A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Naturally,

Oops...i didn't take HPT first thing in the morn. I took the test twice & it was both at night after dinner. But the test portion of the HPT seems so clean & clear....highly not likely for me to be pregnant??

I'll wait till end of tis week first to c if my AF visit me. If not, then I'll try another time of HPT in the morn. Thanks for the advice!!


glad to hear dat ur HSG test result is good. all the best for ur IUI then!

good luck for ur IUI!

no worries abt OPK. will jus wait to combine orders wif the other gals. thanks for sharing on conceiving tips ya!
Hi everyone,
I am new here. Can I join in for the discussion? I have been trying to TTC for more than 8 years, long huh? Initially I was frustrated but now I think I have kinda give up hope.
Good morning Ladies!

Juju, hows yr HSG?

Moonriver, welcome to this thread. You can exchange ideas and learn a lot from the ladies here. PLs dont give up yet.
Thanks elmo..

I am also ttc. I have been trying for 3 months but there is still no news...
This month I am using the OPK for the first time. Today is my day 14 but there is still no indication that I am going to ovulate yet. My cycle is usually about 32 days.Anybody here can share experience with OPK?Thanks.
Cat: u should start to see faint lines today.
3 mths of TTC still rather short. the hit rate for TTC is abt 90% for 1 yr of TTC. i strike in the 4th mth.
Rule of the thumb, dun get too stress up and stay relax as getting too stress over TTC will results in acid forming and in result killing the spermie swimming inside.
Good mornig ladies,

DO you know how are the chances of successful rates if I do IUI with Dr. Fong? I have PCOS. No memses for almost two years. I thought I got menopause!!!!! HA. Took clomid 150mg for first round but no response. Used to try clomid at a lower dosage but to no avail too. Dr. fong suggested me to go IUI injection next month. I have been diligently seeing the JE physician for 2 months too.
U r right when you say about the stress and all that. My job is highly stressful plus my failure in ttc. I think it just makes it worse.I have been seeing faint lines since I tried in day 11.How to relax and pretend that I take it easy when I am testing daily?

I am wondering if there is anything wrong with me physically. I went for my pap smear in April and everything was clear. My gynae also said that I have no tumour or cysts or fibroid from the scan. Can pap smear and scans detect all these problems?
hi Natm
kekkeke.... the follicle is not exactly round.... I think they take the average measurement after taking 3 diameters in different directions...cos mine also like that... 18mm looks good.. Good luck! ;)
Hi Cat,
I think you should relax and not get too stressed up by TTC. I understand how you feel cos I used to be very stressed up also, but TTC is not something that we can control and stress only makes it worse..... try to enjoy your moments and time spent with hubby... that will make it easier. 3 mths is a relatively short period cos like poshbb says most couples strike after about 1 yr. So, dun worry ok?
Hi Loopily,
it's alright

Thanks for your encouragement. I like fruits and fish and have been taking a lot but still no luck for me. If take fruit juice with ice also consider cold is it? Your cold drinks means coke and all that, right? What position does ur hubby mean by deeper penetration?

Yeetay & Dawn,
thanks so much for the information
I'm still thinking whether to do HSG after my menses (if it comes). My gynae says if I don't get preggy by Oct, I'll require a laparoscopy due to my history of endometriosis.

hope ur follicle guai guai. What time u do IUI tomorrow, morning or evening? All the best and stay calm

when u did not have menses for 2 years, did u seek medical attention? May be u can request Dr Fong to give u medicine to induce AF? Take care and don't give up my dear
dear nat,

good luck on your IUI. hope to hear good news from you soon and update us on how yr IUI process went.

dear mashy,
thks for your good wishes. do you knwo the sex of yr baby yet?

8 yrs is a long time but keep the faith. i see that you are seeing Dr FY also, i just started seeing him last week, care to share experiences?

how are you doing?
hi moonriver,
I know it's not been easy.... most impt is relax and go with the flow... Have a go at it, if that is what your heart is telling you to...
not too sure about IUI and Dr Fong, so cant help.
Morning gals.

Good to hear that your tubes are alright! That's half the battle won liao right, at least no major problem for you. Jia you for your IUI next cycle!

All the best and good luck for your IUI! Stay relax, ok. Update us your progress. God bless!
morning babe...

good for u dawn
tubes is cleared.. hehe

welcome moonriver

cat.. dun give up.. me tried since last oct
stike in May but ended up a m/c, am still not giving up lor.. still tryin but naturally w/o any help of BBT, clomid and OPK.. keke
Actually, it's not that difficult to make appt to see Dr Fong leh. I just called this morning and managed to get an appt in the afternoon.
Thanks elmo and mei2...

I asked this question in the other thread but there was no response..
Maybe you girls can help me. Under what circumstances does a person need to go for IVF or IUI???Thanks.
morning gals!

good luck! hope to hear gd news from u next month.

i'm also very fed up with the opks. din get any lines for a no. of days. then get faint lines for 2 days (not very dark) and then no lines again. never +ve. how to know when i ovulate. waste my time n $. worried that this month will be annovulatory.
hi ladies,

can i join in... i'm also TTC-ing since this May. This is the third month that i'm trying.

i also have having some PMS symptoms (think so) like sore breast and pain in lower abdominal... same like u, my AF also not here yet. i'm hoping for good news but too afraid to do the pregrancy test. I dun wanna give myself hope then get damn disappointed again when AF comes..... btw, when is your last AF?

IUI and IVF is the next step u can go if u can't conceive naturally after trying for 1 yr (below 30yrs), 6mths (above 30yrs). Trying means to have intercourse at least 2 times a week. Examination shows that there's might be some problems like low sperm count, PCOS, blocked tubes etc.
Good morning everyone

A big WELCOME to all newcomers..

wish U all the best for yr IUI tmr.. En En gives his wonderful Godma the greatest support she needs.. hehe

all the best to your IUI with Dr Fong.. hope to hear good news from U and Nat soon

dont worry.. u r in good hands of Dr Fong.

check your hb's sperm count first lor. If he's got good sperms then can go for IUI first. If not, then have to go straight to IVF.

U may wanna see a fertility specialist. Think they can advise u better. KKH got a fertility department. Go polyclinic to get referral, then the treatment will be cheaper. Fertility treatments are very costly.
I just started using them this month. have not seen a gynae to confirm whether I'm ovulating or not but my period is regular and I did ovulate last cycle (based on my bbt chart).
I also just started this month. I tried using the BBT but it doesn't work for me as I tend to wake up in the middle fo the night and I also wake up at different times on weekdays and weekends.I also have regular menses.
Hi Gebbera,

Think u should try the pregnancy test...dun keep on dragging, you may need to change ur daily routine/habits if ur really pregnant.

When is ur AF due? mine is roughly end July or early Aug...so I'm still patiently waiting for it to arrive...

Wat other symptoms do u have? Although it may not be accurate, but I'm just curious to c if my symptoms are similar... :p
Dear girls,
thanks so much for all your encouragement, muaks to all!

I would be lying if i say i'm cool, some of u know that i misplaced my hp and lost it, tat was right b4 my appt yesterday, so now u all know how gan jiong i was!

Now i know exactly how u felt! So scared i'll O too early... but of cos, that is not under my control, so worry also no use... pls remind me that!!

Oh i just want to remind those using urine hpts or opks, pls pls pls ensure u dun drink at least 2 hours or more b4 testing, and then best is to test with 1st morning urine for hpts, or 2nd urine for opks.
Hi Young Bride,

by right, my AF should be here. mine is also either end of July or early Aug. My cycle is ard CD28 to CD34. And today is CD34 liao. I'm really on the verge to try the pregnancy test but think maybe i should wait a little while more. Wat's your cycle like?

think my sypmtoms are PMS symptoms. i've mistook the PMS and preggie symptons for the past cycles so always end up feeling disappointed when AF comes. How long have you been trying? I do feel slight giddyness and nausea too. i'm quite sensitive to smell too, especially cooking smell. Will feel like vomitting if i smell cooking smell. but again, that might be just a "xin li zhuo yong" thingy....
u r going for your injection today? be careful this time with your new HP.. keke.. remember to bring umbrella and walk slowly..
Hi Gebbera,

I've not been trying. I just got married in mid-May. Had been using contraceptive, but missed a few days when I ran out of stock.

I'm fine with the smell of food. Just that I can eat the food which I used to love..dunno y. end up have to throw away everything.

HPT normally can be used on the 1st day u miss ur AF. I've tested twice but negative...still my AF didn't come. I'll wait for another week....

I've never feel nausea during PMS.

Hi Young Bride,

I see. What contraceptive have you been using? oral type? I saw from a birth control brochure (taken from KK hospital) saying that it will take a few months to conceive if you are taking contraceptive pills.

Actually i also started joining forums and reading up on Pregnancy after my marriage last year. I was so eager to have bb at that time but after some family planning, we decided to wait till a year later. I've been reading up books from the library and even bought a book "what to expect when you are expecting" third edition. This book was highly recommended in one of the threads here.
welcome to all the newcomers!

i'm only doing HSG test tmr morning. will update u gals when back in office or home, depending whether i kena cramps or not
Hi to all,
I'm a newcomer. Hope u don't mind adding another new member in this thread.
I TTC for about a year plus already. conceived once last year, but been through a terrible time because bb got no heartbeat, in the end did a D&C to wash away. u see, my menses can skip few months one. eversince e D&C, i was given clomid...50mg..no reaction...100mg....1st cycle got ovulate, next cycle no reaction...then increase dosage 150mg...same case happens... i saw on the net, clomid can only take max 6 cycle, i'm already in my 5th cycle and no reaction again... i'm so depressed... hope someone can share experience as to what to do?
Hi Hui, I am same as u. Conceived last year but bb no heartbeat and have to do D&C. Now still trying. I didn't take any clomid. I did use OPK and every cycle I managed to get a +ve. But I still haven't conceive yet... Dun know should I go back to my gynae...
wish U all the best for your HSG tmr.. dont worry even if there is any discomfort, it will be very slight. God bless


I've been on 5 cycles of Clomid b4 i got preggie. You're right that the max cycles for clomid is 6 cycles but it depends on the dosage u r being given cos the max dosage for Clomid is 4 tablets (50mg x 4 = 200mg) per cycle..

Dont give up hope my dear.. Continue to jia you and u will be on the realisation of yr bb dream.. God bless
Gee, glad to hear responses from u. you all so nice one.
yuying, i know i didn't ovulate because i took temperature BBT every morning..i know i din becos my temp go haywire one... so tired of taking but i force myself to do it first thing in the morning. no scan..

i have been going to NUH specialist clinic (CCK) for a year already..the gynae always say different things one. e recent one whom she suggest i monitor BBT chart gave me clomid. I tot of getting another gynae because i hope to get a second opinion. if she still increase my dosage to 200mg and ask me to wait for another month and see, i think i might be in real trouble then....

thanks sandy for sharing your experience.

btw has anyone ever heard of what are the side effects if take clomid more than 6 cycles?
Hi Babymaking,

I was referred to KK years back. Of all the gynae I have consulted, Dr FY left me a better impression. I am not saying the others are not good.
Dr Fong is very patient and he seldoms rushes the time unlike others. I usually feel uncomfortable with male docs, even CT Yeong. Dr Fong gave me clomid @ 150mg for the first cycle but my eggs did not seem to mature. He suggested IUI for the second cycle, knowing that KK also decided that the next treatment for me is SU-IUI. Now I am in a dilemna if I should do it at KK or with Dr. Fong . Actually I was pregnant once naturally when I was 21, but aborted.

Hi Daisy,
Thanks, I have been taking medicine to induce my AF all these while. You guys have any ways to induce AF naturally? Right now, I am taking Pine Bark Extracts, Folic Acid and Royal Jelly. I have tried Vitex for abt 3 months but it doesn't seem to help!

i read that you were on clomid for 5 cycles, was that all under Dr FY? what was the dose he gave ya?

did you get a trigger shot to induce ovulation and how much did it cost you?

oh i guess Dr FY has his own clinics now. whether you do in KKH or with Dr FY depends on yr concern over skills as well as cost. it's going to be more expensive doing it via private gynae.

is there any way to induce AF naturally? i haven't heard abt this before.

i actually want to write dun be so gan giong - but then hor, if i were in yr shoes, i also will be very uncool one. lol. do take care and all the best.

baby playing hide and seek har? do update us on the sex of yr baby.

Hi Hui!
U need help with BBT? Cos if indeed u din O, then the temperature shd be fairly constant with no obvious temperature shifts, shdn't be haywire like u described?!

Nowadays i too lazy to do BBT liao, i only take my temp on the days just before AF is due, to get some advance warning lor. To detect O, a lot of us are using urine Ovulation Prediction Kits (opk), the strip kind is the cheapest, u can buy from this website: http://www.babywishes.homestead.com/OvulationTests.html
I think its the cheapest so far, abt S$0.70 each opk strip, and S$0.65 for each pregnancy test, delivers in abt 10 working days, if u do find a cheaper website, pls tell us okie!

Clomid will stimulate our ovaries lor, and overstimulation is not good, cos its said to cause ovarian cancer... however recently there are also disagreements with that, that this conclusion may be flawed? So i guess to be on the safe side, normally we are advised to take no more than 6 consecutive cycles. But best is to ask your Doc!
