Advice on Myanmar Maid

If I want to stop her contract, do I send her back to agent better or waste $ buy air ticket?
What if she does not wish to go back?
How much notice to give them? on day and on that day is it too much?
I worry they do something funny if we tell them we r sending them home.

hmm.. despite saying that my current Myanmar maid sucks,but i'm still gona go for a myanmar maid the next time.
Reason,at my mum's pl which we go daily, my sis wil bring her filipino maid there as well.. so no filipino maid for us. Then Indo maid.. i very worry cos usually they are the problematic ones. And also language barrier is also 1 headache.
sept 03 bride,

yah indo maid's language is the main problem too. I need someone who can play and talk to my children esp talk to them often. So I thk I will go for a fili maid.

Sigh... me always say wan to send back but see them so "ke lian" end up till now still haven't send her back cos whenever I say I wan to send her back, she will plead me. Say is easy... headache ar!!!
ya i also heard a lots of complaints about indo maids. I hv bad experience with philippino too, my 1st one very vain, put on makeup (blusher, eyeliner & face powder)& perfumes still can deny and very disobedient. Sign..if change maid don't know how my new one will got maid phobia...
Sept 03 Bride,
We have the same reason of hiring Myanmar maid -> sister's maid is Filipino and scared of Indo maid.
No use. My Myanmar still often talk to my sister's Filipino maid. Whole day chit-chat. Now, my sister has stop hiring maid and changed 2 Filipino maid (1st one has boy-friend, request for off day, 2nd one scold & quarreled with my mum), my maid is bored now. Nobody to talk to. When my new maid come, we will "share" the maid. No point hiring 2 maids and not so much things for them to do and then end up chit-chatting.
my myanamr maid has decided to go back in june and her contract ended last yr Oct, I should not have extended.
She said she no mood to work.
Still consider will hire myanmar maid again or not, dilemna
One of my frens' myanmar maid actually stole thing for her boyfriend and they actually never sent her home only sent her to agent, pls be careful if u are getting transfer maid from myanmar
Hi all,
I am worrying about the new maid. She is from Chin State. Heard people from there are hardworking. My old maid of an U graduate, English is not good. Now, this new one is secondary school standard only. So worry about communication difficulty and lots of normal things (to us) that she doesn't know as she is not from city.
I also got a maid from chin state and worried about her english but as long as she is willing to learn I am ok.
Agent advises dont get maid from Yangon although they r faster and able to speak better.
HI ALL, I think i am getting a myanmar to try out. had to many experience with Indo maids...

My current maid whom I trust..abused my baby girl who is 10 mths old. I found bruises on her and she will cried sharply when she carries her. When I came out from kitchen, she will say that my girl feel down herself or she was trying to stop her from climbing up and down. The bruise doesn't look like fall down but more like pinching.

I feel that Indo maids are professional actor and liars. They can pretend to be very hardworking and nice to ur kids. I gave her fish and meat for every meal and yet she like that. I think she is angry becos I told her off when I saw her wearing my Adidas bermudas??? I asked and she said she found it in the storeroom. I tld her whatever things she found in the hse, she has to ask me before using them. Despite what I said...she still keeps and wears the bermudas..Faint... no shame at all!!!
Thanks. I have confirmed the maid from Chin state. Tomorrow will proceed for MOM application. Hope everything will be fine. My current maid has no mood to work already. I hope to send her off asap.

You know what bio-data I have read. There is a M.Engineering (Engineering Physic) graduate applying for maid job. She is ex-sin for 8 months. Looking at these 2 points, she is definitely not here to be maid. Why do they want to do so to waste our time & $$ ?
I also worried if i got a maid with degree she might have attitude but also worried she cannot even understand what we say.
By the way, do you get to talk to the maid over the phone? I have requested the agent to let me talk to the maid to find out she can speak English and still waiting for the arrangement.
My friend who has a christian myanmar maid is a university grad as well, she is quite good, she is finishing her contract and she shares to my friend her reason to come here to work is that she just broke off with her boyfriend, she comes here to forget about the unhappiness when she was in myanmar and to 'look see look see'. She also mentioned that she doesn't need to work here, her family is quite ok financially. She mentioned many graduates in myanmar earn very little, so a lots of them want to go overseas to work as maid. Thankfully, my this friend maid's attitude is good, I realised nowadays a lots of agencies have uni grad for myanmar maids, I am also a bit hesitant to engage them, afraid they are not here to work.

My fickle minded myanmar maid told me she wants to work again, oh dear my lousy maid agency has already cancelled my maid insurance hearing that we are going to send her home. Now don't know how, whether to let her stay or not, but she is so fickle who knows next month she wants to go home again!

Shu, I really sympathise with you that your baby girl is being abused, it is really a heartache for a mum to realise that. If circumstances permit, place her in infant care may be better choice.
I don't have chance to talk to my maid. Reason given is they are at home, not in training center. Thus, can't call.

My advice to you is to change a new maid. No point letting the maid to decide for us and cause us inconvenience. (like my case mentioned above.....I lost 5 days leave for her ~><~ )

Do you want to report to police ? This kind of maid cannot like her work in Singapore. Don't let her go to another house and abuse another child.
I have sent my ex-graduate Yangon maid home. Found out she has handphone during packing. I am grad that I didn't keep her. Looks like she is trying to hide a lots of thing from me.

New Chin State Christian maid......hard to communicate. Talking chicken with duck.
Way of working of better than ex-maid so far....but as you all know.....still too early to judge yet. I dont' know she has fox tail or not.
Superhappy mum, I really regretted to allow my myanmar maid to stay longer. On last Friday, she cuts my daughter nail till so deep that it bleed. My hubby and me saw it and asks her it is done by my maid, she told us 'yes'. When we asks the maid, she denies and told my daughter in front of us a few times 'aunty did not do it, you peel yourself'. Thereafter, my daughter admitted that my maid did not do it but when I look at the scar, it does not look like peeling.

I suspected something fishy, on Saturday I bought my daughter to playground alone and told her not to be afraid of aunty but tell me the truth is it aunty has done it. She said 'yes'. I asked my daughter why she said 'no' previously, she said she is afraid of aunty and aunty will beat her and aunty ever beat her before! Shit, I am so angry now, I could not confront her, scares that she will do something bad to my 2 daugthers, now I am looking urgently for a replacement.
Yes don't keep maid for too long unless they r real good.They will not be that obedient n after two years they will learn new tricks worse if they go out.
I regretted keeping my current
Maid her contract ended oct last yr n claimed she wanted to stay on.We let her go home n now she wants to go back in June.
Actually she can work got initiative other than that she score zero in term of attitude manner etc
She is from Yangon n my new maid from Kachin hopefully no problem
I think you must change maid. No need to think.

From now on, I won't let my maid take home leave regardless of whatsoever reason that she gave me, be it family member death. Once go home, I will change. Also, better don't extend maid contract. Many of my friends are saying they attitude will change thinking that they are very good thus, we want to keep them.
Hi mommy,
My experience with Myanmar maid was not very good. Like Shu, I decided to change to Myanmar maid caused my Indo maid abused my older kid. She pinched my daughter, and my then 30 months old daughter told me by pinching herself and say "mommy pain."
Got myself a graduate in teaching from Myanmar - later found out she came out to "tour". She took 1 hour to wash a baby face cloth, and was still dirty (got rice still stick on it). Did not bath for more than 7 days in 1 go....took all the vitamins I bought for daughter. wear tight skirt at home, and tight T-shirt. Use my house phone to call Myanmar for chitchat (cost me a bomb!) when I was not at home.
So just be careful when you get a Myanmar maid.

However, my Aunt's Myanmar maid was super good. Not a graduate, but from a very poor family. work for my Aunt for 3 contracts already, still good. Now, can speak mandarin, Hokkien, and English. Can cook well, and great with Children.

So all the best in pickin a new maid.

i jus gotten some myanmar maids biodata from a maid agency. After reading the forum here,i became a bit hesitant.

my indo maid of 7yrs will be ending her contract in Sep. my indo maid is from very poor family so she is very hardworking and has a lot of initiative. However, she misses her kids and has earned enough to go home.
I am now looking for a new maid.
recently there are a couple of indo maid abuses kids cases and this makes me worry..
and my maid also told me some indo maids practises black magic and puts urine\menses in their employer's coffee ..and my sis in law's ex-maid did that.

i am looking for a change to myanmar...but now got to think twice.....sigh
Hi all,
I am very angry with my new maid. Can't communicate at all. After scolding her many times, now she can perform the routine jobs but when we need to talk or instruct her for something new. We have problem in communication. Besides, she is also super "gong". She is like day-dreaming, standing beside me when my aunt is busy taking care of my 2 kids. She is like a block...only move when you kicked it. Sigh. I am thinking of changing after 2 months (stated in contract to use for 2 months as agent fee is $88 instead of $268).
I am so angry with my maid because can't communicate. She is wearing a watch with Myanmar time (don't know for what). Just finish scolding her for write wrong time and then find out her watch is having Myanmar time. I also find out she stops school at 11 years old. Learn English for 5 months only.
I choose a Myanmar maid from Kachin and still not arrived yet .agent worries she can't pass her English so they are giving her more time. Quite regret and worry her English standard .
I have sent my Myanmar maid to agent. Can't tahan her anymore tho I have to for-go the 2 months salary.
She told me my daughter drank milk at 7.50pm last night when I fetched them home at 6.30pm. Because of this, I take a look of her watch. It is Myanmar time (1 hours later than Singapore time). Thus, I check with her why my daughter milk time is 7.50pm. She still insist it is 7.50pm. i can't even figure out how she get that time.

Besides, I asked her what age did she stop school ? I am surprise the get the answer "11 year old".
The "10 standard" education level is self-study at home.

How to tahan her for 2 months ? I almost get angry daily when she can't understand what I say. The more I scold her, the more she doesn't want to listen.

When I send her to agent, she is claiming she wants to go home. Wait long long lah !
Hi SuperHappyMum, you may email your comments with photo, wp no and passport no. to [email protected]. Tararind will be very kind to post for you within 2 weeks. While waiting for my new maid arrival my myanmese maid created problem with us again, when fish was left in the sink, she could wash dishes with detergent without removing the fish. ‘Think she hoped to poison us’. Thank God that my mum-in-law saw it and threw away the fish. The best part is she could walk away with black face without any apologies when confronted by my mum-in-law.

On that same evening we decided to buy a air-ticket for her and send her home. We engaged the Agent service to get us a runner. We were maidless for a while, due to urgency, we have gotten a transferred Indonesian maid. So far ok but is still very early to comment.
Thanks for the information. I will try to send Tamarind the information asap.
The maid is still at the center. After 1.5 weeks, still nobody want her. Hahaha..... It is sad that I have to pay levy till 18 days

I am still waiting for the new maid who passport will be ready in 1st week of July.....Hope this one will be ok else i will change to Indo maid.

My very 1st maid (the one who break her promise after i given her home leave) called. Lucky I missed the call. She called my hubby since can't contact me. She asks about my daughter if they are ok and whether get have get new maid. Don't really understand why she spends $$ to call and ask such things. Does she think we can't survive without her ? Anyway, don't really know what Myanmese why of thinking.
so far my myanmar maid from Kachin state is hardworking but slow in language.
hopefully she is here to work and not change her behaviour in the time to come...
Recently, I really don't have luck. My newly selected maid (still in Myanmar) want off-day. Thus, after waiting for her for 2 week, I have to re-select again. Sigh !
mommies, I see u all post about Myamar maid like so horrible, then why are you all still going for Myamar maids?

I have a fili and she's very good. My friends (x 2) have indo, also very good. My cousins n sil have fili but also v good. So far none of them got the horror stories like the myamar maids I read here.

maybe it's time to relook at the agencies or the helpers u all look for? if u want to try the agencies my sil/ cousin/ friends use u PM me. My fili one wants to try new environment, so I will be trying the indo agency my friend uses.
I think you are just very lucky. I also know some bad Fili and Indo maids.
Or may be our expectation is different. Like my SIL, her Fili can have boyfriend, bring her son out alone to meet her boyfriend, 2nd fili maid can scold my MIL but she still don't send her off.
haha, my family expectations are all very different.

my cousin ftwm - she does not allow her fili to make phone calls nor go downstairs. no day off. Look after daughter. OK the fili is good.

mine fwtm - have to travel out everyday fetch my daughter to my mom or mil place. hv to walk my dog n feed my pets. but weekends off. - also good

my sil's sahm w parents. No day off. clean hse. look after 2 kids. hse. housework. - cheerful and good.

my friend's ftwm - look after 2 kids, clean hse. good.

my other friend sahm - indo, clean hse, love the 2 kids. can leave kid x 1 behind w maid, bring kid x 2 go holiday

so , so far so good. But i realised the agency v important. cos the agency selection process in the beginning is key.
I am great to hear that. Can you PM me your the agency's name and contact #?
I hear there is certain part of Fili and Indo maids are good ? Do you have any idea ?
I agree with alicia, i have changed agent recently too, the attitude of the maid is different from my last agent which I had experienced 3 bad maids continuously. Some agencies are very lenient to their maids, so once they come to employer home, their expectation is different. Some agencies have lousy selection criteria and don't even train their maids properly. Like my last 3 maids, their luggage contains makeup, sexy clothes etc but my this one only has a sport bag which contain a few simple clothes.
Hi Emma, my maid is from Java, Indonesia. I would said ratio of good maids will be higher for better maid agency and ratio of good maids will be much lower for lousy maid agency. Luck also need to be taken into consideration but agency plays an important role too. How is your new maid?
my last agency is united employment services and new agency is crislo. my colleague and friend use crislo too they said not bad but i ever heard bad comments about this agency.
Yr new agency is Crislo....ha. They are good to new customers. But after that u replace maid or refund, their service sucks.

U got transfer maid from them?
hi Superhappy mum,

the one that my family &amp; friends used is JDM for fili, and AUK for indo maids.

I did hear that Fili maids from Iloli is better. My sil's is from Iloli (didn't pick on purpose, so happen we discover much later).

as for Indo - manado.

Thanks for your information.
I am so angry that my selected maid who supposes to get her passport this week has her passport now approved in Myanmar due to lack of some document. Thus, I have to wait for 1 more month. I am thinking of select another one but if I do so, the time I have to wait is about the same. Don't know what I should do now. Besides, there is no new bio-data for me to select also. Soemtimes, I suspect the agent doesn't want me to select another since I am waiting for one already.
Hi Mommies,

I'm intending to send my Myanmese maid back home after working 2.5 years with us.
Work-wise is so so and we have so far tolerated her mood swings and forgetfulness untill recently we found out that she got a hp when she went back to Myanmar in Apr.
We dun mind her having hp but the fact that she has been doing things behind our back and not being truthful.
She has been communicating with my MIL's neighbour's Fili maid though we told her many times not to and asking her to ask her a SIM card for her phone.
We have never objected her to having a hp and she dun have to do all this so secretly.
It's scarely to know what else she is up to.
I dun like pp to be dishonest...I got another bb coming in Oct and hence need someone I can trust.
Does anyone know if I can send back my maid even though her pp is expiring in Oct?
Any recommendation for one-way maid fare to Yangon?
I have the exactly same feeling as you. I also find lucky to decide to send her back even before I know she has hp after coming back from Myanmar before her contract due this month. (also went back in April).
Did you pay for her passport and WP extension ?
Thus, no more home leave for my maid though she is good. Will only compensate back with $$. Once go home, many "pattern" will come out.

You can send back your maid anytime after they have paid up the loan to agent. If not you will not get your money back from Agent for your next maid.
Just buy a ticket, and cancel her work permit by yourself or agent. Once WP is cancel, there is a dedicated date that she must leave Singapore else she will be an illegal immigrant.
