A fresh thread looking for JURONG mummys...

Has teacher "f" go deliver? That why a bit short handed.
Ya lor, think past 2 days, they make her sit at the bamboo chair. Dont know why leh. Maybe these 2 days short handed.
No, no one inform me about the mother day card. Last sat, I also didn't see any card on her file. Mabe she didn't do any of it.

Ask your friend no need to stress about BM. Tell her you know someone (that's me) never give any single drop. That's why I splurge on milk powder by giving karihome, good fishes, and lots of love(except when she bite me).

It takes time to adjust motherhood.
Everyone react to motherhood differently.

<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">batbat</font>
oops.. paiseh, so outdated. I also sent my maid back to agent liao.. haha, that's y suddenly tot of ur maid

<font color="ff0000">Smurfyfamily</font>
Yes yes... my elder boy used to be on Healthy Times. But for #2, I stopped coz i realised each time he take the brown rice, his stomach will be pain, like almost immediately after taking the cereal. So i switched to Bellamy instead. for HT cereals, if u can get $250 i think, they will deliver to ur place and u can also get a 15% discount, if i nvr recall wrongly (the last i bot was almost 1.5yrs ago liao).

Or else, u can try Happy Bellies as well. It's similar to HT
I try not to give Nestle, coz there was once I gave those samples and end up my boy got sore throat. Maybe it was a coincidence, but I attributed it to the cereal. N i heard it's pretty sweet oso.

I used to buy those Si Shen brown rice cereal from NTUC, cook and pour in the milk for them to drink for their last feed of the day. U can try it too. But for Bellamy and HT, i mix with milk powder and feed them in spoon form
usually for bf. Sometimes i add fruits in them as well. but most of them it's juz cereal + milk, neat!

<font color="ff0000">Ann</font>
hi, welcome
gd morn mummies! chatted in this thread before quite a while back and forgot abt it.. just did a search on jurong mummies and finally found it! =p

im stayin at st. 61 and my boy's apr 2010 bb so he's now 13 mths..
im looking for a playgrp or enrichment class for my boy so just to share, i found this info abt tara @ jp:

2hrs per day, 5 days a week. 1 month $220.

so now im considering tara, edufarm and the enrichment classrm..
<font color="ff6000">Cartier Mummy, my girl been like that since she was abt 5months old....3-4months already. She got take more now in infant care but her weight still stubbornly dun increase. Dunno why. PD say monitor lor. Her poo issue gone already but wt issue still like that. Sometimes I will think maybe she is normal la, just that other babies look bigger?

Can mix ceral with FM, I always mix.

My First School start solid only 8mth. U want earlier also cannot. I keep asking can start or not at 7mth+ cos I want to help increase her wt, but the teacher say cannot.

butterwaffles, U can tell ur friend jia you. I only manage to latch after my girl full month. I also feel like giving up before that. Only I heard my friend say she only manage to latch after that then I try and succeed. Also, latching is better than pumping, more free to roam around, this is base on my experience. First 3 months I keep on pumping and after that I so lazy, I feel more easy to roam abt with constant latching.

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+2">Hello Ann, Welcome!
<font color="ff6000">Hahha Bat bat, u r funny. on this-> "and lots of love(except when she bite me)."

Hello Mrs M.

For TARA how many mths can go?
batbat, thanks so much for the lift yesterday! i still feel sooo tired this morning, practically crawled out of my house just now. Paiseh about my boy, he starts to do his flipping at the slightest provocation one, really weird fellow. Sometimes, he will scare other kids with his outbursts. I think these couple of days, i feel more drained as my husband is out of town since Monday :p He will be back in sing tomorrow afternoon i think, haha. Hey i also give my boy karihome now. I really think it's much better. But it's so exp right? Now i buy from the chinese medical shop at the Pioneer mrt, much cheaper. NTUC sells for $48, they sell for $38! But must pay in cash lar.

cutiebb, cookies i duno wor but cupcakes i know, my colleague! She bakes cupcakes and cakes (birthday &amp; weddings), really so nice! haha...but cookies i'm not too sure. How many are you looking at? But she lives at Bedok, so collection may not be convenient for you...
<font face="segoe ui"> wow thats far...hahaha....thanks so much!, im looking at least 50-100pcs...heee...i will try to google online</font>
No thanks lah, nearby only.
Your son, ok lah. My gal the same pattern.
Cry, twist n turn, shake head, kick leg.
One time at home, I "fed up" and let her sit on her own and she head backwards and hit the floor. Cry even more!

Karihome, yes I always buy from chinese medicine shop. Cheaper by $10. Either at the Pioneer MRT one or I go to St52 (over there got a hawker centre with nice food). Recently I bought a few from St91, beside 7-11, at $38.50, as no time to go else where to buy.
IN SMH, there is a BP which is even cheaper (about $36) but I never get from her. Need to buy 1 box and I not sure got "dented" tin etc. That why never try so far.

My gal voice got change. Think tonight need to bring her to see doc.

I understand taking care alone is very tiring thing. You just hang on for another 2 months where you will have a helping hand soon.
Hi Batbat and Butterwaffles,
I have order from them Luvbabies by KimSang twice. Good service and if u order in bulk - they come in original unopened boxes.
If I am not wrong, they are the Pioneer MRT one, else they go by same name - unlikely.
Google "kim sang medical hall" - u get the website from the BP and 3 addresses, one of them is the Pioneer MRT branch.
Hi Cutiesbb99,
try these from BP.
http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/5426672.html?1306947746 - she says near Pioneer MRT. Her Nutella roll and tarts and cookies are fabulous. I think she has animal shape cookies as well.

http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/5397512.html?1306653007 - order cuppies from her recently, nice but diff to book.

http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/5397454.html?1306894105 - nvr order before but looks nice.
like to intro / share about PetPet Diaper for the Open-type diaper.
this brand is one of the cheaper brand around.
if buy from Kim sang even cheaper $15 for Jumbo pack. I hv been using this brand since for long time.
It might not be very soft. There is very little leakage. No rash or anything. Very value for $$.

Do not use Picolo - I tried it, almost everytime will leak.

For Pants type, I use Mamypoko pants - the blue packaging for boys and pink for girls - a bit ex. but no leakage.

Hv tried Mamypoko value and Dryers Drypantz - will leak.
Hi Sunny,

FYI Petpet is selling cheaper at Seng shiong than NTUC... But i dun know is it cheaper than Kim Sang...
I tried Petpet once for my boy... S size 46pcs $5.95 at Seng Shiong.. NTUC $7.95...

For day use, I prefer fitti as its softer and more absorbent.. NTUC selling 72pc $11.95

For night use, im using Mamy Poko or Pampers Active.. whichever is cheaper... Both can last at least 10hrs without leakage for my case... Heehee
Thanks all mummies for the valueable info on cereals...

Probably I will start bottle feed my boy w some cereals when he turn 5.5mths.. Then slowly i will spoon feed...
PCF922 mummies.. do your babies wear long sleeve long pants pyjamas to school in the morn?

I saw 5 babies ytd!! Heehee
Hi Butter,
Aiyo.. After reading the link you send.. Hmm.. I better think twice to mix cereals..

Im thinking of mixing his FM w cereals is because he has been on milk strike since a month ago... So we thought he might be sick of the milk.. So i wanna mix some cereals to give it a different taste...
Little Sunny
Thanks for your feedback on kimseng.
Think I will try to order.

You mean the Pioneer one is same as Kimseng BP? Sometime ago I actually got ask casually whether can sell cheaper if I buy 6 cans at one go, they say no, still at $38. Maybe we need to help them to pay the shop rental.

Cartier mummy
My gal wear pyjamas as no time to change after wake up. Occasionally I will change clothes, diapers but not very often.
My gal is "b", she among the few babies that can walk. The one love to eat n will stop crying if she get her snack.
batbat, if voice change, think something coming up liao. But for my boy, quite common because he cries alot :p Actually for milk powder, i try not to stock up too much. I always have this fear that he might suddenly reject or i have to change brand, hahaha.

ashwen, my mum works at NTUC and she also say Petpet is very popular because value for money. Too bad my boy's backside is sensitive. He so far can only take Pampers active and Huggies Ultra. So i'm sticking to these 2 as diaper rash is no joke! Can give Petpet a try for mummies who think their babies can accept. Mamypoko is actually not cheap! Quite a good brand too i feel.

cartier, for my boy, it depends. If at night i wish to sleep with aircon, he will sleep in normal short sleeved top and long bottoms. If no aircon, short sleeved top and 3/4 bottoms. The aircon in the sleeping area can be quite cold but the outside area hor, can be very warm. I suggest u get a nice, big, thick blanket. But no need to dress your bb in long sleeved top and long bottoms, might get too warm during the day wor. I give my boy milk and change his diapers right before i bring him to the centre. But i never change him out of his pjs. Where got time??! Hahahhahahaah! Wah 5 babies ah...the 2 who can walk will be batbat's gal and my boy. Now the 2 of them machiam veterans there liao. I seriously oon't advocate adding cereal into milk and bottle feed the mix. If he rejects milk, he could be teething. If he drinks but not as much, can give smaller quantity but more frequently. Another reason for milk rejection is sore throat or even blocked nose...you can try to check first. 18 weeks right? Can start solids already...since you wish to try cereal, go ahead!
Fruit puree is fine as well. As long as bb is not dehydrated and gaining weight reasonably well, dont have to worry too much about the milk rejection k....when bb sees others drinking up, he might just decide to drink again *hopefully*
I also asked the online shop if I order less than $200 , can I opt for self collection?
They said can, but must pay retail price. :p
Hi Bat,
Whahah.. I know who is your gal liao.. Heehee

Will she be too hot if on PJ? Coz i think they did not on air-con in the morn...

Hi Butter,
Your boy is "J"?? Heehee.. I played w him ytd Hahaha... He just woke up and is v. shy, use his blanket to cover his face.. But he will laugh when i pull down his blanket.. So cute..

I on air-con every night.. So he's always with long sleeve long pants romper.. Really can't find time in the morning to change his clothings.. I only clean his face, his ass and change his diaper... So scared he will be v. hot when w/o air-con..

Also difficult to plan his clothings...

Teething? But he's only 4mth plus..
cartier, short reply here since i'm using iphone heh. The standard last time was to only start solids at 6 months. Now according to my boy's PD, it's 4 months. But the aim is not to feed them like it's a meal. More to expose them to spoon feeding. Per day a few spoonfuls also ok. Babies will not starve themselves. 4 months plus can start teething, why not?? Can take weeks for the tooth to finally appear de lor! How about glucose water? Diluted fruit juice? I also heard before, if tummy bloated got 'wind', baby won't want to drink because he feels full already. Try massaging around his belly in small firm circular motions using ru yi oil? Taught by chinese physicians, i also first time mummy. Yeah J is my boy! Hope he didn't bite you! Eh, else you buy those long sleeved tops and bottoms but material thin thin kind. Let bb wear at night. But before u leave the house, roll up the sleeves and bottoms?
ashwen, aiyoyo. You self collect is save them trouble right? Still must pay retail price? Shucks..hard for me to top up diapers now. 2 packs for $21.85 is a good deal!
Yes, we are going to bring baby to see PD later.
In fact, I also a bit unwell.
Throat infection n flu coming.

cartier mummy
Maybe hot but then recently weather very hot so when I on air-con in the night, I prefer to let her sleep with long one.
Last night a bit windy, so I let her wear long also but not so thick type.
Recently, I also start on off to let her wear short sleeve n 3/4 qtr to sleep, depend on situation n weather.

I like petpet also, use often during day time (night using huggies).
However 2 mths back, stop using and change to pants type. She is very very difficult to change into those normal one. Twist &amp; turn, yell and cry! One time, we rush to go out and didn't wear properly, she leak her 3/4 pants. Worst, I forget to bring extra clothes.
We gave up and bought the pants type. WOW! All are happy and content.
batbat, same! I have runny nose now. And so so tired i dozed off in office today, really terok. Wow, pants type are exp! But i do let my boy wear pullups, when i bring him out. Cos like your gal, really can struggle leh. Pants type more secure. Looks like our kids same pattern kind. U better go see a doctor later. Now when we sick, we are more afraid of infecting them, haha.
I am also very tired. Having headache, dizzy and a bit of body ache.
This weekend also can't rest much, got housework to do and some errands to run.
If I am well, not a problem. But, unwell like now, difficult to get things done. See doc yesterday but dont dare to take MC.
morn mummies! i see some of u are feeling unwell.. take care ya!

pet pet is gd? hmm.. any idea hw much size L costs and hw many pcs per pack? might give it a try..
Hi Mrsm,

petpet now there is 2 packaging in the mkt.
the old type - L size = 72 pcs - $16~17
new type - L size = 68 pcs - $18~19
Diff : Old type use tape (like scotch tape) , new use velcro type (like Pamper and Mamypoko)

Kim Sang promotion selling 3 packs for $45. This promotion since the old packing.. not sure when they will increase price as well.

U want I can send u some samples.
Hi everyone

Can I join in this thread? I am a mummy of a 6 month old baby girl. Looking for mummies livingi n Jurong as well. I stay in Jurong West Central 1.
Hi mummies,
A little long din come in... How's every1???

I keep go outing with another tread mummies for lunch, to keep myself sane.... Wonder why I want to have another baby so soon sometimes... Haa haa haa... N the worst mind is, I dun mind to gt pregnant again!!!!! TOTALLY CRAZY!!!!!!!

The Huggies Ultra offer till when? Tempted tempted.... My boy n girl using petpet.... Thumbs up!!!!! Money saver!

Mummies who are sick,
Hug hug!!!!! Take care ya! Drink lots water... Nowadays the weather really siao siao de...
it's ok dear.. i shall just go ahead and get a pack.. thks for offering! ;)

sailor p,
hi! im at st 61! =)

how old is your child now?

mummies, i brought my 13 mth old boy to GUG trial yesterday.. he had so much fun! overall i think it's ok la but maybe i shld go for trial at other schs also then can compare..
anyone went for trial at other schs before? care to share? =)
Hello mummies, I have been MIA for so long.. super busy with work.. now finally the "peak" season is over!

The kimsang I ordered before, so far very good.. they delivered fast! Its the same medical hall as Pioneer MRT.. but price is cheaper online, so I always order online hehe
<font face="segoe ui"> thanks so much!</font>

<font face="I let my ger use Nepia and Goon and Pampers active when small"> then after that Pampers active price has bee dropping and always with promotion, so i just stick to pampers active from Size S all the way till now Size XL and my ger soon cant wear it le...haha, but now at least shes willing to pee pee in the toilet, so now start training her, so can cut down on diapers for day time, if she outgrown pampers active Xl, i mite switch to huggies, cos got bigger size...</font>
<font face="segoe ui"> Welcome, my parents stay at Central 1 too and I stay there for abt 10yrs before I married off and stay at St 93 currently...hee</font>
When is the rough mth the baby can start to stop using diapers and learn to pee pee poo poo on their own?

By 18 mth?
<font face="segoe ui"> in fact when bb is around 8mths, u can start training using potty, but some wait till 18mths, some wait till 2.5yrs...depends...if u send to CC, it will be 2.5yrs old</font>
Hi mrsm,

Can you share more about the GUG trial class? I have called them before for trial class but they said is full

I went to Bibinogs at serene centre and playdays at sunset way. I have heard that Bibinogs are quite similar to GUG or JG. In fact, I find that both centre programme are quite similar. They started the class with 15mins free play, music and movement, story telling , art and craft and snacks...
The difference between both are Bibinogs has 15mins mandarin(story telling and singing) and teaching phonics (zoophonics). Personally find here more personalise as it is a small class but the space a bit small and not so clean after been to playdays.

Playdays- their art seesion is very interesting which all babies remove clothes and bring them to outdoor which they have paint(safe) for them to play after that they will go for water play to clean themselves up
And also the puppet story telling is more fun. The space is big with full glass so there is natural light and is more clean. The teachers are very lively, friendly and speak very well.

Now I'm waiting for The Enrichment Classroom at Bukit Gombak to open this month which they have babies classes.

There is another enrichment class Zoophonics at Jurong West st 52. But only accept 18mths n above which is parent and child session. They teaches English and mandarin.

May I know how to teaches baby using potty? My baby is 10mths. Sorry! for asking this silly question:p
<font face="segoe ui"> actually i also not very sure lei, when my ger is abt 1 yrs old, i try on her, but she dun want, and she tot the potty is toy and also becos she got poo poo pblm, so she refuse to pee in the potty...so i nv force her till recently, shes 2.5yrs old le, and my mom ask her to pee in the toilet bowl which she did...but poo poo still cannot, cos she got probia in poo poo and want to stand to poo...haha....</font>
Hi Cutiee bb - I've been in Centra 1 for a few years. It's a great place - near Jurong Point.

Hi mrsm - thanks for welcoming me. I have visited St 61 before - near Pioneer MRT? Nice place and flats are newer than my area as well.

On potty-training, I would like to hear all your views. My girl is 6 months old and I heard from other parents that you can train the baby the moment he/she hit 9 months. How do you train one to use potty?
Did you try my little genius at jurong east?
Currently, my girl is attending babies music class near pioneer mrt!
You may come for the trial class and is free. If you are keen, I can let the teacher know. The class is every mon 1.30pm!

Are you a SAHM? My baby is 10mths old
Has your baby started on solid food? Heniz has pasta for baby 7mth+, you can try it when your baby is older.

Reg: Frontier Pri sch and Pri 1 register
What do you think of this new school? Need to register for my DD1 for Pri 1 this year!
<font face="segoe ui"> yes its a great place, cos its so near to train station and JP...haha....I love it...me weekday still go back my parents hse de, so not much diff for me, will still go JP walk walk...haha</font>

<font face="segoe ui"> that new pri sch is call Frontier? such an weird name de...haha</font>
Hi Pinky

Nope, I am not a SAHM. But I work in Lakeside area. My girl has just started on solids. We gave her Friso Cereals and only over the weekend, we introduced her to baby carrots. How is Heniz? I bought its apple juice but baby hates it and refuses to drink. Mummy ended up drinking the whole bottle. Your baby is 10months! Must be able to crawl!!!

Cutiebb: how old is your baby? My mother-in-law stays in Taman Jurong and I go there everyday cos she is looking after my baby. But JP is really crowded on weekends!!!

Mrsm: How old is your baby just curious? Mine is 6mths+? Still cannot crawl. Only know how to "flip" now.
Hi ladies

I am just wondering whether do all of you meet up in Jurong area??? If so, I would like to meet up with all the mummies and babies as well.

Hi Mummies,
just to share.
I tried the facial from this BP.
She provides homebased (either at her home or at your home) for makeup service and facial service (she wld even bring a machine for facial if go to your place).

I went to her place which is beside Pioneer MRT!! So very easy and convenient.
Going to try her makeup and hair service for friend's wedding at month-end. Will let u guys know how it goes.


I am still looking for part-time cleaner. Anyone has contacts?
