A fresh thread looking for JURONG mummys...

Thought 2hrs class are for playgroup. Nursery onwards are all 3 hrs.

Where do you stay? Have you done the PV?
I have enrol my gal to the summer montessori at 673A Jurong west. 3 days class starting 3 May'11. They only take in toddles from 20mths onwards. Find that The little learners near JP was good as they have Chinese program n they will learn pi hua.

I was lucky my MIL came to stay with me. I withdraw #1 from CC after 9 mths of falling sick and I also kanna bronchitis which drove me v mad. Medical for whole family is >3k. So now is maid with MIL taking care of 2 kids. My MIL is very old.

There is a MFS or LSH starting soon at Boon lay CC. Open for registration now. Saw the banner last week.

My maid called the Singpost to arrange courier for her items. Nowaday, maid also know how to arrange all these before going back.

Anyone ever have maid gg back for 2 weeks? Do u retain any items of hers here?

butterwaffle, wow u in such close contact wif ur neighbours ah? i stayed here for sometimes le but i still dun noe dem lo.. :p

haiz if on waiting list den jialat le i dun noe where else to put dem le..
connie, i also not sure what's the difference between playgroup and nursery, i thought there is such a thing as 3 hour playgroup, heh. If don't have, then quite a pity as 2 hour really not much. Cos by the time the kids settle down, half an hour gone.

I think for PV, got to register when the child turns 4. Some schools don't accept PV also, hmmmm....

I also saw a banner for a new cc near Yunnan i think. It's Ecokids or something i believe. Punggol has a branch as well.

samantha, yeah we got to know one another when we were doing renovation! Haha...So far, i can physically recognise a few of my neighbours but those really can chat kind, only 2
Will really miss them when i move elsewhere *sigh* If you are looking at those around 922, another one you can try is Ichiban Montessori. But not cheap. Try Ecokids or something as well. Morning when i bring my boy to 922, i always bypass the hugh banner

re:swimming lessons
Any mummies here enrol your children for swimming lessons?
butterwaffle, but i called most of the cc ard out area almost all is on waiting list le eh.. BTW, I still cant find the ecokids cc in the web eh..

u are moving out from jurong soon?
<font face="segoe ui"> swimming lesson, not yet, maybe another 1-2 yrs when my ger got about 4 or 5yrs old then start</font>
I stay at 635. I'm not doing PV, hope can get into West Grove which is near my house!
Which block is little learner?

I'm aiming West Grove which is nearer to my house but heard that it is quite ' hot ' at my area! If can't get in will try the new school.
Is the playgroup near your house good?

Any mommies send their children for piano class?
I heard that ecokids used to be qdees!
My elder girl is with Ichiban childcare yunnan ( kindergarten ) so far not bad.
Ecokid are not new. They took over Qdees. where are u shifting?

Ecokid is qdees. Heard not bad and feedback very good cos more x.


FOr WG, heard even PV also need to ballot. I'm aiming that too so will have to call to ask on the PV. Whichever, don go corporation pri, heard the teacher scold student stupid n comment that the children are not street smart etc. If teacher already have this mind set, wonder how do they teach the student.
samantha, i can't find either! I can only locate Ecokidd at Punggol. Later when i fetch my boy after work i check the banner again...I'm moving to my parents' at Sengkang in a few months' time. Will sell my place after i secure another flat either Sengkang or Punggol

mummypooh, JWT is gym class, not enrichment heh. My boy only 14 month old, can enrich now ah? Wuhahahah...Just joined in this time as the trial is only $18 and i think it would be fun for him to see other kids his age and a chance for me to meet other mummies as well as our kids all same age! http://www.jwtkids-singapore.com/classes.htm

cutiebb, my boy loves the water but i really find the sun too hot and the water too cold at the pool so keep thinking of this place where we can swim with our kids and water is warmer, plus its sheltered. Aquaducks. Not sure if you've heard of it before...It's also in the hope that he'll learn how to swim earlier so i can bring him to swim regularly, strengthen his lungs!

pinky, my husband's cousin's boy is at West Grove. They reside at the JP condo thou, not sure how they got in. You are right about West Grove being hot. Thou its a neighbourhood school, apparently its good so many jurong parents will aim for that especially when schools like Rulang or Shuqun is too far. I think Jurong West Primary is pretty ok as well. I'm not sure if the playgroup near my place is good or not wor...heh. It all depends on the teachers really. You'll probably have to loiter around and speak to the parents/maids during fetching time! I've never considered piano and looking at my boy now, i doubt he will ever be interested in music, haha. Not cheap leh and most likely you need to buy a piano and put at home for them to practise else no point sending them for piano wor.
Wow butterwaffle, y move to the other side of spore.. :p ya lo i cant find it too..
and i jus called 922 dey say will get back to mi 1st wk of may.. pray hard that will haf pple withdraw or drop out.. :p

After u try the JWT, pls update us whether is it interesting &amp; fun for d kids. Kekee. I noticed my boy gettin socialable &amp; wana to interact w kids when we r out. He will try to catch their attention &amp; when d kids leave he will wave his hand bye bye.  i wonder is it time for him to enter playgroup nxt mth end when he reaches 18 mth.

My boy loves to play w water too, bt once he touches d water he will shiver &amp; feel cold. Maybe he gota not much fats in his body... Wahaha. Last sun, we went jacob ballas children park &amp; he play w d fountain.&amp; within few mins he started to shiver liao. Hiaz.
Connie &amp; butterwaffles,
Hope I'm the lucky one! I called the sch to check the registration date, they said is somewhere end July or early Aug.
I'm considering whether to let my girl learn piano 1-1?
Learning piano is really a big investment! I have just started her for a group music class, it included learning keyboard which is a home-based lesson nearby.
I will be letting my baby to start the music class next mth too.
I'm thinking if both like music, at least they can share using the piano.

Reg: piano lesson or third language ( French )
I thinking to let my girls to learn either piano or French language. Mommies which one will you choose?
<font color="0000ff">Ridiculous!! I stay in Jurong West, but i'm in the Choa Chu Kang boundary. Gosh.. gotta go all the way to CCK there to vote!!!</font>
<font face="segoe ui"> i heard before aquaducks, ya i also want to bring my ger for swimming, but weather so unpredictable nowadays, so dun dare to bring her</font>

<font face="segoe ui"> you all got read newspaper, think got one young kid step on a nail at jurong safra swimming pool, even though it never say its jurong safra swimming pool, but it put as the swimming pool near to boon lay mrt, so only the one at jurong safra...</font>

<font face="segoe ui"> cos now no more Hong Kah GRC i heard, so now is under Choa Chua Kang...which website did you check from?</font>
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Cutiebb99</font>
I checked here lor http://www.elections.gov.sg/ Used my singpass to check, sighz... ya.. no more Hong Kah GRC. It's Hong Kah SMC now leh..

<font color="ff0000">Pinky</font>
I'm at Floravale. My ILs place at Westwood also under CCK now.

<font color="ff0000">Ashwen</font>
haha.. i'm so blur till i dunno where's my hs on the map u posted :p horrible me rite</font>
<font color="ff6000">Cutie, in the end I just decided to put in Inf care although very tiring....Endure and bite teeth thru lor.

Butterwaffles, motherhood is ok, is motherhood + working = zombbie and tired. Wat is JWT and Wat is LO huh? So nice, u still have ur neighbours hp no.

I am not under Pioneer SMC....sian, no wonder nobody come and visit me.
They will have voting station somewhere nearby. No need to go CCK for the vote. Last time I'm in aljunied GRC but vote in Bedok REservior

Is the music class u attend good? Where is it and any contact no?
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Connie</font>
Really???? If that's so, den great news!! But i tot i read for CCK, gotta go until South View Pri Sch ah? Ok, mayb I read wrongly
afternoon all...

sorry havent got the part time lady contact... total 3 mummies want right???

sorry din log in till today.... see i can get the contact from my mother and pm u later on....

bb is drinking too often to lazy to do other thing plus mil not happy to on the pc...
samantha, i used to live in Sengkang, ever since i was 16! That time damn jialat, all i see is dogs and hills and have to walk 20mins to the main road to take a bus to school, hehe. Now so much better. We moved to Jurong West because we tried balloting for flats at Sengkang/Punggol for more than a year but always cannot even get a queue number so when there is a Walk-in-Selection for Jurong West, we just take it up. Never think so much about who will take care of our kids as we already planned not to have any lor. But ren suan bu ru tian suan!!!! Confirm will move to northeast area, my boy will be starting childcare at a centre in Sengkang in August.

mummypooh, sure i will feedback here! Hope it's fun for him hehe. You can try buying those swimsuits made of thermal material
My husband bought one for my boy and he's fine even when water is cold. But it's so exp! $59.90! From Kiddy Palace.

pinky, your #1 already started on piano right? If so, if i were you, i will rather let them take piano already. Forget french :p Unless my boy shows a keen interest in a third language, doubt i will send him for classes on that. I'm personally keen on fencing. But it all depends on my boy. If he doesnt like it also no point lor. You speak french? :p

IloveMaxMax, you sure or not??!? I thought we go Jurong JC to vote? I also don't know where is my house on the map lor. I only know i'm under Cedric Foo and since i'm under him, i should be under Pioneer so should go Jurong JC to vote! Go until CCK too much already right?

cutiebb, hey didnt know you've considered aquaducks before! I called to enquire, its only a 30min per session for my boy. He's considered under the infant programme. 30mins so short ^^ 1 term 12 weeks about $300. Good thing is, don't have to worry about weather or water temperature. But location wise, quite limited. Goodness, thanks for informing us about the safra jurong swimming pool incident! Poor kid, must have been soo painful. I would have exploded if it happened to my boy. Really must be careful, no matter where we bring them to.

apple, it IS indeed tiring. Frankly, i find working not as tiring as facing my boy the whole day. If ask me to be a SAHM i sure fail, its just not for me. JWT is a place, offers baby gym classes or other speciality programmes for kids
LO = Little One, keke. Yeah, we had one another's handphone numbers, keke. Its nice because our blocks are new so mostly young couples, can exchange tips and info on renovation. Now everyone slowly graduate liao, become parents keke. You under what huh? No lar, they visit you also for show only, go into your house take photo then leave! No point man! Unless you want to argue with them, ask them questions, hehe.

poshies, how bb #3? You bf? *gulp*
batbat, yesterday when i fetched my boy, i witnessed your girl walk some distance! She was cheered on by Zhang laoshi, hehe. So cute
When she reached the wall, she put out her both hands and leaned against the wall, turned back to look at zhang laoshi, so funny...
Pioneer SMC
What does SMC stand for?
Last weekend, a new MP came (forget his name).
He mentioned he replacing Cedric Foo as he is going to contest in another area?
Think I am in West Coast GRC.
How come our area cut into 4 colors?
Aiya.. I should have tell him the jurong mummies having difficulties to enrol our babies to CC here.

The past few days she walked more.
But sometime still lazy..
Dont know whether I should buy shoes from SMH BP or not?
Her feet quite big n chuncky.
My friends pass me some pre-loved shoes.
Either too big or those lenght just nice but can't fit as her leg fat fat.
And I think she will be quite big size next time.

New baby.. yes yes, I saw her (or him) too.
Is he the one came on same day with my gal but withdraw due to PR issue?

Think more n more babies will come in.

Yup, do PM me the contacts.
<font color="ff6000">batbat, SMC stand for single ward, means a very small area, only a few blocks lor, actually I see the map is a small area in the middle and heart of Jurong West &amp; West Coast GRC surrounding that Pioneer SMC lor........</font>
So far my #1 enjoys the class which is a group of 5 students.
She learns to sing/listening to the beat/ games and notes/keyboard etc. The first 45mins will be teaching and 15 mins parents are ask to go in. The teacher will asked them to play piano or keyboard and find the alphabet key for us, she will tell us how to coach them at home.
My baby went for the free trial lesson last week. I will let her attend the class in May
It is a home-based, she use a room
as a studio which has 3 keyboards and 1 piano with other instruments. She stays at Blk 653.
Personally, I find that the price is reasonable for me esp baby
class where other places eg kindermusik charges $300+ 10 lessons whereas here I paid $55 per mth!

I can't speak French but don't mind letting my children learn it. Now she is with this music class but not totally focus on playing piano. If I really want piano must change to 1-1 which is 100% hand on to the piano and learn the notes but it will more serious.

All mommies,
Anyone know whether the new pri sch has any opening for parents and children to visit?
All mommies,
Anyone keen to take up classes from frontier CC eg: ballroom dance or belly dancing?
I'm keen as wanted to lose some weight..hehe!
Hi mummies,
pertaining to part time maid my mother helping me to get the contact will let those interested know the no once available.

Yup me latching on for my no3 but he noti boi love to drink 1 side tgen sleep then wake up another 1 hr later to latch again so tiring thinking might be pumping n bottle might be easier but then if he don latch difficult to go out must find places to pump n feed aiya
Voting venue not firm yet need to wait till 27 apr then know when the place to vote with will be nearby one lah. JJC is the place for the party to regsister that the want to contest for pioneer and 3 other area not the voting venue
I heard from 922 teachers, there are another 3 babies coming next month.
Haha.. Guess the low ratio days are over...
batbat, yes yes, the teachers told me...i think 2 of them belong to halfday care :p I think quite alright ah because my boy and his friend J are 'graduating' soon. I must remember to give them notice in a couple of months. Have you began securing a childcare for your gal??

poshies, for my #1, i only pumped exclusively for a month. Pumping is very very tiring. I had to keep sterilising and washing the stuff and it's no joke sitting at one corner and pump like cow. I pumped every 3 hours for a month and i already peng san. I didn't really stay home for the confinement month either as i had to bring my boy for checks at the polyclinic so i actually had to lug my pumps around. Latch on is 'easier', no need to bring pumps/bottles etc. BUT BUT BUT...like you said, it really depends on the baby's feeding pattern. And you HAVE to be physically present at all times, no one can help you feed lor.
For cc, we still thinking.
For 922, once in infant care, automatically our baby will upgrade to the CC, right? Still need to inform early to book a place?
She is settling down better now. If I am going to change 6 mths later, imagine how much she will cry n fuss with the change of environment.
batbat, there is no auto upgrade de, hahaha...But the principal will try her best. Before your gal joined, there is another gal who had to remain the infant side for another extra month to wait for a place at the childcare side

samantha, alamak so sorry forgot to reply you! It's Ecokidd Kindergarten! Not childcare...so sorry about it ^^ Think i'm getting old. ZzZzz....
samantha, hey! I just saw something in my letterbox. The newsletter says early next year 2012, there will be new childcare centres at the following locations:

Blk 601 St.62
Blk 613 St.62
Blk 627 &amp; 628 St.65

Cant rem which mummy here has a 6 year old gal. The new primary school will be taking in students from year 2012 onwards. But name of primary school, the newsletter never indicate also...
re:JWT class
Bummer...the centre's aircon was spoilt and our class was postponed. Now still trying to decide on a date but its not easy with 12 mummies! I can only go on 21 May. Hope most mummies can attend the session in 21 May as well.

samantha, i dont know when can enrol leh. I think you have to check with MOE, the website should have the procedure for P1 registration? Since they are accepting students from next year onwards, enrolment should start this year right...June/July? I cant rem when does this whole P1 registration thingy start liao. I think you better check earlier right. I heard that Jurong West Pri school, had balloting even for those <1km. Goes to show there are plenty of school going children at our area...
samantha, alamak...heh. I don't know when can enrol leh. But i think you can try visiting the PCF and My First Skool website to see if there is any info. Usually, you can leave your name and contact number to indicate your interests and once they are ready to take in, they will call or email you. At least, this is the case for me when i tried to secure a place for my boy at PCF Fernvale at sengkang.

batbat, im guessing its either PCF or My First Skool. Newletter never indicate what school leh.

ashwen, ok i go take a look, hehe.
apple you are right, that's the one
imagine how chaotic that lane will be, 2 primary schools at such close proximity from each other. It'll be like the road near 922, every morning sibei jialat, all the parents want to drop their kids off right at the school gate, even for those from the sec school. Normal days bad enough, if it rains, ho sey, I walk to pioneer mrt also faster than taking bus 241.

hi all! havent logged in in quite awhile!

connie thx for ur recommendation for PG, my girl started today and DID NOT cry at all! Nv even looked for me! -_-"

butterwaffles, wow, 627 and 628 must be a big one then! like the MFS at 671! any nbr to call or contact?

samantha. eccokid's old name was Q-dees. =) yes, heard that its very gd too. =)

pinky is the music sch the private one called musikgarten or smt like that? got details od it can pm me?

poshies, i wan the part time maid contact too! thx!!

re: guy taking over Cedric Foo
he's lawrence wong, ex lee hsien loong's secretary or smt like tt.. he came to my plc too. shake hands and i complaint abt some stuff then his assistant noted everything down n they left. he didnt even listen to my story. only listen part of it. -_-"
