Advice needed - Pregnant?

I went to a senior consultant at KK, recommended by a fren. First consultation is $76.95, blood test $32.30. Total payment including GST is $114.72.
Results of blood test about a few hours later, not on the spot.

Yep, made appt. Actually after hearing about my symptons, Dr KT Tan suggested urine test first, then blood test. But I oredi took 5 self-tests over the past 3 weeks, so I decided to go ahead with the blood test. She oso performed checks on my discharge and felt my stomach area. Actually should oso do a pap smear, but I had mine done only 1/2 yr ago. I din wait for the results and went home first. Dr Tan called me personally few hours later, informed me of the result and told me about the follow up. She had oredi given me a prescription earlier (just in case negative), some medication I can purchase from pharmy to keep my hormones in balance. So if my period still doesnt come, I would follow her prescription. Felt quite comfortable with her, very professional.

Oops, sorry pretty long reply...
thanks for the info dinol.

was it painful? i'm trying to avoid blood test..

Hey darbebe, jia you jia you. Try BD alternate days to catch the egg...
Darbebe, get the ovulation test strips and start calculating your fertile period and start testing everyday

Worked v well for me
I saw 2 dark lines just before we left for honeymoon and BD like mad once we touched down...:p

Once you test +ve on the OPK, BD as much as possible during the next 2 days
Cos LH surge happens 24-48 hours before ovulation actually occurs, so BD as much as possible within the next 2 days will ensure as much sperm as possible waiting for your egg

btw, dun tell your hubby you are ovulating. He will v stress to 'perform' and stress will affect sperm quality...just seduce him :p
simple things like leave a kinky note in his briefcase together with your sexy underwear :p it will make him RUSH HOME maybe during lunch....heehee...
thanks all. I will gambate! this is the first trying month though feel disappointed but still manageable la. Keeps my finger cross for success next time.

Mrs Wong, thanks for your suggestion.

I never try before leh but no harm trying lo..something different. hehee
Hi dinol,

thanks for advice. I think i will continue to wait till end of this week. Seems like i dun have any symptoms so i dun pin high hopes....
Hi all

I have a 24 to 26 days cycle, last cycle was 22 days, today is 28 day. Have tested on 25th day a.m., it has a very very fade line, (and it appeared more than 15 minutes after the test, cos I thought no hope so just leave it there, but when I want to throw it, realizing that the 2nd line was appeared), so immediately I tested with the 2nd PK, but it shown ve.

My temp still remain high but obtained ve tests results for these two days. A bit confusing as HCG level should doubled every two days if I am pregnant. But it seems that mine is otherwise. HB suggested to go for a blood test tomorrow, but afraid it is waste of money and no courage to face the disappointment again.. (have miscarriage 3 months ago, also fade line for the 1st urine test, then the blood test confirmed pregnancy, but having miscarrige after 8 days due to the decreasing of HCG level .very scared now)

Hi koalatree,

Good idea to go for blood test tmr. At least it can set your mind and if really preggie, check with the doctor what he can do based on your m/c history.

did yr use the same urine for yr 2nd test? if you didnt, it might be cos the 2nd urine is already diluted.

sometimes m/c means the egg or sperm is defective and the body will automatically terminate the pregnancy...better have a healthy baby rite? I m/c after week i understand yr feelings.

good luck with yr test tmr
Hi Elizabeth

Thanks a lot.

Yes, used the 2nd urine for the 2nd test. I thought so. It was diluted.

Didn't test this morning since have make the decision to go for blood test. But got a funny feeling not likely preggie lah... if yes, then the tests for the last two days should show positive as the HCG level should doubled up every two days. Very scread that the history repeat itself.... Now, I realised that I still can't get over from my last experience.

My friend managed to conceive on the 2nd cycle of her m/c, first I thought I will be like her getting a healthy baby girl after m/c.. but now proven that not everybody can be sooooo lucky. This is my forth cycle of AF liao. Still need to wait and wait...

Told HB abt this, he is very understanding and always try to comfort me, but I think he can't really feel the way I feel. Woman is diff from man. Only a woman can feel the pain of the lost..

To him is ok, now if you are worry, then we go for a blood test to confirm. He didn't know that how scare I am now becos this remind me on what I have been through...

Yes, agreed. This is my gynae and Chinese Sinseh told me too... but m/c is a horrible experience.

Will keep you informed.
Hi Koalatree,

Sometimes we want babies too badly...what trigger it? i dont know myself too...probably cos we had it once and M/C hence u hope that u will get preggie soon to make up for the loss...sigh...i am not sure myself too.

Yeah like what u said, alot of ppl told me after m/c, will get preggie very soon. Its been 3 months now since i m/c and still waiting..

try to take it easy ( i know its hard)..i always console myself that even if we dont get a baby, my HB and i still have each other.

men deal with m/c in their own ways...unlike women who is more visible with their loss.

anyway..jia you...keep moving ahead...we will get our BFP soon
Hi Elizebeth

Thanks. My AF came on Sat noon (although temp not dropping) Feeling very down now. Sometimes I wonder y I need to been through all these?

Having endrometrosis, pcos, blocked fallopian tube, (one side) make me very very hard to get preggie naturally again, but I told myself must be strong and dun focus on these problems. Worst come to worst will go for IVF.

Jia yu to you too. Hope to hear good news from you soon.

Best Regards
Hi Koalatree,

<hugs> Understand truly how u feel but dont be disappointed, dont give up.

Have u tried TCM? I tried on my own for a few months, then preggie &amp; m/c, now pin my hopes on TCM hoping it can help "tiao" my health n body. If u interested, email me..i can share more
email: [email protected]

Just sharing and not meant to discourage you. One colleague of mine, his wife went for IVF, the process went ok but once they insert the fertile embro (not sure what they term it), the pregnancy stopped..wife devastated..but there is hope and they are going for it again.

i hope all the ttc-sters can get good news soon..v sad n painful to hear disappointing postings everyday..
Hi Elizabeth

Thanks. Sure, will e-mail you shortly.

Understand, I know IVF is never easy, this is definately is the last source. But, I dont want to give birth after 35. It is very very high risk

I have started IVF for 7 days early this year, after that found out that I was preggie so have to stop the treatment. However, the preganancy ended up with m/c. So drama right.?

Hi May
IVF is In-vitro fertilization, is an advance method to help infertility couples to conceive. For more information, you may want to read the thread with regard to IVF.

Can't tell how much the temp will drop when AF came, I think it depends on individual. Mine normally will drop from 37 to 34. If you really chart for 3 to 4 months, then you will know the "pattern".
Hi Koalatree,

Sorry to hear that. Maybe u can pick up where u left and continue with IVF treatment. I am also fast approaching 35..time not on my against time to give any case, i trust God will leave the timing in HIS hands.
hmm, i need to ask something... i bought a test kit and did the test last friday, the result is abit confusing, from the instruction, it says 1 line is negative and 2 lines is positive.... my result was 1 very clear line and the other line was abit faint.... hmmm, so am i pregnant?? or do i have to purchase another kit to test out.
as long as the test results formed a +ve (somehow faint) its quite cfm u r pregnant. but do get another kit to confirm.

i had results like tt too when i tested at 4 wks &amp; 5 wks preggie. Both faint '+' sign. in the end, did urine test at doc and it came out a very obvious "+" sign.

Btw i heard Clear Blue is pretty accurate. Good luck &amp; Congrats!
used 2 different test kit (strips and kit form) result is faint +ve sign. did another test at clinic turn out to be negative.
Anyone know what is the reason?
Hi ladies,

may i know whats the symthoms of preggie?
I had hot flushes these few days... and my AF supposedly will be coming in a few days time but i dun have the symthoms of AF coming. Im feeling naueseous these few days.. giddy.. sleepy and gets hungry easily.

I tested the pregnancy kit just now but its negative... should i try again?
hi elaine, i m 8 wks preggie..before i discovered i m with bb i noticed i cant stand smelly toilets..stimes when i pass by food i feel like puking. Right now i get tired easily, cant stand for too long &amp; yawn often. Get thirsty quite often too. Maybe u rest more n wait for another week? if ur AF usually accurate n still dun come i advise u to go ur GP to test since only cos same price as the kits u buy from pharmacy. If got faint line etc doc will be more experienced to tell.

Good luck hope to hear good news too!
Hi ladiees,

I am only in my DPO7. I would like to ask is for the past few days, when I accidently rub against my nipple, I can feel a slight pain around my nipple area but my breast is not swollen. And I do not have any other symptons. May I know is this an early sign of pregancy or maybe I'm thinkng too much? keke..
Hi ladies, i feel so unwell ... feel sick, warm, nausea and uncomfortable. Slight giddiness also and not much appetite ... very irksome, never so uncomfortable before. Feel like go see doc but today 12dpo only, not so early rite? But still if i purely unwell, i want to get medication leh, very uncomfy. Dun dare tell HB, later he get too excited and if not have, he will be disappointed. Haiz ... dilemma ...
Hi all
Just thot of sharing...
I tested the kit 5days past my menses due date ( menses didnt come)and show -ve

GP mentioned before to me, abt two weeks past menses date then test more accurate
reason : when foetus attached to womb, it will produce a certain type of hormone, which will trigger kit positive

I will be testing a kit again this weekend...hopefully...
Hi gals ,

I failed again this month.Disappointed...
but nevermind , will try again this month on 2nd cycle of clomid.Already put on some weight..sobs

Any good news from gals out there?
Sus Sus? Zenia? Elaine77? Hung ?

Hi Gals,

I am still the same, sick as ever, very weak and uncomfortable ... but *No* ... confirmed already.

I am just very depressed now. Dunno how to face HB. Very sad.

Dunno what went wrong. Wonder issit really my retroverted womb? Very very sad.

May you all bring the good news instead!
Hi sus sus ,

Dun be sad .try again dun give up..
Good things will come when you least expected.
Have you seen a gynae?What he say?
How long you ttcing?
Hi Msreal,

Thanks for your encouragement!

We tried for 5th cycles already...since mar. Havent seen gyn as we thot i am quite regular so shd not have much prob.

But now, looks like we may be wrong. Better to see gyn rite? But during my pap smear earlier tis year, gyn say ok leh, except womb tilted backwards.

Haiz ... now, just have to go see gyn or start next cycle of waiting and hoping. Very discouraging, very sad.

I still feel very sick, but already got spots just now, so i know no chance already. Haiz ...

But i wish you good news soon!
Sus sus ,

I also similar to you.Thought that i can try naturally first since AF quite regular..Tried from last yr oct to until last month(June) then go see gynae. Now taking Clomid...

Got spots ? I think your AF coming(Hope i am wrong
)..Dun be discourage..go for a pre-checkup will be better.You feel relieve if your checkup is nothing serious...

or maybe you can try opk to test ur fertile period?It may help..
Hi there.. nope.. I'm only in my 8DPO.. long way to go manz.. but today, my breast abit swollen.. and tummy area have crampy feeling. maybe i think too much lah.. trying not to think so much..

keep my finger cross for you..hear from u good news soon.

Some articles to share(happy reading):
Some couples seem to get pregnant simply by talking about it. For others, it takes plenty of patience and a bit of luck.

If you're hoping to join the ranks of other moms-to-be, start the old-fashioned way. Here's what you need to know and when to seek help.

Baby-making basics

Conception is based on an intricate series of events.

Every month, hormones from your pituitary gland stimulate your ovaries to release an egg, or ovulate. This often happens around day 14 of the menstrual cycle, although the exact timing may vary among women or even from month to month.

Once the egg is released, it travels to the fallopian tube. If you want to conceive, now's the time. The egg has about 24 hours to unite with a sperm. Since sperm cells can survive in your reproductive tract for two to three days, it's best to have regular sex during the days leading up to ovulation.

If the egg is fertilized, it'll travel to the uterus two to four days later. There it'll attach to the uterine lining. You're pregnant! Your periods will stop as your body begins to support the embryo.

If the egg isn't fertilized, it'll break down and you'll have your next period as usual.

Understanding when you're most fertile

Learning how ovulation works is one thing. Determining when it's actually happening is something else. For many women, it's like hitting a moving target.

Keep an eye on the calendar
Use your day planner or another simple calendar to mark the day your period begins each month. Also track the number of days each period lasts.

If you have a consistent 28-day cycle, ovulation is likely to begin about 14 days after the day your last period began.

If your cycles are somewhat irregular, subtract 18 from the number of days in your shortest cycle. When your next period begins, count ahead this many days. This is a reasonable guess for your most fertile days.

Pros: Calendar calculations can be done simply on paper. And they're free!
Cons: Many factors may affect the exact timing of ovulation, including illness, stress and exercise. Counting days is often inaccurate, especially for women who have irregular cycles.
Watch for changes in cervical mucus
Just before ovulation, you'll notice an increase in clear, slippery vaginal secretions if you check for it. These secretions typically resemble raw egg whites. After ovulation, when the odds of becoming pregnant are slim, the discharge will become cloudy and sticky or disappear entirely.

Pros: Changes in vaginal secretions are often an accurate sign of impending fertility. Simple observation is all that's needed, particularly inside the vagina.
Cons: Judging the texture or appearance of vaginal secretions can be somewhat subjective.
Track your basal body temperature
This is your body's temperature when you're at rest. Ovulation may cause a gradual rise in temperature or even a sudden jump typically between 0.5 and 1.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

You'll be most fertile during the two to three days before your temperature rises. You can assume ovulation has occurred when the slightly higher temperature remains steady for three days or more.

Use an oral thermometer to monitor your basal body temperature. Try the digital variety or one specifically designed to measure basal body temperature. Simply take your temperature every morning before you get out of bed. Plot the readings on graph paper and look for a pattern to emerge.

Pros: It's simple. The only cost is the thermometer. It's often most helpful to determine when you've ovulated and judge if the timing is consistent from month to month.
Cons: The temperature change may be subtle, and the increase comes too late after ovulation has already happened. It can be inconvenient to take your temperature at the same time every day, especially if you have irregular sleeping hours.
Try an ovulation monitoring kit
Over-the-counter ovulation kits test your urine for the surge in hormones that takes place before ovulation. For the most accurate results, follow the instructions on the label to the letter.

Pros: Ovulation kits can identify the most likely time of ovulation. They can even provide a signal before ovulation actually happens. They're available without a prescription in most pharmacies.
Cons: Ovulation kits often lead to excessively targeted sex and timing sex so precisely can invite being too late. The tests can also be expensive, often ranging from $20 to $50 each.
Maximizing fertility
When you're trying to conceive, consider these simple do's and don'ts.


Have sex regularly. If you consistently have sex two or three times a week, you're almost certain to hit a fertile period at some point. For healthy couples who want to conceive, there's no such thing as too much sex. For many couples, this may be all it takes.
Have sex once a day near the time of ovulation. Daily intercourse during the days leading up to ovulation may increase the odds of conception. Although your partner's sperm concentration will drop slightly each time you have sex, the reduction isn't an issue for healthy men.
Make healthy lifestyle choices. Maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly, eat healthfully and keep stress under control. The same good habits will serve you and your baby well during pregnancy.
Consider preconception planning. Your doctor can assess your overall health and help you identify lifestyle changes that may improve your chances for a healthy pregnancy. Preconception planning is especially helpful if you or your partner have any health issues.
Take your vitamins. Folic acid (vitamin B-9) plays an essential role in a baby's development. Taking a prenatal vitamin or folic acid supplement beginning at least one month before conception through the first trimester of pregnancy can reduce the risk of spina bifida and other neural tube defects by up to 70 percent.

Smoke. Tobacco changes the cervical mucus, which may keep sperm from reaching the egg. Smoking may also increase the risk of miscarriage and deprive your developing baby of oxygen and nutrients. If you smoke, ask your doctor to help you quit before conception. For your family's sake, vow to quit for good.
Drink alcohol. Alcohol is off limits if you're pregnant or hope to be.
Take medication without your doctor's OK. Certain medications even those available without a prescription can make it difficult to conceive. Others may not be safe once you're pregnant.
When to see your doctor

With frequent unprotected sex, most healthy couples conceive within six months. Ninety percent of healthy couples conceive within one year. Others need a bit of help.

If you're in your early 30s or younger and you and your partner are in good health, try it on your own for one year before consulting a doctor. You may want to seek help sooner if you're age 35 or older, your periods are more than 35 days apart, or you or your partner have known or suspected fertility issues.

Infertility affects men and women equally and treatment is available. Depending on the source of the problem, your gynecologist, your partner's urologist or your family doctor may be able to help. In some cases, a fertility specialist may offer the best hope.
Hi Msreal,

wow, thats a mouthful. But thanks, i tink sure help alot of us out here.

For me, abit confusing by now ... i was very sick past 2 days, slight trembling, slight feverish, slight palpitation, stuffy and running nose and irritating throat. Overall felt heaty and hot. Also slight nausea and giddiness ... and that was DPO 11 or 12 so i tot got chance.

Then yesterday afternoon, some light spotting came. I thot oh, AF, sianz. But by evening, no more spotting till now. I dont usually get spotting before AF so this kinda look like implantation bleed.

But if so it means i only implant now? Then how come i get symptoms past 2 days prior to implantation? I tot must implant first then body recognise got bb already then start symptoms? Anyone know?

Must implant first then got symptoms rite? Or is it once fertilized, even before implantation, bb will already produce some special hormones leading to the symptoms. Then implantation can come after that?

Or could it be i am just purely sick (during those 2 days) hence when AF came yesterday, it is now further disrupted due to being unwell? If so, then AF reported early by one day when i sick?(suppose to come today not yesterday) Doesnt make sense. Suppose to delay when sick or stress rite, not early. Hmm ...

I am confused ... yet happy but also skeptical ... really hope God heard my prayers and is blessing me this time round.

Sorry for so many ??? Dunno what to think now and abit too early to go doc or do tests if indeed implanted only yesterday. So now still waiting and hoping ...
Hi sus sus,
I read somewhere that implantation bleeding (fertilized egg implants in the uterus)can happen on average between 6 to 12 days past ovulation.Discharge usually contains a small amount of pinkish or brownish blood. Only 1 in 3 pregnant women experience this implantation bleeding.
How many days is your cycle?31 days?
I did experience day1~2 spotting(brown+pinkish) and day3 clear(no spotting at all) and day4 AF reported(sign!)...but all this happen around the period that AF suppose to come.
Dun worry ...try with HPT if ur AF have not report... cheers
hi hung,

how's yr wedding &amp; honeymoon? got pics to share?
i am still working hard at ttc...but less stressed than i 1st talked to u. i guess when disappointment hits too many times...u get a little numb...but still i am not giving up. But learnt to take it in a positive least i am having good BD with hubby..hee..

hope to strike this month...let's keep our fingers crossed for each other..
Hello! I confirmed failed this month liao ... so sad.

Haiz ... dunno how. Very discouraging, abit dun feel like trying liao. Maybe i also got problems but havent see doc so dunno yet. Now just very numb, cant even bring myself to go see doc. But i know gotta go soon.

Like gg to break down but trying hard to hold on still. If not for this forum, dunno who to tell to. HB also numb.

Meanwhile, i guess just have to eat well hor? Any idea will green tea, evening primrose pills help? I heard green tea has detoxing properties and evening primrose good for menstrual system.

Msreal, hope you dun mind me askin ( i suspect i dun ovulate properly also) if want to start clomid, when is best time? Before or after period? I know must do tests but dunno when to do tests, during period can? Guess this cycle gotta skip already.
Sus sus

dun be discouraged... at one point also felt like u... u tried for 5 months only right? dun give up so easily okie... how do u know u not ovulating? if ur cycle is regular should not be a problem.
Sus sus ,

Dun be discouraged like what Apex told you.
There are gals that tried for few years!(no joke)

Maybe you want to think this way ..i always tell myself that maybe God feels that I am not really ready yet physically and emotionally and when you are ready ..then bingo! Then I will be busy with children for the rest of life.
cheer up!

Clomid is usually taken as instructed by gynae to start on day2 to day6 after menses start day1.

Currently i am taking grapefruit juice ..mind you tastes awful! Every time have to force myself to drink..Been told that this juice can help you produce more clear and stretchy CM discharge(look like raw egg white) that will help the spermy to live longer and higher chance..

You can go see gynae after your period end.
In a way , maybe the gynae will do V-scan more easily..
For checking ovaluating , do you monitor to see whether the CM discharge?

CM discharge - white n stretchy (look like raw egg) meaning that you will ovalute soon! So BD asap for the next few days..
CM discharge - Cloudy white n not stretchy meaning that you already ovaluted.

Different body have different symtoms .
So maybe you can monitor...
Thanks alot gals, Apex and Msreal! Looks like have to monitor awhile more.

Meanwhile, researching more to see if i have any tell tale signs that i dun ovulate or, maybe fallopian tubes blocked? Or maybe eggs no good quality? Haiz ... All these only gyn and tests will tell.

All i can do now is only to assume the above problems dont arise and do my best and see if any results. If still no, then gotta check for the above. My cycle very regular leh.

But i wonder what can i do at my best. Maybe improve CM? I tink that may be my problem cos not alot leh.

And timing also, will try harder. Haiz ...
Hi Sus Sus,

Maybe u think too much. try not to be too paranoid okie... cos it'll inevitably give u more stress which can hinder conception. also try not to stress up hubby too.

to be frank, we strike when i was not stressed up. cos i thot let nature takes its own course and i guess it works. if menses come then let it be lor. it's okie. no need to be too upset cos normal couples take 1-2 years to conceive and ur 5 attempts are too early to tell... if not love-making becomes a chore and too mechanical which is not so healthy for married couples.

if ur period is very regular then that's great! try to be more sensitive n be in tune with ur body changes. like for me my cycle works like a clock. and when i ovulate i know it cos got ovulation pain which last 2 days. no need to try like everyday cos quite tired for both of u...
Ok, thanks Apex!!

I also think maybe i too stressed up, emotionally and physically too otherwise what explain the "sick" symptoms i had that 2 days. My body falling sick more than preggy. Must relax from now on, try to do things i really like.

I went to get EPO during lunch, heard that is good for hormone balance. I got from this brand Efamol, the box say 33% more GLA. Hopefully, will put in place any hormone prob of mine and help get more CM.

Anyone else taking EPO and any better brands to recommend or share?

Be running to get grapefruit juice next week after CD7, waa ... expensive, $10 for a bottle with 4 servings. Msreal said its not so tasty. Uh ... hope i can take it. Meanwhile, just storing up on sunkist orange juice, got double vit C!

Also eating lots vegetables and fish from today. Hmph! See what else cannot conquer?!

But i read that milk is not good cos got this galatose thingy that is not sugar resistant. Any insight on this? Milk not good meh?
Apex, my cycle also regular, always around 28 days and if no preggy, AF sure come as expected. Thats why i tot i am ok. Maybe i am, its just tat like you said, too early to tell and maybe i was unwell past 2 months. So, ya lor, will have to try some more and take care of my body and hope i strike soon. Envy you!
Sus sus, dun envy me okie... ur time will come... initially when me n hubby started to make love w/o protection, we adopt that "let nature takes its course" mentality. cos if God wanna give us a baby, we will have it no matter when... it'll all be fated n will come when least expected...

initially, i thot i will get pregnant easily cos i thot my cycle is so accurate n regular! the first time inevitably was a little disappointed. 2nd also disappointed... 3rd bochap give up... 4th gave up n we strike... at one point also question myself i got something wrong or not haha! but i think i think too much also. just relax n enjoy ur time with hubby okie... it's good u r blessed wif regular menses. but if ur hubby also stressed, his sperm count might be affected too...
Hi All,
me new here .. i was also feeling what u are feeling.. so scare... haha.. dun noe when i will have my first baby... me also trying... AP still not yet come... Dun Know isizz good new coming to me le..

Halo gals, I'm new too. Just wanna ask for advice whether it's appropriate to continue with my ball games while BB planning? I'm just afraid if jackpot then will the running &amp; jumping cause miscarriage. On the other hand, I will be very stressed if I always stay indoor &amp; put so much emphasis on conceiving.
