A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

yes...I suspect you might be testing too early.

Wait a few more days before testing again... do you know which CD you in liao and when you O?
CD starts on 1st day of menses.

I tested with both ClearBlue and BB plus....
Clearblue + sign was quite clear 1-2 mins after testing... after that I never read liao....
at the end of the day (after many hours) the positive line disappear liao.
For bb plus, also same..appear after 1-2 mins. but the positive line still remains after many hours.....

how are u today? Everything alright?
if your menses is irregular, you have to use other methods to determine when you actually O in order to time the day of BD.
The easiest way is to use the urine OPK...

you can use any of these... I've only ordered from babywishes before... but some of the gals here have ordered from the other 2, so should be ok.


hmm.... i not as hard working as u gals, i didnt do bbt. =p You are right, dont know just keep going, but it can be rather tiring too.

I m kind of overweight now, i wonder should i stop for 2 months and start to eat slim pills..
My workplace will be taking BMI soon. I weight 74kg and height only 165... i m overweight..
I'm going do SA test for my hubby tmr... dunno why i feel nervous, its not me being tested... He better be in good shape, else i dunno wat to do man! He has done a SA test 2.5 yrs ago, it was alright... dunno abt now leh...
I'm good... yest spotting stopped liao... maybe it's because of the check on Monday.

I'm feeling ok.. just tired lor. :p
You leh..... must "Zhua Jing Ji hui" this cycle ok? we waiting for you...
wait 3 more days then test... dun give yourself unnecessary stress of have or dun have... have will not run one.

kekekeke... we understand... I believe most of us here have that itchy fingers sometime also.
no sliming pills!! cos might have residual effect... just start eating healthily can liao....
you can try to do some exercise if you wan.... but definitely no pills!!
I also a bit overweight liao... but dun care.. after bb come out then lose weight. :p
no dearie!!! No slimming pills!!!

U dunno wat kinda effects it can have on your fertility, dun risk it! Not worth it!

Do exercise lor, eat healthily (no dieting!!!). Dun obsess over BMI, its just a number, well of cos its still good to build your health, but the quick way out is often the worst way, u know? Losing weight suddenly may not be good for your fertility ah!

I hate all kinds of slimming pills, tv advertisements, etc, after a girl from my school died from anorexia complications!
bb: strictly no slimming pills.. i think if u wanna have baby u cannot anyhow take pills.. might have side effects..some may even result not able to have.. so better not.. just control ur intake of food lor...

dun stress urself and u will be able to make it.. dun worry k..
thank for the advice gals...
wanted to buy the pills yesterday, i feel better now that i didnt.

is panadol harmful to ttc? I m rather stress at work that almost every night i eat it
yeah lor, will try for 2-3 mths 1st then maybe to seek for 2nd opinion..my gynae suggested me to do IUI if me & hb r anxious to hv bb...

do u think i hv to go to polyclinic 1st to ask them to refer me to kkh to see dr han how chuan or i can straight away go to kkh? cos if refer by polyclinic, we can get subsidised rate rite?
cos i wan to do IUI mah, so must make sure his spermies are still good... my man is no young chap, ha!

Yes, i also hope to join all of u 2006 MTBs, hope i can, at the very least, be a Dec06 MTB... then our kiddos can start school same yr, hee, by then, dunno whether we have stopped "production" or still want to continue... hee! Think so far ahead.... i really do hope to get there some day!!

Hey, i'm so relieved to hear your spotting stopped...
hipi ~ ya i will advise u to go polyclinic get a referral letter. He is the head of duno which dept. I believe his charges is not gg to be cheap also. All the best. If u see him, plse tell me abt him more. I also will choose to go KKH if i can get pregnant cos my hbis a army regular.
morning babes

hipi.. i wan to know coz my gynae also @ TMC leh.. or i give u my gynae's name and u say yes or no lor.. keke :p Dr Yvonne.S ???

elmo.. u all so bad leh.. i wanted it to come.. u all dun wan.. fainted liao.. haha
feelin funny yesterday nite ard 11+.. stomach got lots of gas runnin about.. thought i'm hungry so i control.. haha still the same.. inner thigh still "suan suan"
try not to take too much panadol.... I prefer to drink a bit of coke to help relieve headache.. but most impt try to get enuff rest and drink lots of water
bt when i think of going polyclinic, like very ma fan leh...hor? :p
may wait for 2 more cycles & see how lor...think he not bad bah cos my fren highly recommanded him leh..anyway, me & him same sirname so is relatives 500 yrs ago....wahaha....

I C..... kekekeke... dun forget you only need 1... so should be ok ......:p
Jia you... we wait for you liao har....
:p kekekkekekek...... by then I lao kok kok liao leh... but I might still wan to try. :p hahahhahaha.... last age I try is 36. After that close shop...
hipi.. my is yvonne soong :p not chan.. keke
the 1 u refering is?? S or C??

hehe.. elmo thks hor.. i do hope so lah.. but but dun think so lah.. haha
Good morning gals!

Hi bb,
Slim pills is no good for TTC... no good for health too. It's better to take something healthy and change your diet to a healthier one to slim down...
My brother did a detoxification program and lost 10kg in one month... But he very fat at 96kg la... kekeke... remove all the "rubbish" collected inside him for years...

Hi Melissa,
Sounds like a positive le... Good Luck!

Hi elmo and Val,
You are you both feeling today? Wish you both have a smooth 9 months

Spotting stop already?

My temperature increased another 0.1degC today
. Now 37.2 degC. I am still hoping... hope my baby dreams will not crash this month... fingers all crossed...
I was very tempted to test this morning also, but think if test, sure waste. I am not sure if I am in DPO 8 or DPO 10. Cos I tot I ovulated 2 days earlier than what fertility friend shows me... Can I trust fertility friend?

This is my first cycle seeing not much variations in my temperature and going up. My usual post ovulation temp will go up and down with a max of 37.0 degC.

Pray pray...
Elmo, this cycle not in time, i also dunno when will the SA results be back, maybe can't even be in b4 i see Dr Thong next fri? See how lah, u're Feb 2006 MTB mah, so i still have a lot of time to catch up and be a 2006 MTB too, heehee, i will take my own sweet time lor...

good luck good luck!!!
Meanwhile treat yourself as if preggie liao, dun over-exert yourself, take care take care!!!
Hey Mei2...
Got test? kekeke... Inner thigh "suan suan"... Is it normal?

I read about how come preggie can hurt themselves easily or feel "suan suan"... It's becos during preggie, the body produce this hormones called relaxin which relax the muscles in the body... Once the muscles relaxed, can get hurt very easily... kekeke... I read that cos I was looking for an answer how come the back of my knee hurt so much and so long during my last pregnancy... cos I strained myself during a swim.

heh... sorry to bore some of you down with the details... just to share the knowledge I know la so you gals know what's really going on...

ur hope/chance is high.. Increase n increase.. Im so sad.. Drop n up ard 36.4-37.. Like last nite ard 37 tis mornin at 36.6
Morning gals.

normally the results of the SA should be out after one or two days in private hospitals. So you probably will know the results when u see Dr Thong next Fri. Hope that you are in time to do IUI. Give you my full support! Me too will be seeing my gynae next Fri to start on my IUI scanning, if my AF come tomorrow. It better come, can't wait for it to report!

Lyn and Mei2,
both of you got high chance! All the best!
I'm feeling ok today.. just tired... Yes, stopped liao.

Hey! you got high chance.......when did your temp starts increasing after O and how much is before and after O?
haha.. hopeful.. u so cute.. lyn got high chance lah.. me no idea yet
same as me wanted AF to come asap.. haha

lyn.. haven test yet.. keke :p went watson buy the BBplus HPT.. cheap cheap 2 for 14++ keke 2nd pcs got 40% off haha buy 1st lah.. intendin to test on sat if still didnt come coz CD38 mah :p
dun take slimming pills, it's bad for health. even if u are not ttc it's still no good to take. u must be very stress at work, y dun u go for excerise every wkend? can de-stress and lost weight oso... hit 2 birds with 1 stone! I go for pilates class every sun, it's very good.
u think so? can do so fast meh? i dun think so lah... Dr thong sure want to make sure i do all tests first, make sure we're good for IUI, otherwise if fail, we'll pull down her rating, ha!
i'm very sian already, to tell the truth... wish can do IUI immediately... last night got such weird dreams, i dreamt that someone died suddenly, collapsed and fell on me somemore (must be watch too much Charmed...), then she has a little boy, so poor thing no mother liao, so i went to carry the little boy home! Then got pte investigators came, dunno is it they suspect i'm the murderer or wat? Cham liao, in dreams i'm also so desperate, anyhow pick bb go home, ha!
Actually it depends on your gynae. My gynae can do the IUI immediately, in the same cycle that we do all the tests. Cos he only do IUI and not SO-IUI, so no need to have injections before ovulation. But I think Dr Thong only does SO-IUI, so may have to wait for the next cycle after all your tests. Anyway hope that we can strike together!

nat nat,
mai sian mai sian.. you always encourage us.. where is your own encouragement har????

you strike when you least expect it.... dun think so much...
dreams all funny one lah.... I also had very funny dreams sometimes. very weird ones. :p......
just a fragment of our own imagination. I have faith in you ok?
