Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

Hi Jo,
I was wondering how you are doing....I hope you are less stressed now that the maid is gone even though you must be busy with housework and kids and PIL....poor you.

With regard to the extra $500 you have to pay if you don't use the agent again....I hope you have not already paid it. Can simply dun pay onot? If they are mean to you just tell them you will take them to court and write to the Straits Times!

Take care ya...

hi to all,
need your advise on the following issue:
i just employed an transferred maid in late apr. during the 1st month, she was good. will do the household chores pretty well and look after, played with my 2 years old gal.
she even understand our language - mandarin. however during this period, my hubby and i made an terrible mistake. we treated her too well, let her choose the food she wants, brought her outside during weekends. where we goes, she will follow us. we even brought her a new pair of pants and towels as she claimed that her previous employer treated her very bad and never gave her any towel for bathing.

then in early june, i gave birth to a boy and she helped to do the confinement food for me as my auntie taught her on it. she started to question me on things like why my gal nv goes school?, when i taught her how to clean the bb's buttock and she dared to talk back to me - saying that her sister aso do the other way round, so why she must follow my way. wat i was angry was she very kay po. will always listen to wat our conversation.
the last straw was, she actually listened to my phone conversation as i told my auntie and friend tat she is no good in taking care of babies. Guess wat she wrote on the paper? “I HATE the person who talked about me to another person.” Which means she noes and understand tat I am talking back about her to other people. But I as an employer, I have the right to complain to other people loh.

Then next thing which she did to pissed me off was – she put 2.5mls of the gripewater into 60mls of water and she change the water 3 to 4 times a day. Imagine, my boy was only 2weeks old and she used up more than half of the bottle of the gripewater leh.. worse still was the instruction only stated to be used on bb 1 mth and above. So I asked her, she claimed tat she pour too much hence she decides to measure and pour into the water. But the main question is, who gives her permission to do tat? She said no one, she never asked either me or my hubby. She said she aso did tat while at philipines loh. Then I really told her off. Tat day I refused to take any lunch or dinner.

The next day, she refused to cook lunch. Luckily my mum bought some mee for me to eat at 11am. Then at 12.30pm, I realized tat she never cooked lunch. So I asked her, she only answered me – “later”. But she never prepared any food, so how can the lunch be ready tat fast? So I told her, never mind I dunt wish to eat.

Later when my hubby comes back in the evening time, she wrote an letter and asked my gal passed it to me. Inside wrote – “mdm, I already said sorry. If you cant forgive me, please send me back to agency on this sat. I dunt wish to work with you if you dunt like me. If you like me, I will try my best to take good care of the child. Yours sincerely.”
So my hubby had a good talk with her while I was sleeping. My hubby told her tat even if I dunt like her, does not mean tat she need not cook dinner, etc. guess wat she answer to my hubby?
Since mdm dunt like me, so why should I cook? My hubby tok to her for about half an hour.
Now she is still okie.

But she sounds quite psychiatric leh.. imagine, she can said tat I hate you. To me, I dunt feel safe leaving my kids with her. My eldest gal will go to cc. And the bb son will stay at home with her. During the weekdays, I would need to bring the maid and son to my mum or auntie’s plc loh. My mum can supervise her but cant speak English.
Where by, if leave them at my auntie’s house, only my grandmum is at home with another maid. i worried tat both maid will cooperate and dunt noe use wat tatics loh.
Actually, after the so-called threaten incident I went to the agency and asked for another replacement liao. Cos I felt quite worry leh. The new maid will be coming in in another month’s time. The new maid used to work in UAE for 1.5years. just returned to philipines loh. My auntie help to interview her via phone, as I dunt noe wat to ask her.
So meanwhile, either I send the current maid back to agency or stay with me while waiting for another miad? Wat do you all think? can help me as this is my first time employed an maid. Really had a bad experience leh. Thanks a lot in advance.
Your maid sounds terrible and dangerous. I would advise you to send her away as soon as possible.

Please read this maid who is mad, but appear normal simply because she was under medication. Once she runs out of medication, she went crazy.

The worst thing is that the employer has to pay her medical bills. You should send your maid away, better be safe than sorry.
your maid isn't really psychotic. It's just PLAIN DEFIANCE to me...and a lot of immaturity!

Filo maids then to take over when they are familiar with the employer's routine and everything. They tend to think that they are smarter. They are also quite drama and also very direct and unafraid to express their dislikes.

you happen to have employed one who has all these traits. Very unfortunate and my heart goes out to you. cos i used to have a maid similar to yours as well.

i would also give you the same advice as Tamarind had: send her off as soon as you can. You'll never know what kind of tricks she may have up her sleeve. and she may cause you more problems..
kristen mum n those with myanmar maids

Yes, is not easy having Myanmar maid as I nearly want to change her during these two years!
It is a long story !!

But consider the fact she can work and take care of my gal well, I close one eye! There is no major mistake so far and we have trained her from zero skills to now (she will be very much sought after as a transfer maid) as she can speak and understand mandarin n english.

Luckily I never choose one from villages if not I will definitely not have her till now.

Your maid is a bitch. This is typical Filo behaviour once they feel they are "indespensible".

No point discussing with her already. Imagine not cooking lunch because she thinks mdm dun like her.

OMG....get rid of her immediately. I'm sure she'll be happy when her new employer has got 4 kids, 2 dogs and 2 cats and a 4 storey house to clean. Good luck to her.
ya Liana, i definitely thought jennylow's maid was a bitch to the core. The part abt her not cooking was so infuriating to read!

btw, when are you good to meet for coffee??
Totally agree with you that the maid is a bitch, either that or she is psychotic. I wonder if she has ever worked before. This type of attitude will not be tolerated any where.

Do remember that you are the boss. You should not accept this type of behaviour from your maid. You are doing her a great favour by employing her, it is not like you owe her anything.
Haha, my maid was soo presumptous today. I asked her to throw away some contents of 2 jars of food which I did tell her which are the ones but she also threw away the 3rd jar content sitting near the 2 jars. The 3rd jar is a honey collected by my Malaysian cousin from their plantation! argh...

Who has their maid stays at the house w/o any supervision and needs to cook? My maid everyday asked me what to cook but she doesnt update me what food is going bad - unless I mentioned..Just yday, I told her I forgot to buy "mee-tai-bak", she can happily take out from the fridge which was bought by my mom some weeks ago..Then I thot it should be bad by now, and asked her to see...

She might think that after 6 mths working for us prove that she is smart enough - but still no common sense! From this incident, I made her checked the frige twice a week to refresh her memory what is in the fridge and what is going bad....

Is this the same way you guys would do?

when they get presumptious, i just rewind everything again lor. Make the maid repeat all the work again. But i hate it when they are like this when it comes to handling food. cos the wastage is too costly. I don't mind if they cut corners with the cleaning. then i get them to do again. but with food, once spoiled already you can't reverse the situation.

regarding not checking if the food turns bad, i think your maid is lazy to check or lazy to tell.
Nellu, exactly, I felt so heartpained leh. I dont know what is wrong abt her today, she also forgot to feed the kids fruits..until just now I remembered it! The whole evening, while I was feeding the elder one, she was strolling with jordan at the corridor...

Lately I also find her looking v gloomy...She had her first off day and in fact she has more or less repaid much of her loan...what else she wants? I somehow had a feelin she didnt want to work anymore. Plus, I see the way she deal with Jordan, can tell she dont really like the kid lor...I dont understand why also, cos Jordan is much an easier kid to manage!
Latest update: My maid wants to call it quits, as I expected for the past few weeks...I already had some mixed feelings abt this thingy and already moved the younger one back to sleep with me again...

The maid just managed to finish her loan (actually another outstanding $80) and she knew it but she forgotten abt the money needed for her ticket if she wants to go back!! So I asked her if she wants to borrow from her SIL or whosoever, and I told her I have no problems with that...She said she wants to think abt how to find the airtkt money...

What i dont understand is why these pple are so silly? She practically didnt earn any money after these few mths!! And I have made her work very easy..she only needs to look after my son 18 mths old and my mom thinks the younger one is very easy to manage. He can sleep twice a day each time minimum 1.5 hrs - 2hrs. Feeding him takes abt 15 mins the most. If no one else is around, the younger one is pretty easy and independant. I dont load the maid with lotsa of housework..And she didnt even need to wring dry the clothes... I go marketing every week (imagine I had to carry and pull the heavy trolley myself)...Dinner is usually very easy (1 soup and 2 dishes)...Weekends is mostly at home as my hubby works shift incl weekends. To be honest going out on weekends is very tiring and most times I rather rest at home with the kids...Maybe she must find that working for us is very boring!! With the kids at tender age, I dont think going out is easy leh...its more tiring than staying at home - i thot.

These weeks I already find something not quite right abt the maid...I just dont know what is it. She now claimed that her hands are trembling and it makes her weak. I didnt find her hands are trembling at all (when I reach out for her hands)...and offered her to see doctor - in fact she just had a medical checkup not too long ago. These pple have full of excuses!! I even offered if she wants to confide in anyone? All these are rejected by her. All these weeks I observed she was alittle impatience with my younger one. And little bit, she will sigh...After these months, I thot she dont really like my kids and I dont understand why. Sometimes my kids are naughty but they are kids. She is not those who are the "ra-ra" type and I thot perhaps that is her character. Some maids I come across really love the kids lor...but mine is definitely not.

I dont know if I have any more courage to get another maid. My heart is telling me to do without one. But I need someone to ferry my son to his speech class twice a week and I need someone to pick the kids from the school bus (even if I send the younger one to childcare)... Hiaz........

I know what you are going through.

Lately, I have also come across many maids has a sudden attitude change, probably news of hk pay is better gets into their ears.My maid also has a so call sister friend wrote to her and tell her, not happy just change employer and if not, go hk and work...see, as maid themselves, already cannot think properly and with such temptation, makes it worst...
Morning all ...

jennylow, pls send back yr maid since she got this attitude....

Eileen10, if she dun love yr kids, better dun make her stay..... we never know what's in this people's minds..
I have no problems to send her back, but the thought of starting the whole process again really send shivers down on me...I am trying to get other solutions to replace the need of having a maid...Looks like tough, but I still will keep on finding a way out....

I am really SICK of such uncontrollable maid issues!!
Eileen10, I can understand how you feel. I thought I can do without maid 2 months ago until recently my mum's health starts to no choice have to get one... new maid cominf this week...

BTW mummies, jus chked.... do you supply ALL such as shampoo, soap, panty liners, pads for yr maid?
I used to supply all for them for my previous 2 maids..... so that they got no excuse to go out to buy...... any mummies doing the same as me? TIA!
Eileen, when you need maids to take care of the children independently, it's really impt that they like the kids. I know that's not easy, as all maids that wants to come all will tell you they like. But when they realised how active or naughty the kids are, they become dislike. I really find it tough to find a down to earth maid that is humble to learn with good atttitude.

You all know that I'm with my 14th maid now and I've received 2 warning letters from MOM. But I must say my current maid, although not very smart, but she is very humble. To me, she is good enough and she love my kids. No matter how my son talk to her (sometimes can be rude), she also smile and still joke with my son. And I can tell she likes my girl alot. All in all, I have no problem with her and I'm very happy with her problems. A little flaws in here and there, is small compared to the above.

My mil and hub still got comments about her, think she geng or being suspicious about things, but personally, I know them too well, they are over-reacting just because she is a maid (plus the fact that we have seen too many bad maids). They became very wary of the maid's doing after so many, so I can understand their worry too.

Eileen, ask your maid to work for another month to earn her own air ticket money. In the meanwhile, quick find a replacement.
eileen10 - i can empthatise with you.
sometimes i also wonder is it because i let my maid to be too free that she can do funny things.
same here, my maid looks after my 2yo girl alone at home, no need to cook and minimum housework.
and she can say we are not happy with her when we ask her about the mistakes she makes.
also, she has money to talk on hp but no money to send back home and has to advance from us.

I want to share 1 experience here. Both me and my sis got transfer maid. They both came from very fussy employers. My sis maid day or nite even sleeping, has to wear uniform. Morning is always bread and lunch is always instand noodles. Night time is always some kind of stew with chicken and bones and vege. The worst thing is, the maid got to pick the meat and vege out from the stew and the rest is to feed the dogs! So, you can also say the maid is actually sharing dog's food.

My current maid, also a transfer maid from a fussy employer. Anything they not happy, she kena scolding for 2 hrs standing there. She wakes up early morning and sleeps only around 12+, 1am everyday. Too auto also kena scolding.

Under that kind of situation, when they came to us, they actually feel more appreciative and works harder for us cause we treat them better and like a human. Although i won't say that all maids are the same but then it happened to us.
hi ladies, i am really really angry at my ex-maid! last friday i met a neighbour (hardly see them). anyway she was asking how was my daughter since she fainted during the fall...i was like what do u mean 'fainted'. she then told me that when my daughter fell the other time on the playground she fainted for few minutes then only started to cry!!! i was so shocked i told her i didnt know she fainted. all my maid told me was my daughter fell. i checked her and only found some external bruises. if i knew she fainted i would have brought her to see a dr. who knows she might suffer from any internal injuries...
i should have sent the maid home instead of letting her take her sweet time to transfer to an ang moh. my neighbour thought my maid would have told me and i would have brought her to see a dr. we are really lucky nothing happened to my daughter. i want to expose this maid's name. i can't remember who has the blog about bad maids.
her name is nelia arellano from filipine. her agent is dans service. she is now with an ang moh employer.
hi ladies, i am really really angry at my ex-maid! last friday i met a neighbour (hardly see them). anyway she was asking how was my daughter since she fainted during the fall...i was like what do u mean 'fainted'. she then told me that when my daughter fell the other time on the playground she fainted for few minutes then only started to cry!!! i was so shocked i told her i didnt know she fainted. all my maid told me was my daughter fell. i checked her and only found some external bruises. if i knew she fainted i would have brought her to see a dr. who knows she might suffer from any internal injuries...
i should have sent the maid home instead of letting her take her sweet time to transfer to an ang moh. my neighbour thought my maid would have told me and i would have brought her to see a dr. we are really lucky nothing happened to my daughter. i want to expose this maid's name. i can't remember who has the blog about bad maids.
her name is nelia arellano from filipine. her agent is dans service. she is now with an ang moh employer.
oh no...the thing that you have suspected for a while has happened! I wouldn't want to go through the whole shitty process again too if i were you.

as i would have known, most of the Filo maids have poor concept of money. They just want to come here for dunno what reason. They forget that they need money. very very short term....even my current maid can criticise her own people and say that most Filos don't save money and just spend what they earn, sometimes even beyond their means...

maybe you are right that the work for her is no longer challenging. so she gets bored. Maybe her sil influenced her or whoever she met when she went off for her off day influenced her to do this.

better start looking into alternatives...
jchew, u r one of the lucky ones. my ex maid also similar situation with your maid. tells me she sleeps around midnight and wakes 5am to cook breakfast for ah kong. she shares a bed with 3 boys (3 yr old and twin 5 yr old). share 1/3 of a burger. if cook instant noodles employer not happy...then came to my place tells me she feels like back home in filipine again and says she will work hard. yes she definitely works hard but at the wrong things...cutting/polishing/painting her nails, day-dreaming, sms, calling her friends...
ladies, i nid some advise on whether i shld change my current phil maid or not, she's fresh in SG, she wrk for her ex-ployer for only 2mths n call it quits coz she find it too taxing, handling 3 diff meals with 3 diff food for the 3 teenagers & mopping the floor over n over coz the teenagers will juz make a mess wif muds frm activities..

she met my requirements on having the kids like her, its only when puttin my youngest ger to slp where she will haf difficulty. other den dat, she will teach my ger to count, sing 'Twinkle Twinkle' with her n teach her too.. however, when it comes to cleanliness, she kept forgetting or may choose to haf things out of convenience, (eg: if the wet tissue to clean my ger's nose for her flu drop on the flr, she can juz pick it up n use it on my ger, n its the same for the hankie to clean ger's mouth or perspiration), another ting is my mum caught her touching her feet or cutting her nails, den w/o washing her hands will go handle my ger.. sigh.. all tis haf been told to her upteen times by me n my mum to remember to wash her hands.. or change the hankie..

haf brought her to the agent twice, 1st time coz i find her 4getful, so told agent to talk to her.. n she said she will try n remember or jot down (whh she nvr did ask frm me a notebook to jot down), 2nd time was also becoz of forgetfulness n tat she told my mum she dun dare to do certain chores as she afraid she might break the glass or decors n also she was basically doing nothing at my mum's plc.. not following instructions as told n my mum is basically doing the bbsitting plus the hsewrk.. mum ask her put my ger to slp.. she only sit at the dining chair while my ger in playpen.. ask my ger 'wan slp? wan slp?' mum fed up go n tap my ger to slp herself.. sigh..

how? do u ladies tink we r too demanding? or tat its right tat i shld change her away?
Hope that your girl is alright.
U know my girl is attending CC. Although the cc is just 10 mins walk from our place, we still arrange for transport to ferry her to & from cc. That is because we don't trust our maid to bring her to the cc. The distance needs them to cross 2 traffic light junctions and across a small road which vehicles might turn in.

We rather spent the extra $$ on school bus as it is safer. In case any accident occurs and the maid kept quiet about it.
hi all mummies, urgently need some advise here.. Yday I went to my maid agency with the intention of chosing another maid to replace my current one. I interview a transfer maid and found her acceptable. I even bring her back home to show her my hse and my parents. Everything is okie. But today agent says my salary income less dan 50K. I am not allow to take a transfer maid as my current maid wp is still under my maid.

Is there really such a ruling?? yday when I was there, the transfer maid that i interviewed got quite a few potiential employer interviewing her. Wondering issit the agency pass her to another employer w/o informing me 1st?

If there's really such a ruling, how will I get a maid to replace my current one?? let her trf out 1st?? dan I will be w/o a maid for like 21days...
tamarind, nellu, liana,mummy_tang,
i am planning to send her back to agency on this weekend as my confinement ends liao.
ya, my frds were telling me the same as wat you said too. too young,and first time working in SG. hence quite ya ya loh.
she sure will suffer if she goes elsewhere. lately, i realized tat she tend to fall asleep while looking after my gal as she was sick last week. pretend to play with her, but actually she was falling asleep. she considered quite good life as she sleep at 11pm and woke up only at 6am. sometimes, she overslept, we aso never complain or show face to her.
think this time round, i will be very firm to my maid.. else i will suffer again.

my maid currently cook without our supervision and stay at home loh. she aso cant remember wat food is spoilt or turned bad.. need me to open the fridge and see one item by one item.. need to constantly remind her to check the fridge to see wat's item is running low,etc..
my maid as wrote on the paper saying tat she wana go home when i spot check the room. cos afraid of wat she will do loh. well,she still go unpaid loan. so will let her decide wat she wants. if she wana go home, she jolly well make sure pay back the loan loh. i aso understand wat you are facing. cos i employed the maid as i thot my 2nd bb will be pre-mature and if send him to infant care, i dunt feel comfortable. who noes, he is a full term bb. so when this stupid ya ya maid does all these things, i really wonder if i should go without maid.but the prob is my hubby working shift work and i would need to go fetch my gal from cc. so if the bb aso at infant care, i think i very tired and stress to pick both up after work. perhaps you wana get another maid and hope tat your new maid is better than your current one.
babycutie.. u tink so ah.. so far i won't label her as lazy.. as my hsehold chores mainly she quite auto do leh.. den if i locked my rm when am out, so she can't enter to wash the toilet.. she will keep asking if she can wash it or not.. coz at times not convenient for her to enter so its ok if she din wash.. my mum say she's gd at acting.. my elder sis also feel she quite 'fake'.. sigh..

actually over the weekend, i was very pissed wif her.. got 2 incidents..

1st incident: Saturday evening. we went for dinner at IMM after dinner we went for Andersen Ice Cream. As the sitting capacity was v small n we haf abt 8 adults, 2 toddlers n 1 bb.. so they manage to give us 2 small tables.. however as they dun haf enuff chairs (we manage to get 2 chairs, the rest of my family whh abt 4 of them plus the toddlers sat at long bench squeezing), all of us manage to get a seat except for my maid n cousin as she went to the toilet.. so my mum asked her wait for a while once there's chair avail, we let her sit.. u noe wat.. she giggled n insist she get sitted.. n she squeezed at the bench right beside my mum, as its v near the nxt table.. she almost sat on the other customer's bag.. OMG!!! my mum scolded her den she stood up.. its so embarrassing lor.. kaoz.. went bak in the night n told her off..

2nd incident: Sunday morning. I was in the bedrm wif my son, while she was in her rm wif my ger in the bb cot.. she left my ger playin in the bb cot n went to the kitchen w/o informing me.. n i also din realise as my door was semi-closed.. abt 5mins later i heard my ger crying n sound of her like wanting to vomit.. so i ran over.. guess wat.. she got the cover of the aluminium ru yi oil container in her mouth.. n she almost choked.. lucky the ting was too big to get down her throat as she is very small size.. scare the hell out of me.. n guess wat maid told me.. she was in the kitchen checking out the brown rice for my ger.. whh she used slow cooker to cook.. check nid to take so long meh.. wah liew.. damn pissed lor..
celtricia - I will not be able to accept your maid. Find a replacement meanwhile, until your replacement is here, then send her back to agent (if you still have outstanding loan) else send her home! I dont think you are paying her just to sing songs with yr girl. She just wants the easy way out...Oh gosh, she sounded so much like my fren's maid whom she got rid of her some mths back!
Jenny, your maid sleeps at 11pm and wakes up at 6am ? that's less than the 8 hrs stipulated in the contract. My maid rests before 10pm, and up by 6.30am.

Mummies, I have returned by myanmar maid to the agent. I gave her 30min to pack. She said nothing. I was surprised. I had expected her to cry and had 'rehearsed' my lines what to say to her. Good that she didn't create any drama.

Also gotten the new transfer maid yesterday. So far so good. At least her ironing was much better. Showed some common sense. Can immediately realised what's wrong when I commented on some of the work done. (unlike the Myanma maid, even when I pointed out her mistakes, she still give me the very puzzled look, and irritated me even more, and I hated her reply : "can not huh?")
eileen10, agent say had told her.. if i m displeased wif her.. she will get her hb to pay bak the money she had loan.. n she will send her bak to phil.. sigh.. i hope i can get indo christian maids..
babycutie, thanks. i also worry about my daughter even though it's been a few months liao. hubby think should be fine unless she is vomiting etc then should scan...but isn't that too late liao. hmm...what do u gals think i should do? should i sms this ex-maid and tell her i know about my girl falling unconscious and she didnt tell me? i am thinking of posting in the expat singapore forum to name this maid coz her current employer is ang moh (good chance they might see it). i want revenge!!! btw, the filipine agent is a devil so no point telling her.
hi suzie, i am also going to return my myanmar maid soon.. can share how did u tell her?? also can advise hw did u get the transfer maid??
No point smsing yr ex maid since u have already sent her away.

Perhaps u can post in the expat singapore forum abt this incident and hopefully the currently employer is reading.

Is yr maid introduce by Prospxx?? I hope not.
I would suggest u get a replacement asap. Your maid cannot make it. Although her housework is good, but your objective of getting her is for childcare right? If she can't do well in this area, so what if her housework is good??

Incident 1 shows that she do not have the basic manners.

Incident 2 shows that she is careless and not properly trained in child care. Who would want to entrust their baby/child to an incompetent calibre to handle?

yes, coz agent say most of the maids she gotten frm tat phil agent majority no prob leh.. n she specifically wan only gd proper train ones frm her.. duno wat happened to mine.. sigh.. guess its all luck bah..

i still tot i was lucky.. coz my ger like the maid immediately on teh day we interviewed her.. mayb not stringent enuff in my interviewing.. so end up like tis.. sigh..
On Sat, I got ready to bring my kids for enrichment class. Then I told my maid to "Go take a shower and pack your things. I am sending you to the agent". She stood quiet for a few seconds and asked "Why". I replied "you need to go for re-training". I told her calmly, no raised voice, and said, "quick, we are going off in 30 min's time." Surprisingly, there were no reactions from her. While packing, I went to her room and checked. She still asked "go back is it, go back Myanmar ?". This is the 3rd time she got sent back. Guess she is getting used to it. But I really doubt anyone would take her leh. Seriously, she is good for routine work, no need brain processing, eg take care of aged old.

We settled her salary after she finished packing, we paid her extra half month, and round to nearest ten dollars. She was very grateful.

I got the new maid from Nation. A transfer maid. Reason for transfer : can't communicate with the Chinese nationals. I interviewed her and found her acceptable. She is married with 2 young kids.

Today is only the 2nd day, still early to tell.
ic. U know I reject all biodata sent to me by Jennifer. I find that all don't have the relevant experience. And there is one who take care of 2 & 4 years old but in Jakarta. I din take her as well. Kids in Sg are more demanding so afraid she might not be able to handle.
Your agent says you can't get your transfer maid because your agent is applying for you under "additional maid" and there is a minimum salary requirement (amongst other things). That is because your Myanmar maid will still be under your name until she gets transferred out. So you will be paying levy for 2 maids.

I agree with Babycutie. Your maid is lazy. Personally can't stand that. Reminds me of my damn lazy maid no.4. This sort of maid...I really feel like throwing in the dustbin and closing the lid forever.
jennylow, my hubb also performs shift work (12 hrs shift), so that is why I am getting a maid - if given a choice i really dont want a maid...
Bee, I think I'm lucky this time round cause I also have my fair share in changing maids. This is my no. 14 over 3 yrs +.

May, you can ask your agent to apply you under replacement maid. So your current maid has to go when your new maid arrive. If the agent apply for you under additional maid, definitely there is a salary cap.
Hi all

Need some advice for indo maid making calls back home.

I do not have a house phone at home and wonder what is the most expensive and cheapest phone card that she can use to call home from the public phone.thanks
I usually buy hello card or M card for my maid cause, some of them really stay at very ulu and remote villages away from the city and those cheap phone cards like pheonix cannot reach. So, on the save side I buy these 2 cards only.
Suzie, I thot MOM stipulated 8 hrs of rest (I read it as not 8 hrs of straight undisturbed sleep..) Some rest time in between in the afternoon can still consider as a rest - thats what some of my friends told me.
babycutie.. ya i totally understand.. i juz haf to c wat other biodatas she's giving me lor.. had asked my fren's bf's aunt to help me keep a lookout too.. cross fingers pray hard i can find a suitable one soon..

Liana.. serious ah.. lazy.. hmm.. guess my mum's decision to change her is right lor.. mum was juz telling me ytd after she put my ger to slp n my mum was in the kitchen preparing dinner.. she went into the kitchen n waiting for my mum to give instructions for her to do tings.. whh she usually juz sit next to my ger's playpen w/o doing a single ting..
Breadlover, i think if you call back to Indo, maybe about 50+ mins. For Phil, I think is about 45 mins? Should be around 1 hr talk +/- cause usually they have promo price as in you pay $9 for a $10 value card.

celtricia, if I have this kind of maid, I vomit blood liao. But if she is fresh, I can understand lor. Fresh maid, they seldom has the auto button, and they don't know what is impt and what is not, what needs to do first and what can wait. So I always engage exp. maid, cause I cannot stand all these things. :p
July 1, 2008
Maid jailed for smothering 70-year-old to death

TEN days after a maid was hired to take care of Madam Choy Ah Moy last August, the 70-year-old kidney patient was dead.
Tri Lestari, the 24-year-old Indonesian maid who pleaded guilty to smothering the old woman, was given nine years in jail yesterday.

The High Court heard that the older woman had torn up a picture of the maid's 12-year-old brother, to whom she was close.

It was 'the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back', said forensic psychiatrist Stephen Phang of the Institute of Mental Health. Tri Lestari had told him that Madam Choy had called her a dog, beaten her with a walking stick and also snatched food that she was eating and thrown it away.

Dr Phang said in his report that Tri Lestari was severely depressed at the time, and this impaired her judgment and diminished her responsibility for the crime.

The maid, who slept on a mattress beside the older woman's bed in her son's Tiong Bahru flat, was awakened at about 3am on Aug 19. Madam Choy hit her on her head, tore up the picture of her brother and flung the pieces out the window. She then uttered in Malay: 'Indonesia maid tak ada guna', referring to her as being useless.

In response, Tri Lestari pushed her onto the bed and held a pillow to her face till she stopped struggling. She wrote a letter to her employer about the abuse she suffered and apologised for what she had done, and fled from the flat.

She tried to hang herself from a staircase railing, but gave up as it was too painful. The next day, she called the police and confessed to the crime. She was arrested near Tiong Bahru market.

For pleading guilty to culpable homicide not amounting to murder, she could have been jailed up to 10 years or for life.

Arguing for the 10-year sentence, Deputy Public Prosecutor Amarjit Singh said Tri Lestari should have known that elderly people were 'generally naggy and difficult to please' and should have sought help from the older woman's son or his wife.

But the maid's lawyer Mohamed Muzammil Mohamed, asking for a jail term of between five and eight years, said his client had pleaded with Madam Choy to return the picture of her brother.

She had said: 'You can hit me, you can don't give me food, but don't touch my brother's photo.'

Mr Mohamed Muzammil said: 'Madam Choy tore up the picture anyway and Tri Lestari just lost it.'


JChew, ya.. she's fresh.. tat's y i tot to tolerate n c hw tings goes.. but a mth plus liao.. she still like tis.. like she's not putting in much effort lor.. sigh.. or issit becoz i din manage to get my msg across.. i even told her previously, 2 weeks ago tat i hire her not becoz i nid her.. but becoz my mum not young anymore n nid someone to help ease her load of wrk wif the 2 kids ard.. n she said she understand leh.. so tot she will b more auto.. but whole of last week still not v auto leh.. only ytd den a bit auto.. sigh..
