Advice needed - Pregnant?


New Member
Hi All

Hows do we know if we are pregnant? Actually, i have already missed my periods for 6 days.My hubby asked me to use the pregnancy kit to test but i was wondering will it be accurate to try now? When will the correct time to test?

pls advise?


Can try NOW!!! Actually Clear Blue Pregnancy Test Kit can be used on the day you missed your period. Go do it now.
All the best. They will suggest using your morning urine but if you have already missed by 6 days, can use at any time provided you have hold in your bladder for at least 4 hours.
Hi Anxious,

I also missed my periods for abt 15 days.

Thot of using pregnancy kit to test also. But maybe it's due to stress & the fact that my grandma passed away last mth.

I will monitor for the next few days before testing the kit.

Keep us updated abt your case.

Hi Straighthairgal

i will..but me come you still wan to wait for the few days then test the kit...

r u not anxious at all huh?
HI Straighthairgal,

Yah like anxious, give it a try.
get the clear blue that Linda mention, dun get those cheapo kind. Cos some is very blur so u dun know whether u have it.

I used a cheapo one end up have to go to GP and test to confirm. The GP used a very good test kit (dun know the brand) the line is so clear!
Hi Anxious,

Of course I am anxious ....... I always love kids like
especially if i'm going to have 1 of my own.

But at the same time, I also take it quite easy becos it might due to stress over work & over my grandma's death .......

A few times, my periods also never come & I do not think so much abt it & try to relax ...... the next few days, it came!

I also hoped that it's a false alarm as I'm thinking of changing job.

You know lah ........ if you are pregnant, no company will want to hire u.

Anyway, I will wait for a few more days before I try the kit.

hi, girls
me too. missed my period for a week. previously quite on time. tried the pregnancy test kit this morning. not pregnant. the single line came out very distinct. not sure what i am feeling. on one hand, i hope i'm pregnant. on the other hand, feel that it's too fast (got married only in may this year). will hv to monitor to see if my period comes soon.
hi sherry

me share the same sentiments with you...i tried this morning too but not pregnant. i am also got married this year May'03.i have to monitor mine as well...

Is your hubby anxious of having a baby?

My hubby half anxious and half not as he said that somehow it's still we let it naturally but whenever i see his sister's kids,how i hope i can have mine too..

If i am pregnant ,my hubby said that he will employ a maid,his whole family is staying with us and i dont like his mother(stepmother) to help me to take care of me and the baby. i hope my own mother to come and help me but my mum staying in North Area whereas me stay in West area.The travelling journey to and fro is abt 2 hrs ++.i dont want to tired my mum..but i really hope she is beside me and i know she will as she have been telling me that she will help me to take care.

So how? i dont know how my feeling and thinking now...very confused on what to do...

Can anyone advise me?

hi, anxious
so we are in the same situation. so coincidental. my husband not anxious but if pregnant, also ok. we are taking things naturally as it comes. juz that i was wodering cos i missed my period. did not tell him or anyone that i used the test kit. don't want to alarm anyone unnecessarily.
Hi Sherry & Anxious,

Don't worry! Just let nature take its course!

Actually, I'm also very anxious of having a baby becos I got married last year Sept'02. Thinking that "Honeymoon Period" is enough & going to be over soon.

And if I'm really pregnant, my mil will take care of my baby for me as she had already volunteered & promised.

Moreover, I'm from a single parent family since the age of 12. My dad is busy with his work & he's staying in town area. Anyway, my dad also don't know how to take care of babies!

I'm staying in Sembawang while my Pil stays in Woodlands. So it's not a problem for me.


You can move back to your mother's place to recover for the first few mths, after that, move back to your own place.

If your mil agree to help you, I think it's difficult to reject her kindness. Your hubby will be in a difficult position too.

Discuss this over with your hubby & see what's the best solution.


Would like to know whether can we buy the test kit to test before our period is due. Recently feeling quite uncomfortable in the stomach & feeling a little bit giddy too. BTW, what is the signs of getting pregnant before period is due?
a question too!

i always hear abt using our temperatures as a guide as to when our ovulation starts... how it works?? i vaguely recall tat when ovulation starts, our temperature is higher or lower??? :p
Curious, i think better to wait till the day period is due, else waste money leh.... by the time period is due, the double lines should show up liao i think

Coven, our temp will usu remain more or less constant after period, till around ovulation start, when temp will usu take a dip b4 rising again. a rise means already ovulated liao... temp will remain high till next period. or if preggie, then temp will remain high.

i've leart alot from this forum too,... hope above helps!

Hi Coven, ob-rider is rite. If u see the huge jump in your temp, that means you've ovulated. I find tat checking your cervical mucus (cm) is a more effective way. That is, if u got egg-white, stretchy cm that means u're going to ovulate in 24 hrs time. In this way, you kind of "predict" your ovulation. Unlike the temp method, you'll only know after you've ovulated.
OOOOOOOO .... so when got tat irritating discharge, it means ovulating soon lor ..... -_- this is the part where i always finds it irksome :p

one more qn .. :p after those discharge cleared off, means ... gog to start menses?
hi, then does it mean when there is no discharge, it means there is no ovulation & thus, not possible to get pregnant? advice, pls.
Hi coven, not neccessary. Some people will have white, creamy discharge before menses. But the discharge before menses is watery, not sticky.

Hi shirley, I think u can say that leh. You don't have discharge at all? For me, I think I don't have the egg-white discharge on certain mths. So I presume I didn't ovulate on those mths.
hmmmmmm ... this is interesting ... sorry i lor soh abit more ...

when the discharge is sticky, stretchy :d~, means ovulating soon. when stops (no more), no ovulation and no preggie.


thanks giggler!
have discharge. hmm.. just very keen to know how accurate it is lor... concerning ovulation... stuff like tt.
Hi coven, if no more stretchy egg-white discharge means u ovulated liao. But it may not mean that u not preggie.

Hi shirley, I guess this method is quite accurate. You can start monitor your cm once your menses over. Then u can have rough idea if u ovualte. The best is to work with temp chart. That is, if u see egg-white discharge today and your temp goes up tom or day after, you can confirm that you ovulate lor. I'm still learning this also. In fact, I'm reading a book that provides all these in details.
thanks giggler!

"if no more stretchy egg-white discharge means u ovulated liao. But it may not mean that u not preggie."

sorry :p .. i meant to say no more ovulation thus no chance of getting pregnant.

hmm .. does tat mean tat when pregnant, there STILL can hv the stretchy discharge?

sometimes when i picked a bk saying all these with their powderful language .. i dont quite comprehend. probably coz no human 'touch' hehe :p :D
Hi coven, I can't ans your qns leh. Let me check the book later to see if they say anything abt that. But I guess, if u preggie, u may not have the egg-white discharge leh. It got something to do with hormone.
One question...

If u have that sticky stretchy discharge, means ovaluting in 24 hrs right? so, if have sex then, how are the chances of pregnancy?

How long will it take the sperm to reach the egg??
ya, giggler me still learning too..... i notice that stretchy EWCM (egg ehite cervical mucous)can last for one week one leh,... then i don't know when exactly ovulating.... can check your book and see if anything written on this? thanks
kekeke ... giggler become our reference book liao :p

ya lor ... obride, for mi, the ewcm can last to abt 1wk one ... :|
The last day that u have egcm is the most fertile day. So in addition, to chart your temp, mayb u can chart your cm also. You can go to or and use their free charting.

Another tip, very fertile-quality cm often forms a fairly symmetrical round circle, due to its high concentration of water. Nonwet-quality cm tends to form more of a rectangle or line on your underwear.
OOOO ......... never tot tat the shape formed by the cm is an indication to the fertility ....

:D thanks again!!

fr now onwards, i gog to pay more attention to the cm and temperature!
According to the book, cm is a very good indicator for ovulation. The author feels that it's better than OPK. I'm going to use the website to monitor my cm and temp for this cycle.
Giggler!!! good tips!!! will look out for the shape of my cm next week.

btw, can share te title and author of the book you reading? sounds like a good book!!
hi giggler, thks for sharings so much valuable info with us, I should now monitor my CM too
Ob-rider, the title is Taking Charge of Your Fertility. I forgot the author's name.

mae, don't mention. I'm still learning also. We share share our info only lah.

Is it true to say that there's higher chance u'll have baby girl if u make love on "non ovulation day" & baby boy on "ovulation day"???

I am on hyperthyroid medication since Feb this year.Should I convert to PTU when I plan for baby or during pregnancy? What's exactly PTU can help?

I've regular menses..Will chances of getting pregnancy lower for hyperthyroid patients? Heard that the chances of miscarriage is higher for thyroid it true? Should I wait till my condition stabilize before planning for baby?I feel healthier now & I have back to my normal weight...We r planning for baby end of this year..
thanks giggler for the tips!!

btw, the site u posted is interesting ... ;P its easier if my cycle days are more consistent. its usually consistent for few mths then minus or add some days for subsequent mths.
Hi gals,

Long time no chat! How's things?

Just to check whether did you gals take any vaccinations before getting pregnant?

For what I know from friends & colleagues, a few type of vacc is needed like :

1. Hepatitis A
2. Hepatitis B
3. Rubella
4. Chickenpox

As for me, I've taken Hep A, Hep B & Chickenpox vacc in 1997.

But I know Hep A & Hep B can last a few yrs while Chickenpox vacc can last up to 10 yrs. But after a few yrs, you will need to do a blood test to check whether is the Hep A & Hep B vacc still in your body a not.

Anyway, I went to consult a doctor last week & he recommended me to go for a premarital screen test.

My results are good but need to take Hep A & Hep B vacc. It showed non-reactive meaning body don't have it anymore.

As for Rubella, it showed positive meaning body still have it. So no vacc is needed.

The doctor mentioned that all singapore young girls had taken that vacc in Pri 6. But I can't remember lar ..........

I had taken Hep A & Hep B (Both 1st dose) on Monday. After 1 mth, will need to take Hep B (2nd dose) & another 5 mths time, need to take Hep A (2nd dose) & Hep B (3rd dose).

Then it's complete set of Hep A & Hep B vacc.

Thinking of taken Rubella vacc & Chickenpox vacc again, what do you gals think?

Sorry, me a bit long-winded & Kia-su .......


Hi Straighthairgal

Is it true that we need to go for all these vaccinations before getting pregnant?

What is a premartial screen test? Pls advise?
Hi anxious,
It is better to have vaccinations though not definately. Stuff like MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) are more impt. And you have to prevent from getting pregnant 3-6 months after the injection of MMR.

For me, i simply did my Thalassmic test and Hep B (which I was going to do it anyway).
Hi Anxious,

As regards to those vaccs, it depends on each individual ppl.

As for me, I'm a bit "kia-su" so I want to take all necessary vaccs before getting pregnant.

I also not very sure what is a premartial screen leh but since the doctor recommended me to take that test for preparing pregnant, I just test lor.

Maybe you can check in details with your own GP.
Hi all,

After a complete set of Hep A & B, when is the best time to plan for a baby? After how many months after injection?
Hi Advice

For Hep B, I was told by the GP and my gynae that you have to wait for 6 months after your jab before you get pregnant.

But i'm not exactly sure if you count the 6mths period from the 1st jab or from the 3rd jab.

You've taken all three?? May i know how much it cost?? I checked with the GP i go to and it cost me $45 per jab.
Hi straighthairgal,

Hope u remember me.

Like u, me also starting to take the vaccines u mentioned, except Hep A.

Like Linda, I did my Thalassmic test and the blood test revealed that i do not have immunities for rubella and hep B.

As i havent got chicken pox yet, i also need to take this jab. If u still have antibodies for Rubella, then its not necessary to take the jab again. But that depends on when u did the blood test cos if too long ago, it may "disappear"

As for chicken pox, u can also know if u still have the antibodies by doing a blood test. U have to let the doc know what antibodies u are checking. Cos my blood test only tested the above cos i told the doc. So when i asked them what about chicken pox, they told me they didnt test on that!! and if i want to know i have to take another test!! aiya, since i know i havent got chicken pox so sure no antibodies.

I've just taken my rubella jab last week. Probably wait till mid sept before taking the chicken pox one and Hep B 1st jab.

My GP charge $45 for each Hep B jab and $85 for each Chicken Pox jab. What about yours?? me hoping to find cheaper charges. heehee

Nope, I haven't taken those jabs yet. But the price of each jab is ard wat you have mentioned.

Er, what is the purpose for taking the thalassmic test?

Pls pardon my ignorance. Intend to have baby mid of next year, hence need to find out more first.

Many thanks

Hi Advice

Thalassaemia is a kind of anaemia (red blood cell deficiency)The test allows one to know if they are Thalasssamia major or minor.

If your blood test reveal that u are a minor, then it is fine. From what i know, if u are a major, its better for the other partner to get tested too. Cos u could pass to your baby.

A person with Thalassaemia major requires frequent blood transfusion inorder to live and grow normally.

U can go to any gynae or GP and tell them that u plan to get pregnant next year so would like to perform blood test require for pre pregnancy.

Normal one would test for Thalassaemia, Rubella and Hep A, B immunity.
