A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

how can men also test +ve for hpt???
Tat's so funnie!!

thanks, on behalf on my hubby, many many thanks...
Hope his spermies will not be disappointing! But hor, i secretly wish his results will not be so good, then i can ask Dr Thong to be fierce to my hubby and scold him into quitting smoking, hahhaa!!

your HSG was done a while ago? I thot u done it recently... Anyway now u hv me, we both tong2 bing4 xiang1 lian2... aiyo, like so cham like dat, heehee...

anyway, it is not easy to read the result although it is supposed to be easier with the '+' and '-' thing.

my hubby say why not get a digital one save all the guessing. But I don't think I will get the ClearBlue digital HPT. No faith already.

naturally, which type have you tried before?
hey Mel,
on the contrary, clearblue is actually less sensitive compared to watson's brand... maybe tat's why your 2nd line didn't show up immediately on clearblue.... u try a more sensitve brand like watson's, see if 2nd line appears faster?
Test with 1st morning urine hor...
whichever type i tried, results all the same leh, ha! So i also can't recommend to u, hee... i only know watson's is very sensitive... u try lah, tmr morning!
less sensitive har, but it cost more?

I tried watson's bb news plus this morning. faint test line strong control line after 1 minute. Have you heard of evaporation line?
Gal, isn't it obvious? My results is BFN lor! 1 line only, no matter how i stare, there's no 2nd line. so sad.

evaporation line shdn't appear within 10 mins, well anyway, i've not been able to see any evaporation lines at all...

U tested with 2 types of HPT, both shows faint 2nd line... u bingo already lah, believe it!
really har. I didn;t mean to be rude. sorry .

It's just that I am not sure of interpreting the result. This evaporation line really very tricky.

Ok, I hope your prediction is correct! This is my 9th cycle I really hope to be succeed.

If not I will be making Watson's very happy, buying HPT again and again cos got offer.
Hi Naturally

No, no, no...
...better wish tat yr hubby's soldiers r up to form...itz no fun worryin abt whether there r enuff top quality soldiers very time u BD...itz better to hv super duper ones...

then jiu no choice lah, gotta let them earn a bit. Wait another 2-3 days, use 1st morning urine. Faint is still positive. To be sure, just wait a little while longer before u take your next HPT.
yes mdm... guess u're right! I shdn't be so wilful, hee... but no way my hubby will have super dupers, he's a 36yr old and he smokes... in fact i'm quite convinced my kiddo(s) will not be very bright!

no, its my fault really...
bright or not I dunno.

I have 2 smoking brothers-in-laws in their 40s already. Both deliver 2 kids each in their 30s. Very normal kids you see around.
Hi gals,
finally finished my work and can relax for a while! phew....

your is a BFP liao, no doubts. If you still in doubt can see a GP or a gynae to confirm. Congrats to you!
Your description so cute.... hahaha... err... my nipple get bigger not becos hubby play le... It's more of swollen and getting bigger... Lucky not bleed ah... cos I scared breast disease ah. I am in the high risk group for breast cancer
. And last time did a research about breast cancer...

Is you AF "zhun zhun" one?

But not getting darker le... only bigger le...

Think positive
Your wish will come true one day

I think you BFP liao le... cos for my case, BFP no matter how I stare for dunno how long, one line still one line... Not even a faint second line after very long...
oops, i dun mean to say your nieces/nephews will not be bright...
Do remind your BILs to refrain from letting their kids breathe in 2nd-hand smoke, will affect their developing brain!
thank you hopeful and lyn, very encouraging of you 2. i am glad that i could gather information on interpreting the HPT from you girls including elmo and naturally.

when I get headache nowadays, i also dun pop panadol. I mix 100plus with water 1:1 and drink. hopefully it works.
naturally, we keep misunderstanding each other har

i dun mean you say the kids will not be bright lar. when they come for mahjong sessions, they will go downstairs for a puff. But I very much doubt at home, they will bother to excuse themselves. So I guess the wives (my sis's) and the kids all kena liao lor.
Mel, I think must be cos i not very bright today!
Anyway, lets hope our own children will be bright!

aiyo, when i see u type so sad, i also feel so sad for myself! But surely the coin can't flip tails everytime right? Sure will have chance to see a head's up!
Haven't test la... hahaha... I also kan chiong le... I scared le...
negative then disappointed
, positive then dunno how, also scared history will happen again...
Today I start having backache
. Just now went to NTUC with my sis and carry those heavy stuffs back... can feel my lower tummy aching le... That type of ache before AF reports... Haiz... maybe I just dreaming of baby...
all these just effects of clomid...

heh... sorry gals for listening to my "lao sao"...

Nite nite... and sweet dreams...
yesterday went course... so cannot come in. :p

kekekekek.. pour then nat nat sure preggy mah... kekekeke... overwhelm her abit... :p
nat nat.... stress you a bit... hahahha...

joking only... :p

now I think about it... probably so.. not crazy dreams... but tend to have more dreams... I think cos our metabolism increases... so we cannot rest properly...
actually I think my hyperthyroid might be back cos heart beat tends to beat faster.. my doc warn me before... so will need to see her soon to do blood test.... hiaz!

Yes.. I think so!
how u doing?

yes.. I'm trying to... :p sometimes still forget... always ganna scolding from hubby .... that day he was helping me hang clothes on the bamboo pole... then halfway he got to go toilet... he asked me to wait for him to come out and he will hang... but I see see.. only left one... so cannot resist and hang it up myself... in the end ganna scolding... this morning.. he know I climb on chair to get something... ganna again. :p sometimes I really forget mah....
I'm so used to doing these things until normal liao.. so sometimes got to remind myself to slowdown and do slowly and mai gan jiong...
I think u O on CD15... so CD16 is consider 1 DPO . So, you should be 12 DPO today... sunday maybe you can test...
I tested positive on 12 DPO.

Good luck... so anxious for you!
I tell you har... before I strike this cycle... quite early in the cycle... I also had a very weird dream... I dreamt that I gave hubby a beautiful flower.... when I wake up... I find it amusing... but now I think back.. maybe I'm having a bb gal... who knows? it could also be a fragment of my imagination.

Dun think so much...
do you have PCOS?
cos PCOS tends to make you crave for sweet stuffs... but doesnt mean u have that lah...

try cutting down sugar intake... like coffee/tea/soya milk.. drink with less sugar... until one day u'll be able to do without sugar... you got to do it slowly.. once your taste bud change... you'll be able to go without sugar liao...
I'm speaking from experience cos since young.. I always have sweet tooth... now after 1 yr of small changes... I drink my soya milk without sugar... can take coffee/tea without sugar liao.
actually our body tends to ovulate on alternate side each month... which means.. this mth left.. next mth will be right...

you means u tends to O on one side?
dun be sad... cheer up ok... you will strike one... just remain positive.
kekekek... go easy on that.. yesterday I also eat durian... cos pass by the store and realised I got craving....
but now too much durian is not good cos most of it will get absorbed by you... control control...
sorry.. I thot you say you only see line after 10 mins... if you see line before that...that means you preggy liao!!! so long got line before 10 mins can liao... when I tested I also got a very light line...

happie for you!!! Congrats!!!
so far after mar, which i'm ovulate on my right side, both april & may are both on left side...

sometimes, i really feel very "gek xin"..is it tat i really will not hv children in my life? Mayb god still doesn't wants to give it to us yet...maybe he thinks is still not the rite time...
kekekek.... tat time my hubby also wan to try.. cos he cannot believe I preggy liao... so he say he wants to try and see if his is different from mine or not.
hahahha... in the end didnt lah... cos I dun have any more...
maybe like me... feed with oysters... still remember the incidence with hubby or not???

till now I still find it very funny!
you means u tends to O on one side?
dun be sad... cheer up ok... you will strike one... just remain positive.
Dun think like that... pray to God to grant you a bb... I also prayed to God very hard on this.
so must have faith that God will grant you a child.
u mean normal ppl usually ovualate on both sides every mth?? or only 1 side per mth? (am i asking stupid qn huh?? :p)
so far, i went for u/s, mar on right side & both april & may r on left side lor..
Hi Elmo...

I hv a feelin tat my gynae is quite blur when it comes to gen prac matters...she din now tat chix pox vac consists of 2 shotz...she told me tat itz 1 shot...but shez damned zun abt gynae stuff...she cal my O when she did my v scan...told me tat i wld O abt 4 days later...I got my EGCM after 3 days...okie...1 day earlier
MORNin gers

Hope u will strike,, at least ur temp stay high these few day.. High high chance
..As 4 me,, in tis mornin I saw sum red spottin seem like AF cmin ..so sad
and my temp these 3 nite is 36.8 ~ 37.0.. But in the mornin drop to 36.2 ~ 36.6.. Haizzz No chance.. Hope to b mre relax at my next cycle..
can i check with u, usually when we go for pre-conception check up, is there any blood test need to be done? cos my gynae nvr do any bld test for me so far leh..?? =P
kekekek... no lah... just a joke i shared with Nat that time. :p

ya, can ask hubby to eat oysters before O time...
it might help a bit.

dun be sad ok.... must continue to jia you.. sure will strike one....
*saiyang*.... do things you like these few days to cheer you up.

I think it depends on wat u wan to do bah.. cos that time I went to see gynae... I told him I wan to TTC and wans to make sure I'm ok... so he did the basic for me...I think the blood test was also done at some stage of the pregnancy... but I just wan to make sure we're ok before we even commence.
I did the basic... cos I didnt wan to do so many test that time...
so I did the HIV, sypilis, Hep B, Thalassemia, thyroid funtion test, Rubella (in case I need the immunisation) ... things like that... the blood test I did for both hubby and myself and I also did pap smear and detail V scan..
Good morning gals!

I tested...

But my temperature remains high at 37.2 this morning. My breasts started to get more sore. It was nipple sore for the past few days, now whole breasts sore liao
I am still hoping AF wun report on Tues... K I will "ren" to test again next Tues...
