A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

u got hotmail or yahoo email, i can add u liao. then u receive an email wif link, click on the link & u can join chat liao... better to have hotmail so u can join all of us in msn chat
Morning gals!
erin00, can go web msn... my email is [email protected]

pekochan, think depends on what you do...... that time I did pap smear, detail v scan, blood test for Hep, HIV, thalassemia, Rubella, Thyroid... blood test for both hubby and myself...cost about $400 incl consultation.
me also using e-messenger.. but not sure how to use...

hav add in chubby contact liao.. she offline?

pls add me to the chat..
so bored today... really pek chek with msn eh, keeps disconnecting! At least this thread is still working!

elmo, wat's for lunch? I very sian to go out to eat... but i feel like eating sinful char kway tiao! But then i got pimple breakouts again, hiaz....
Hi nat,
when is your appt with Dr Thong starting? I'm quite nervous now, later got to do a presentation, preparing myself now.... arh....
hopeful, finally u going to see Dr Th? Good to hear that..hope u gonna bring good news to us soon.

elmo, how come u take mos burger? u shd stick to more nutrition food ler..
your breakout is different from mine... at least u have a happy reason cos u preggie mah! Mine is mo4 ming2 qi2 miao4 de dou4 dou4....
And hopeful is not seeing Dr Th(ong), i am!
me also don't like msn.
once i sign out then cannot read wat had been posted earlier on when i was not ard.

still perfer this thread ....
no, i never touch my dou dou... i dun even allow hubby to touch my face with his fingers one...
This time round, even tea-tree oil doesn't work... maybe i need to do facial liao... think its almost a yr since my last... sigh!
ya, i heard she said going to see Dr Fong..tot she suddenly changed her mind going to Dr Th ma. coz that day when we met, was talking to her on Dr Th.
Hi ladies,

need some of ur expertise advice. I hv gone to c a gynae 4 my papsmear/vscan recently n hv meanwhile told the gynae tat i hv ttc for 6mths oredi...

my gynae advice tat she needs to do a check for me n hv requested tat i go back on the 2nd day of my mense to do a blood test...

can i ask if this is the same procedures as anyone of you when u consult ur gynae...cos i do not understand y they need to do a blood test for me...
this CD2 bloodtest is a simple one, it will test if u have a low estrogen problem, which makes ovulation difficult.

Another bloodtest, usually performed on CD21 for those with regular cycles, will test for the other female hormone: progesterone, which is needed to make uterine lining thick and conducive for implantation.

These are just standard tests, unique, no worries!
