Advice: How to increase breastmilk amount?

Hi julie,

You could try to eat more fish,apples,papaya soup and maybe you could have blockducts problem.Me to got the same problem like you very low supply till my massage therapist helps me to clear my blockducts.Now my baby enjoy bf than before. You could email them your quires and they will give you advise with no obligations at [email protected] or visit their website for more information.

try fernugreek from GNC. U could be tired so not much milk . I breast feed and pump out milk 5 times a day to increase milk supply then later fully breast feed by 2nd month when milk supply increase. sometimes baby not hungry just let her suckle to stimulate milk. the first month i was like breast feeding every hour.
hey mums, im really clueless abt how much a baby needs as she grows.Any guide? My latch-on skills nt v good, so she has been drinking my EBM...she's now 1 week 4 days old...and drinking about 50-60 ml per feed...
My GP suggests this formular:
weight of baby x 150ml = amt of milk she needs a day

Note that this is only a rough gauge, don't be too stressed if she takes less, cos my 5 month old boy takes 200ml+ less than the calculated amount, but my PD says it ok.

Hope this helps.
Hi mummies,
My milk supply gone down this few days although feel that the breast is full.Have try to pump out but seem nothing came out. My fren recommend me to use Mdm Rokiah service to help me clear my blockducts problem this morning and can say no regret as I see her hand express my milk so easily. So happy to see my milk flows very well and my breast feel lighter. She give me lots of advise on food intake and teach me how to massage by cranky bb. Really thank for her great helps. Visit her website if you need her service for your engorggement problems as my cousins and few frens also use her service before when they have blockducts problem.
i think pumping helps to clear that hard hard portion of the breasts... mine used to be v hard even when i express my milk but now tt i did it more often, it sort of cleared out.

Btw, Felicia, my gal is 3kg now, so meaning she needs 450ml per day right? So if i were to feed her 6-8 times a day, i jus divide out equally right?
Hi Jen,
Yah, that's correct.

Sometimes babies don't take the same amount at every feed (like sometimes we feel less hungry during lunch and hungrier during dinner!) so as long as the daily intake is 450ml, baby should be doing very well
hi, just wanna share my experience although that was long time ago

demand = supply; the more you let your bb suckles, the more supply you will produce. What you eat is very important, and choosing your food is important as well. Best with food that is free from chemical, medicine contents etc. Fish, not-so-ripe papaya soup are best for producing milk. Remember what you eat goes to the baby, so refrain from any off the shelf stuff, take the natural stuff. As for gorging and hard breasts, do self massaging often. This is the best method and it is foc
Keep positive mindset and everything will go well.
take care.
I had to stop breastfeeding for a month cos I was unwell. My baby was only 3mths old when I was better and I wanted to BF again but milk has totally dried up. I was prescribed Domperidone by the Lactation specialist. My milk flow started again although it was just trickles and I had to constantly pump. My friend then recommended More Milk Plus by Motherlove, it's 100% herb. I took that in the night and the following morning my breast was enlarge and I was able to easily pump 50ml which is a very good amount considering I had stop for a month.
Hi maybemummy/ any mummy

May i know where can i can this More Milk Plus by Motherlove? Can this be taken in conjunction with Fengureek? Im currently taking Fengureek, although my milk supply does improve a bit after taking that but not to the desired level, my child is already 3weeks old and i can only manage about 600ml per day (8pumps/day) which is not enough for him at all... Im currently supplementing him with FM =/

thanks for sharing
Hi Munchies,

Looks like xavier's mum has replied to you. As for using it with fenugreek one of the ingredients in More Milk Plus (MMP) has Fenugreek as well. When I started using MMP I stopped Domperidone.

Hi Xavier's Mum, how was the results for you when you started using it?
Hi mummies,
My supply also went down last wk. Breast feel full but could not able to feel empty even after pumping. My fren frm march thread recommend me to try sessions with Mdm Rokiah service as I read gd comments on her service to clear blockducts. I feel my breast so soft that I never feel b4 after my session and she say that I'got blockducts problems that makes my supply stuck. After few days my supply back to normal and I don't feel stress so much on bf now. She give lots of advise. Just want to share her contact here so that we mummies can happily carry on with bf when we got more info abt it.
Hi Lucy,

Can share how much does this Mdm Rokiah charge per session? How many sessions must we sign with her or is it a one-off visit? Sorry.. one more question, do we go to her place or she comes to our house?

Thanks for sharing. My baby is already 5weeks old.. is it too late to see her?
Hi Maybymummy,

MMP doesn't work for me leh..maybe I'm too stressed cos I just gone back to work. Change of dept. somemore. My menses came for almost 1 week and my supply was gone. Not even 1 ml. Can PM me how many tablet of Domperidone did you take previously? Can recommend ur lactation specialist to me. How much does she charge?

Any mummy out there can advise me is there any chance for me to relactate or not. I'm very sad leh.
Hi all,

Any LActation consultant to recommend? I need someone to prescribe the medicine for increasing breastmilk as my bm is really low, despite increasing more liquids and more pumping... And worse still i need to feed my triplets..
Hi Munchies,
Sorry late reply. She charge at $58 per sessions and home visit. Very nice lady and you dont need to sign any package. Lots of advise on bf. Last wk my fren who bb is 3mth old also had her service and told me that her supply increase after few days. Maybe can try to call her to get advise. 92716091. Many march thread mummies had her service too.
Hi Lucy,

no worries.. i just had a session with her yesterday.. Geee... really squeeze out a lot a lot of milk and she said my milk supply no issue, just tons of blocked ducts... anyway, she unblocked quite a lot other than a few stubborn ones which she said needed another session.

However, hor.. seems like not much improvement... my supply still remain constant at 120-135ml per 4hrly pump. now my son already 6weeks old, im sure this is still very low by any standard... but she did tell me that milk flow will only improve after a few days, so im keeping my finger crossed... if i hit 150-180ml per pump, i will surely post it here for all to see... hahahaha

her skills is really good i must say, she squeeze and i dun feel pain and yet can see so much milk spurting out... like fountain leh.. end up gotto clean up the whole room..
sandra - why dont u ask ur gynae to prescribe u domperidon which will aid increase in BM within 1 wk?
this is a prescriptive drug though
Does anyone have the problem that the baby refuses the nipple and prefers the bottle? I'm a FTWM and when I try to latch after work, the baby cries and pushes my breast away. Very depressed +++
how old is ur baby now?

i used to hv this problem when my then 3 mth old son prefers the btl when i go back to work. guessed he is confused wif nipple and btl.

I persisted (he had 3 bouts of nursing strikes) and it happened w/o warning. I persisted and tried all sorts of methods to get him latching again as i did not intend to give up bfg tt soon yet.

if he refuses, i'll pop a pacifier or give him the milk btl 1st. then once he calmed down/slowly dozing off, i removed the milk btl and shove my nipple into his mouth.
sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. but i persisted. try to find a calm/soothing env to nurse him. try not to get irritated/depressed coz baby can sense it. i know its v hard coz i blew up a few times when he rejected me. i felt so hurt and upset.

is the baby sick? or u wearing perfume/anything tt smells different/offensive to him? i came across a few websites then tt taught a few methods to combat nursing strikes. u might wanna google for it.

Gd Luck!
Hi all,

Need some advise.

My boy is 7-weeks-old and I'm combining FM and BM (on PD's advice) because he was very low birthweight at delivery.

At the initial BM flow, I used to be able to pump about 120 - 150 ml (both breasts tog); not sure if it was due to engorgement. But, I was a bit lazy about expressing and the flow dropped to 20ml altogether. Told my PD and he's prescribed Domperidone. I'm taking it alongside Fenugreek and Fish essence (really trying to get the milk flow back!). Am also expressing every 3 to 4 hourly. Flow has increased to 40ml (for both breasts tog).

Can anyone please please please advise on any other possible methods to increase the flow? Really would like to BF as long as possible.

Quite worried and sad about my lack of commitment to this.
Bullfrog worked wonders for me. Foods like kailan, threadfin (about ten dollars worth per day), sashimi also helped quantity and quality.

After two years of breastfeeding, my supply dwindled due to hormone changes and had to domperidone for a few months while desperately trying to get kid to drink other milks.

The thing about breastfeeding is that you gotta be disciplined and persistent.

All the best!
reali need help tis time.
just delivery my 2nd baby on 7 aug.
each time i try to latch my girl she end up hv to pump out but milk supply reali low.
onli gt 60-70ml from both side.but baby needs there aniting i can do to increase d milk first girl on BF for 2 weeks reali hopes to BF my 2nd baby for as long as possible.try to pump every 3-4hrs but sometimes nv gt 60.o even less..den at nite try to FM my girl once o twrice in d ites but baby drinks awhile but rejects.doesnt like FM.

Hi Ms Tan, I thought I was the only one awake at 4+ am, listening to the "te PONG, te PONG, te PONG" piling sounds from the construction site across here. The piling went on till dawn.... Yawwnnn.... Hope you caught some shut-eye eventually! (or are you not in Singapore timezone now?)

Hi Stella, congrats on baby! I suppose you have read the wealth of good tips in thread above; there are also a few other threads in this forum that offers advice on how to increase milk supply.

I think summarily, help can come in form of:
Lactation consultant (technique, clear ducts, etc)
Rest (enough sleep and no stress ups supply)
Frequency (frequent feeds / pumps)
Diet (eating good nourishing foods that work for you. Eg, guzzling pots of green papaya and fish head soup did nothing for my supply while it helped my SIL. For me, it was Kong Po Tin Gai!)
Galactagogues (like what Leng Leng mentioned above)
Persistance and determination
Medical help

Different folks, different strokes. Hope you find your groove soon!
Hi Precious,

I noticed that my milk flow improved after eating Gardenia multi grain bread (cost: $2.95 per pkt) and oats too .. Now i make sure that i have one cup of oats and two slices of bread in between pump. Also noticed that the milk seems thicker... Perhaps im imagining things but then again, no harm trying yah.. they are all healthy food.

Jiayou to you... me same situation as you, first child not able to bf, so 2nd hand trying very hard to bf..

Hey, suggest you seek help from lactation consultant while your baby is still young and can learn how to latch properly.. Cheers
Hi precious mummy, i agree that its best for baby to latch. Pls seek help from lactation consultant. My first child was like i had to express all the time but supply was really low. Later LC kept encouraging me to latch her and the diff methods of doing so. /\Baby went thru almost 2 days atrike with me when i refuse to give her bottle, but later submitted. It helped else could not feed her BM for 6 months.

Hi Ladies,

any body knows the minimum period of bf? Must we really bf for as long as possible??

Would appreciate some advice.. wanted to go for one year mark but really very tired and have been neglecting the first child.. =\
WHO recommends six mths. For my first kid, I never really set a target, I just went on as it went along. Initially, didnt even know whether will have milk or how much milk or for how long.

When I tried to introduce formula milk at 18 mths coz I thought it'd be less stressful not having to pump in flights and in foreign land, but kiddo boycotted all FM, including Snow and Meiji, so I had no choice but to continue till 2 yrs plus.

Maybe some ladies find it a total breeze, but to me, breastfeeding does bring with it, while alot of benefits, some form of sacrifice, and often, with an older child or children to care for, it is not easy.

Don't stress yourself up be setting a certain target. You have already done very well. Some women don't even want to consider or try breastfeeding. So well done!

Take it by the day. Don't feel like you have to hit the one year mark. If you do, great, if you don't, great too!

Take good care!

I love sashimi, during preggie, surpress my cravings for 9 months.

After giving birth, I happily eat the sashimi. Then after that, read about not supposed to eat raw food....

But I figured it since baby got no problem with my milk, I kind of continue eating sashimi.

Actually, my PD said nursing mum no need to restrict diet. Only for babies that are allergy to Cow's milk, then mummy need to restrict that.
Yea, why not?

I did loads of sashimi when nursing and not nursing!

The good thing about eating loads of sashimi when nursing is that hubby will buy double portion, which can mean 30 over thick slices instead of just 15-17 slices (per person), coz he knows the salmon goodness goes into the breastmilk, not just into my little brain fuelling smarts to further challenge him with intriguing arguments.

Really, we noticed the difference in quantity and quality with different diet inputs. The next morning's BM after a nite of sashimi feast tends to be very thick. Taste test and smell test also showed up strong salmon smell and taste. The BM does get very oily (oilier if you took alot of otoro), so gotta ensure no clogged ducts.

But as with all raw foods, purchase from only credible sources to ensure hygiene.

Feast on!
Yum... sushi buffet... Where are the good places now?

A few years ago, there was this Jap restaurant in Toa Payoh Hub where they had sushi buffet, including free flow serves of ebikko inari, plates of sakae sashimi, etc, (so you don't have to even deal with the rice) for around S$32 per pax. We went often with friends, and ate till they closed down. Literally. Had been reliant on Sakuraya since then. Where else is good?
Got bad experience at the Sakura at YCK stadium.

DH & I were there last month, a small girl within a big family group vomitted at the table and all over the chair/floor. The staff don't really bother to clean up properly. The one who sweep the floor, just solely sweep the floor. Those bits and pieces of the vomitted stuff still stick to the leg of the table/chair, plus on the glass as well.

The family involved, ie the mother also a bit bo chap, continue to eat happily. I bet those remainder food on the table also caught the vomitted stuff. Yuks.

After seeing this, I then realised why their table feel so sticky. Their sense of hygenic not very good.
Recently me & a group of friends were talking about the standards of service & hygiene in singapore,
seems that it dropped at most places where non-singaporean are employed,
maybe their salary are lower, so standards lowered?
I actually havent been to these restaurants before. First time hearing, thanks, Leng Leng, for the link, went to read what they have.

And then I read the puke encounter. Eww....

Unhygienic cleaning practices are sadly, rather prevalent. U know the food court in supposedly child-friendly United Square, the cleaner will use her dry broom to sweep up puke and spittum, and then proceed to sweep everywhere else, smearing and smudging everywhere else.
I think it cant be helped to engage non-locals, but often, the supervisors and the cleaning companies contracted are local. They should ensure that the ground staff are properly trained, keeping the SOPs, and given the right equipment (like spray alcohol, etc).
wah biang... the dry broom is even more %$@$#@#$!!!

No leh, nowadays even fast food resturants' managers are non-locals...
Nelle, you sounded like a very good cleaning supervisor.

Actually, low pay doesn't mean standard of hygenic can be compromised. I thought it is more of upbringing. I mean if you got some sense of cleanliness, even if it is not part of your job. You would still try to clean up properly. Not just "Sweep the floor only" attitude and ignore the table legs etc.

Btw, the mother's attitude also one kind. If your girl vomitted, at least you should leave the table and let the staff do a thorough cleaning. The mother actually saw some residue vomit on the floor and at the leg of the table. She simply moved her body/legs one side and continue eating. OMG...
hahaha, i AM a cleaning supervisor!!! Lol! Good or not, i dunno.. Keke

I am also the toilet supervisor, sometimes the toilet cleaning lady, i am also the chauffeur, the tutor, the poo cleaner. Ms Tan has a FOUR-letter word to sum this all up.

Hi Gals,

Thanks for sharing.. i should have asked long time ago, have been depriving myself of sashimi since preggy... will head down to the nearest sushi restaurant on Sat.. =P

