Advice needed - Pregnant?


maybe can do light exercise?It is better to "treat" urself as preggie for 2weeks after O...more safer

fen ,

Congrats and take care !
Any preggie symptoms to share?

(ttc mean trying to conceive..)
Hi Msreal,
thanks for your advice.Will do brisk walking till menses come.

Btw can anyone share whether you feel any change in your body before confirm positive?I had not been active in ttc cos got various reasons like work commitments & going overseas etc. Actually just been active last month. I read from another thread that it's advisable to take folic acid as early as ttc.Hmmm then I gonna go get it.
Hi All,

I am confused now. I miss my period for 2 weeks(normally mine is very regular) but when I check this morning, it show -ve result. What should I do now? Does it means I am not pregnant?
Sometimes we may miss our periods due to stress or other reasons.
Wait a couple more days to see if your period did come or not. If not, do another test a few days later.
Hi Ladies,

Need your advise...I've been feeling weird for the past 2 days...feeling alittle nauseous, getting turned off by my favourite durian!, feeling damn tired nowadays, slight stomach cramps, bleed and spot for a day just 2 days after AF is not due to 2 weeks plus later so its quite impossible that I go and test...does sympthoms really show that early? or am i just purely sick...
Kristy, I think you have preggie symptoms. Why not wait till AF to be late for a day or two then do a HPT?
Hi Bear,

I am due to see a gynae on the 18th September to do some random testing (papsmear, etc), however its still too early for her to do a pregnancy mean the sympthoms will show so early? just a few days after the implantation?
Krissie, I read that some women can feel the symptoms as soon as one day past ovulation. Check out this website to find out more on real life symptoms from some preggie.

If the spotting is not something that happen every month then I think the chance of you going thru preggie symptoms is really high.
Hi ladies, I need some advice. I used a pregnancy test kit (ClearBlue Compact) yesterday and it showed two lines, though one is very much fainter than the other. Any possibility that I may not be pregnant after all? Thanks in advance.
i think the possibility of u being pregnant is greater than not. coz when i had tested at 5 wks, i oso got faint lines. according to the instructions, as long as there is 2 lines, it means +ve, though the lines might b faint.

fr ur posting, seems like u wld rather the result to b -ve?
No, actually wanted it to be pos, just that I have been disappointed so many times, just skeptical now... But I confirmed with the digital test today.

Kind of worried, cos just now there was some bleeding... not sure what it means... colour is not pink, but red like menses...
hi dinoltan
bleeding cld oso b due to implantation of the egg as well. i suggest u visit a gynae soon, to get a peace of mind tt ur bleeding is indeed due to implantation. issit spotting-like bleeding?

dun worry so much. visit a gynae and u can cfm if u r pregnant. wishing u gd luck & all the best.
Hi Ladies,

Besides all the symptoms im experiencing above, I am also currently running a slight fever of abt 37.5 degrees, this fever has persisted for the past 6 days and slightly this normal? No sore throat, and running nose..just a fever..maybe im just sick..I do not want to get my hopes up too high...sigh...this fever is zapping out all my energy
Hey Dino! Congrats!!!

Hi Kris, sounds like got chance leh! For no rhyme or reason fever is a good thing leh. How many more days to AF? Can test already? Gd luck!!
Hi Sus Sus,

Thanks...fever have been on and off for the past 6 period is only coming in 2 weeks time...too early to test for just have to wait...and this fever is causing me to lose my appetite..sigh...the suspense is killing me!!!
Thanks Sus Sus, I dun feel secured. Bleeding continues since Sun night. On hormone pills now, going for a second bhcg test tomorrow....
I have sad news, just discharged from having an operation. Mine is ectopic pregnancy... Recuperating now...
Hi Ladies,

Just went for my checkup with the gynae yesterday...I did a vaginal scan and she mentioned that my lining was thick and I did ovulate the previous month...but I asked her if she can detect any sign of pregnancy, she mentioned that it was too early...and ask me to wait for another week or 2 and if my period didnt come, I have to go back to her..I thought that vaginal scan was able to tell everything...does anyone know about vaginal scans?
<font color="ff0000">dinoltan</font>, sorry to hear abt your loss. My sis-in-law also had etopic pregnancy like u.. although it's hard to accept n there's no explanation as to why this happens, our family is more concern with her being safe n sound. Etopic pregnancy is very dangerous if it's discovered late! U can be assured u can still have a successful pregnancy the next round.

I also had a failed pregnancy when the gynae cannot detect any hearbeat when i was 6 weeks pregnant. i went through a period of depression with the help of my hubby n also reading up abt miscarriages on the internet.

Take care, so long as u brace yourself up, u will be pregnant sooner than u thought. good luck!

<font color="0000ff">Krissie</font>,from wat i know, my gynae was only able to see a sac (like a bubble) in the first few weeks of pregnancy with vaginal scan. A heartbeat would be detectable in 6 week's time(calculated from the 1st day of your last menses). i guess it's still early for your gynae to see anything now. u may want to do a pregnancy test DIY b4 visiting e gynae again if your period din come. Gd luck!
baby dusts to all TTCing!
Thanks hui for your encouragement.
really appreciate it. Are you still TTC or already have good news?
Now just concentrate on strengthening my body. Well, kinda worried of getting pregnant again cos the chances of recurrent ectopic are higher. Hmm... just thinking there's really no reason why it happens??? Anyone knows ways of lowering the chances?
<font color="aa00aa">dinoltan</font>, after the D&amp;C, i TTC for 2 years b4 finally pregnant in my 5th month. From wat i've read from the internet, the chances of getting etopic pregnancy 2nd time isn't high jus happen 'accidentally'.dun think there is any way to 'prevent'. u may want to search the web on 'miscarriages' &amp; 'grieving n healing' if u want to read more on how women overcome the pain. It helps me alot.

U r right that u must concentrate on strengthening your body now. a healthy body is the most basic condition for a smooth pregnancy.
Congrats and all the best to a smooth delivery! Yah, we must never give up.

I'm still coping, thank god my hubby is with me always....
Hi krissie,
I do have a vaginal scan in my early stage of preganacy. That time, i went to visit my gynae abt 1 week after i found out that i am pregnant. I was thinking of visiting my gynae on a later stage, but i spotted blood while i was i have got no choice but to go to my gynae...@ 1st, he cant detect anything...not even bb's heartbeat....he told me that it mayb a miscarriage...but he wanted me 2 see him 2 weeks later &amp; perscribe me folic acid...

During the next visit, he used a vaginal scan...And thank God......He's able to detect bb's heartbeat....So dont worry.....u just have 2 wait for another few more weeks, to be able 2 knw whether u r pregnant anot...

Honestly speaking, i do feel abit uncomfortable when i had vaginal scan....Hehehe.....the feeling just cant describle....
Hi Cynthia,

thanks...actually my AF is due today but 2 days ago (saturday), i started to have brown discharge, so I assume this is a sign that AF is coming on time since i started to have all the PMS a week i waited, and till now my AF haven't come in full force yet, i have been getting very mild bleeding (1 or 2 drops, once a day), not enough to use a pad kind...any ladies can advise?
Hi dinoltan,

I tested last friday, but it was negative...maybe I should test today since its the start of my "so called" period..coz I'm not sure which day to start counting as my CD1 as now the brown discharge/minimal bleeding is very confusing to the cycle..previously, i spot for a day and my period comes normally the following I have spotted for 3 days already...really puzzling...
Hi Cynthia,

My period just appeared today...sigh...weird though, its the first day but not as much as the my previous periods...this time around quite screwed up, don't know izzit becoz i went for a papsmear, vaginal scan and bloodtest...but was so frustrated with my weirdo period yesterday that i hubby say i shouldnt be too stressed up about it...
Thanks alot for your help though

Guess u r too stress up liao....Dont stress urself....Tke things naturally....

When u r pregnant, do inform us....we can share lots of experiences together....
Hi Cynthia,

I wish for that day too, i always tot getting pregnant was very easy..guess i was very naive...going to try harder with my HB
Hi Cynthia,

Many thanks for your encouragement...any tips on a sure way to get preggie? I have the thought of purchasing the Clearblue's Fertility Test Monitor..but its $300, alittle expensive, even my stingy HB says we should try by ourselves first before buying something which is so expensive...but the thought of BD every alternate days seem to make sex very routine, something which i do not enjoy...
Hi All,

Am new here ... so happy to know that I now have an avenue where I can share my thoughts, fear etc ...

Am also trying for a bb now .. dun know when I will have my first .. keeping fingers crossed and praying ...

BTW, there are a lot of acroynms and I am getting confused and lost reading them .. can someone enlighten me pls .. what is dpo, AF, AP????

sorry for being so blur ..

From my pt of view, i find that there is not a need 2 buy the Clearblue's Fertility Test Monitor...&amp; its indeed veri expensive whor....

Have sex regularly...I had read books saying that when we r having our period when having sex, there is also a chance of getting pregnant too....But the best time will be when we r ovaluting...( Sori did i spell wrongly...Hehehe...)It's abt 14 days after ur last period...@ this time, we will notice that there's a sticky discharge...once u saw it....dont waste time liao....ask ur husband 2 come home early liao....Hahaha....

There are other factors that will affect too....having irregular periods &amp; stress will affected too.....TRY TO RELAX....dont stress urself....Hehehe.....

DPO is Day pass ovulation (i.e how many days after ovulation), AF is Auntie Flow (menses). I don't tink there is a AP, the person typed wrongly, should be AF.
just to understand if there is a higher chance of pregnancy if the couple were to have sex 1 week before and on the day of the ovulation??
wow thanx hung for the baby dust.
when can we detect pregnancy?
cos my AF is not regular.. sometimes 28-35days.. so I wonder when i can test
sigh.. i had lower abdominal pains left n right for these few days. tot i had cysts.. scare me half to death.
doc did pelvic scan n did not see anything leh..
he says i have healthy uterus n ovaries with eggs..
ovulation is over but my AF is this sun.
i wonder if the pelvic scan can tell of pregnancy this early?
I hardly think so eh.. read somewhere the fertilization (72hrs) to the embryo dropped into the uterus(72hrs) so total takes like 1week?
Zhuzhu, if you are expecting your AF this sun, then you can use HPT from Monday onwards to find out if you are pregnant.
My cycle is 34 days and I found out I was pregnant on day 32 accidently.
For your info, I did experience lower abdomen pain before I know I was pregnant.
Good luck to you!
thanx bear for the info.
My abdominal pain is driving me crazy.I feel bloated all the time. Sigh.
anyway wats is HPT?
my gynae did a pregnancy test just in case but negative lor..
I think have to wait for next mth while waiting for my AF
sorry for the late reply.
I tested +ve 8 days passed AF. Faint lines on 2 other kits.
Went to see gynae and he says cannot see the sac yet.
Asked me to go back to him in 10days time.
He trust the HPT but I myself dun even know I confirm pregnant anot?
Gynae worry is ectopic pregnancy cos I complain of occasional lower abdominal pain b4.. so instead of blood test, i rather wait
