A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Totally agree with Zhuzhu lor... Dun be too stress abt the ML session lah... Shld enjoy it...

As for the AF... everytime it comes... other than feeling disappointment of not striking... it's also the PMS... my cramps are usually very very bad... hopefully, my cramps will go away wif TCM... But anyhow... still blue during AF... and ya... throw temper at hb helps... as for shopping... no energy to shop liao leh...

Krissie, going too early will make you more worried. As I tested positive very early (9DPO) for my current pregnancy, my first appointment was in week 4 of the pregnancy (counting from last menstrual period). At that time, there is no visible sac at all. And it got me really worried whether it was chemical pregnancy or etopic.

went back in week 6 as advised by the gynae and saw a small sac (around 1-2mm) through abdomenal scan. saw fetal pole with heartbeat at week 8. (note that pregnancy weeks are counted from the day u had your last AF).

my first pregnancy was in US, where we don't even get any scans until you got v bad symptoms or the routine 20 weeks scan. my first pregnancy i only had 3 scans in all, so sometimes having too advanced technology available at our fingertips is not too good either. make us worried about everything.
Thanks Joy's Mum!

I tested on 14 DPO, and will be 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant if i visit the gynae by next monday, thus hopefully (pray super hard) i will be able to see some form of a sag
hoonie - BIG HUGZ! dun be too disappointed k.. jia you jia you.. if even i who supposedly NOT ovulating at all.. n dr laffed at me when i said i want to try naturally before taking the clomid pills frm him when AF reports can get preggy so can u! feel like gg back to tt dr n laff back in his face n the clomid sitting in my kitchen still! stay strong gal!
Hi Caitlyn,

Do you mean that you conceive naturally even before taking clomid? Wow.....

Me too TTC, just like the rest of the gals here.......but each mth, AF came.....I just completed this mth.....now, waiting for a fresh cycle to start........

Wondering when will our turns be???

Hoonie, let jia you together........I was also rather depressed each time AF came........but we have to have hopes and hope for a baby miracle to happen to all of us.......

joan - yuppers.. by some miracle i conceived without clomid.. this is despite 3 blood tests with e same results.. super low progesterone suggesting no ovulation n 2 gynaes saying the same thing.. tt most prob i dun ovulate.. but i guess nature has its way sometimes so dun give up hope!
wow, caithlyn, so nice hearing that..most likely my blood test coming out tml. if low progesterone too, then maybe i should give myself and hubby half a year to try before deciding should take clomid too
Catilyn - you are one of the few lucky ones, i don have such luck. : (

Hoonie - *HUG HUGZ* i can understand how you feel.
Thank you gals for the comforting words...

I believe in miracles,and hoping each day that my prayers will be answered.
I will hang on there gals...
Hi gals,

We must be encouraged by Caitlyn's miracle story......sometimes, gynaes can be wrong....afterall, we cannot control our fate, especially in this baby journey.....

If we are fated to have children, we will have it no matter what........no obstacles can cross our path....but if we are fated not to have, even AI/IVF will not help.....

So, the key is to continue to keep our hopes high and stay happy and positive.......focus on what we have now.........if a baby comes along, it is a bonus if not, at least we still have our current blessings.....

Morning gals,

My body system haywired liao
Last nite tested +ve on opk. How could that be?? I am still in my CD6 today! AF just finished ytd. Now abit spotting on and off. What happened to me?? If I didnt m/c, my "scheduled" O suppose to be on today. Could it be my body dunno what is happening? My BBT shooted up by 1.9 degree compared to ytd.

I really become an alien liao
what kind of ovulation kit u all using? previously i got the clearblue with O (no ovulation) or
(ovulating). the new clearblue is using ref line and is really very confusing. yest LH line seems quite close to ref line but just very very slight pale than ref line. duno if ovulating anot...
Eeerr.. Alien

Are you very sure you are not preggy? Coz OPK will show +ve when u r preggy also leh... you wanna seek a 2nd opinion. I'm trying not to give u hope... but sometimes... I heard if u r preggy with twins and 1 dropped... yr AF will still report... or could it because of the miscarriage, so yr body is trying to adjust back? I dunno... have u tried to test HPT after yr scan?

If u r very sure that u r not preggy... then perhaps, it's because yr body is trying to adjust back... coz after my lap... my BBT also was abit haywired.... but it's usually extreme low BBT...

I always tot it's better to seek a 2nd opinion... especially in yr case... it seems abit weird...
After i got a +ve on opk. I tested HPT again and it showed -ve leh. Jialat, could that be ectopic pregnancy?? But my AF came liao (looks like normal AF just that slightly heavier). HPT wont shows +ve for ectopic pg rite? Me alien liao...
I really hope my body is adjusting back... I dun wan to waste $$ visit gynea, not cheap though. I am now preparing for my next week long vacation, i really dun wan anything happen again... sigh.. sob
Hi Alien

If it's -ve on HPT then maybe it's because yr body trying to adjust back lor... coz the last time after my op also like that... my cycle also goes from 25 (1st cycle after op) to 35 (2nd cycle after op)... then slowly stable back to 28 to 30 days...

So, dun worry too much... wait for 2 more cycles and see how lor...
Hi Girls,
I just came back from gynae and now can see the little sac!
Everything is normal and bb sac is where it shld be.
I think i shld be 5-6 weeks, need to go back in another 2 weeks time for another scanning.. so much scanning.. hate it
BB dust to all.
Congrats Zhuzhu!

Hi gals,

I see that some of you are seeing Dr Du (TCM). Can i ask: I know her herbs needing brewing but what is the frequency? Once or twice a week? I am seeing her this weekend but abit scared cannot follow thru her herbs cos i am staying with in laws so its inconvenient to be brewing herbs and then my ILs will know.

Alternatively, any good TCM to recommend? That dun need brewing?

Thanks in advance for any advises!
Hi all,

I need advice here...

My last menses is on 15 Nov and today i noticed egg white mucus.. does that mean now is my fertile period?

But how come so far frm my menses? i tot normally is CD10 to CD15.. but i counted today is CD21 or 22...

Any chance to get pregnant if baby dance after fertile period? Is it totally no chance.. or less chance only?
Maple Babies, you should tell your in laws. I am sure they will understand that you are trying to have a kid for their family, nothing wrong with that. They might turn out to be very supportive

Alien, some people do ovulate earlier than they think they are ovulating, that's why i mentioend that if after a few months you stil don't test positive on OPTs, you will need to try testing from the first day of your AF.
For now, you should just rest and take it easy first. You are going on holiday soon? Just enjoy your holiday and don't think about anything else.
Joy's mum,
I have a very regular 28days cycle all the while, and I always tested +ve on CD13 and ovulated on CD14. My cycle just haywired after m/c. Looks like I hv to pack pads for my holiday just in case AF visit me again.
zhuzhu congrats!

joy's mum, u sell BP ovulation kit? is it the same as clearblue with reference line? im kinda confuse. yest LH surge line seems so similar to ref line, just a slight pale only. with mucus. today, mucus dry, and confirm LH line paler lor
so still can try BD right?

rainstone, what does progesteron pills do? will make one fat? and bring haywire to mense?
Thanx Girls,
I feel very tired though now.
Sometimes I feel like I need to lie down constantly but sometimes it's fine. Strange MS.
zhuzhu...congrats is in order for you!

maple babies...eu yan sang on level 8 paragon has herbs in powder form that u juz need to dissolve in hot water n drink. no need brewing.
HI Joy

Here you go:

Dr Jin Da Ming (female)
Guang Zhou Pang Jin
Chinese Medicine Hall
@ Fortune Centre
Tel: 63370626

Opening hours:
Monday to Sunday 10am - 6pm
Closed on Wednesday and Public Holidays
Hi Happythots, thanks, will check it out.

Actually its more of we cant let my ILs know than dun want to let them know. Cos SIL just miscarried lately and ILs very upset. So if let them know we got problem, kind of like rub salt in wound. So hubby decide dun let them know that we trying yet.

Actually these days, very hard to find non brew ones hor?

Hi Mum Wannabe

Does Dr Jin medicine also require brewing?
Hi mum_wannabe,
thanks for sharing!

wat's her charges like?
medicine need to brew?
need to make appt before going down?
how does TCM help u?

sorrie, so many qns...
HI Joy, maplebabies

I turned to TCM to 'tiao bu' my body as I feel very weak after the surgery. I have tried hormone pills and clomid before, but they didnt work for me. And I have irregular menses (eg once in every 3-4 mths). So I'm determined this time to try TCM.

I took her medicines religiously and my menses start to regulate after 4 mths. 2 months later (i.e 6 mths after the surgery), I striked.

Her medicines require no brewing. It consists of syrup and pills. Taste aweful thou, and each time must take 5-7 types. Costs about $60 for a two-week supply. She sees me every 2 weeks jus in case I got pregnant and she can change the medicines immediately. For your info, I am still taking her medicines now (as 'an tai yao').

No need to make appt. I usually go after work when I knock off at 530pm. I will give them a call first and they will wait for me (sometimes I reach there ard 615pm). Try to avoid the crowd during weekends.

As she is also the one dispensing medicines which she takes abt 20mins to do so (which I dun understand why), hence she spends on average 35-45mins on every case. Ask your hubby along to accompany you. Oh she also has medicines for him to build up his army. Costs $40 for a 2-week supply.

This is jus my personal experience with TCM.
Maple Babies, I know a place where they prescribe non-brew TCM. However, price is quite high. They got 2 types, tablets or powder which you mix with water and drink.

Joline, please PM me regarding the OPTs. I can't PM you.
hi joy's mum, can send me email due to the email which i used for the forum is from my co.

[email protected]

vono, i have went for ultrasound scan, blood test, urine test + consultation already spend $210... still have more to pay coz result for blood test is not out yet, and not sure what other things to be done
Hi mum_wannabe
thanks alot for yr clear explanation!
try TCM for few mths liao but tinking of switching TCM cos my current doc seldom in spore these days. Recently, i went to see another tcm doc for a cold which refused to go away even aft a course of antibiotics. Sadly, this tcm doc told me that I v weak..v sian

anybody else here wif Dr Jin? please share yr experience wif her too.
Hi mum_wannabe,
forgot to ask u.. Dr Jin require us to produce any test reports before c her? also, any food restrictions?

hope u dun mind,so many qns..paiseh.
Hi Gals

I'm seeing Dr Jin too... though not preggy yet... but I think after taking her medications, I recovered better from the surgery this time...

She changes the medication in accordance to yr current condition also... like if u r heaty during then, she will change 1 or 2 medication for u.... and so far quite okie...

She dun ask for medical rpt but she wants u to take BBT coz she feels that BBT tells alot of things...
hello babycupid,
i would strongly recommend the following drs in thomson medical centre...
dr wk tan, dr adelina wong, dr joycelyn wong, dr adrian tan, dr tc chang and dr lc cheng...

Hi Mum Wannabe, many thanks! Ok, i will discuss with hubby. That do looks very viable to us.

Hi Joy's Mom, thanks too, can share more details with me? PM me?

Thanks gals!
