A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

cheryl: or during ur last cycle, after ur menses any temp dip and shoot up again??

wannababy: i thought it is better to tell the DR..then they can fully assess ur situation mah..i think if u insist, they will do the fertility tests for u lah..but i think std protocol, they will ask whether u tried for 1 yr liao..

This is again from Wikipedia on how to time the "O" period..hope this helps
Scientific basis
Ova die if not fertilized within 24 hours of ovulation. Ovulation can be detected through changes in basal body temperatures, cervical mucus, and/or cervical position. Once ovulation has passed, conception is not possible for the remainder of the menstrual cycle. Spermatozoa are able to fertilize an ovum for a period of up to five days after they have been ejaculated. If no fertile cervical mucus is present, the acidic environment of the vagina usually results in a dramatically shorter sperm life. Intercourse that occurs more than five days before ovulation is unlikely to result in pregnancy. Intercourse that occurs in the presence of cervical mucus, and/or right before the temperature shift is most likely to result in pregnancy. Most women experience fertile cervical mucus and cervical position changes five or more days before ovulation occurs, giving them sufficient notice to avoid or plan intercourse (depending on their pregnancy intentions).

[edit] Observational methods
This description is an overview only. Couples wishing to use Fertility Awareness to avoid or encourage pregnancy should seek instruction from an experienced teacher.

The three primary fertility signs are basal body temperature (BBT), cervical mucus, and cervical position. A woman practicing fertility awareness may choose to observe one sign, two signs, or, all three.

Basal body temperature is a persons temperature taken when they first wake up in the morning (or after their longest sleep period of the day). In women, ovulation will trigger a rise in BBT between 0.3 and 0.9C (0.5 and 1.6F) that lasts approximately until the next menstruation. Sixty percent of the time, ovulation happens the day before the temperature rise. The other forty percent of the time, ovulation may happen a few days in either direction.

The appearance of cervical mucus and vulvar sensation are generally described together as two ways of observing the same sign. Cervical mucus is produced by the cervix, which separates the uterus from the vaginal canal. Cervical mucus is a heterogeneous mixture of different types of mucus, several of which have specialized functions. Some of its functions are similar to those of semen - cervical mucus promotes sperm life by decreasing the acidity of the vagina and providing nourishment to the sperm. One type of mucus has a structure that helps guide sperm into the cervix and then the uterus. The production of fertile cervical mucus is caused by the same hormone (estrogen) that prepares a womans body for ovulation. By observing her cervical mucus, and paying attention to the sensation as it passes the vulva, a woman can detect when her body is gearing up for ovulation, and also when ovulation has passed. When ovulation occurs, estrogen production drops slightly and progesterone starts to rise. The rise in progesterone causes a distinct change in the quantity and quality of mucus observed at the vulva.[24] Each of the methods of fertility awareness observes and interprets this occurrence differently, and uses different rules to determine the onset of fertility and post-ovulatory infertility.

The cervix changes position in response to the same hormones that cause cervical mucus to be produced and to dry up. When a woman is in an infertile phase of her cycle, the cervix will be low in the vaginal canal; it will feel firm to the touch (like the tip of a persons nose); and, the os the opening in the cervix will be relatively small, or closed. As a woman becomes more fertile, the cervix will rise higher in the vaginal canal; it will become softer to the touch (more like a persons lips); and the os will become more open. After ovulation has occurred, the cervix will revert to its infertile position.

There are other techniques for detecting ovulation. Unlike the three primary signs described above, these other methods are not considered sufficiently accurate to avoid pregnancy. They are often used by couples seeking to conceive.

Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs) can detect imminent ovulation from the concentration of lutenizing hormone (LH) in a womans urine. A positive OPK is usually followed by ovulation within 12-36 hours.

Saliva microscopes, when correctly used, can detect ferning structures in the saliva that precede ovulation. Ferning is usually detected beginning three days before ovulation, and continuing until ovulation has occurred.

Fertility monitors are available under various brand names. These monitors use a combination of the calendar method, OPKs, and sometimes computerized interpretation of BBTs. Though the manufacturers claim high effectiveness rates for avoiding pregnancy, independent studies show failure rates comparable to the calendar method.

Many women experience secondary fertility signs that correlate loosely with ovulation. Examples include breast tenderness and mittelschmerz (ovulation pains).

just now I hand itchy go and use HPT...then its BFN..somemore I use two =P my hubby know liao sure say i waste $.. so it's either really my AF will come these few days..also dunno why this mth not on time or HCG not high enough..i think end of week then i test again if AF not come..
cheesycake, thanks for the notice on the OPK from hoonters...thankfully i din order from hoonters...used joyjoymum's supplier cos at least i see a proper brand on the packaging
cheryl: hopefully so..altho waste money :p at least can stop me from thinking whether i preg or not loh..now i know is BFN so these few days can wait for AF to come..if by weekend AF not come..then i gonna think again..lol
cheryl: if test another week still BFN and AF not come, it's gd to see gynae loh..at least they can scan..from the last time u BD till now, how many weeks liao? becoz too early doc scan also cannot c one..
high chance is the 3 weeks plus ..maybe test again using HPT this weekend..then if BFN/BFP i think still go and c gynae loh..
Popz: maybe u try testing again? today ur AF due izzit? lots of bb dustsssss to u~

Wynston: no pro~ but before this i ordered HPT from her... till now haven received
eh.... lol... but from wat cheesycake put above abt the wrong packaging 1, dun seem to be wrong for me. but if the test is wrong i duno lah.. haha
Wynston: no... i ordered from hoonters...

cheryl so long haven get leh... think if by tmr i haven receive maybe i will contact her loh...
y not u get another HPT brand?
cheryl, i tink they r having promo now..can go take a look help-u-ttc.blogspot.com...but hpt strips sold out lei...i bought the mid stream...v easy to use, like clearblue like tt...
cheryl, their business must be too good...haha...i just noticed their sensitivity for the pregnancy test is different from other brands...twice the sensitivity...no wonder joyjoymum could detect her pregnancy so early!!!!
actualli this type if ting sometimes cannot buy the cheapest possible lor...i tink sometimes it is worth to pay slightly more for e brand cos at least got some form of quality control....
tt time joyjoymum was telling me this supplier is realiable not onli cos they supply to clinic and hospital but cos there was once got shipment delayed cos manufacturer got QC prob so they redo the whole batch for them...which i tink is appropriate cos this type of product, whether it work properly or not v impt to pple who wanna ttc lor...

btw, i've managed to convince my hb tt having a 2nd kid with close age gap is good cos can pass down alot of things and we wont have 'grneration gap' probs...
hopefully can hear good news by end this yr cos i dun want cow bb...cos will clash with me...
I tot you buy from joyjoymum le.. cos last time we were talking about getting from her supplier.. and I got my share already too..

Are you TTC-ing for a 2nd one?

Cheryl, I just finish "smile again" and moving onto another TVB serial. not sure the title.

I think because we are "advertising" in this thread .. they get more orders. :p
Hi all,

If DH is having flu and cough, can BD? He doesn't have fever but will be taking antibiotics, flu and cough medicine. How ah?

Me so sad... start clomid this cycle and yet my DH is sick... xianz...
Chessy - i read the link u posted, u sure its from hoonters as the link say bought from BP one? I tik some of the US online websites also selling this type of green tip strips.

thanks for your advice.... I will go and see the dr to do the checkup after my cycle restarts again....

My BBT dips these 2 days, but still stays above the temp on my O day....but already late for AF. ... Not sure why..... Izzit that as long as temperature dips, no hope liao har ??

But I guess no hope liaoz, since my temp dip liaoz..

Just have to wait for AF to come by this wk liaoz...
Jlow: in a sense I'm trying for a '2nd' one..coz my '1st' one heart beat stopped when i preg at week 10..hopefully can strike this yr too..

Apple: i heard fm my chinese sinseh dat antibiotics will somehow affect the sperm quality..

Cheesycake: Thanks! Actually i miscalculated..AF shld due yesterday or today :p and this morning, my BBT took a major u-turn and dip to 36.4 from 36.7..so i think most prob. AF come today or anytime soon..nvm lah.."zai jie zai li" lohz..at least can look forward to my Korea trip in Dec..keke..
wannababy: actually not necessarily dip is no hope liaoz lah coz some ppl dip also preg one..but based on majority average usu. dip is AF abt to come lah..at least u dun hv to "anyhow think" wat..anyway at least yours dip is still above ur O day temp..my dip is lower than my O day temp liaoz..

u can refer to the below website as a gauge for the BBT charting of those successfully pregnant and etc..

Hi Ladies,

I managed to sell the ovulation midstream and still hv some left. If anyone wants it, I am willing to let go at lower price.

As for HPT strips, i might hv a little left, let me go home check.

If anyone interested, pls PM me.

I cant seem to see the chart pattern when I access the website link that you gave me ah....

The past few days ... , I was still having menses-like cramp leh .... especially on one side only, which is my left side..... So thought AF is coming ...

but since yesterday night... the cramp suddenly just disappear liaoz... no more cramp... , but my temp dips loh ... which is quite disappointing ....

and my cycle is longer than what I used have ....
wannababy: both weblinks also can't see or the second one?

actually i also have the same symptoms as you but i would rather believe dat it is AF coming at least i dun worry so much..dun think too much lah..ur AF delay how long liaoz?

ee ... is both website also cannot see the chart... maybe I dont have the access here....

yah loh.. agree with you ... at least if AF come, no need to tink so much also ....
my AF late for 2 days only...

I just found out that I got discharge which is yellowish in content .... dunno what is that leh ...
wannababy: my AF due today (latest based on my past 4 mth charting)..i same as u leh..got yellowish discharge..but last mth b4 my AF comes i also got yellowish discharge..maybe i can ask my chinese sinseh during my next appt..sometimes if u "O" late..AF will also late one..maybe u try to access the chart at home..

um.... if like tat ... then sounds like AF is going to come liao loh....

no hope liaoz.....

ur AF due today ?? so means u got yellowish discharge yeseterday or today ah ??

oh .... if like tat hor ... dunno what it means by this discharge leh ....

I also miss menses liao.. then start to have ah ....
btw, last yr when i preg..i also got yellowish discharge..so maybe it's not a gd indicator also..yah..i hv yellowish discharge yesterday and today..

wannababy: dun think so much..if this mth dun hv..still got next mth..jia you! lotsa bb dust to you!!

mine is no cramp since missed menses liaoz....


thanks for your encouragement.... we will give each other bb dust ..... jiayou too....
