Advice needed - Pregnant?

Actually does it matter whether to use the first urine in the morning? Will the results differ using urine in other times of the day?

Darbebe, you refering to HCG test? First urine usually gives better results cos the urine has been concentrated over night. Sometimes the test might not be accurate if you drank alot of water before testing.

For more accurate results, you should ask the doctor to do a blood test
Hi Mrs Wong,

Oh..I took the test when i reached home after work. As you say, maybe the urine not concentrate enough to test.

Seeing a doc now, is it too early? Or should I wait till AF late for 2 weeks then approach the doc? Becos my longest cycle is 44 days.

hmm....Anyone who is pregnant but with no symptoms, other than a missed period?
Hi Hung,

PM u..

Hi Darbebe,
I had all the symptoms and 1 week late AF..but AF came soon after. U might want to wait 1 wk more or test few days after.
Hi Elizabeth,

I will test again next week. Hope that if AF really coming, then come fast fast
so that I will 'shi xin'.

Though having a hunch that AF will come soon, but still hav that little hope of miracle.
Darbebe, if you are worried, just see doc to confirm.

My only symptom other than missed period was sore nipples and bigger breasts. Was more hungry than usual also.
Hi Mrs Wong,

im not worried but more of suspense whether strike or not.Will go see doc if by end of next week AF still not arrive.

No leh, I dont have bigger breasts but nipples when touched are alittle pain. Again, its 1 of pre-menstrual symptoms. Haiz
Darbebe, usually my nipples will be sensitive during PMS, but when pregnant, it is MORE sensitive to the extend I cant sleep well...
thats rite...when i was preggie, breasts n nipples SUPER sensitive and painful. Even when you shower, it is painful. U will also find that your present bra doesnt seems to fit properly..

Good luck darbebe....
Hey eliz,

sob sob, my nipples symptoms subside liao. It wasnt so painful like last few days. It was just before my O day. Then yday onwards, not so painful liao. I sure hope it's not just PMS...
Hi Mrs Wong and all gals ,

The discharge is more brown and little red ..I am not sure it is consider miscarriage?

My AF came today morning late 1 week(first time)....quite disappointed.
Being TTC since last year Oct.But I will not lose hope and the next step is to see gynae..

Darbebe,I can understand the anxiety and worry...think most of the girls here felt the same too...hope to hear the good news from you
I was reading up on pregnancy and in some books, it says that anxiety can lead to decreased chances of conceiving.

Personally, I think if you are v anxious about it, it won't strike...

so everyone relax, enjoy yourself, esp when BD

Sometimes hubby stressed over TTC can also lead to poor sperm dun stress your hubby also!!

Msreal, if you miss your period the next time, immediately go see doc and ask for blood test (more accurate). Cos if really preggie already, will need alot of rest plus some pple need to take hormone tab to support the pregnancy
hi elizabeth & mrs wong,
my nipples not tat sensitive to the extent.
Will haf wait & see if it subsides few days later. Hope this is a good sign to start with.

Hi msreal,
Keep up your optimism. I think its something not easy. Bcos as the symptoms go off, im starting to feel demoralise but still keep my fingers cross.

To the other girls,
Let us all 'jia you' and good news to come soon. yeah...!! :p
ryes, the swollen breast n nipples could be due to pre-O symptoms. i had the same symptom 3 days after O. i might have mis-calcuated thinking i have O but havent not until the breast starts to swell. Perhaps swollen breasts could be a good indicator of Ovulation too...
Msreal, yupz I'm preggie
6 weeks

Darbebe, everyone got different symptoms, I got frens that din even realise they were preggie until their tummy started showing when they were almost 13 weeks!!
ryes - i think i had them before I O and throughout till the next AF comes. dont take the symptoms too seriously...they are just a guide and could mean nothing. if MS is late for a week or two, should be able to test for preggie.

like mrs wong said, some had no symptoms at all.

think you can still BD couple of day after O, just in case
Halo gals, does anyone know when is the earliest day after O to test for pregnancy? I can't wait till my menses to confirm.
Cheeri, for urine test, you need to wait till you missed your AF.

But if you want to do blood test, it can be done 1 week after O. But not all doc will do it for u, esp since you have not missed your AF.
HI cheeri,

I am also waiting to test. Today is 7DPO for me..

Hi elizabeth, ah, okay. still waiting to test..
msreal, DPO means Day Post Ovulation.

cheeri, i have read some article that says 6 days after O day can test. But personally dont think it is accurate. suggest you wait till AF due date.

Good luck ryes...hope u get a BFP

I'm in the same situation. I missed my AF for two weeks already, still neg. No other symptons leh. My AF was never late for the past 16 years! ???
Hi msreal,

I sent you a pm, wonder if you received it?

Yeah, Elis explained liao. DPO is days past ovulation lor.

6 days past ovulation can test liao ah? I dying to test leh!!!!but then I dont have any symptoms.
Ryes, 6 days post ovulation can only detect by blood test. Urine test will be at least until you miss your AF.

Dino, best to see a doc to test since AF miss so long already...You might be preggie but maybe not enough hormones to show in urine or produce to see doc
HI mrs wong,

okay, so wait for 2 weeks exactly then test kit will tell? I dont dare go blood test.
Hi dino,

the advice that I've got is to see a doc to verify. You should consider the option since your AF has never been late.
Good Luck to you. Do update us.

Hi mrs wong,
will the blood test results be made known to us immediately or it will have to be send to lab?
Darbebe, I went polyclinic to do bloodtest..have to wait 3 days lor...I heard from my GP that if do at his clinic can get the results in 1 day...but expensive lor...

Ryes, urine test only accurate when you miss your AF...If never miss, might be not enough hormones to show +ve also...
Dino, I started to feel something is wrong after we got back from honeymoon, which was around 6 days after I went polyclinic to see tt time urine test is still -ve...

Then blood test was positive, so I book appt with gynae...when I went to gynae, i already miss my AF by 3 days, urine test was +ve...
dino - think for your case, can go for blood test liao since it is so late and OPK is not picking up any results.

ryes - patient lah
if test too early, dont get the result u want will be disappointed. wait a while, maybe symptoms will come slowly leh..

msreal, can go to this website introduced by one of the ttcsters here...they have the explanation for jargons

And for those who is in 2WW, the website can keep u occupied
mrs wong, we can just go polyclinic and say want to do blood test for pregnancy? is this the correct way of putting it to them?
Darbebe, I just told the doc I suspect I'm pregnant and ask for her to do a blood test.

Dino, I am civil servant, so I din pay cash. But on my reciept, it is written as consultation S$8, lab S$8 and prescription (folic acid) S$2.40.
My AF will be late for 2 weeks if it still doesn't turns up tomorrow. humph !! I shall go buy and test the HPT again. Hopefully i can get some + results. But doubt so leh, cos no symptoms liao.
Wait disappointed again.
Darebebe, not everyone will have symptoms
Maybe yours is easy pregnancy?

If the urine test still show -ve, I think it is best you see doc
Hung, my first scan also showed nothing
Only found a cyst in the ovary (normal if preggie), at tt time still cannot find the sac or anything...onli next visit then saw the sac
Hung, it's normal cos the cyst is the follicle which the egg came from
It provides the hormones to the body until the placenta is developed and producing hormones to support the pregnancy. The cyst should grow smaller and disappear by birth

Mine grew slightly smaller after 2 weeks
I dun believe it... Been 3 weeks and results still negative. Going to see my gynae tomorrow.

Darbebe, how about you? Good news?
Dino ,
Hope to hear positive results from you.
Do update us..

Any good news ?

My AF came on CD38 .Quite sad.Been to see gynae for the first time few days ago.He checked ovary is ok but dignoised with PCOS and now prescribe Clomid for 3months...Since like alot of gals are taking it too..Anyway have to wait and wait again.Seeing one after another of my friends got preggie..happy for them but sad for us...
Guess i have to look at bright side..and TRY not to stress ...BUT work , bb making and "stress" from relatives and friends really make me "more stress" much of the grumble ...feel little better now..
hi girls, pai sey mia for afew days. Very busy with work and when home lazy to login. hehe.. good news yet bcos i have not test.
Keep thinking of waiting few more days to get more accurate results. But i think i will test it out this weekend.

ASk you all hor, i have some clear discharge this morning. Does this symoblise anything or not huh?
Hi all, I just came back from gynae.
Did a blood test and sadly, dun have good news. Delay may be due to hormonal imbalance. Thanks all for your concern, will not be too stressed up any more.

Hey darbebe,

CHeck ur mailbox tomorrow okay.

Dinoltan, how much was the blood test/ do we get the result on the spot?
