Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

tch.....I bought mine from Popular, it's a Bahasa Indonesian to English cum English to Bahasa Indonesian dictionary by the popular dictionary brand, about S$20-25.

Joy747.....nope. I've caller ID so i'll know who has call home when both of us are at work. It's good to let her family has her contact in Spore, just in case they need to contact her in case of emergency, letter will take about 2-3weeks to reach us.

You can change the no. la , for my house is under starhub line. i never give no. to anyone my maid agent only have i HP No. and Office.

Thanks.I make a mistake by allowing maid mum to have my home number. Singapore maid call her mum and her mum gave my number to the maid...I think i should have just gave her mum the agency number,,,,

I do not want to change the number as its really a hassle ....I will deal with those phone calls...afterall, my maid never have a chance to lay a finger on the phone....thanks sharon...
Can anybody assist in directing me to the website for first time employer's course? I have a transfer maid waiting for me to bring her home. Please help. Thanks!
hi ladies. can somebody help me pls? i've never had a maid before as my mum has always been taking care of my 2 small kids. but due to unforseen circumstances, she's now unable to do so. need help and advise on some of the following:

1) what i need to do to get a maid
2) which agency is reliable
3) what are the things that i shld look out for so that the agent wun cheat me cos they know i first time employer
4) what kind of paperwork needs to be done? need to submit anything?
5) how much to pay and what does the whole package contain? air fare? transfer maid?
6) what's this employer course abt. need to attend? compulsory?
7) if maid arrives, what do i need to do? check her bags?
8) what rules to set for the maid? where does she sleep?
9) shld i leave maid at home with baby?
10) what are the do's and don'ts ??

would appreciate if any other advices that i did not list above cos i myself not sure. sorry to be so long winded. just that its the first time and i really blur and dunno how to go abt all these things. checked those archive posts but very long leh and cld'nt find

thanks so much!
Hi Samval,

1) You can get a maid from a maid agency, they will do all the paperwork for you.

2) I don't think there is any agency who always have good maids. Your friend may find a good maid in one agency, but you may not be so lucky if you go to the same agency.

3) When looking for an agency, ask the following questions:
a. How much is the agency fee ? What does it include ? It should include the insurance for security bond, so you don't have to pay the $5000 to MOM. If the maid gets pregnant or runs away, you will have to pay $5000. You can purchase the additional bond protector, so that you only have to pay $250.

b. Is the maid loan refundable ? Most agencies will need you to pay the $2000 maid loan upfront. Some will allow you to pay by certain credit cards which will allow 0% interest free installments. The most important thing is to check if they will refund you the balance if you return the maid to them.

c. How many times are you allowed to change maids ? How much do you have to pay for the replacement ? Most agencies will allow at least one free replacement.

d. If you return a maid to them, how long will it take for them to transfer her to another employer ? Some agencies will ask for up to 30 days, and will ask you to pay $10 per day for her food and lodging. That means you need to pay $300 for a maid who is not working for you ! This is on top of the $200 maid levy which you still need to pay.

4) The maid agency should handle all the paperwork for you.

5) You will have to pay the following:
a. agency fee, ranges from $0 - $600 depending on different agencies. This will include the insurance for the security bond.

b. maid loan, usually about $2000 paid to the agency. You deduct this from the first 8 months of your maids salary. The maid loan is a lot less if you get a transfer maid. The maid's airfare is included in the maid loan.

c. bond protector, about $150, so you don't have to pay $5000 if your maid runs away

d. Maid's salary every month, $280 for Indonesian maid, more for filipinos and experienced maids.

e. Maid levy, $200 if you have kids under 7 years old.

6) MOM requires all first time employer to take a course. You can submit through the internet.

7) Usually I will not check my maid's bag, because I don't keep valuables or money at home. You may want to ask her to declare how much money or jewellery she has.

8) My maid sleeps in the bomb shelter. I know other maids who sleep with in the kids room, or in the study. Different households will have different house rules. Try to be as specific as possible. Here's my houserules

a) No praying
b) No Handphone
c) You must listen to Ah Gong and Po Po, and do everything they ask you to do. Cannot talk back or argue with them.
d) Must ask permission before going out of the house.
e) Cannot open any cupboards or drawers in the bedrooms or living room.
f) Cannot sit or step on any bed or mattress except your own.
g) You will use the soap, shampoo and pads I buy for you. If you want a different brand, you must buy yourself.
h) You can only use the toilet in the kitchen. You cannot go into the master bedroom toilet.
i) Cannot scold or beat the children.
j) Must watch the children and make sure they dont get hurt
k) You cannot use the washing machine or dryer. You must hand wash your clothes. Hang outside to dry. Do not hang your clothes in the kitchen. Do not mix your clothes with our clothes.
l) After using the toilet, you must wash your hands with Dettol handsoap and wipe dry. You also must wash hands after coming back from outside.
m) The floor in all rooms, kitchen and toilet must always be dry. You must wipe immediately if it is wet.
n) Do not put any bags on the dining table. Put the bags on the floor.
o) Must always knock on the door before opening. You must open the door slowly because the children may be playing behind the door.
p) You cannot turn on the TV to watch yourself.
q) Do not go into the computer room or my bedroom.
r) You must tell me when you are sick. I will pay for you to see the doctor.
s) You cannot eat any food in the house, unless I told you so

9) It is not advisable to leave the maid alone with the baby, it is better to have an elderly to supervise her.

10) Never scold your maid, or touch your maid. She may accuse you of abuse. Always make sure she has enough food to eat and enough time to rest. Make sure her work load is reasonable. Do not pamper your maid, only reward her when she performs very well. Always listen to your maid, if she asks to go home, please send her back. It is dangerous to keep a maid who does not want to work for you.

If you are a full time working mom, I would advise you to find a maid who has worked in Singapore for at least 2 - 3 years. Do not take any maids who work for less than 1 year. Try to find one whose ex-employer is as similar to you as possible. For example, if you have 2 kids, find one who took care of at least 2 kids or more. If you live in HDB, do not get those who worked in bungalows. If you are Chinese, try to get those whose ex-employer is Chinese. Do not take those who worked in households with 2 maids, because their workload is usually lighter, and may not be able to take the stress at your house. You can try to widen your search, or visit more maid agencies.

Lastly, do not get one who is too young, cute or pretty. You know why, right ? But don't get one over 30 years old, they may not have the energy to take care of your kids. My preference is 27 -29 years old. And don't get one who is too fat, these are usually very lazy.
Wow tamarind that is very detailed.
I should have asked you for advice before i engage a maid too. My filipino did most of the NOT ALLOWED TO DO at my place. Her mopping is so wet that caused me to fall right after my confinement and i have to pay lots of money for my medication now. Plus she is very arrogant and lazy (yap she is plump)always try to go through the easier way. Wanted to send her away but my stupid agency twisted their words and she had to stay for 3 more wks.Yap mine stated that we had to pay $12 per day while she stay at agency.

By the way my agency is AATAS in case you look for them must made sure you stated everything in black and white.
hi tamarind, thank you so much for your detailed advise. much appreciated. still deciding whether to get a maid or not. will let you guys know.

matsu, thanks for the info. will take note shld i go to them
matsu, Samval,
I just got another maid to take care of my father, going through the whole hiring process again for the 6th time. So I am just putting down my thoughts
tamarind, wah liao...6 times!!! very shiong leh. heard alot of nasty stories abt maid, but seems like now really no choice.

i also got prob now cos if i get maid, no one to supervise the maid then how ah? how to trust her alone with baby?? scared leh
Hi all,

I'm new to this thread, jus wan to find out did anyone here know will filipino do black magic too?
I understand that some indonasian maid do black magic by putting things in the water/food for their employer... how abt filipino?

Yesterday we jus found that our drinking water is extremely dirty, I'm worried but no evidence to prove is done by the maid.
Hi mommies,

I've just renewed my maid's passport n wrk permit. Did everything by myself without any agent.

Just like to reconfirm with other mommies who renewed their maid's contract. Is it necessary to put aside ard $500 of savings for the maid just like the initial contract ? This is to safe guard ourself shd maid decided not to return to Sin as promised o make extensive international calls without employer's knowledge n etc ....

Pls advice n thanks in advance.
So did you make your maid pay the passport renewal fee ?

I think it is good to keep at least 1 month of your maid's salary just in case something happens.

If I am not wrong, Christians/Catholics will not do black magic. I think all filipinos are Christians or Catholics.
You should just tell your maid that it is her duty to keep the water clean. If she doesn't listen, then just send her back.

If really no choice, then try to find a maid who has worked for at least 3 - 4 years with the same employer. If they can use her for so long, she should be OK.

I just got a maid who has 6 years of experience working with the same employer. Her duty is to take care of my father. So far I am quite satisfied with her. Only thing is she is very ugly. I got a shock when I collected her at the agency. But then I have one less thing to worry about.
actually this black magic thing has got nothing to do with the maid's religion, cause anyone with a bad character and bad intentions can practice it if they want to. most indonesians are muslims and Islam actually forbids the practice of black magic, as it goes against the teachings of the religion, but some of them still practice it. i guess some of them come from very "backward" villages, where they practice such things...

but i personally have not heard of any filipino maids doing such things, so i think it's something quite rare.
Dear all,

i'm really don't know whether to change my indonasia maid who is now taking care of my bedridden mother. As my mother is a stroke patient, she is half side paralyse and speech is affected after the stroke.

My indonasian maid jus work for us about 2months plus, starting from 1st wk she she went into our study room which we already forbidded her from going in, we lecture her. The next day we found her with her bag packed. and we found some a dollars coin the bag then we know that she actually keep the money when she found in my hubby trouser while washing it. We lecture her and call the agent to talk to her and after the talk to the agent she said sorry to us and promise will never do it again.

In the second wk, we found a small packet of bread and peanut butter in your cabinet, she then told us is the maid from upstair pass to her by using a rope ***sigh** then we went upstair to check with our neighbour then we know that she told the maid upstair she was hungry so the maid pass her the bread... we forgive her again and give her another chance.
Another week we found her like ill-treating my mum and when we question her, she admit that she beat my mother's hand when she urine on her pant. We sent her to the agency, the agent suggest us to change maid, but i'm thinking this maid already used to our housework and been teaching her taking care of my mother so we also hesitate whether to change her or not. The agent suggest we bring her back until we've chosen a new maid then will do one to one exchange. When we brought her back, she said sorry and promise won't do it again and want to take good care of my mum. We finally decided to give her another chance.

Then she continue to work for us, I found her housework is very routine,
1. ask her used different cloth for different room but always found her using the same cloth only.
2. she wash clothes also not clean, with my son poo poo still on the pants after hang dry when I do a random check.
3.Told don't mixed colour clothing together while washing she still mixed until my girl dress got colour running in.
4.Told her to put only small little spoon of salt while cooking veg for my mum, she put 4 little spoon.
5.Told her to use cloth to clean the floor under table and tv cabinet, she still use mop until the cabinet wood also chip off.
6.Told her not to go into our study room, she still attempt to open the door after we went out.
7.Told her to cook one cup of rice for her and my mother, she cook one and a half cup without asking.
8.Told her need extra food or meal must ask, she still take without asking.
9.Told her to exercise my mother when she's free, she'll only do when i'm at home.

Because of all the above, everyday when we back home we must at least spend half an hour lecturing her. But she still stubborn and repeat the same thing again and again day after day.

Now the only thing we find her good is she won't answer back to us, just let us scold.

few day ago we found her sleeping(abt 8pm) while we not back home and we scolded her and question her why she got time never help my mother to do execise. Then last nite, we found her bag well packed with all the toothbrush, shampoo in it. Then we ask her is she want to leave, then she said no, she want to take care of my mother. Then I asked her then why u packed the bag, she said she want to clear the cabinet and let me put my thing. ****Sigh*** she tot i'm 3yrs old kid, will believe this type of excuse, then I told her I want to know the truth, then she said she want to put the things on the shelf into the cabinet. *** What can I say, I'm really sick to this type of maid, no matter what they also don't wan to tell the truth ...

I just want to pour out to share with u all... as i really sick of her telling so many lies, i really feel like change her but still scare will get another worse one in... and the re-training process is really tough...
hi shining,
i suggest u change her cos she is giving u so much headaches. having to cum hm and become a "lecturer" sure is tired.
Hi Tamarind,

Yes, both of us pay half d share :p
Afterall, it's her passport renewal, without it she can't wrk in Sin n if I were to employ a new maid it's still cheaper than $350. Tot it's quite fair even thou embassy "indicates" that employer shd pay.

Oic, then I'll return her $500 when she returns to Indo n keep her 1-mth's salary, in case. Thanks !


I know it's easier said than done. But if I'm in ur shoes, I'll change the maid. Ur mom is at her mercy, u noe. Even if she has promised to amend all her wrong doings, but the fact that telling lies is not an easy task to change. Bet she's also waiting for u to send her back, if not she won't keep packing her bag liao.

Even thou she let u scold n won't answer back, doesn't mean that she don't hv her ways of venting out her frustration n anger. Like wat u hv mentioned - she hit ur mom's hand, that's one o d way. I'm not trying to scare u but sometimes these fdw hv very weird thinking that u n me might not even comes across.

Gd luck n take care.
i think it's best that you change your maid asap. this type of maid no use keeping lah, cause cannot change her behaviour and attitude. you're better off getting another one.
came into this thread thinking of seeking advice on something else - maid related but more 'emotional' need
but wow...I must say, I am very thankful for our current helper/nanny that we have right now.

Chin, yuan lai you went through so much hardship. No wonder you were so stressed during that period.

Good helpers are very hard to come by and are really worth their weight in gold ten times over. I think I want to go back and hug mine now. :p
Hi all mummies,
Wanted to ask those who have Indo maid, do your maid get a full day off per month? Is the current one-day off per month mandatory to all maid or only applies to filipino maid? Sorry if this question had been asked and answered before.
Hi all mummies,
Wanted to ask those who have Indo maid, do your maid get a full day off per month? Is the current one-day off per month mandatory to all maid or only applies to filipino maid? Sorry if this question had been asked and answered before.
the one off day a mth is not mandatory by law. if you wanna give you can give, if you don't want then don't have to, but it must be stated clearly in the employment contract. what some employers do is if the maid doesn't get any off days, they pay the maid $20 more a mth. btw, my indo maid has no off days (that was in her employment contract already) and i pay her $300/mth.
my maid is actually quite gd. However i tot of starting her on childcare. Do u think it is unfair for her if i terminate her service earlier? Do u think i hsld still keep the maid?
If you think she is good, but you don't need her anymore, then you should help to find her a good employer and transfer her so that she can continue to work in Singapore. You can post a thread in this forum to find an employer for her, many mommies are looking for good maids.
yes i agree with tamarind. if she is really good then give her a chance to find another employer here, instead of terminating her contract and sending her home. she may need to continue working as she may need the salary to send back home to her family.

i found my maid thru this forum, when another mummy posted that she had a good maid for transfer. and i am forever thankful to her for doing so, cause my maid is very good. she has an amazing attitude, is hardworking and has initiative, and best of all, she is great with my dd.

my maid was very lucky you know. quite a number of mummies were interested in her, so she got to meet all of us (like going thru interview! haha!) and she finally picked me.
Thank you for the info. Is the additional $20 a mth on your own initiative or stated in the contract?

The reason I'm asking is my current indo maid (has been working for me for a yr) contract stated no off days. I have no prob with giving her off days. In fact 3mths after she started working for me, every 2 weeks she ask for permission to go out with fellow maids. After 2 such outings my local calls phone bill increase to $6 (I don't really use house phone for local calls so normally less than $1). Then the very next mth local call phone bill increase even higher to $12. I also started to receive calls late at night which if my hb answers the phone the caller wld kept quiet, but if I answer to phone the caller, a male with an Indian accent, wld answer with "Did u call me on my handphone", when i said no he wld said "Sorry, wrong #". I was thinking yeah right! with caller id on handphone how wld it b possible to get wrong # so goddamm often. I question my maid on this to which she denied, until I said I cld get a detailed phone records to prove she use my house phone for calls to her so-called "fellow maids" then she admits calling those Bangladesh, SriLankan labourer. I talked to her nicely, saying that I'm not willing to employ a maid whose side purpose is to look for men, and if she wanted to transfer I wld be most happy to do so. She apologized and state that she wanted to continue working for me so I let the matter rest.

Things are ok after that. Well she got a bit of attitude problem among other things, and even though I've warned her not to tell lies she lies so often that I've lost count. I tolerated her cos' I kind of pity her. Her mother is sick, she's separated from an irresponsible hb and her son is still young. And also my 20-mth old dd is afraid of stranger. If I were to change maid I wld have to b ard my dd 24hrs for at least the 1st mth till dd got used to the new maid.

Last sunday, my maid request to go out to buy personal stuff. She said she will not be meeting with anyone when I asked. I let her go off at 10.30am and told her to be back by 1+pm. At 8+pm my hb receive a call from her saying that she's on her way back at 1+ but realised that she left her handphone with her friend (and i thought she said she's going out alone). When hb question her why it took her 6hrs to get her handphone back from her friend, she has the guts to say she play a while at her friend's place and wasn't she entitled to a day off per mth. This is the last straw. I'm so extremely p**sed off with her lies that I've arranged to get a new maid.

A few things that I've learned and wld like to share here are:
1) The informations about their work experience on their bio-data are mostly B***S*** (my current maid bio-data said 3yrs local exp as a maid, but turns out she had never worked as a maid).
2) Preferably get those who are single. If married, make sure to double check they are not separated from their husband (mostly they are). (My current maid chat with lots of maid, neighbours' maid and maids she met in market, hawkers' centre etc., and she told me that those married ones' she talk to are mostly separated from their hb and had "boyfriends" here in sg. This makes me wonder, do all these maids employer know about the boyfriends and allow it. Maybe she's exaggerating this to hint that I shld let her have her fling, I'm not too sure, but on the safe side the new maid I've chosen is supposedly single).
3) Be firm with them from the start (My hb and family member said I'm too chin-chai and treat my maid too nice, so they climb over my head. Actually I believe it depends on the character of the maid herself. I treated all my previous maid the same way, only this current one behaves like that).

Sorry about the long post venting my frustration, just wish to share my experience regarding my current maid. I've always treated her very nice, never once raises my voice, bought clothes, IDD calling card and stuffs for her, allow her to own a handphone, yet sighhh...
Hi Kutu

I am sorri to read about what had happened to you with the maid...

My lesson learned is that no need to be too nice to long as you do not torture her...and that is good enough....

I always feel that some claim they have very good maid, that is they either close both eyes, chin chai or ...not to mention maid, just human, which one does not have flaws and it really depends on one level of tolerance to certain things....

My final say, maid is still a maid...we cannot expect a lot from them....
Maid is still human, they will also need time off.

My maid dun get off days, but we bring her out when possible so she won't get bored at home.

Imagine if you go to work and your boss keeps you in your office for 24hours a day, 7 days a week and 52 weeks a year! Plus your contract puts you at the losing end!

Have to be understanding, but with a limit.

Kutu, I tink your current maid is not appreciative that you did so many things for her. My current maid previously work for a v mean employer, so when we are slightly nicer to her, she is v happy and grateful.
Joy, some agencies drill discipline into the maids one you know...

Last time my family got maids that dun even dare to show their faces when we are eating dinner unless they are being asked to do something.

My current maid the agent will still call her and check on her and see if she 'broke any rules' or not.

My personal advice to getting a maid is dunnid to be married. Must be older than 26 yo and best of have kid (cos their kid depend on them for $$, so they will work harder)...
Dun get those with experience from Kuwait or Arabia cos usually those houses got tonnes of maids, the maids there are only assigned a small portion of housework.

Just to share my experience. My maid has been with us for 2 years after which we renewed her contract this Feb. After we renewed her contract she started to have " requests". For eg, it was agreed when we renewed her contract that she would have no off days but after she came back from her 2 weeks leave, she asked for a day off to go out with her auntie who is also working here. We agreed as we felt that maids also need some time for themselves. 2 days after her off day, she met her auntie while my son was at his enrichment class. She only told us about this after my hubby saw her by coincidence. We did not have any issue with her meeting her auntie but it was the sneaky way she did it that aroused our suspicions. My hubby saw her pass something to her auntie but she denied.

Anyway we reinforced to her that the off day is a one time case as she had agreed to no offs. But one month later and another month later she again insisted she needed to take off for some urgent matters.

She has also started to complain that she does not like the lunch my MIL bought for her and wants my MIL to give her money to buy what she likes.

I would say we have been nice to our maid. Afraid that she would be bored, we bring her out on weekends. WE even let her shop ard on her own and meet us at a specific time when we are out. She also gets to eat with us at restaurants, choosing what she wants from the menu.

After all these, I think I made the wrong choice in renewing her contract. My mistake was not giving her a set of rules right from the start and in summary I would say, do not ill-treat them but do not be too friendly or nice to them or they will start climbing over your head.
from what i understand, the extra $20 is on your own intiative.

so sorry about your maid. my maid is really good, but just to be on the safe side i had a LONG list of house rules for her to follow from day one. btw, she is NEVER allowed to go out on her own. if she needs to buy things she usually ask me to buy for her, or i will bring her out to the supermarket myself. she is also not allowed to use my house phone, except to call back to indo (she uses prepaid ICC card). even then she always asks for permission first, so that i know when she is going to make a phone call. even my hubby said i am quite strict, but i said we have to be, cause if we too lenient from beginning then later on very hard to implement new rules. but i make sure i am very nice to my maid, chate with her, ask her if she needs anything, and never scold her, or talk badly to her, etc.

thanks for sharing your exp. at least i know if i wanna renew my maid's contract i will not change any of the rules, etc, and i won't be less lenient.
Mrs Wong

I think you have got a good agent..maybe you can share with the rest where did you get your maid from....

For my maid, I told her , her agent called and see whether she is eating properly know what she got worked until so late mah?I told her off that the agent is my personal friend and she worked off office hour.....

This is exactly what I have in mind when you treat a maid too nice and they are not appreciative....You know, once you give them priviledges and they take it for granted and asking more and more things and that is when the troubles start....So, my philosoply is never treat them too nice, just okay will do, to avoid any future consequence....So, this group of maid actually deprived other really good maid welfare
ya Mrs Wong
may i know which agency did you go to. I am currently looking for another one.

Tamarind, you mention that its better to get an experienced maid but i am a bit scared lia dont know if i should take this maid. What do you think.
Went to Hougang Green yesterday to see one maid she is 29 worked in m'sia before and worked in spore for 8 mths before she is transferred. it looks like she has initiative but i am worried experienced maid will be like my present one. Always try to get the easier way out and only care for her own meals. She can actually cook herself a fish without cooking a single dish except the soup that we shared. sign still have to tahan her for another week.
I will not advise you to take any maid who worked for an employer for less than 1 year. She must have some problem so the employer does not want her. Otherwise people will at least use her for 2 years.

It is better to get those who have worked for the same family for at least 3 - 4 years. She should be OK, if not people will not renew her contract.

You need to give specific instructions to your maid to do things. Tell her what dishes you want her to cook. You cannot just let her do whatever she likes.
Guess I'll have to draw up a set of house rules for the new maid.

Problem is I ran a small business and I bring my maid and dd to the shop every weekdays. Instead of being coop up in the nursery room all day, she could hang around outside the shop chatting away with whoever she wants. My previous maid told me that very often she was given these little notes from foreign labourer that passes by with message like "I want to be friend with you. Call me at hp no XXXX". My previous maid said she ignored all these notes and I believed her. Apparently my current maid accept one/a few of these invitations.

Like I said I have no problem with giving off days per se. It's what they do with their off days that worries me. I have always bring my maid out with us almost every weekends, and occassionally if we pass by any clothes' store on sale I'll let her pick out a few and I'll pay for it. I can tolerate anything so long as my maid do not ill treat my dd, but I draw a line at having boyfriends. I do not care if they get pregnant, but cases about maid letting boyfriend into the house scares me. Maybe I'm being too paranoid, but what if one day I had to leave my dd alone with my maid, somehow she manage to get hold of house key and the boyfriend is a psycho. I shudder thinking what could happen, so I'd rather be cautious.

How I wish the maid agency cld do a psychology test on these maids to sort of access their character and state of mind. But I suppose they'll be coach with the "right" answers. Just my bad luck to get such a maid, I guess.

I think its good to get someone that work in a similar background and in the same family for at least 2 to 3 years. Like does she take care of baby previously and what kind of housing....
Hmm...I don't think the problem of maid being transferred will always lies with the maid. My previous maid is a transfer maid. She had worked for her previous employer for 9mths and the agency told me that she's being transferred becos' she has a "Si" in part of her name. So when bad things happened in the family the older generation, being supersitious, blamed the maid presence as the cause of it. Well maybe the employer kept quiet about the exact reasons, but my previous maid was good and come to me fully trained by her previous employer.
hey all... guess we all hv our fair share of 'bad luck'. we wer also so nice to my previous maid, bt in the end she stole so much fr my mum's, tat it broke her heart, cos they always giver her $$ & buy her things & trusted her.

kutu... pls dun say u dun care if the maid gets pregnant, you will lose your $5k bond u know? & to avoid tat, u will hv to send her bac immed b4 she is found out, tat will create even more trouble.

i also always think its hard to change a maid aft they get used to things. bt i rather do tat now than to put up with unsatisfactory work, aft going thru 2 other maids. i've got a new one coming in 2 weeks... wish me luck! :p
oh.. another thing, when my last maid came, we sat her down and went thru lists of rules, responsibilities, and emphasized very strongly tat she is an *employee* and this is a job. we will treat her well, but she is part of the family, but only as an *employee*. the prob w the previous one was we started in the beginning treating her AS part of the family, so she took advantage. i also believed in juz being fair to the maid in the beginning. can always reward along the way. if always give rewards, they will ask for more.
I agree with are.

I never consider the maid to be part of my family, because if she is, then I don't have to pay her salary. I always make it very clear that I am the employer, and she is the employee.
dawn_mom, the agency is Asset Employment Agency at Hougang Green Mall.

Mine is a transfer maid (out of circumstance of the previous employer), so far all I have are praises for her.

She's good with old folks (my uncles and aunts), good with babies (my nephews), good with teenagers (my sis), good with cooking and housework. Best part is, she is v good with dogs and loves my dog so much she sleeps with my dog!!

She is now learning how to cook confinement foods from my neighbour that is doing her confinement
She is now making Wine chicken for me to try

This agency the service is good plus they will check on their maids once in a while. But you also need to practise some precautions when choosing your maid also la. Good agency dun mean good maids, you also need to open your eyes wide


I was not informed that the employer would lose the $5k bond the very moment the authorities found out that the maid is pregnant. I was under the impression that it would be like the run away thing, whereby the employer would be given a period of time to arrange sending the maid back to her home country so that she does not gave birth in Singapore.

I'd better re-check with the agency re this pregnancy issue. If the regulation is indeed so harsh then it seems totally unfair to the employer, penalised for the actions of the maid herself as if we sanctioned it.
