Advice needed - Pregnant?

Hi All,

I am new here and really now in a lost and hoping u guys with experiences might see if am I pregnant or not?

I started noticing last week when I felt nauseous after a huge meal and onwards every single day I would feel like puking but always ended up burping. With or without meal from day till dawn kept burping. I was actually thinking maybe due to indigestion cause last time I used to suffer this kind of symptoms before. But Besides that,I started to feel tired for no reason which normally during night I will feel very alert and very different from the last time the burping problem I had.

It's when I started looking for Internet for pregnancy symptoms. To my astonishment, I also saw lower back pains, which I was complaining to my hubby around last week that makes me more suspicious. However the backpain subside after a few days. I also started feeling no appetite whenever during meal times and incredibly more sensitive to smell. But then, I worried its due to my mind that is telling me all these feelings.

On Last wed, I woke up with a headache and feeling slightly hot but still went for work. On that day, my hubby was on MC and I was really feeling very demoralized with a tired body to work. I was 1 day late from my period and my period has always been regular. In the end, afternoon I gave up and went to see a doctor. Doctor tested for me but it was a negative. I kinda wondered maybe it was because my hubby was on MC thats why I felt tired and giving myself an excuse not going to work and not because of my body. I was given a day mc to rest for my bad headache.

On Friday, after a good rest on Thursday I thought I was finally recharged to go to work after waking slightly better than the past few days . I went to work and after the afternoon felt sitting also felt lethargic. I met my hubby cause I wanted to see the new Vivocity as I didnt want to go home that early on a Friday night but before meeting him I felt soooo tired and so hungry. He finally arrived and I was like couldnt wait to eat for dinner but he still wanted to walk here and there. I could felt the strange mood swings that was coming out of me that I cant wait which normally was not that bad. And after the meal, I totally had no mood to walk at all feeling so tired and in pain. Finally went home and went straight to bed at 9pm which normally I would sleep at 1am. That prompted me to do the DIY preg test, I test the first thing in the morning only to find a negative again. I felt so confused what is wrong with me if I still a negative and till now missing 5 days of my period.

I really don want to test again worrying another negative. I read in Internet norm many people could test even way b4 their period and get a positive but why am I now in a lost with no period or preg. And still suffering with all these strange things happening in my body recently. Based on you guys experience, is it true I need to wait that long to get a result.

Today my breast is feeling a bit painful. I think I am going mad wondering if these symptoms is due to my period coming,due to pregnant or even suffering from some kind of sickness?? I just got married a month ago and never expected to be that early, initially worrying to have a baby cause worried will have financial difficulties but after every negative, my hopes for positive was more strong than negative. Are these the symptoms for pregnancy cause I didnt see burping as one of the symptoms in the internet- only vomiting Can someone tell me if my symptoms are right or wrong? Is it normal after 5 days still cant detect?

Very sorry if I am being too lor sor... cause feeling very lost and dono what is going on with me right now. Sob sob...

Hi PuppyGal,
Pse do not not be so stressful. I tested +ve only on the 8th day after my AF. It was still -ve 4 days after AF.
Is ur AF regular? In the meantime just take things normal. Maybe u can wait 1 week over then test. Different women have different MS symptoms.
Take care and dun worry.
If u wan to msn me: [email protected]
Hi Zhuzhu,
Is AF=menses? I new..Hehe..duno the short terms.
My menses normally are regular.

Today morning thinking maybe try with another brand cause read from some other thread sometimes other brands tested works. Hoping might get some results ended up still the same -ve. Kind of give up liao... Felt so wasting of money testing. Luckily this time round i bot 2 pack. So left 1 more stick. Think use that stick and try the next weekend. Don wana waste liao.
Hi puppygal,
AF=Auntie Flow
Try clearblue, it detects pregnancy early. I find it's quite accurate.
How many days r u late?
Hi Zhuzhu,
Oic...My AF last mth was 5nov so now should be around 5 days late. Do you feel preg or MS before u detected +ve? Normally my AF comes around or earlier the expected date. Only once in a blue moon, late for a week due to stress. But then this time round, my AF late with this symptoms starting to make me wonder.

Hmm...10 dec todae.. I am exactly 1 mth after my wedding.

By the way, anyone have any info whether if 1st trimester can travel overseas? Cause if maybe I might be pregnant after tested so many weeks later. I am going honeymoon at late dec and I worried it will be dangerous for me to go during at 1st trimester.
Hi puppygal

It's sometimes hard to tell whether ure pregnant or ure menses is coming as the symptoms can be similar (eg cramping, breast tenderness, lower back aches etc). U may test -ve now as ure ovulation may hv occurred later than usual, hence the hormone level may not be high enough yet to give u a positive result.

I tested ard a few days after I missed my period. Unfortunately there are times when ure menses can be delayed, giving rise to false hope. I have pretty regular cycles, but still hv occasions when AF is late by 3-4 days. However, if the symptoms ure experiencing are new (ie u dun get them when u hv ure menses), then u cld be pregnant. FYI, i burped ALOT when i was pregnant. I was very gassy.

As for travelling, my ob/gyn had advised against it during the first trimester if possible. The risk of miscarriage is high during the first trimester, so they usually advise you to refrain from travelling. Travelling itself won't cause u to miscarry, but if it does happen, and ure overseas, then well, it can be quite a trying time seeking medical aid. Also, many women experience morning sickness and fatigue during the first trimester and this may hinder you from enjoying your trip.

That said, some people travelled during the first trimester coz they did not even know then that they were pregnant. And they were fine. So guess you'll hv to weigh the pros and cons. But first..find out if ure preggers, then u can make a decision
Good luck!
Hey alhana,
thanks for the info. At least I know there is such symptoms and still need to wait patiently. Now I decided not to think too much and see how it goes this few days. Will wait as long as I can before deciding to get another retest.

Think I will still carry on with the honeymoon cause we already paid full amount and are both my hubby and i are so looking forward going. See how it goes. We booked tour package and transportation are mostly covered. Will be extra careful if I am detected preggie.Better get travel insurance if really preggie i think.
Hi puppygal

All the best yeah? I know it's v sian everytime u see a negative result. We tried for a yr before i conceived.

Yes, please get travel insurance. In fact, even if ure in the pink of health, u shld always get travel insurance, coz u'll nvr know what will happen when ure abroad. Enjoy ure honeymoon
Where r u guys headed?
Hey Alhana,

I am heading to Japan for honeymoon cause went there 2 years ago and really miss there a lot. Hoping to try our luck to see snow.

Will it be too late to get travel insurance at a last minute lets say a week before? Any idea? My tour starts on 22 dec.

Today boobs not so painful.Only tired. Hehe..Maybe Monday Blue~ AF still not here yet but not going to test yet.
Hi puppygal

Yah, it should be ok to get it a week before u leave. You can apply for it online. However, since it's pretty last min, the cert will prob reach u only after u leave...just make sure someone knows you've applied for insurance before you leave.

Hope u hv a good trip to Japan
Hi all,

yesterday morning me just tested the preg kit again and I got a very very faint +ve. So faint that from far u wont be able to see but from near there is one line which is very different from my last test.

I went to see the doctor to get a must clearer pic at night and the doctor detected a -ve. He told me if I am already pass 10 days from my AF I should have a pretty distinct +ve line. Doctor told me I wasnt pregnant and tell me to wait. Hubby was pretty disappointed.

Feeling so confusing am I pregnant or not. From u guys opinion I shd get a clear line already as what the doctor said?? Does anyone encounter this before? Already waited 1 week to receive a super faint +ve yet -ve from doc and ask me to wait again. Feeling super sian sia
Hi puppygal

Did you see a GP or ob/gyn? If u saw a gynae, he/she will do an ultrasound scan to determine if a sac has formed.

If ure cycles are regular, technically u should hv a very strong positive by now if you really are pregnant. However, as I mentioned earlier, sometimes we ovulate later than expected. If u are pregnant, perhaps the hormone lvl is still too low to give u a strong positive result. If ure not pregnant, ure probably just having a later than usual period.

10 days does seem rather long either way. Get a second opinion per what Hung suggested.
go and buy the new digital from Clearblue brand
it gives you straight foward answer, 'pregnant' ,'not pregnant'
so you donht hv to keep guessing, can see 2 lines or no line

watsons having sale, 2 for $19.90, usual is 19.90

and if really tested pregnant, then you can make appt wif ur gynae liao
Hi all,
thanks for the answers. Me went to buy the P kit again. Thinking of testing on mon morning but afraid to see the -ve so cannot decide. Afraid it will furthur confuse me.

Hi alhana,
The GP clinic has an ultrasound machine but he say now for me 5th week still early to see anything.

Hi happyger,
wasted I bot liao...don feel like testing... 4th kit liao

12 Days AF late....
Hi All,
Duno confirm a not...

This time I took the preg kit with my hubby around. And it was finally a clear line liao, hubby was so happy.

Will be going to another doctor and double confirm again. Hehe...
Hi everyone,

Thanks for the congrats. Its confirmed from the GP that I am preganant.

Anyone know if pregnant woman can take disney rides or not. Kind of sad... So looking forward to my honeymoon and know many things I cant do already but for the baby have to lar. I cant go hot springs which I was so looking forward going.

Is going to a gynae at my 8th week too late? My fren who recommend a gyane she is on leave for xmas from now till jan 3. So I can oni visit her after my 8th week.
Congrats puppygal! u can worry abt other things..and u will be worrying for the next 9 mths..and beyond!..kekeke.

Err..disney rides should be a no-no if they are the roller coaster sort. Last time I saw a TCM doc and he said dun do anything that will cause a downward gravitational pull. If the rides are mild, shld be ok. But it's best to check with your doc.

8th weeks isn't late. Most of the time pple go earlier coz gan chiong to check and make sure everything is progressing smoothly. However, when u go earlier than 8 weeks, you can't really spot the foetus yet. By 8 wks, the foetus will be clearly visible and you can hear and see the heart beating
If ure gan chiong..see another gynae first lor. U can always see ure fren's gynae problem one. The gynae can also advise you on what you should and should not do during ure trip
Enjoy your pregnancy!
Hi puppygal

Does it look like blood? If you experience discharge, better quickly go see the doctor. Brown discharge is normal, but reddish colour is more worrying. I had some brown spotting, pink spotting and red spotting during my first trimester. My gynae gave me hormone pills to stabilise the pregnancy. Think it's best you quickly go see your ob/gyn. It may be nothing, but at least you can put your mind at ease.
Hey Alhana,
Yup Initially I see it looks like blood milky discharge. Then later slowly fades off now liao to skin color milky discharge. I dono how brown, red and pink color shd look like. But it scare the hell out of me when I saw it. Never in this few weeks I seen it. Today also had cramps. Hope everything goes well tomoroow. Telling myself dont stress over it!

But will be going to a gynae tomorrow morning first at least put my mind at ease and ask about the travelling info. I don wana face this when I reach Japan and no one can help me.

Normally first checkup what will I expect? My hubby won be going cause cant take last min leave. Kinda want him to go. Sigh~
Hi puppygal

First visit the ob/gyn will do an ultrasound to determine if you're pregnant, date the pregnancy and check that the embryo is in the right place (eg in the uterus and not in the fallopian tube). They will take ure blood pressure, test ure urine (I think ..can't rem if this is from 2nd visit on), measure ure height and weight. They'll also give you folic acid to take. Doc will then tell u the dos and dont's..and of coz answer any qns u may hv.

Brown discharge is like the discharge u get during the last few days of ure period..when u get that brown color spotting. It's brown coz the blood is old blood. If u see red or pink discharge, it cld be fresh blood.

Hope all goes well with ure first visit tdy.
Hi, I am now 7 days late for AF, but i tested 3 time and it appear BFN. Anyone experience this? I have slight backpain once in a while and bigger breasts.

I had MC 4 mth ago, the first two AF was so little that i dun even need a pad. But the 3rd and 4th AF fall on the same timing(16 Oct and 16 Nov) and it is dame accurate and it's consider as normal flow.

But this mth, AF is nowswhere to be seen and it been 7 days late, wonder wat wrong wit me again.
Hi, does anyone know if you'd get an ectopic even though BBT is low? My AF was late, but i registered neg on HPT. I had pulling cramps on and off for about 2 weeks, sometimes left abdomen, sometimes all over.... but no bleeding/spotting... TIA.
Hi gals

I just tested positive yesterday but yet to visit a GP for confirmation. Been having a crammy feeling on the left of my abdomen, issit normal? I will visit the GP this sat.
hi sharon

tks for the advice, so looking forward to the doc's confirmation.

I also keep burping and low appetite lately.
hi ladies.

I am having sydrome of tender breast, sore nipple, naeous, bloated after my ovulation period. am i pregnant? or having PMS?
Hi ladies,
I took 2 pregnant test using the test kits. The first test was done on Wed and there are 2 lines i.e. 1 dark red and 1 faint red. Based on this test, I shld b preg rite? However, when I took another test 2day, the faint line doesnt appear. So now I m confused if I m preg.... Really hope I m . My menses have not come but have blood i.e. drops of blood over these 2 days. What do u think ladies?
Hi all,

I'm new.

Just wondering are e fllw symtops for preggy??

-increase in appetite
-easily tired (even though enuff sleep still find not enuff)
-short memory (tends to forget things easily)
-stomach bloated
-frequet burping

increase in appetite? Yes and No. I got good appetite whereas my col cant eat at all.

easily tired? Yes and No. I'm still as energetic as b4 pregnancy. But my col feels tired everyday.

aches? Yup, most MTB have backaches.

short memory? Hmm.....not exactly. Maybe yes and no

stomach bloated? For me, I didnt have bloated stomach. Its common for MTB to have constipation but for me, I was able to move my bowels everyday and pregnancy actually stopped my constipation. Maybe I'm the opposite.

frequent burping? Yes and No. I didnt but my col burp almost thru out the whole day.

i suggest u quick quick fast fast go and see gynae or doc. as i think u pregnant liao.

i got similar experience, 1st time test, one fake line and one dark one.*as i think i drank too much water. 2nd time - 2 dark lines.

Since you have spotting...u better go and see doc..
but too soon go see doc also no use, have to wait for full 6 weeks to be confirmed.

I tested positive, when to KK, and scan. saw only sac, no fetus yet.

doc said come back two weeks later to see again.

probably its still early, although the nurse counted according to the chart I should be 6 weeks. but I feel not even 1 month, as I knew this time late ovulation.

very anxious to get confirmation. So scare dont have in the end!

I dont understand, actually how come they count from the start of my last period? that means if according to them I should be pregnant since my last period end (july 8)?
dear all MTB,

I first tested the day after I missed using Clearblue and it's negative. Could it be because I was down with flu and on medication? Now it's been 4 weeks and my period is still not here yet. My cycle is every 5 weeks and it was regular for the past few cycles. Should I test again or should I wait for one more week (for the next cycle)? I have none of the symptoms that many of you mentioned here. I am afraid that I'll be disappointed again but can't help feeling hopeful...
Hi Mummies
I m quite new here trying to get preggy too can anyone advice usually when do I do a test.How manys days after I miss my period.I am those kind nvr miss period want for the past few months pls advice.Help scared to know the truth.
hi all,

I tested -ve but it has been 2 weeks le... how am i supposed to do...

I've having some milky bloody discharge spotting... am i having problem with my womb???

I am worried...

Anybdy can help???
Hey Kelly,

If you are have been very regular, and it's been a 2 weeks delay, you may want to go to a doctor. If you are irregular, do wait till 2 weeks after your longest wait for menses to come before testing?
hi, my mensus was quite accurate. but now late for 2 months. my last period was on 25 Dec 2007. it din come as usual on 22 Jan 2008 (but hav brown n watery red diacharge for few ddays). i conduct self test twice (2 day interval) by end Jan, both show -ve. i am worry. since january lost appetite, keep on feel like vomit and easily tired. i conduct another self test right before chinese new year (04 Feb) but still -ve. and right after chinese new year, i go c doctor. doctor say i should b pregnant n conduct urine test for me. too bad result still -ve. he ask me to check again 2 weeks later. yesterday is my suppose (1st day)mensus cycle. but my mensus still not here. thus i conduct another self test but result still -ve.

i am very confuss now. am i pregnant???

anybody have same experience or can help.....

thank u.
Sin Liu, nothing u can do now except to wait for next gynae appt to do ultrasound. my 1st pregnancy also like urs. hormones in urine not strong enuf to be detected. that's all, dun worry too much
hi wan,

u manage to detect your prenancy via pregnancy tester after how many month pregnant? i miss my mensus 5 weeks already but still tested -ve... i am eally worry.
hi...currently i have miss my period for abt 1week + close to two weeks....last friday i see some drip or discharge....after that no more menstrual liao...could i possible be pregnant...usually got to wait for how long then can try the test.
