A fresh thread looking for JURONG mummys...

Hi Sunny,
Is it YS Artist? Hv u tried? How is it?

U need part-time cleaner? I can intro mine.. Chrges at $10/hr... Phillipino... U interested?

Hi Sailor_p,
we did talk abt meet-ups sometime back.. but all of us schedule diff to match.. so the idea died a slow death.. heehee..
Hi Smurfyfamily,
Yes, YS Artist. Facial tried.
I did the Intensive Facial Treatment (with equipment & ampoule) caters for different skin types @ $45.00. Not bad - can go and try it out.

the cleaning lady - Philipino - is she PR? Got permit to work Part time?
<font color="ff6000">Good Morning everyone.

Hello Sailor, u work at lakeside? That is so near.

My Baby is going 9mths but she still cannot really crawl although recently she is trying. She cannot sit unsupported too.

By when must baby be able to sit and crawl huh?

Cartier mummy, can I have your part time cleaner contact? Thank you.
Apple: Yep, just one MRT stop away. Hey, I was told that each baby has his/her own developmental progress. My colleague, whose son is only 6 months, can crawl and stand!! Amazing!! And of course, that gave me a lot of pressure as well.
What did your pd/doctor say about the development?

Little Sunny Side Up: what a pity! I thought I can meet up with some of you on this thread.

I am also looking for a part-time cleaner at $10/hr. I am a little unhappy with my current one, from Myanmar. She was okay for the first two months. Now, she would spend time talking on her hp and her cleaning standard also goes down. I was told by my mum that she sits down ironing clothes. Have been closing my eyes all these while cos I can't find one at that rate. Still wondering whether I have to change or not...
which GUG did u call for trial? maybe u can try calling again?
GUG trial class was not bad but i cant really say much for now as it's the only class i've brought my boy to.. yup first 15mins was just playing with toys and interacting with friends then there's story-telling.. they hav a letter of the week which was "V" that week so they had a Vampire bat puppet, then introduced Vegetables like cucumber and carrot and passed around for the kids to have a feel.. we also did art n craft where we used cut cucumber and carrot to dip in green and orange paint and use it like a stamp to stamp on a circle paper.. we had to stamp "circles" but obviously these young ones will smear the paint everywhere right.. haha! mummies, i think the impt thing to do when we are guiding them with their art is to not restrict them or help them to do it "nicely".. just let them smear paint or do whatever they want because it's their artwork, not ours.. ;)
we also sang songs and did a rhyme with actions.. overall, 1 thing's for sure.. my son enjoyed himself and i dint feel that 1.5hrs is too long unless if ur child starts to get cranky or too active then u cant wait for the class to end! lol

i called bibinogs and im still considering if i shld go for the trial.. maybe i shld check reviews abt them first.. called playdays and spoke to Sabrina.. gave me so much info and ive booked a trial tmr morn at sunset branch.. sounds very interesting! fees is also around $50 a lesson.

when will the enrichmt classrm in gombak open?

i called zoophonics before and seems they have a very long waiting list.. the lady i spoke to wasnt very nice either..

nvr tried my little genius.. heard of that music cls frm another thread.. musikgarten or somethin rite? nt really keen as im looking for an all-rounded class, not just music or gym, etc..

re: potty training
i am clueless on this part.. how do we train them when they're so young?

re: frontier pri
this sch is making me rethink my decision to move house or nt.. it's so near my current place! i think they named it just like frontier cc near jurong pt..
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Ashwen</font>
can share more abt ur experience for the facial? Now i'm so tempted to try too.. since so near
but her BP ended already, so not sure if she still can offer us at the same price</font>
oh btw mummies, after the trial at GUG, my boy actually "repeats" what he did in class, at home! told him to take his book, he took it and went to sit on the mat then put it back, took another book and went bk to the mat again! then i sang the "toys away" and "clean up" songs like they did in GUG and he actually put his book and toys back! so this is definitely a plus point!
<font color="ff6000">Sailor, my friend works at lakeside family service I think.

They din say anything. I am still taking it ok, but just hope everything will be alright.

mrsm, I also dunno anything abt potty training. No time to do that now too.
Where u want to move your house too?
I think for $45 with use of equipment and ampoule is quite value for money. I just love that she is so near and she nvr ask me to sign package.

For extraction, she uses a vacuum equipment and manual extraction for the stubborn spots. Not much pain or reddness after facial. She is quite professional, will take down particular and do mini survey and skin analysis before starting facial.
I dont mind to meet up but can only be weekday afternoon.
My baby has started to crawl around when she is 9mths and this month she is able to stand up by herself but need some support, not so stable yet. She become very active lately, I really very tired looking after her esp she is on the big size!

GUG sound quite similar to bibinogs and playdays! I called up the United square, the lady dont sound friendly and not so keen to get a seat for trial class... Now I'm thinking whether to attend trial class at my little genius and baby jumper gym.
<font face="segoe ui"> my ger is 2.5 yrs old le....taken care by my mom</font>

<font face="segoe ui"> where is this facial thing...me also keen...heee

btw, saw u enquire abt the RWS BP, me too...also enquiring and now thinking want to book for my ger bday...heee</font>

meet up
<font face="segoe ui"> for me, meet up will be easier if on weekday afternoon, can take half day leave for meet up...hee</font>
little sunny
The facial is interesting!
Good lobang.

cartier mummy
How is it so far at 922?
Not sure whether it's you yesterday when I pick my gal up. I was with my husband's aunt whom stayed with us during weekday to help.

By the way, one of the blur teacher took my gal shoe to another parent. Yesterday, my gal went home bare foot.
Hi Cutiebb99,
the facial beside pioneer MRT, at her house. She can go to ur house as well. But she charges transport.

yes, keen for the RWS, when u gg. There is a 3D2N promo with GSS Mastercard for RWS as well. Cheaper if u do not need so many USS tickets.
Apple: Serious? Your friend works at Lakeside FSC? I am working there as well. What's your friend's name?

pinky &amp; cutiebb: weekday afternoon should be okay if on Friday... can take half-day leave as well... ha ha... no pressure for meeting up.. thought we have a nice mac at the jurong central park... nice place to meet up there though there's no playground within mac
for the children.
mummies concerned abt baby's development, pls dont get worried and most importantly dont let others put pressure on u.. each child is different.. some kids might be slow at the early stages but they can be very smart when they're older.. i know how it feels when ur child gets compared to others.. your child will definitely learn when to crawl/walk.. it's just a matter of time..
Hi Sunny,
I suppose so.. If u want, i give you her HP nbr...
She's fast in her work...
Hi Apple,
How do i PM u huh? Heehee
Hi Bat,
Hmm.. So far am pleased w 922.. They will update me regarding my boy..

Whahaha.. OMG... The other parent did not realise they got the wrong shoe?
Im wearing shorts ytd?
<font color="ff6000">Sailor, my friend is single. Her name sound like a birthday month.

mrsm, agree eagerly waiting for her to crawl and stand...will feel so proud.kkekek...
<font color="ff6000">Cartier Mummy, just click my nick, and type ur msg and sent can already. Good to put ur title more obvious, cos I dunno why the msg also go to my junk. Thanks. </font>
<font color="ff6000">Good Morning All.

Sailor, no leh, just recently she ask me free to meet for lunch at JP. I suppose she is still at Lakeside? She stay in the West too.
batbat: nope, I am not a volunteer. We are a one-stop shop that provides help services to residents in our community - counselling, community reach-out, financial assistance, etc.

Apple: yep. She's at Lakeside (but another branch, we have three branches altogether). Yes, she stays in west.

We were so upset last evening.
My gal fell quite badly at school.
Got big huge bruises and a small cut around her cheek and super new her eye.
Yes, no one in the school contact us to inform us early.
I wrote my complaints on the hand book.
I mean super near her eye has bruises.

We went to see PD last night. PD say just leave it and don't seen to have any problem with the eye. We felt better after hearing it.
cartier mummy
Ya, very heart pain.
Heard from the teachers she was sitting at the wooden chairs with the rest. The teacher turn away and next moment baby fell and hit the table.

She still want to go. Morning wake up, wear shoe and she follow me out from the door to the lift.
This morning is Teacher "x" receiving her, baby gal like her and will not cry/fussy a lot if carry by this teacher. Baby today see her and walk in.

It is unacceptable for us that they didn't call.

I think they are short handed recently.
Not sure why.
Sometimes late afternoon no main teachers, all part time assistance teachers.
batbat, no wonder i saw your gal, her left eye right?? Now a total of 9 infants! Another boy J is around same age as my boy. So 3 walking young toddlers. A few mornings ago, i think Monday, 7am very chaotic. My boy and another 2 babies arrive together. Teacher F alone. She rushed to get 2 rockers and all 3 are crying. I heartpain and stayed outside to watch until teacher X arrived. Teacher F was hugging my boy, carrying a baby and rocking another baby on her own and she's pregnant! I don't think they are short handed but it's because they know my boy is leaving. Boy J won't stay for long too. So they might not be able to justify getting more teachers in...Your poor girl. Must be a hard knock. If its me i will be so angry! At least inform us immediately...
Yesterday the older part time teacher "F" got apologise to me and "confess" she was alone for a short while, and "suay suay" such incident happened, while the other teacher just happen to walk to the other side.

Sometime things just happen within split second.

I understand, but still very very heart pain.
Imagine all the cry n pain she gone through that moment.

I think this is their worst fall since their opening.
batbat, i agree...i got a shock when i saw her face. I was standing at the window 2 days ago in the evening, looking for my boy. Then your gal saw me and she happily walked to the window then i saw the bruise. I asked what happened??! Then the older teacher F was pulling my boy to the other side already so i just left the place. Do you see this newbie chinese teacher attending to those younger ones? What's her name huh? There was once my boy had quite a bad cut near his eye too. My boy was scratched by another child while playing together. Very near the eyeball, got bleed abit. But the chinese teacher X did call me immediately so i wasn't that pissed. All i want is to be informed, i dont expect things to be perfect ah. Sure super pain. My husband saw your gal yesterday and in the car, he asked me why. I say your gal fell. He say sure or not, looks like she was slammed quite hard against something. Really heartpain, i can understand...did this affect your gal's appetite and sleep? I hope not...Now with more babies, and our kids can roam around, i'm sure those 3 will be left unattended to at times. Worse is my boy knows how to slide open the 2 doors and the unlatch the plastic gate ini between the mobile and inmobile area. The P told me before that they try to keep all the doors closed (especially the one that separates the immobile area &amp; the childcare section) and the one that separates the mobile area &amp; the sleeping area but the kids are getting real smart and it's not practical to keep the doors locked everytime they use the door. I also noticed the young teacher F (chinese with black frame specs?) is now at the childcare section. The childcare side i think is at the fullest capacity already...
Haiyo.. Things happen real fast before you can act.. But i juz feel that they should at least inform parents immediately after attending to her injuries..

By the way, anyone been to Bali before? Any accomodation to recommend and must visit place/scenery?
butterwaffles/cartier mummy,

I was "blurred" for a while when I spotted her injuries. The cut on her cheek is bad, but i m much more worry on the injuries near her eye.
Ya, I thnik slammed very hard to the table. There is a straight line from her cheek to her nose. How did it actually happen, teacher can't answer me also as she was just turning her back to get something.

It happend after teacher X left. She saw her next morning and also shocked when I told her it happened in school.

Eh.. can't be abuse bah? Dont scare me leh. The teachers are not perfect but I don't find them "hot tempered" or "abusive type". Since they are under govt, should be more prudent.

I did see someone tenting to a baby, I thought she is new parent??!!

My gal still play a lot but eat wise not like last time but she has been like that since last week due to her cough n flu.
cartier mummy,

Are you bringing your child along? If yes, I will suggest Hard Rock hotel which located at Kuta area. They have baby sitter room for children but must pay( reasonable);) You can leave your children there for 1-2hrs or more depend on you. Is something like a playgroup, the children will have free play, story telling, art &amp; craft, outdoor playground and snack. They also have free activity for children something like biscuit making. Personally think that here is quite children friendly
hi can i join this group? I m a first time mummy who is staying at JW st 65 who just gave birth in Jan. Currently I am enrolling my gal in IFC but didn't know can be such a big headache! Also worry about so many other things like not enough sleep for her and stuff. =X
Hi bat,
There is a cut on her cheek? Oh my!! Hope it doesn't leave any scar!!

Hi pinky,
Yes am bringing my boy... Hmm.. but i wun be leaving my boy under the hotel care.. Its too dangerous.. Hard rock got sea view?

Hi Linda,
Which IFC?
Initially I placed her at my house downstairs blk 671a cause it is like super convenient. Then when they have the 3 days - the parent can sit in - i realise i am not very comfortable with it so in the end we searched the whole jurong west area and now going to start enrol her in safra.. heat pain @_@
u know i was super kiasu. when pregnant only i went to sign on their waiting list cause they told me long queue. Then someone called me in Jan to ask daughter born and that's abt it. nothing else. In March I just walk in cause I told the person wrong ic then they tell me they will be having space and registration is first come first served. I was like.. NO ONE TOLD ME! So being the kiasu parent, I quickly sign on the spot. I ask them how they treat the infants they say will sing, read to them etc.

My foot. The three days I was there from 7 am-1pm the babies were in the rocker the WHOLE SESSION other than bathing them. When sleeping, they also sleep in rocker unless they move them to cot. When I saw them change diapers, I tot females must move in one direction so the bacteria don't enter the urethra .. the teacher went up down up down and I ask her abt it. She say theoretically is yes must go one direction but heard -pressed for time can just luan lai. I was like ...HUH??

Furthermore, they seem to interact more with the toddlers or those walking. My gal learning to crawl so I ask them to put on mattress. The way they look at me as if I am the super kiasee-kiasu mom and keep telling me they are trained professionals. When I asked why they are in the rockers, they say no good for back but must put in rockers cause the those walking will step on them. I was like.. from 7am-1pm???I know they gossip behind my back la...

Everything i ask.. they say we are professionals. First day I enter I noticed 2 children with runny noses. I ask the teachers.. they say they didn't hear. 2nd time they say sinus! 3rd they say the children choke on saliva! By the 4th time I say I can hear phlegm then they were like .. oh they are sick! ARRRGH!!!!

And yes it is MFS.
furthermore, I was observing the children.. those who are much older. I don't know but are they supposed to say certain words by now? Or at least a word or two? I never hear them speak because the pacifiers are in their mouths 24/7 and I never hear a single word at all...even my grandaunt who view with me can tell me their development seem slow...
batbat, no lar, i'm not suggesting they abuse her but my husband's meaning is your gal must have been hit real hard on the table. She really must have tripped and fall face down against the side of the table. Teacher Z told me my boy knows how to buckle and unbuckle the belt on the chair already, so must be careful. I suspect your gal knows also....

etlo, i see....so far am happy with my boy's centre. Jurong Safra's ifc is not cheap, hope your gal settles well there
Do dress her warmly, the place is fully air-con whole day everyday. From what i know, the teachers at my boy's centre slowly phase out pacificer for my boy. But they do it based on individual. I saw an older boy still on pacifier. My boy no longer takes pacifier in the centre but i really wonder how they do it because when he's at home, he will want the pacificer before he zzzz ^^ But at the centre, no need leh. Just pat pat his backside, he will zzzz *arrrgh* I find that my boy learns more things at the centre but not sure if its because he is older. He joined the centre when he was 8 months old. Now he is nearing 16 months old
My boy can say bird, ball and bubble. Mama and papa of cos. And mum mum (eat). There are other kids are much faster than him, but i'm contented. Alot of things he can understand and follow but he doesn't say out. They have quite abit of music &amp; dance, my boy will dance and do simple movements at home when i play some songs, very cute...Sometimes if they see my boy like so dirty &amp; sweaty, they will actually give him a 2nd bath in the evening before i pick him up! Quite happy ah....

If you feel the teachers at Jurong Safra are more committed, then good lar...at least your gal is not stuck at 671. For gals, the wiping of the private part is even more important. You are not kiasu and kiasi. You just want to be assured that the teachers are taking good care of your gal....
Butterwaffles, ur boy is at 922 right? we went there also and I quite like the place but problem is when raining and I don't live very near there. Furthermore it is so much cheaper!! My heart really ache sia for the money. I read many good things abt 922 here. I also actually worry abt the air con cause I realize my gal got wheezing sound when in aircon too long.. I asked 922 of got vacancy and they say currently still have. I hope they still have if my gal really got prob with the aircon..

The thing is I may be working Opp 922 next year but not confirmed yet. So I cannot tell if to put my child there or not yet but I did call to ask abt their 18 mth onwards vacancy.. She says registration open only In oct...
Actually did any mummies here put their child at lsh before? Got any reviews abt teachers or anything? Any comment will be much appreciated , thanks!
<font color="ff6000">Hello Linda, welcome. I wanted to put in LSH, but inconvenient and ex. Wanted to put at Blk 922, but out of the way, so I put at MFS JP.

Did u try mfs jp?

etlo, yep my boy is there...no worries, i'm sure your gal will be happy at LSH. A mummy here used to have her gal at LSH but transferred to 922 due to aircon problem. It all depends on individual. Another mummy had her gal at 922 but transferred her to LSH the moment she turned 18 month old because the elder bro is already at LSH. Same place easier mah. Have you put your name down for childcare? I don't live very near either...i'm at 987B. I walk lor. Exercise everyday....
