Advice on hiring helper - to go for experienced or brand new?


New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm currently pregnant with no.2 and we will be moving to a bigger place before no.2 comes out. As the house would be too much for me to manage with a newborn and a toddler, we are thinking of getting a helper to help out with the household chores and occasionally looking after the children (if I go shower/run an errand when my husband is out).

The agency is asking if we would like someone with experience or someone without. They advocate someone without (I think they earn more comm this way) so I'd like to hear from mummies and daddies who have hired helpers.... Any advice would be most appreciated! Thanks! :)
There's really no right answer and more to do with one's luck. We were in your shoes about half a year ago and hired a maid for exactly the same reasons as you have mentioned.

Experienced - may be able to settle into the chores more easily since she should have had some experience before. Downside is she may also have picked up the tricks of the trade and keep trying to pull a fast one on you.

New - hopefully not 'tainted' yet but would likely require a bit more effort in training her. May also not be able to adjust to the environment and/or assigned tasks too.

My mom's advice is to hire someone who is younger than you and brand new from her home country. Language is an important barrier to overcome so please keep this in mind.

Feel free to PM me if you need more details.
I engaged an experienced Myanmar helper mainly for household chores and to occasionally care for the babies, based on relatives many years of experience with helpers.

My experience with agency was different from you. Most of the agencies visited recommended an experienced helper. Was told that most new helpers from Myanmar does not understand and speaks very little English.

I chose an experienced young helper. Though she's supposed to be experienced, she had limited cooking skills. Spent about 2 weeks teaching her simple home cook food recipes. She now cook daily meals for us.

Even the best of the helpers, be it new or experienced, all starts off being goody and along the way will try to pull a fast one. It all boils down to the personal character. Like all workers, they will try to cut corners at times. Just have to continue keeping them in check and motivating them.
