Advice: How to increase breastmilk amount?

Hello all mums

I have been trying to increase my milk flow by latching on. However, instead of increasing it gets lesser. Is there any other ways to increase the flow? Help.

My baby is 3 weeks old now. I also have somewhat low supply and the problem is compounded by very sore nipple due to wrong latching. I went to TMC to see the lactation consultants and was recommended to be put on motilium. I asked my gynae and he said ok, prescribed a dose of 2 tabs 3x daily for 30days for me and I bought the tablets from Guardian. I'm hoping the motilium helps. Otherwise, I also not sure what to do next...

EA, you may want to seek you gynae's opinion on motilium, but note that it's a drug and no drugs are completely side effects free.
so far i did not experience any but all drugs come with side effects.

i've taken it for close to 10 days now and am seeing some effect in increasing my milk. then again, i'm not sure the increase is due to motilium or to the fact i now double stimulate my breast by latching and pumping after my bb is done.

but still i find i have to supplement with FM 2x daily even with this increase. really look forward to the day which all those milk bags i bot would be overflowing with excess milk....

Am also taking Domperidone from Motilium. My baby is on TBF and refuse any form of FM at all. So no choice. I think it does help. Been taking it for almost 3 months I think, still ok. No side effects so far. But luckily my DS is on solids already so his milk intake is lesser.

But of cos best is if can don't take pills lah. If my DS can at least take some form of formula, I will supplement instead of taking pills. Sigh.
No leh, I didn't know. Is it? I didn't see a gynae. I was advised by lactation consultant... Why cannot take more than 7 days?
there's some side effects... i think high blood pressure or something.. forgotten already since i just took for 6 days and stopped so didnt really rem the exact details.

anyways medication is always better to be careful...
u can check with yr gynae to see what are the possible side effects for long term ( a month) usage

ok to take more than 7 days. my gynae prescribed 30 days to me..but my lact consultant says take for 10 days.

did any one experience supply drop once you discontinue with domperidone? or did u need to taper down the dose gradually before stopping totally? i'm thinking of stopping at 15 days..
btw, blueydoo,

did you buy the brand 'motilium' or you get another brand of domperidone? motilium is expensive and i wonder if cheaper brands are available from pharmacies without prescription.
Hi sghlynn,

Thanks for letting me know... will be careful from now.

I buy Motilium, Not aware there are other brands, I know there is one called Maxalor, but I heard the side effects are worse than Domperidone so Dom is considered safer. I do forget to take it sometimes. And I think my supply does drop when I stop. My LC told me she knew of someone who took it for 11 months before she weaned her baby. But of cos I guess subject to individual.
guess the ss will dip slightly but will pick up and stablize as long as u follow a strict routine to bf/ pump frequently.

im back at work and keeping my fingers crossed!!
Hi everyone,
I would like to check with u all abt the milk flow. I am pumping abt 70-90ml fm both breast using medela electric pump now. This is my 4th week after birth. Initially was only 20ml when using avent manual pump. I am unable to get my baby to latch on coz she is still in NICU due to premature. I had tried pumping every 4hrs and had payaya soup, eat a lot of fish too but the milk level still maintain. Is there any way to improve the flow ?
hi jenny, 70-90 ml for 4 weeks is considered good enough isn't it? correct me if wrong, but for full term babies at 4 weeks, they only drink 60ml each time. so fro your baby should be enough, altho u may want to pump every 3 hrly instead.

Fenugreek available at GNC and at Guardian under brand called one GreenLife. should be ok as it's a natural herbal product used commonly in cooking curries.

Hi all,

need some advice. i try to latch and pump. but by the time i finish latching and attending to my baby (change diaper/rock him to sleep/sooth his crying, etc), it's time for the next feed so how to pump? my baby drinks every 1.5-2 hrs in the day time! sometime i pump and then 0.5 hr later he cries for milk and i don't have enough left in my breast liao! like that how??!
Hi Marble,

Have you tried giving him more milk so that he can last 3 hrs? I think 2 hours is really quite siong for you. How old is your bb?

Last time when my bb was younger, ie. 3 mths etc, I would pump if he is awake, place him lying down on my bed in front of me and pump for 10 - 15 mins. I also used to alternate between feeding direct and bottle. But nowadays I usually pump out.
he is 4+ wks now. cannot give more as i give all i can liao..unless i give fm. i do that sometimes when i'm really tired or need to go out. anyway i asked same qn in another thread n was advised not to pump till bb older n drinks every 2-3 hrs.
hi marble
u are very lucky liao. currently now i only able to pump your vol and my gal is now 4 mths old. i tried to latch and pump more often. eat goat's rue. drink more water. it seems like it did not help to increase alot. now my gal is taking 1 fm per day. and i'm struggling to keep up with the supply.
hi haystack,

did you try using an electric pump? i am thinking of investing in the ameda lactaline, for presumably more effective pumping. wonder if it'll help..

could try to pump after latching. milk is produced on a supply and demand basis. Initailly tot that if i pump after latching, i may not have enough for the next feed. It was only so for the first few days but supply increase greatly later. After 1 mth, managed to have 1 litre plus a day with regular latching and pumping.
Latching really does help to increase supply. Ever since i gone back to work, supply drop as unable to latch my baby on during weekday and only manage to express 3 times. Taking fenugreek now to amaintain supply also. Struggling hard to keep up with baby's demand.
A good pump also help a lot. Dun give up and jia you.

hrd tt mother's milk tea fr us not bad but e spree ( for this over aredi, maybe nxt time when there is 1, u can order to try it out. me hv ordered 2 packs to try, will let u know if it helps.

meanwhile, can aso try out e nursing tea fr mim. i just bought 2 trial packs - peppermint & fruity ytd. i oni took 1 cup of peppermint tea ytd nite, just now bfed bb at 5+am, normally aft bfing, breasts will become soft but this time, they r still quite hard & i managed to pump out close to 110ml, imagine this is aft bb finished latching. tho e tea may not work for everyone but no harm trying, esp can buy e trial packs to try out.
hi Marble
u took Motilium for 2tab 3x a day?
i bought the medication from Guardian, on the box, it states 'not to exceed the recommended dosage' which is 1tab 3x per day, is it save to take twice the dosage?
this looks like a a place for me. i am perpetually trying to increase bm. bb now 4 months already, still not enough. Tried everything except Dom and Mot. Now using TCM to slowly increase. But always get scoldings cos will forget to take herbs or didn't go back to see doctor as scheduled, cannot progress.

Jenny, I bought Goat's rue and 'More Milk' tincture from; in case you r still looking for goat's rue. don't get the tincture if you want goat's rue. it tastes horrible. just get the tablets.
hi suis

me too... my gal now 4 mths. still cannot keep up with the demand. try everything too.. hahha... wat is TCM?

yes the recommended dosage for increasing breast milk is 2 tabs 3x daily.

the dosage 1 tab 3x daily is for indigestion and nausea as indicated on the box.

actually, what you're doing by taking motilium is to depend on the drug's side effect of increasing breast milk. this drug was originally developed for nausea and indigestion. that's y u need double dose to increase the side effect...

i've stopped motilium after 15 days and switched to fenugreek. found that it works even better than motilium for me, and much cheaper too since i'm taking the raw form of fenugreek.
Traditional Chinese Medicine. I read somewhere which said can use acupuncture to increase bm. it seems acupuncture is very popular in the US. so i asked the TCM clinic near my place. no needles, but can use herbs. so now still taking their herb.

at least i can get average 90ml, both sides combined after a 3 hrs interval. b4 this, only 50ml. pathetic right.
Hi Marble,

I tried the raw form too. don't know if its the same as yours. the chinese name for fenugreek seed is hu lu ba. (found from internet)

After finding out the chinese name, i got hubby to buy from medical hall. the first time i boiled the seeds and took the drink, i really have the maple syrup smell. read somewhere again that in order for the fenugreek to be working in you, gotto smell like maple syrup. haha, can save on perfume.

since then, i've stopped the raw form and took the more convenient tablets from GNC. No sweet smell leh. Even after taking 9 tabs/day. mayb that's why no effect on my bm.
hi haystack,

how much does your bb drink? mine drinks abt 110ml and he's about 7kg. bm not enough, supplement with fm and already started him on brown rice powder.

actually, on bad days, i get only total of 60ml. bad days are when i'm in a hurry to get the pumping done, or when i don't drink enough water or eat well. sigh... so many things can affect bm.
my gal now drinks abt 4.5 oz. she is abt 7kg too.. i can't start on the solids yet as she not even 5 mths. now i gave her 1 fm per day. now my ss is abt 80-90ml per pumping session. at nite i will do a direct feed.
<font color="aa00aa">jenphua,</font>
i read some sites they say spearmint (any herbs from the mint family) decreases SS, but some say otherwise. so it's increase SS for ur case, after u took MIM nursing tea?

Other herbs

Other herbs that can decrease milk supply: Peppermint (Mentha piperita), Spearmint, Parsley (Petroselinum crispum), Chickweed, Black Walnut, stinging nettles (not nettle - that increases milk supply), Yarrow, Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum), Lemon Balm, Oregano, Periwinkle Herb (Vinca minor), Sorrel (Rumex acetosa).

Sage, peppermint, spearmint, lemon balm, oregano, and cabbage leaves can all be incorporated into a pressed oil (cold pressed or hot) to make massage oils for milk suppression.

<font color="aa00aa">marble,</font>
me same as u. bb is now 6 wks old, still drinking 1-3 hrly.. cannot pump out after latch cos even latch on, she seems not to have enough alr. almost every feed she like not having enough, and will cry herself tired out and fall asleep. see liao so heartpain.

just started taking raw fenugreek yesterday to see if will increase SS, but still din pump after latch. really dun dare to.

<font color="0000ff">fenugreek</font>
if anyone trying to get raw fenugreek, can get from Indian store, malay store that sells spices.

malay - alba
indian - methi

i bot from malay store, so confirm "alba" is correct for fenugreek in malay.

for the indian term, gotta try it out.
hi mummies,
i am currently on motilium but any idea on when is a safe time to stop?i mean after how many days of 2 tab 3times a day?
hello all mummies

my bb just turned 4 mth and happen like overnight his intake of milk increase by 60 per my bb sitter. ever before that i can't supply him the amt he needs worst.
having been latching on to improve the flow....but every meal he does not have enough and keep crying crying and then refuse to suck further after a few try. How to encourage if he does not suck

i have taken fenugreek abt a week and a lot of fish but no good!!!!
Hi mummies,

Anyone tried Motherlove's More Milk Plus before? Find it very effective in increasing milk supply.

I've one opened bottle to sell, only used for few days can see result already. Pls pm me if interested
hi all,

my bb is now 3 mths and i'm pumping 110ml every 3 hours. i'll be starting work next week. anyone knows if the amount pumped will continue to increase as baby grows or will i be stuck with 110ml max from now onwards since i'll be back at work? How do i increase the amount since 110ml is barely enuff for my bb.

can i also check with you all - what do u do with the milk pumped on fridays in the office. do you keep in fridge till monday, or freeze for the weekend and thaw on monday?
Hi marble,

my ger is now 4 mths old now, and she has been on TBF since birth. Lucky for me, she was able to latch on since birth, and i only expressed out during the 2nd mth, to prepare for my return to work.

You have to keep pumping /bf diligenlty to increase the milk ss.By 3rd mth, I'm able to pump minimum of 150ml every 3 -4 hrs, now can reach 180-200ml at times.
However, be prepared that ur milk ss may drop once you return to work, due to stress.
I do my pumping twice a day in office, keep in the fridge and transport hme every day, for use for the next day.
Once i reach hme, i latch my ger on, since it's really much easier than pumping.
hi xuan's mommy!,

you so lucky. my gal now 7 mths. i only able to pump 90-100ml every 3 hours. i latch her too. but still like that.
My hubby thinks i smell like curry leh what maple syrup. I've been taking fenugreek capsules from gnc lor... now cut down to 3-4 caps/day still smell like that. I simply hate it!! Endure for the sake of my son though.

I've decided to switch to stinging nettle to see how. Hope it's as effective if not more than fenugreek. Otherwise I'll switch back lor.
hi mummies,

what is the amt of BM u could express/pump out when ur babies were 3 weeks old ?

it's because i am able to pump only 5-10ml after my 3 week old son latched on for 10-20min of intermittent sucking and sleeping. so i am not sure if there is a chance for me to increase my milk flow or is it that i am just one of the unlucky ones who can't have a generous flow of BM.
My collegue ever mention to me she took this pills to produce and increase her milk intake.Seem very good and effective.Keen to know PM me,I try ask her for you
hi cosway,

please let me know. i am interested. u can mail me at [email protected]. Thank you.

And any mummies tried ""Motherlove's More Milk Plus before" ? Will it be effective in increasing milk supply esp since my BM is very low......

Using Avent manual pump, I could only produce 3-5ml of milk even though my son is going to be a month old next week. I wanted to ask if I could generate more milk by using electric pump ? Anyone had success in this ?

If so, wat brand of electric pump can I use ?
Hi Sonia,

I've tried the ""Motherlove's More Milk Plus" before, and it's works for me. I've tried the tincture form, can see results almost instantanous.

So far, i've only seen the product in TMC pharmacy
Hi mummies,

I've more supply than my gal can consume and it's taking up storage space in my freezer... CNY is coming, I need to clear some space for my MIL to stock up her food stuff (as I'm staying with my in-laws)..

Any mummies interested, pls. contact me @ 97605392 to see how the meeting place can be arrange...

^ ^
Hi mummies,

I have 4 BN bottles (100 capusles) of Fenugreek from GNC for sale. $17 each with normal postage or $62 for all 4 with normal postage.

My supply has stabilized so I don't take them so much anymore. Anyone interested please PM me. Thanks and press on in breastfeeding!
