A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


the egg will last about 24 hrs after it is released, which is why sometimes it is recommended to BD the day after O also.

however the best chance of having a baby is to BD before or on ovulation day itself. this is because healthy sperms can stay in the body for up to 3 days..some even say 5 days...

to rely on ovulation calendar, u gotta hv regular af. if ur af is irregular/ less than 25cd/ more than 35cd, ovulation calendar usually will not predict O so accurately
test ard 14 days after ur presumed ovulation day.

possible, but better to BD before O & subsequently, on alternate days
My gynae told me if is very very early stage - only blood test can test whether u r preg.

Early stage - ultra scan (like when scan for baby one) can check whether any fertiles egg in our womb

If is miss period more than 2 weeks then urine can test liao
ok, thanks...
but think chances not high. my cycle length used to be ard 35days then last month AF come earlier and the cycle length is only 29 days so now i also abit confused.

Think bd on the wrong dates plus now world cup more worse, hb v bz.
if u hv regular af, u can actually test wif hpt on 14dpo. to be more accurate, do hcg blood test. scan at abt 5 wks shld see sac if u r preggie. 6-8 wks see heartbeat.

fertile eggs? u mean whether u r goin to ovulate? tis scan is more accurate thru v-scan, usu done on cd12, if u hv 28 day cycle

if O on day 1 and BD on day 5...NO chance liao lah (eggie say sayonara liao)

but if BD on day 1 and O on day 5...maybe still got chance (healthy spermie may still be around)
dun worry too much abt world cup. i'm a world cup fan but managed to bd during my O, in-between games there's always a 1 hr break. r u on clomid or anything? today u cd wat? af how many days? heavy or spotting nia?
posh, i am using that webby now. That's why i am all confused abt the cycle length. 35 days and 29 days. haiz. Anyway, i just checked... think bd on wrong days haha.

juju, me also a world cup fan, bz watching with hubby... by the time the match end, so tired already. Nope, i am not on clomid, today CD30. Haven't see any signs of AF, No spotting. But noticed that my discharge abit watery recently. dunno why.
wat's making you confused? the cycle left? but as long as you start to see temp dipping BD. you using OPK as well? that will help you pi-point O.

yeah yeah..that time ultra sound...saw bb kicked legs and put his/her hand near the side of his/her head..gynae joked say...bb making long distance call to mummy liao...
watery discharge during O or after O? some say discharge after O is good sign, but i remember reading somewhere before that discharge after O doesn't mean anything. 2 school of thoughts.
posh, i think i am making myself confused. Abit stressed over the TTC session. I think i must get myself proper and starting taking my temp.

brought the ovulation test kit but haven't start using it. cos my cycle length sudden change so i don't know when to use it.
lol... my hubby not affected, cos he's not as glued as me... haha... he accomodate me lor...

do u take bbt? or use opk?
try using bbt frm cd01, & opk frm cd10 (hope u using the cheaper ones)... then try to monitor.
note: bbt shld be taking at the same time every morning. once u open ur eyes, pop the thermometer in even before u move... then more accurate.
opk can start frm cd10 or cd12, every alt days till u see a faint/dark test line. also start BD every alternate days frm cd10 onwards
so funny!! yours is the other way round!! hahaha!!!

29 days, you minus normal luteal phase of 14days, leaves you 15, you try OPK from day 12 if you see temp dipping. no dipp dun waste. 35 days, minus 14, mayb O CD21, start trying CD18.
Yeah, have to boil, 2-3 times a week. 1 set of medicine can drink for 2 days (boil twice), then rest 1 day, then continue again. Yeah, I am using the 'zhi sha' pot. We find it convenient, no need to 'see' fire. The pot will beep when done. But needs around 2.5 hours to boil the medicine twice.

Both hubby and I are drinking. But we only bought 1 pot. So, we are boiling almost everyday or every other day.

Yeah, me too. Very diligent in taking my TCM too.

Yeah, let's add oil together! Ganbatte!

wah, juz now pop in during lunch time so quiet, like only me, juju & louie are around, then aft i dissapeared for a few hrs, this thread is so alive agn! until i lost track liao!

i think someone asking abt TCM... but i forgot who liao... i used to see Dr Jin at fortune centre. a few other gals seeing her too. her medication in tablets form. alot of tablets to take. but have not gone bk to her since taking clomid.
hi christine...
i feel good to have you girls here to share the joys and disappointment durong ttc. was really stressed up some time back like whether to go for prepregnancy checks and so on
me! on 100mg clomid 1st time tis cycle (cd02-cd06), O'ed ard cd23, so tis cycle shld be ard cd37 or cd41

no worries...
oh ya, dr jin always tell me dat our ovaries are juz like a hotel like dat. she said the more our ovaries are like 5 stars hotels, the nicer the environment for the spermies to stay around, have a drink, relax and stay over to wait for the eggie to appear... heeheehee...
hi jesmine,

welcome to this thread! no prb, we are here to support and encourage one another!

ttc can indeed be stressful. my mood has been going up and down maqiam like roller coaster like dat too. until hubby said i wana "ki siao" liao! kekeke...
thanks christine...

yah... i think i almost ki siao cos i was the first one among my friends to get married so friends have the experience of ttc.

then further more, his cousin's wife got preggy 1 mth after their wedding and due soon so i am pressurised. wonder what is wrong with me. haha
posh, guess TCM wld be good to tiao ur body so tat can have good eggies! We jia you together ya!

jesmine, sometimes we see other pple wif kids will cause us to wonder why other ladies so easy get preggie! Don't worry, we're all like tat. hee
Hi gals,

Do you all know whether if conception is successful, will there still be normal discharge before AF?

What are the signs of successful conception other than implantation bleeding (which i also dont have).

Or its still too early to tell? I am counting down to AF leh, very anticipative.

I just started ttc-ing and worry i got probs cos my womb tilted backwards.
christine, heh.... tis forum is like tat! can be so hot until can't catch up or quite quiet. But, wat matters is tat it survives & everyone is open abt sharing!!!
Anywae, if i am over-active in the forum means tat i am not concentrating on my work... kekekek

sus sus - preggie symptoms are quite similar to pre- AF symptoms, so don't be too concerned wif it. BBT will remain high even beyond AF is expected 2 arrive! A blood test wld be most accurate. Btw, I rem the ladies saying for womb tats tilted backwards (can't rem the actual term used), BD doggie style the best?
hi sus sus,

agree with louie. but if yr BBT remains high even aft CD18, then bingo, u moz likely strike liao! so, dun read too much into all the symptoms k? or else u will get stress out.

okie, gals, to take yr mind off TTC for awhile, here's something funnie for all of u to watch... a little too crazy and RA rated, but it's funnie... here's the link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gNsDp2N6yM&eurl=
hi ladies,
been ttc for a year but still no news yet. juz went to see my gynae yesterday, he suggest tat i should go for SO-IUI. does anyone of you under tis programme??? how is the procedure like and how much??? pls help and thks in advance

Discussed below are some of the signs and symptoms you may experience during
the time of ovulation. While some will find these to be highly accurate
indications of ovulation, others will not experience them at all.

Following ovulation, your temperature can increase by 0.4 to 1.6 degrees. You
won't feel the shift, but you can detect it by using a Basal Body Temperature
(BBT) thermometer. Its important to take your temperature at or about the
same time each morning, before you get out of bed, in order to establish a
pattern and get an accurate reading.

Because it can take a few days for your body to build up enough progesterone to
your temperature, at that point its too late for fertilization because the egg
can only
survive about 24 hours. Your most fertile period is in the two to three days
PRIOR to the temperature rise.

By having sex frequently prior to ovulation, you increase the chances of
especially if your cycle is abnormal or unpredictable. If your cycle is normal,
try to have sex during the two to three days preceeding the day your temperature
normally rises.

Literally meaning pain in the middle, mittelschmirtz is a mild cramping on one
or both
sides of the abdomen. This pain is caused by the rupturing of the follicle and
subsequent release of the egg. This cramping may last anywhere from a few
minutes to an entire day.

As you progress through your cycle, your cervical mucus increases. It becomes
wetter, thinner, clear, and more stretchy. You are considered most fertile
when the mucus takes on a raw egg-white quality.

You may experience some pinkish to light brown spotting at the time of
ovulation. This is because ovulation causes some cramping, and may cause some
excess uterine lining to be shed.



While these signs may hold true for some, keep in mind not everyone will have
the same symptoms of ovulation.
yes, we'll jia you together & hopefully strike soon!!

the video clip was hilarious!!! ladies, watch it!! really lift your stress of TTC!! hahahahaha!!!! thnx chris, cheers!

the other day i was asking about this too. happen to chance upon this thread, hope it is useful for all ladies interested;http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/5/412490.html?1150962351

little fire,
implantation bleeding takes place between 7-12 days DPO. cramping is subjective and colour is pinkish to brownish. very little bleeding will be noticed, some will experience a temp dip only for that day.
