A fresh thread looking for JURONG mummys...

Little sunny
Ok, noted.
Let me know again next month.

cleaning lady
Poshies gave me too. But I didn't call.
<font face="segoe ui"> Mummies, my side after GE right, no cleaners come and sweep the floor outside lei...who should I call arh, town council? damn angry, outside is so dirty lor....</font>
You mean corridor?

One of the lift breakdown at my friend's block but only hang the repair signboard. Then I remember the Aljunied case. They pinpoint it to the WP. So Jurong should pin point to PAP for no action?
apple, understand that sticking to budget is important as well...the centre that my boy is going in August is not cheap. $550 after subsidy. But no choice, i just cannot find any other suitable centres with vacancy. Just hope the steep fees are worth it!

ashwen, it's like that lor..so sometimes thou i'm on leave, i still send my boy to the centre. So i can rest at home and his routine won't get disrupted. Last Friday his centre closed for staff training, when he returned on Monday wah havoc lor. Hope your boy is feeling better!

batbat, yes im sure at certain times, there will only be 1 teacher handling ALL at the same time! The good thing is, some babies can only lie there. What they need to take note of, are toddlers who are running around or those learning to walk. I see this bb ger, can sit up already. She is amazing, she can sit in the bumbo seat and play with whatever is given to her. Another one can play in the playpen on her own! My boy will never ever do that. So it also depends on how 'easy' the babies are. If some babies are easy, even if the ratio is 1:5, i think it's alright....for me, i have no choice. Cannot afford nanny and definitely not my MIL. I rather put him in ifc lor...

My boy had his MMR and chicken pox yesterday. PD said i can choose to have the combined vaccine. So only 1 jab. But tendency to have fever is higher. I chose to give him 2 separate jabs but both jab at different thighs at the same time. Cried like mad as usual. So far ok, no fever *pray hard* I rather give him chicken pox because if he kenna, confirm 2 weeks must stay home. I cannot afford to stay home 2 weeks with him. And chicken pox is no joke...Plus he confirm going childcare, i don't see any good reason for me not to give him chicken pox jab leh. As for Hep A, i'm still considering. Need to speak to his PD first. His PD told me that MMR and chicken pox if given together, actually works better. She recommends it, so i just follow her advice :p If you not sure, maybe you can ask Dr Ong ah...

cartier, i've signed up for the free samples! Woohoo! Haha...

cutiebb, really?? My corridor ok leh. But in the first place, not very clean liao so i also never really notice. I just very sian about those leaflets. Everyday ask me to sell my flat. How to sell my flat, sell liao i live where?? Bodoh...
Elder son down wif fever up &amp; down dis few days.. Today rashes appear so decide to bring him go see jurong east de kidslink.. Wanted to try alpha bb but realise is close today..
Wat are the fees like at alpha bb?
You very cute... Haa haa... Just ignore the leaflet lar... Those agent just earn for living also mah... Arbo next time u ask them lar... Sell ur unit they can provide u a place to live for free bor?

Cartier mummy,
Thanks for the reply... I prefer nanny than IFC because nanny is mOre flexible on timing &amp; when baby is not well, If *touchwood* baby sick can still send over no need to take urgent leaves as that might affect my appraisal &amp; year end bonus + increment review =P now earn $ very difficult... Duh! Somemore my #1 is in CC, have to rush 2 places to fetch 2 kids aldy very rush, if both have time frame, think I'll die very fast... But I agree with u lar... Must have a good nanny... My previous nanny also like that... Do thing not as per our request.... Sometimes we have to let go as long the action is harmless to baby lor... Parenthood really tough huh, not only on kid, the PR with nanny, teacher, playmates... Etc.... Haiyo, alot to learn...

I find Alpha Baby charges are quite fair as PD charges... Dr. Agnes is kind lady...

Hihi apple!
Connie, yes corridor area...

<font face="segoe ui"> i got a pot outside where i use to throw all the phamplets de, then the cleaner will help me clear away the next day when he sweep the floor, but i realise its full liao....and no one came to clear and beside my flower pots, there is this tube or fish tank filter lying there for days, so can tell so long no one came and sweep...damn angry lei...we paid for everything wor...and no reason after GE, no cleaner mah...</font>
along in corridor, just outside house, usually cleaner will not clear.. as u may still wat it.
my neighbour 'store' lotsa of things along the corridor.. some look like junk to me.
but they still want it. One of them even put old golf club there!! So I think cleaner will not clear unless u put at the area beside the rubbish chute.

I have a neighbour who puts a sign on the gate to say "No pamhplets"
Wow! $550.. it is consider ex lor.
Which CC is that?

Correct hor.. if going to CC long term.. better give chicken pox injection also.

I put a carrier hang outside my door, with a big opening. Some very "zi dong" and place the leaflets inside. Whahaha...
I got a friend came over last year and saw "ee.. how come you do that and same as miss j (our another friend). I told her I learnt from her one.. Hahaha My friend bah tahan me.

It doesnt look good hanging but it serve well the purpose. My friend use this very nice shopping mall carrier type.
Hi hippo,

Actually my nanny is my neighbour upstairs... I din expect her to be so calculative. Initially agreed at $600 then when start solid food increase $50.. During my maternity, i bring my boy to her between 8-9am and back 6-6.30pm... So when i start work i told her the timing will be 7am-7pm.. So she used this excuse saying tt this is too long hrs... Outside mkt not like tat one.. So need to increase my rates to $650. And oso say i muz bring my boy back at 6.30pm.. cannot 7pm.. She say 7pm too late.. So i gotta trouble my mum to pick him up lor.. I was so damn piss off!!! I dun mind the increase if timing is 7-7... But no lor.. i hv to pay her the increased rates and shorter timing..
And she got many funny stuff.. Ask me to pray "chuan mu", at 4mths must give her walker coz she want to let my boy sit in as a tradition, and at 4mths need to cook seafood for him to lick... etc.. Aiyo... too tradition liao...
When my boy fussy on monday, she will call and qns me whether did i bring my boy out during weekend, did i play w him too much...etc.. then ask me not to play too much to him, else he will be fussy.. kinda forbid me to do all this.. My goodness!!
And less than 2mths, she have requested 2 half day off already... end of the year, she go holiday i still need to pay her... this i agree la.. give and take.. juz tt now i alr pay her so much more than mkt rate and she still requested so much off day...

Im so piss off after all this, and i went to check what exactly is the market rate and timing for nanny.. Most of them charge between $500-$600, and standard 7-7..
For a $700 nanny, i might as well send my boy to IFC.. At least i know their holiday in advance... ANd can learn things...
hippo, hard to ignore because i get like 5 to 6 every day! For almost 2 years already! I don't know they stupid or what, we can only sell after 5 years what. 2 years ago our area still 'new' leh. Then i don't understand, i actually get pamphlets IN my letterbox. I locked the front but the stupid SingPost still puts in those rubbish for me, esp those selling condos ^^

batbat, its Cambridge Child Development Centre. I think i should adopt your style, put a plastic bag there! Hahahah! But i scared people will throw rubbish inside ^^

cartier, wow sounds like my MIL, lol. I cannot afford nanny mainly because i cannot use CDA to pay nanny, wuahahahahahah! Now got CDA to pay ifc fees, i find it ok :p And PCF infantcare fees is very reasonable already i find. So im all for ifc. At least they will not use walkers and no tv. Plus they get to mix around with others. But they might fall sick more easily and every year, i think they are permitted to close for 5.5 days either for staff training or major spring cleaning
There is this infantcare i saw at Buangkok super cheap. After subsidy, the infantcare is only near $300! $280 if i rem correctly. But the condition of the place is appalling. Sometimes, its all down to luck, whether its IFC or nanny. If nanny is steady, i think by all means let nanny take care, at least for the first year....but if cannot find, what can we do....
Hi waffles,
Agree lor.. Esp mine is juz upstairs.. V convenient.. But really no choice.. I was quite reluctant to change initially but haiz.. Yupz.. i knew tt centers are permitted 5.5days, but at least i will know in advance so i am prepared for it...
Oooo $280 is v cheap.. I think the cheapest in our area is Whispering at $550.
May i ask why r u against walker? Coz i intend to get one once his back is stable...
<font color="ff6000">When I want to sign up for free sample, its says account suspended?

Cartier Mummy, I think I wld chose infant care compare to that Nanny cos that nanny shorter hrs than inf care and so many funny rules and off.
cartier, walkers a no-no for me but this is just my personal preference. As a start, you can read this link: http://www.babycenter.com.sg/baby/safety/babywalkerexpert/

My aunty is a nurse, she has seen enough of accidents involving walkers and she sort of influenced me also lar heh. But most nannies will use walkers because it's more convenient. Else they how to do their own things? Put them in walkers easier for them as the babies can sort of follow them or move around on their own, they don't have to carry. Having said that, i do know of people who have kids growing up on walkers and they are fine. But i insist on no walker...but it's tiring lar, cos i have to keep carrying my boy that time
My MIL that time also, keep complaining tired cos i don't let her use walker :p I recommend you use a jumperoo, it's pretty useful when you need just a few more minutes to finish your stuff but you want your child to be in a safe place within your sight heh. But i have to say, when i put my boy in the jumperoo, he can only stay in there max 5 mins heh. Good enough for me when i urgently need to pee or answer the door/phonecalls. Another thing you can try is the bumbo seat. Comes with or without tray. With tray good ah, can put toys on the tray keke.
For walkers, I used also.
However, I dont leave her alone in it or for too long.
More for "excercise" and playing.

To confine her (my instructions to my ex-maid), put her in the playpen and on the educational program DVD. From there, my maid can do housework.

Some may say very cruel to leave baby alone in playpen but I think it is much safer than leaving in walker alone.
Maybe you put nicer carrier like my friend.
Those paper type, ppl will not so much do so.
I used esprit plastic type.
So far ok.
Clear every week. If too dirty, just throw the whole bag n replace another.
<font face="segoe ui"> im gg to learn from you all, place a carrier and leave it outside and tell them to put all phamplets inside...heee</font>
hi mommies,
JP having Thomas &amp; friends sales. But still don't have the track I need. Anyone knows where to buy Take &amp; play tracks in S'pore?

Thomas &amp; Friends "LIVE"
Show Dates: 28 May - 5 June 2011 (No shows on Monday)
Weekday: 1pm and 7pm
Weekend: 1pm, 4pm, 7pm
Location: JP1 Centrestage, Level 1

Catch Thomas and The Fat Controller in an exciting Misty Island Rescue Musical and a 15-minute meet &amp; greet session. Only for the first 50 kids and parents at every show.

What's more enjoy huge savings on selected Thomas &amp; Friends Products from John Little at the atrium sale.
You didn't go to the parents session last sat?
It was a good session.
They even have a mile stone chart to state your baby development.
Coming 1 to 2 months time, 4 out of 9 babies going over to playgroup side.
cartier mummy
You confirm going in ifc?
Heard from teachers last sat during parents session, one baby around 4 mths old is coming in.
So I guess it is you?

The parents session also shown me some "arts n craft" my gal done and some photos taken.
We appreciate the parents-session and find we make a right choice that make us feel good.

Doesnt mean they are prefect.
My gal was down with flu n cough nut no fever during 1st mth. She had her "accident" and "injuries eg bruises" especially more often lately. Maybe she can walk and tents to have more accident?
Hi all! Haven't been here for some time. Haa! My girl was down w sore throat n ulcer for a wk, then aft tt her bday..

Anyway, hmm, I rmb someone's kiddo is in MFS at blk 671? Hw do u find e plc? I walk pass thr sometimes in e morn when otw to pick my girl up frm PG. Bt nv really peek in cuz always rushing. Hahaa! I c them playin at e slides occasionally.

Anyone else's bub is in ichiban montessori N1 class?
Hi Butter,
Hmm.. Think i muz re-consider walkers liao...

Hi Bat,
Heehee.. Yes think tt me!
I will sit in w my boy this 1st june... Really hope my boy will like it..
Recently he on milk strike.. Keep struggling.. Gotta entertain him while he drinks.. If not, he dun drink.. I wonder will the teacher willing to do that or just give up if he dun drink? So worried.. His weight is on the 25th percentile..
Cartier Mummy
Better highlight of the milk strike to the teachers when you are there.
Think the main teachers will try their best for the baby's well being. You can see most of them dont do it just to pass time and is quite sincere in this job. Maybe because of not many babies, that's why easier to handle? Or it is due to direct link to govt? Which ever is to our advantage right now.

Not sure how 4 or 5 mths old baby will react in new environment. My gal cried a lot initially. Think younger you start, it is much easier.
ashwen, i forgot to arrange to collect the night light from u. =p yea poshies gave me the wrong number for the aunty too. =(

cartier mummy, which cc is ur boy in?
to new mummes

I'm sick for a week thought recvered today back with cough as I'm bfg so can't really rest well, thn later the 2 elder come back don know what fuss they wll come up with every day new ideas

I need glass bottles, thanks how can I collect?????

For part time maid number i will confirm with my mother again
Btw I do not encough walker, my 2 elder kids used a excasaurcer ( don't whether spell correct) it is a stationary walker meaning the child can not move places but can turn 360 degree within the walker
Hi Poshies,

If u dun mind 2nd hand Glass bottles, search in the Want to buy / want to sell / Free Item Section of the forum.
batbat, Sat i cannot make it lor, so sad...weekends i'm real tight, have to run between Sengkang &amp; Boon Lay, plus my boy's tui na session at kembangan, i really cannot squeeze out the time. Plus my bestie just given birth, i went to accompany her as she seems to be in depression
Really heartpain to see her like this...I wished i can see my boy's stuff! They made all the kids do mother day's card, so funny! Wuhahahaha, i see liao i peng san. I already informed the teachers that my boy's last day will be mid August but i haven't given formal notification to the P
Btw, agree with you that playpen is safer. Till now, i still dump my boy into the playpen when i have to. Can't risk him running about in the house while i'm in the kitchen but nowadays, he seems to have gotten the idea that i'm not abandoning him, just keeping him there for a short while only. Saw your gal today, i think she can recognise me wor. She smiled at me! Haha....so cute your ger
Today my boy bit boy J
So angry with my boy, the indian teacher told me but after that, both played together again, both short term memory. I wished my boy can stop biting people when he gets excited. Till now, he still bites me. He always aim for my thighs. Your ger doesn't bite right? My boy falls down alot. He can trip over nothing. So i'm not surprised if he kenna injuries at the centre. We are lucky to have found 922 i feel. Was so worried that time, when i fired my MIL. Am so glad now, like you

cartier, if you have 2 pairs of eyes watching your child all the time, walkers are ok. But if not, better reconsider. Poshies suggested exersaucers &amp; i find them great as well. I rent them from http://www.rent-that-toy.com The teachers will try their best...wont let the babies go hungry de. They are detailed, will note down everything. When they drink, poo, ate, slept and if they have activities like music class. Just now my boy self feed porridge and i was impressed! They do learn more in ifc...but be prepared for more colds &amp; coughs.

jamie, cartier's bb going to 922 infantcare...

ashwen, great info! Mummies who are still looking for cc, can consider ah. Quickly chope wor. I saw the construction of the new pri school and im impressed. So fast!

Very soon, will be moving to Sengkang le. But hope i'll always be welcome at this thread! Real lucky to have found this thread, alot of info...if not, i won't have known about 922 also. Hehe.
Mother Day's card.
I didn't see it leh?
Your boy and J are good friend. Sometimes morning when I bring my gal in, I will see them both playing.
Teachers feedback to me my gal when starting like to "play alone". Now better, once she start warm up, she will play a bit with all.
She bite me also. A few times. I was so mad as it was so damn painful and once left a mark on me. Once she bite, I will "throw" her to her daddy and put up an angry face and scold loudly "cannot bite mummy"!!. Luckily doesnt happen often. She prefer to bite toys and books.

My gal can feed a bit also. I tried 2 days ago put the porridge in her spoon n she managed to put into her mouth. But, just for a while only and she start to turn the spoon n bite here n there.

What happen to your friend? Really facing some problem after giving birth, worry too much, think too much or just hormone thingy?
If serious type, better sought professional help.
If it just a passing moment, then talk it out to friends, relatives or husband. Once the blue goes away, it will be ok.
Hi Bat,
Am glad to hear that!! I hope i made the right decision this time..

Hi Jamie,
Im sending my boy to Blk 922 PCF...

Hi Butter,
U moving to SK? Wow thats far!

By the way, anyone know where can i get cereals? i wanna those kind that can mix with his milk... Couldn't find in NTUC...
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">batbat</font>
how's ur issue with ur maid ah? Sent her back to agent already?

<font color="ff0000">SmurfyFamily</font>
u can get from BP. There's someone selling Bellamy cereals
Cartier mummy
But everyone has their own expectation.
So better for you to experience and make the judgement.
For me basically, as long as the teachers are more patience and more experience to caring babies as compare to me, plus environment is good, I am contented.

Sent her back long time ago.
Already 2 months.
Hi MaxMax,
Thanks! Have u heard of healthy times cereals?
Which one is good?

Hi Apple,
Gals small built ok lah.. Heehee

By the way, PCF922 start solid food for bb above 4.5mths?
<font face="segoe ui"> healthy times is not bad, alot of mummies are using this brand cos its organic and easily find it supermarkets like NTUC</font>
Whoohoo... Tmr mark the first day schooling for my boy!! Heehee.. So excited...
Hi cutie, but I wonder can I mix the cereals with FM and bottle feed?
Hi SmurfyFamily,
cereals : u refering to those powder type?
If so, can mix powder type rice cereal or wheat cereal with FM and bottle feed. But make sure the nipple hole is widened, else will be very diff for ur bb to suck. But try to use spoon feed. Coz the whole idea is to intro spoon feeding so that eventually can intro other solids.
<font face="segoe ui"> yes i agree with ashwen, for mixing into FM, ppl usually will get brown rice powder from medical hall...

but using spoon feeding really help to train them, so when comes to porridge time, no pblm in feeding</font>
Cartier mummy,
Not sure 922 will start solid at 4.5 mths.
Both butterwaffles son n my gal start ifc when they are older.

You can check with the teachers.
Heard the teachers got 2 newbies instead.

My girl not well past 2 nights, like having stomach pain. Cried badly. May let her drink those colic water.

Hello Ann
batbat, yesterday i fetched my boy, wah...full house! 2 teachers to ALOT of babies, lol. I had to wait for another teacher to be available to pick my boy. Your gal was in the bumbo seat and my boy was circling around her like a hawk, keke. yep, got mother day's card leh, the teacher forgot to inform you is it? It was that teacher Zhang who told me and showed me the card...then i brought the card home
I think my friend stressed out...because her cousins all latch on direct but she just cannot. Not much BM either. And she's more of those free spirit kind, now suddenly cannot go anywhere or eat anything she likes, she cannot adjust. But so far she is coping already, her hubby is really supportive, a very sweet man

cartier, ya lor. I agree Jurong move to SK is far, hehe. No choice...my new place will be at SK or Punggol too. Now only move to stay with my parents for the time being ah. Hope you and your bb enjoy yourselves at 922 today, keke. I used to give my boy Happy Belly cereals. Can mix with water or FM or even fruit puree. Can't rem when the 922 teachers will start the babies on solid. As my boy only joined them when he was 8 months old, he already on solids liao. Do rem to ask to see the menus, they are all pasted on the board right outside the room where they bath and change the babies. I would advise not to bottle feed FM+cereal. Can cause choking. Best to feed cereal direct

apple, looks like hebe is a petite ger ger, keke...gers petite ok lar. No need to be so big size, heh.

ann, welcome!

batbat, my boy woke up every hour last night from 11pm. Carry him to sleep and he's ok. But once i put him down, cry...i also suspect his tummy not well. This morning he's fine but he's tired ah. He saw the indian teacher and he just flipped, lol. Am bringing him for tui na again this Sat. Suspect got 'wind' leh. Sigh.
