A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

chubby, :p I bo bian also right? :p

can we all go for a junk food Big Meal when I'm done with my "confinement"?? :p hahahhahhahahha.....
your estimated EDD is 4th April 2006!!!

No lah, preggie women are supposed to be more blur, so u very normal, heeheehee, just kidding ya!

ya, i feel better nowadays... not so nauseous liao, maybe my body more used to the med lor, i dunno?! Erin, wat's the plan now? U're off PTU right? Then doc will just monitor, is he suggesting any alternative treatments??
cant wait to meet u leh

yup, wait till ur confinement over, we hv a big feast!

wah Choo, 04/04/06 of ur EDD?
so nice!!
Nat, u so fast!

how u do it?so fast!!

so how many weeks am I?


thinking to see gynae only next sat as now might not be able to see anything?any advices?


I dun want start the april 06 thread liao..i am waiting for you all to join me first!


okok spreading all my BB dust to chubby
*BB DUST TO YOU* and of cos to rest of ladies here!!
Val, its easy mah, just use excel to calculate lor... type "28 jun 05" in cell A1, and then in another cell, type "=A1+40*7", and voila, that's Choo's first estmiate of her EDD!

but if calculate 28 June in,but this is not the conception date right?so shd minus 2more weeks so shouldn't I be in 3rd week?* choo going to have spinning head*liao....


my colleague also calculate for me shd be in 5th week liao...


oh I see....ok once I confirmed my pregnancy with my gynae I will join you all there!
dun spin dun spin, heehee!

U see, for ease of calculating, docs will count from your LMP and add 40 weeks to get your EDD. This is a lot easier than counting from your conception date and then plus 38 weeks, cos not everybody knows their conception date, but all will know their LMP...

So confirm lah Choo, u are in your 5th week now!

Show u something...
Ater my hubby eject his sperm inside, they seem to keep flowing out even if i rise my lower body... :-(
Anyone face this problem when ttc???
hi female,
try putting a pillow below your bum before hubby ejaculate.
In fact, I think it doesnt matter.....cos you only need 1 . Dun worry...
ladies, i feel very uncomfy on my stomach..is this normal..i'm 8wks now
shd i go and see gynae immediately?
the feeling is crampy, pulling, nauseous..very lousy feeling ler
hi female, maybe u can try putting a pillow below ur butt. the sperm flow out could be due to when ur hb draw out his penis the sperm flow out together. maybe u can try this the nxt x, once he eject dun draw out so fast... aft 5 min or so then draw out, let him stay inside u for a while first lor.
I called my gynae..very KS hor..he said shd be uterus expansion..not to be worried wor. If the pain is sharp and unbearable then go and see him.
Hi Female,
maybe u can try raising up ur legs n place onto the wall,
but if it is tiring, put one or two pillow below ur butt n lie for 30mins at least.
It is normal for some sperms to flow out, I was like u paranoid when see those precious ones flow out,hee...
Those strong ones will swim inside ur cervix n to ur uterus
hi female,
dun worry... I think it's normal for it to flow out, like pekochan says, ask hubby to stay in there for a while before withdrawing.... it could also be that when he is ejaculating, he's not fully inside... but I think there's nothing to worry about.....
welcome female

dun worry abt the flowin.. its normal.. coz the strong swimmer will swim in
juz put a pillow underneth ur hips when ur hubby withdraw.. shouldnt be a prob.. though will still flow out
hi ladies,

first time posting here.. have been speaking to some of the gals in this thread via msn..

Now, i want to buy more OPK, but which website to buy from online??

Anyone want to combine?
hi apple,

thanks! where got so fast.. i wait until my AF come n then become regular then try lor..hope u doing ok.. n the rest of the Mar MTBs..

Thanks Elmo,
for the websites..

babywishes charge a flat shipping rate.. so if we buy in bulk will be cheaper hor? i dunno how many to get..
Jasmine, I think if you buy alot, then babywishes might make more sense... but you have to check...cos I cant remember liao
Hi ladies,
I just discovered I'm preggie yesterday.
Dun give up! My hubby and I have been trying for a long long time as well and failed. Was very upset for several months and finally with God's grace, I got the good news yesterday. All the best ladies! Here's some babydust to all of you....

Btw...I'll like to give away my midstream ovulation kit free. Feel free to let me know if you need it. I can mail it to you. Take care !
Hi female,
Dun worry, surely some sperm will flow out. For me, I ever got urinal infection. So nowadays very scared. After waiting for about 20 minutes after baby dancing, when I stand up to wash up, some sperm will leak out. When I pee, some more will come out as well. It is normal. But I think there are some positions that allow deeper penetrations which can be helpful. Can try some of those....
Hi loppily,

Congrats!! please please please take good care of yourself.. take folic acid please..

When u seeing the gynae? keep us updated ok?
Hi Jasmine,
Thanks so much. You are so sweet....
I am seeing Dr Lisa Chin this Sat. Hope everything will be fine.
Will let u all know. God bless you all!
Hi Choo,
yah, waiting for the day to come ke ke ke

Read ur posts that u are sick of confinement food. How many weeks more to go? Hang on my dear

finally can do IUI, hee this time eggy very guai, going to ovulate at the correct side
All the best this Thu or Fri, keep us updated

how are u too? Sorry, every time posts here ANOH and then can't reply in time. Yah, u r right, we got to stay positive and keep our spirits high

congratulations to you! Wish u a smooth 9 mths
Hey, I do need some ovulation strips, how many do u have left? It's not very nice that I get them FOC, will like to pay u. Could u email me? My email add is [email protected] Thank you!
ask u a sensitive question, it's ok if u don't feel comfortable answering. I've been ttc for quite some time too and am wondering when u mentioned very very long, it's how long? What's ur tips? Thank you for ur baby dust


congrats to you. me also just did my hsg on 21 july. hope i will be as lucky as you to strike the first cycle after the procedure.
