Lin said it was because the police had 'sat on the case'.

The Attorney-General's Chambers had to ask the police to expedite the matter, she added.

A police spokesman said yesterday that it would look into Ms Lin's comments.

Now maidless, so I'm the maid..

Liana, thks for sharing.. sometimes I can understand why employer abused maid.. some maid really can make the employer nearly get high blood.. better send maid away.

Cutie, really not easy to get good quality maid.. my agent told me quality drop, new generation cant take hardship(work hard)..but still there are, just take ur time,since ur current maid still can manage.

Kristen, I'm too tired to share abt the agent, basically, they dont bother about my requirements, just want to sell any maid to me, I have to pay $500, if I dont take replacement from them after return maid..I nearly argue with agent, when she told me, they dont earn much money, if i return maid n dont get replacement from them(they cant giv me a maid that can look after children/independant)..I cant just take any maid and keep on wasting time/money.. its so unfair to me, I trained, I do maid's work, I paid/waste money, waste time, end up no maid,..still have to penalty $500???.. anyway, to long story and I'm tired abt this agent thing.

Shan state, east of myanmar, near china..their skin more fair..more like chinese, cooking/food also like chinese..heard from myanmar maid. But work, not sure..think everywhere same..hav good n bad. Depend on individual.

I wont hire myanmar maid from agent again, unless recommend by employer, where I know this employer. Myanmar ppl are very hardworking.. most of them used strength but seldom use brain. This is what my myanmar maid told me. Cos everytime, she did something wrong, I asked question that make her mdm, need to throw away the fish bone? I asked maid question, instead of give her answer straight you eat the bone? Maid, throw away.
