A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi ladies, went for my HSG this morning. Just to share:

Inserting the tube thing in was fine...juz mild discomfort cos I know something was inserted in....

*sigh*but i didn't expect it to be so painful when the contrast dye is injected in to flow through the tubes. Especially when I was asked to turn to my side to let the dye flow to left and right tubes....it was super painful...until i wanted to cry. Luckily it was over in a few seconds. After that i was in a daze so didnt ask the doctor any qn...have to wait for my next gynae appt to know the results....hopefully no bad news!
haha ladies
was so happy that i cant sleep nw.. :p may find me abit stupid lah.. but after CD68 finally AF is comin.. hehe coz saw some spottin liao.. tomolo confirm full force.. hahahaha

dawn.. dun worry too much ok
juz relac and wait for ur result.. dun be -ve
wah.... so ex ah... but if it's nice then it's worth it lor.... I really miss mee sua leh... :p Do they sell other food there? cos my hubby dun like to eat hong zhao... was thinking of going maybe weekend... :p
Good morning ladies..such a nice weather to sleep..wahahaha...

Mei2, double confirm whether is full force of AF or slight spotting..if just spotting..quickly go see gynae ya!
just realised the name card has the food...maybe I'll ask hubby to bring me there this weekend....to ease my craving first.. :p
poor thing... painful ah... saiyang saiyang...
dun worry about the result.... just wait for result now...

Mei2, temp drop liao?
kekekekke...I also very tired... sleepy... nearly fell asleep on the road just now. :p

Everyday got to prepare lunch very tiring for me..... but bo lang at home liao... beside hubby and me.... hiaz! Really feel like giving up.

Dont give up! Continue to work harder, cook yr own lunch and eat nutritious food is gd for u.

Work hard now and enjoy yr fruits later mah! B gd gal!

Cant tahun this type of weather leh
if ok rite, why dun u cook 2-3 lunch servings at 1 go? then u can relax... but ask ur mum or the sinseh whether can or not. but overnite food may not be good for u lor
sometimes i lazy, make sandwich for 2-3 days & put inside the fridge. lunch also like dat
morning babes..

chubby, elmo and ju
yday nite got abit of brown blood.. really abit nia.. so put pad to sleep but wake up bo leh.. bath this morning oso got abit nia.. :p till nw haven go toilet see.. haha
should be comin soon lah.. hehe me didnt take temp leh.. coz dunno put where liao.. :p
kekeke.... cannot lah...cos not supposed to eat overnight food... not good for body....

chubby/juju, by the time I reach hom around 8 plus... then you can see me busy with washing up the utensils morning or houseworks.... then watch some TV till 10 plus..... got to prepare food liao untl about 11 plus...next morning got to wake up 6 plus..... but always cannot sleep properly. Not enuff sleep......
hiaz! I will perserve for a while more... :p
Morning gals..

ya, they did sell other food.
cant eat too offen leh, or else too heat or pocket broke..:p how i wish can eat home cooked food leh.. very sian always eat outside..

u r very happy hor..
anyway u r seeing ur gynae tis sat, she shld check up for u then..

ur cream wif me liao..
see how u all wan to arrange for pick up..
apple.. reconfirm liao.. juz checked and full force already.. hahaha :p

loving.. so fast cream arrive liao ah.. :p
still got stock bo??
my frd jus stay near by me..
so very easy for me take fr her lor..
ya, still hv stock wif me..
u wan it 2 har? maybe can meet u lunch later..
loving, wah! You really super efficient....
I know last time they have the meat dumpling (meat in "Yan Pi")... and I love their fish balls. :p Gluttony... :p
why so happy AF come liao? new cycle to restart huh?

sayang sayang... poor thing. no place near office got sell nourishing food ah? ask hubby help u prepare?
hi morning gals


that was fast. where is a good place to pick it up from you? or if you want, you can mail it to me. email me at [email protected].

an update:
went to see the gynae last night, not good news. He detect a ring of small cysts around both ovaries perhaps due to clomid.none of the follicles grew big enough. will be going back this friday for another scan.

he mentioned something about ovarian drilling which means using laser to burn off a small part of the ovary. this will adjust the hormone level to normal and prevent PCOS. Has any of you gyanes mentioned anything abt it?
oh yes, i am supposed to be busy... got to complete some work b4 lunch!! but i still hv to come in and feed my internet addiction first, heehee!
no need to buy me kopi.
same same. very busy. have to go off for class in 5 mins.

wat's fertility monitor? if i'm going to buy opk strips, do i need it or just buy strips will do? thanks.
errr.... my hubby dunno how to cook... ask him to do... he will make me more busy... cos will ask me... where is this? where is that?
:p I very bad hor... say until like that....
maybe I will ask him tonight and see if he is willing to learn or not.. :p
Lyn, it's ok. I seldom post here, maybe u dun noe lah.

Ladies, will update here if i really have a boy-gal twins tis thursday. Keeping my finger-crossed.
Ya lor, today's weather is really nice to sleep in... Or everyone chatting in MSN/yahoo instead of here?
U hv 1 more hr to go right... very fast one.
yeah, now only u and me here... they are all msn-ing away... mine got problem, today keep cutting me off, until i pek chek liao, dun want to msn liao, haha!

45mins countdown... later i want to buy eye cream!

tat day whole day got mild cramping and spotting but totally fine the next day. both tubes cleared but got to wait for detailed report. now preparing to fight next battle.

this evening just took opk and its positive. don know want to try tonight or not. cos yesterday just did it. scared later hubby sperm not enough.

glad initial results of HSG r ok. me still waiting for AF to come then make HSG appt...

u can ML alt days, if ur hubby not tired, then do every nite lor... dun worry so much
