A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Babymaking, i just took the "trigger shot" on my butt 1+hour ago! RH charges $73.90 (incl gst)

Hi naturally,thanks for your information. i will look at the website and prob order from there.
i also don't know why my temp like that. i take it at same time each morning once i open my eyes. most of the time, it ranged from 36.0-36.4, n the pattern goes up and down, there is also one day reach 36.7 (no fever or what leh)during my menstrual period. dats why i say haywire... but am i doing the correct way?
Hi Gebbera,

I'm using the patch.

I'm not really tat eager to start a family now cause I'm in a contract position without benefits.

I stop using the patch cos it's causing me rashes & itchiness. Am thinking of converting to pills instead. However, haven't really go & buy..
Hello naturally,
i jus went into the website u suggested. i got so confused in the type of strips there is. there are so many terms...Could u advise which is the easy to use and economical one? N is it by visa? safe or not huh?
Dear Hui...
Was it mid cycle when u had the 36.7??? And then after that leh? got remain ard 36.7 or not? After O, your temp shd be higher than 1st half of cycle... Aiya, if BBT is making u so vexed, tell u wat, forget abt it, just use opk lor! Pee and dip! so convenient, heehee!
i recently made a mass hpt purchase for some of the girls here with my amex card, no problems with it!
Basically, we just go for the cheapest, haha! I dun believe there's any difference between each brand?!

It's ok even if u wake up several times at night. I do too.

Put an alarm clock next to u, fixed at your weekday waking hours. For weekends, just take temp at the same time. After that, u can go back to sleep.
my 5 cycles of Clomid were prescribed by my previous gynae Dr W H Kee. Dr Fong wanted to start me on my 6th cycle of Clomid with max dosage of 200mg but I strike liao..

During those times with Dr Kee, he gave me those injections when they are of reasonable sizes.

Hope this help.
sorry to disappoint, but nope, jus appear once , then went back to my range 36.4 again... those times when i did ovulate (3 cycles out of my 5 cycles) me and my husband try so hard but still menses came. sigh.

also, could u tell me what is the name of the item u purchase please? thanks.
sandy, thks for sharing yr experience. so your follicles were already growing with clomid. congratulations, now which week are you in?

is yr butt sore?
Hi gals,
At home now after seeing Dr Fong just now. Had infection again, xian.... Dr suspected that my hubby could be the carrier of the bacterial, cos I always got infection after a few consecutive days of BD. And Dr also said that it may affect the outcome of the IUI, I was so disappointed and depressed after hearing it. Damn, think my chances is very slim for this cycle. Xian, xian, xian..... when can I ever get pregnant if this keeps going on.... haiz... wasted my money on the IUI for nothing.

ya, can understand your gan jiong, guess we really can't help it lor. Just try to relax by focusing on other things instead. But I know it's easier said than done. Before IUI, will worry whether in time to do IUI a not, after IUI will worry whether the egg will get fertilised a not.... haiz... endless worries....
Will u be on leave or MC tomorrow?

did u ever send email to Dr Fong before? I got some questions to ask him, forgot to ask just now cos too affected. Can email him? Will he reply?

sorry to hear that. Hopefully it will not affect the outcome. Think u gotta get your hb to clean more thoroughly next time b4 BD. Think they should be able to use our feminine wash to clean their parts right?
1 suggestion here... do a HSG?? That's a procedure where luminous dye is injected vaginally, and x-ray will be taken to see if the dye flows thru the fallopian tubes smoothly. Basically to make sure the tubes are not blocked lor. But it is said to make some women more fertile, cos it kinda clears the "path" lor. We have quite a few here who striked after 1 or 2 cycles after their HSG!

Anyway, if u are thinking of artificial means of conception like the IUI (intra-uterine insemination), then its best to do a HSG first, make sure tubes are fine b4 doing the IUI, cos if tubes are blocked, then IUI sure fail mah.

When u next see your gynae, find out more from him okie?
Dun need to be depressed, there are still other methods u can try even after completing 6 mths of clomid!

Oh, i bought the cheapest type lor! The first type listed in the website, think its US$32 for 100 hpts... must add US$6 per shipment for freight.
I'm sorry to hear that. I'm just the opposite. AF never fails to come. I just feel that u need a detailed scan to find out what's wrong. You may like to ask ur gynae to do hormone blood tests on LH, Prolactin & FSH on Day 2 and Progesterone on Day 21 to rule out hormonal imbalance and a HSG to ensure ur tubes are not blocked. You may also want to do a glucose test as I've heard that PCOS females may have slightly higher glucose level and needs medication. Are u in the normal or overweight range?
now I can only hope and pray for the best lor, but seriously, I lost all hopes liao....
That's what I wanted to ask Dr Fong, any ways to prevent it after taking the medications. But forgot to ask just now. Think will email him lor.
so is your hubby prescribed antibiotics? He will surely recover soon, no worries!

U dun give up hope so fast! Watever the outcome, u have to take care of yourself as if preggie... u never know!

hee... no my butt is not sore leh! No feeling liao... is it cos i have thick-skin ah?!
I remember some of u said this injection is painful, but okie leh... maybe must give missy credit, heehee!
hello ladies.. got so many new-comers hor.. WELCOME ALL!!!

daisy.. its true that PCOS got higher sugar level.. so most us will take Metformin to control
am takin them nw.. but goin to finish liao.. haha :p

hopeful.. dun lose hope huh.. ask gynae to give some med for ur hubby oso lor..
take care hor.. dun be angry with hubby ok
both hubby and me are given medications lor. But we had taken 2 courses of antibiotics from my previous gynae liao. And now still kenna, xian...

Thanks Daisy & mei2....
Dear gals,

It's my 1st time in this thread. I'm 2 months pregnant and hope to share my TTC experience with you, in case it works for some of you too.

1) Black chicken herbal soup
- My friend's granny said drinking this soup approx once fortnightly will help her to conceive, which she really did after 3 months. I tried it too and got pregnant very soon after. You can either brew it or buy from herbal soup stalls (easily available in foodcourts).

2) Sex positions
- I read that missionary and doggy-style are the best for those trying to conceive. After trying missionary for the 1st month and unsuccessful, my hubby n i tried doggy-style the 2nd month and it worked! So if one doesn't work for you, the other may.

3) Ovulation period
- Initially I had the misconception that ovulation will definitely be 14 days before start of the next menses but realised it's only so for those with 28-days cycle. Mine's 35 days hence my ovulation is actually approx 19-21 days before next menses.

4) Prediction of ovulation
- I managed to detect ovulation easily with the help of ovulation mid-stream tests. Too much hassle to take daily temperature and observe mucus discharge. However, it's much cheaper to buy from online stores. I got mine from <www.testsforless.com>

In the meanwhile, relax and always remember to pamper yourself. Lots of baby dust for all of you and look forward to receive many good news soon...
understandable..... but still hold on...... it will be alright.

You relax relax.... dun gan jiong... wun run away one lah... :p
The egg will be there... dun worry.... gynae should be able to predict accurately... so your eggy will be safe inside until tomorrow.
hi Hopeful,
cheer up my gal.. Doc only say may affect... neber say sure cannot... maybe he's just a bit more KS so that you will not blame him if neber strike....:p
so cannot give up hope like that...
Must maintain a positive attitude.
yah i thot u said yours was on your tummy right?? Dunno why RH do on butt leh... but mine not painful leh, hee... maybe stomach is nearer to destination, but more painful??
Hi Jackiejon,
for a bb gal, the lady gotta be on top of the man. i learnt this information thru a fertility brochure. For bb boy, man gotta be on top of the lady. i duno how true, you may want to try it. so are you trying for a bb gal? Actually bb gal or boy doesnt matters as long as bb is healthy is the most important.

Hi Young Bride,
so you are using the patch. i saw it from in the brochure too. does the patch smells?
Hi ladies,

I will be getting the cheapest strip OPK from babywishes.. it cost 34.80 USD + 6 USD (Shipping).

This works out to be US$0.408 only per strip (~SGD$0.67)

I dun need so many strips..

So, those who interested, please add to below to make up 100 strips:

1. Jasmine Lau (20 strips)
2. erin00 (20 strips)
sleep early tonight and prepare for tomorrow. Good luck!

thanks for the info. What's the medicine u took previously to induce AF? May be can recommend to Moonriver

I remember reading somewhere that u need to BD few days before ovulation and don't BD at ur peak ovulation day. Do not have deep penetration as well. The type of diet also contributes but I can't remember liao. U can search the websites, they give very useful info

may be get ur hubby to bath before every session of BD? I always tell my hubby I won't bd unless both of us have bathed. If ur hubby did, then may need further investigation why still have bacteria, may need to do a culture to find out what type of bacteria?

every cycle can vary a bit. I think 18 days is still alright as theoretically it must be at least 10 days and on average is 14 days, so that means some people will have longer than 14 days. To be sure, u should check with a gynae

can I join in? I would like to buy 20 strips too
ya, we always bath before BD. Dunno why still get it. Now we just take antibiotics lor, after that hubby will go for test and then see how. Now I try not to think too much lor, take one step at a time.
Nat, I was told butt also can.... but tummy more effective... maybe they dun wan your egg to come out so fast???? so jab on butt.... they told me that butt will not be as painful.
Hello gals...

wah.. so many posts today.. kekeke.. too busy to follow lately...

Welcome to the new-comers

juju(juju)... we already have one juju(bb_hopeful) here. We have been communicating for some time already. Can you change your name? So we will not be so confused... Can?
Thanks gals for ur encouragement....feel so bad everytime can oni login at nite to reply.

Hopeful, don't feel discouraged, my fren also down with on and off yeast infection from April to June, had to insert some medication, but she still managed to conceive in June!!!

Yeetay, so good ah, your radiologist for hsg is a female...mine is a guy...

Naturally, will be praying for you.....let your egg and ur hubby's sperm meet tomorrow!
Do update us on the process!

juju....u too...all the best for your hsg!
My cramp was only horrible during the injection part, after resting 20 mins at a sofa...was perfectly ine...didn't feel anything oredi, juz very very mild spotting.
hi Dawn,
thanks for the well wishes!
dun feel bad abt only logging in at nite, we still get to read ur posts n miss u! do u have msn? perhaps u can join us in msn for chat?

will you be seeing your gyna to further discuss the results for your hsg? mine is tomorrow.

althought during the procedure, tubes are cleared still worried the detailed reports shows negative functionality of the tubes.
moonriver.. the med is call Metformin..
hope it helps when u see ur gynae.. think gynae will ask u to take oso
my PCO really improved alot leh..
hi chensing,
i O very early last cycle. cd 10 and 17 days for luteal phase. but this month very strange, haven't o yet.
Hi Gebbera,
The patch doesn't smell, &amp; it'll stick to ur skin veri strongly...u dun even have to remove it during bathing or swimming.
Hi Daisy,
I usually do not take coke. I am actually referring to putting ice in my drinks like plain water and juices. Maybe dun have to abstain from cold drinks totally. But if possible, reduce the intake lah.
Oh yes, I stop drinking English tea and coffee as well. But drink a little Japanese green tea as it is a good source of folic acid I think. But dun drink too much and make sure it is hot and not cold.

I used to eat lots of cabbages. Later, I eat lots of green leafy vegetables. Maybe can try eating more green vege....brocoli is good.

One position that allows deeper penetration:
Lying on your back, you raise you knees to place your feet onto the shoulders of your hubby. Avoid moving directly to this position just after the preliminaries as you may be still quite dry and it may hurt slightly. Move to this position towards the end.

When washing up after babydancing, maybe can try not to use very warm water to wash. Just a little warm to prevent yourself from catching a cold as I feel temperature does play a part as well...(not very certain of this...just sharing what I did....)

Hope this helps.

ha ha...yah i shy shy lah....some more, a handsome young young doctor mah. ;)

so both juju and yeetay will be at the KK tomolo? Hope everything goes well for both of you. Don't worry yeetay, will pray for u...
yup, I will be reviewing with my gynae on the 17th Aug, still a long way to go....also praying the tubes are fine enuff to carry out IUI.

Mei2, I also have PCOS, taken metfomin for 2 months liow...lost about 3 to 4kg...but AF still not regular. In fact have not ovulated yet even though today CD21 liow. *sigh* Ur AF regular?
