Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

Is your maid a Filo? I have to tell you I've had 6 maids and 4 of them did this when I am not around. The reason why they do it is to send back the pics to Phils. Why? To show family members what a good life they have in SGP. They will take photos in front of your tv, hi-fi, oven...even in your master room. They probably tell people back home that YOUR ROOM is HER ROOM!

Wendy, is it that she is taking the photos herself or is someone taking it for her? If she is taking them herself then it's not that bad I suppose. I think you can tell her that you saw the photos and that if she wants to do such things she must ask your permission first.
Have you ever wonder who was the photographer ? Which probably means she brings in friends while you were away. Scary right ?

My maid will literally squat in front of the oven and watch the chicken being grilled. And also stared hard at the fish being fried. I asked her if the fish would fly away ? Sometimes I really wish I can learn from them, how not to be bothered with timeline and do things taking my own sweet time.
which part of Myanmar did your maid come from?
Mine is from Yangon.
I also not sure want to change her or not as she cannot get along with my mom and she can work so far.
liana - from the angel can see she take herself de la.
i will have kick her out if she let someone into my house.

suzie - i think the 'photographer' is the dustbin, shelves, or my kids' table, or just her hand.

they r not bothered with timeline cos their country is not as fastpaced as us.
they also walk slow slow, do everything slow slow take it easy
my maid, if i dun rush her, take her time to 'stroll' and cat walk!
i find that the Filo maids who are married with a couple of kids tend to be quite hiao. My #2 maid is the most hiao of my 3 maids.

my #1 is a single mom. my current maid is single, and according to her, does not have a boyfriend. Both #1 and #3 are quite ok.

btw, you mean your maid has her own camera? I also don't like maid just simply taking photos of my home like that, even if their reason is just simply to show off. But why can't she at least let you know? If i were you, since some photos showed that your daughter is in the background, i will tell her that she should not be doing this during her working hours when she is alone with your girl. If she wants to take the photos, she can ask you to help her take them, like on a weekend or whichever day you are at home.
nellu - guess wat? my inlaws bought her the digital cam.
hb and i wasnt very happy when we got to know of it. not with our inlaws but with her.
cos we know she manipulate her r/s with my inlaws. this is wat i think cos my inlaws, esp my mil, is very friendly to her.
i'm actually quite surprised cos my hb had told me before that my mil is actually quite a fierce/stern woman.
but i guess she has the interests of the kids at heart (cos the maid will b taking care of them) that's why ~nice~ to her.
and i dun blame them actaully.
just now and then remind my hb to warn my inlaws not need to treat her too nicely. thing about Filo maids...MOST of them are manipulative if you give them even the tiniest window of opportunity.

Like today, I was unfortunately at Cold Storage again....and this Filo maid was shopping for her employer. I saw her buy 10 pieces of turkey breast cos I was waiting to be served then I was behind her in the 6 items or less queue (mind you she has over 10 items but nevermind) then she paid for her stuff in cash and as soon as she finished stopped by the door and took out the ham. She carefully opened the package and took out a stack of ham, rolled it up and ate it. She carefully stuck back the packet and happily walked off munching and chatting on her mobile. I'm sure her employers don't know they are paying $15 for only 5 pieces of ham.

And I also had an altercation with an old angmoh woman in the supermarket. The old cow wouldn't move her trolley from the aisle she was blocking and told me to walk around! Meaning up the bread aisle and down the ice cream aisle because her fat ass was in the main walkway by the registers. WTF! I told her "don't they teach you manners where you come from!". I was pushing a stroller and carrying a shopping basket!

Being a SAHM and going out to do the shopping is just a nightmare.
hahaha Liana, you are just looking into a tiny window of my life! yea..and the supermarkets are full of disgusting cheating maids and strange rude angmohs.....hahahahaha

yes, Fil maids are manipulative when they get the opportunity. I'm also a bit worried now cos my MiL will be returning from US at the end of this month. As usual she'll be staying with us. I'm afraid she'll get all friendly with the maid AGAIN. She had unwittingly caused enough trouble for me the last time. I certainly don't want it to happen again...

toady, i lost my cool with the maid cos this is the third time she just dumped all the clothes into the machine and then the dryer (!!) WITHOUT checking the washing labels! The first time it happened, I reminded her. The second time, I had to do an 'emergency rescue operation' for my hubby's winter jacket. Third time, i got upset. Told her to rewash those non-tumble dry-able items by hand by today.

then the maid cried...sianz...said that i must be very disappointed. I just told her "NO, I'm not disappointed. I just want you to get better at your work, that's all." ...So easy to get disappointed one meh? If so, long ago already sent her back lah!....sometimes ah, they are SO sensitive....sianz
hand wash - The last time I ask my maid to hand wash my knit wear. When I wanted to wear it, I was wondering is it because I gotten small or the blouse gotten bigger and longer. From "S" size now it is "L".

I ask her to show me how she wash, and wow,she used so much strength and she twist it so much that no wonder after one wash becomes "L". Lucky I only ask her to wash that piece. My black dress also gotton whiter and older after a few wash.......

I also found that she use so much detergent to handwash my boy clothes that when you shake it, detergent fall to let my son wear...can died.....I think for my next checkup, I am not surprised the doc tell me I got high blood pressure.
My maid hand-washes clothes at MIL's place. End up my SIL's expensive bra's wire go haywire (out-of-shape)! At my house, i insist she machine wash all my clothes and i ownself handwash my and my hub's underwear, don dare let her wash. . For delicate clothings, i'll put in a protective net before letting her put into machine .. ya, i trust machine and protective nets more than her..
also, SIL's bra cup go out-of-shape too! .. can imagine the amount of strength she uses and without basic common sense of how to handwash delicate clothings
JChew, whoa - 20 cream puffs for breakfast!!!thats a lot!! My myanmar maid ate 3 ba-zhang for breakfast and already got scolding from me. Not so much becoz she ate 3 ba-zhang, but that she finished the oni 3 ba-zhang I have, leaving none for me and hubby. Anyway after that incident she nvr anyhow eat anything liao.
<font color="ff6000">Hi all,
New updates on my blog. I have included a maid who beats her employer's son.

It is very sad that there is no way to blacklist this maid from coming back to singapore to work. And there is no way for the new employer to find out from the maid's previous employer.

Make sure you check my blog and don't employ any of those horror maids.
My friend also same, she have the cctv at home and once she saw her maid slap her daughter. She still very calm, can work till knock-off time to go back to see the tape. She still let her maid continue as she don't have other alternative and is in the process of changing maid. Till the new maid comes, she has to use the current maid.
OMG...she dumped everything into the machine and then all into the dryer!!! I wonder if she just wasn't thinking or whether she was lazy cos Filos tend to know what to handwash and what not to handwash....gosh....I would have lost it too. Clothes are not cheap!
your guess is as good as mine...really baffling..I just cannot understand why she would not even ask.

luckily no clothes were damaged in the process.

sianz....well let's hope it won't be repeated again.
My maid again eat 4packets(1packet has 3pieces) of Oreo cookies after dinner.. today lunch, I noticed she cooked a big pot of rice(full pot,reach the cover), so we(MIL n I) decide to see how she eat..aiyo,she really scoop for herself like mountain with second helping..

When she initial in my hse, she dont eat so much but now getting more n more, I was wondering, if I supply more causing her demand more..if I supply her rice separately, think she will finish 10kg very soon.

I checked my laundry area, saw dead cockroach dry up(means die long ago) and lizard's shit..haiz..I told maid,to clean..

My hubby complain to me, our bathroom/toilet like public toilet..
Will try your suggestion, but my clothings alot have to handwash one so i might end up washing alot of the stuff myself....
ya, rather handwash ourselves for expensive clothings than letting her damage and end up we have to throw the clothes away cos too ugly to wear anymore .. Now i try to buy cheaper clothes, so that i can let her throw into machine with netting protection. Cos there is no guarantee that she will handwash properly unless u stand outside the bathroom watch her wash. But then, she may go back to her rough method once you walk away .. Weighing the pros and cons, maybe it is more worthwhile washing ourselves.. Else we end up very sim-tia seeing our expensive dress/clothes ganna out of shape .. :p

The more endless supply of food you provide her, esp. tasty snacks like orea, the more she will eat! .. For me, i just buy plain white bread (din even buy jam or butter) and plain su-ta biscuits for her. I don buy tasty biscuits and bread as it will lure her to eat more .. For non-tasty stuff, she will eat only she's hungry, cos they won't cause tempation to snack. Sometimes i think the reason why your maid snack after dinner is not due to hunger, it's due to her itchy mouth. I understand, cos i'm like that also. .. As for rice, i don know what do say .. maybe u can ration, like can only eat one big bowl of rice for every meal, nothing more than that. Cos u say she don eat much when she first come, means after she come to your house and see all the food, including rice, are 'freeflow', she will lose out if she doesn't help herself ..
"Maid has a boyfriend"
Haha .. wa, those expats' thinkings (i think they are angmos) are so different from ours! They would even suggest to meet the guy and 'interview' him .. They even supportive of their maids having boyfriends .. they even suggest condoms for maids, etc etc .. Interesting discussion and but a bit funny .. No wonder maids like to work for angmos, so much freedom .. One of my colleagues say that the maid's "career progression" for working for angmo is to be promoted to the mistress of the home! Angmos adore maids' tanned colour!
"Maid has a boyfriend"
So Funny to read.... they think the maid is 15YO gal is it?

Search for new maids...
My search for new maids starts last week.....seems like alot of those early-twenty something Indos....but I think they are much younger..... if they are so young, I guess they sure dunno how to do much hsewk.....Haiz, think the quality of maids these days like very bad....

Can anyone pls recommend a gd &amp; effective deodorant for my new helper ? Tink my bb will get to "love" the smell if i still don't do something abt it. It's really a torture for me &amp; d kids when i drive them to my mom's place every am. Help !!!!!!
Sigh.. Getting a gd maid is really not easy.. my tis current maid so forgetful.. n not initiative to do tings.. sigh.. nw trying to find a new maid.. but all 30 plus.. dun tink they will haf stamina to look after both my active kids.. headache.. sian...
My maid of four months kept waking late, and twist her words, I tell her off and she said she wanna transfer.

Let her spoke to agent, and agent say if she wanna transfer can, ask her parents to pay the loan and she cried...

Anyway, am letting her go as she is challenge to break houserules....what you mum think...
hi ladies, some of u had me laughing with the funny posts like massaging the rice cooker.

yuen, thanks for the advice on the free transfer. i went to check labour express out. the agent tried to call for the interviews but couldnt get thru and she told me weekends are difficult. then she told me she will call me for a teleconference. so far nothing from them. i dun think they are as enthusiastic as slf green since their business are pretty good. slf green have been calling me up but their maids are limited. so i will keep on looking.

i heard from hubby that his friend's ang moh customers sleeps with all the maids he hires. like what pinktweet mentions, these filos career advancement is to be the mistress of the house.
real disgusting.

even with one ex filo maid is enough for me. they are too cunning, sneaky and lazy for my liking. i am not saying indo and myanmar are any better though like what jo is facing at the moment.

jo, this maid can eat u to bankcrupt lah!!! show her the door! not every meal is buffet style eat as much as u can. greed is bad!
Did u get your maid to wake up early to bath every morning before u drive her to your mom's place? It helps.

For me, i'll get maid to shower whenever she stinks. Mine quite zee-tong, only shower for 10mins. So i don mind she shower more often as and when i asked her to. She usually will get the hint whenever i say "why not you go shower now, weather very hot" .. she is more than happy to do so. I also buy her the "snake powder" for her to apply after shower, and as and when she feels sticky.
if i earned as much as the expat, then $500+ for a maid is nothing...
some expats come with a package including housing and car allowance, maid allowance etc.
so how come the expats think it's fair that we are paid differently from them doing the same job? they can boast about human rights and all but in the end they are the worst...
Hi PinkTweet,

Yup, she wakes up at 6am do the laundry, cook the brown rice &amp; clean the floor. Afterwhich, she bathes. Then when the kids wake up ard 7:15, she'd change their clothing, wash the milk bottles &amp; make the bed. Gosh, the bar-wu would lingers in my room for at least 10 mins o so leh .......

Despite giving her a bottle of talcum powder, she probably doesn't really understand my hint. Therefore, I tink i should get her a deo stick. See if it helps me &amp; herself ...... Pity my bb, whom she carries ...... Eeeeeeee

Can I check with anyone get maid from nation?Did they issue a receipt and show the loan payment amount in the receipt?My friend got the document and feel very uncomfortable..anyone can advice?thanks

Your maid is from Prosper right? I met up with Jennifer. She sent me few biodatas but all dun have experience in Sg. I doubt they can handle since my kids are pretty active.

If u have friends gg to Indonesia. Can ask them to get P. O. powder for you. Its very effective. I used it myself (although I don't have BO, but underarm still smells a little if I perspire.) I dun get the smell after applying the powder underarm.

I pass 2 pkts to my maid to use every month and insist that she has to use it after her bath. Also I "command" her to bath 2 times a day. Otherwise, she really stink like nobody biz. I almost suffocated when she came out of the baby room after making my boy to sleep with close door.

I get maid from Nation before. Yes, they issue me with receipt and show the loan repayment as we opt for instalment deduction.

Why your friend get uncomfortable?? I thought we should make known for what we are paying for??
I also get from Nation, opt for instalment, linked to UOB card. UOB will pay agency the full loan amount upfront, and we only pay UOB by monthly instalment. All amounts are clearly stated in a A4 size receipt
For P.O. Powder, maybe can check with some mama indian shop .. not sure have or not .. I always have the impression that they can be bought from mama shops .. Cos i ever seen my maid brought with her when she first come to my place ..
hi babycutie,

Ya, my current one frm Prosper, n she was a trfed maid.. wif only 2mths exp in sg.. at first tot it was juz becoz her 1st employer hse too big n too demanding.. tat's y she can't handle.. who noes.. sigh.. she's actually quite forgetful.. i dun mind if hsewrk not done properly.. but i feel at least for my kids stuff.. she shld remember lor.. so told jennifer nt happy wif tis maid.. wan a change.. tink she mainly haf is new maids straight frm phil.. seldom haf trfed ones.. both my kids also very active.. sigh.. duno hw menz.. juz rejected those maids she sent to me ytd.. all quite old abt 30 plus.. dun tink they can chase after my boy..

I don't think the bank will charge GST for repayment loan. Just like PinkTweet has mentioned. The bank will pay the agency full loan amt and bank will deduct monthly instalment from our Credit Card with no GST.

Maybe u can check with the mama shop. I ask one of the mummies here to get for me when her hb went to Indonesia for biz trip. I paid $10 and got 40 pkts.

She sent me 4 biodatas yesterday too. All new maid with no exp in Sg. One work in Indo taking care of 2 kids (4 &amp; 2). The rest work in restaurant or factory.

We prefer someone who has exp in Sg. At least they know the living standard here. I have not called her to reject the bios (forgotten to bring along her namecard). I told her I want someone who is less than 30 years old (so that she will have the energy to chase after my kids).

She sent me one all mainly phil.. no indo.. but all 30 plus.. except 1 tat's 28 but she got a 3mths old bb.. so afraid she might homesick.. so dun wish to take her.

U go msn? wan to add me den i give u her contact?

Thanks pinkTweet &amp; babycutie

I'll check it out abt the P.O. powder. Worst to worst, I'd just grab 1 off the shelves.
