A fresh thread looking for JURONG mummys...

Batbat omg, I din Noe someone fall from the flat, and quite near my blk so scary.

Congrats pooshies.

Hello taysetsuri.

Ashwen, glad that ur boy finally adapt well. Can pm me ur fb email too?

By th way, An updates on gal gal inf care. Blk 922 inf care really a bit far and out of the way so no choice we put her at jurong point infant care. But up till this point still thinking which is better. Nanny or inf care. Already started her with inf care but still pondering.
apple, every child is different and unfortunately, it's trial and error when it comes to deciding between a nanny or IFC. I'm sure the IFC at jurong point has a trial period. Take it as trial then see how? Heh, don't worry, everything will work out de, no matter wat

Jp infantcare? Is it under My first skool? Yr ger ger still small, nt able to recognize d surrounding yet, I'm sure at her age nw her adaptability is stronger. Jia you wor. 
<font face="segoe ui">its really trial and error de...when i decide to put my ger in CC when shes about 19mths, we also duno can or not...of cos praying hard she can...but then when shes about to adapt, she kip falling sick...haha and also kena HFMD, so no choice with alot of rejections from my parents, we decide to withdraw her out...and now shes in PG and yet she is enjoying herself in PG, so my conclusion is she dun like to stay at 'unfamiliar' place whole day...haha...or rather she dun see any familiar faces whole day...haha...so since then even thou my hb still got the 'idea' of putting her back to CC, but i disapprove since i dun want her to hv a bad childhood memories...wahaha...</font>
I got problem to login to SMH this morning??

Yes, she wasn't like that before ifc. But I think is due to growing phrase and she prefer to eat solid food rather than milk. In school, most of the time, she finish her stuff and sometimes want 2 biscuits.

I decide to stick with Karihome first to minimise any major change in her meal. Accordingly to the tin, it say 2 x 180ml (200ml with water plus milk) is sufficent per day. From 1 year old, the main nutrienious is porride &amp; stuff.

I will begin to buy different bread n food for her to try at home too. It seen they given her cholocate cake too.

Ya lor.
But I not sure fell or jumped. There was a broken bamboo.
Maybe he was walking, passed by and fell down? But confirmed "".
Butterwaffles, yes trial end next fri. I dun like one of the Indian teacher who is assign to her, she lazy and doesn't do much and eveytime she bath my girl, my girl wail v v v loudly like ask me to save her. Usually bath time and diaper changing time my gal is the happiest but not at inf care.

Tried putting my gal at nanny place for half a day and wanted to see the nanny bath her but due to unforeseen circumstance din gt the chance but was told my gal drink 80ml of milk which is quite an achievement cos usually she dun really like to drink fr bottle and even in infant care hard to get her to drink but I dunno how the nanny did it, I tried asking her but she din reply me and me something else.

She use sarong to rock her to sleep, I dun really like to. The things I like abt nanny is that is v near, flexible timing but infant care govt and more structure.
My mil keep on pressurize me say nanny gd nanny gd. Haiz.

Mummypooh yes is mfs, she can recognize already. When I am around but din carry her she willcry.

Cutie, u put ut gal gal in playgrp ur mil or mother will pick her up? She really can't adjust to full day ar? My friends got suggest 18mths put childcare but half half like that I scare she cannot adjust too.
batbat, nice chatting with you at Dorothy's! Hope your gal is feeling much much better!
PD said my boy's airways very sensitive
He's generally well, appetite good and very active so nothing is wrong with him. She gave him some anti allergy medication and a lung tonic
Sigh. Am going to wait for another month to see if those work on him. If not, i'm bringing him to tui na already. I'm coughing as well and i've taken the same med as my boy and it looks like my cough has improved, wuhahhahaha.

apple, i understand your worries, really. I was worried at first, cant concentrate on work. It takes time for them to adjust to alot of things. New people, new food, new environment. Some take longer, some adjust faster. You have to give it time, whether its ifc or nanny. Else you change your gal here and there also will end up the same de. How old is your gal now? Nearly 5 months old i believe?

With a nanny, you have to be prepared that she will care for your gal the way that she think its best or easiest for her. Of cos she will use sarong. Else how is she going to get her to sleep faster? If your gal continues with her, be prepared for your gal to start using a walker soon, which is actualyy not good for her development of the legs. Having said that, i've seen many kids growing up on walkers and they are fine. I guess it all depends on you. I had a hard time from my MIL on sarong and walker as well and i insisted on my way. It's a matter of which one is more suitable for you, no better or worse choice really.

As for putting your child in cc when she turns 18 months, i think most parents are doing that because most are reluctant to have their children start in ifc. I mean, really, ifc will be the last resort for most parents. If your gal goes cc from ifc, she will adjust much faster. If she is only exposed to centre environment only at 18 months, she will take longer to adjust but eventually, she WILL adjust. It's the parents who have to let go
Btw any mummies have huggies pink stamps to spare I need 9 more as the redeem is end this month but as I want to get more diapers with the stamps but no more sticker stamp
She is better. Only mild stomach flu.
Her appetite is "back to normal" as in want "food" every 2 hrs. But, need to minimise butter, milk, veg etc.

Of all places to meet you personally there... whahahahah.. so funny....

Maybe you want to try chinese medicine?
Butterwaffles: yup he says he sees me gg crazy mode sometimes he dun understand y I still wan #2. I'm an only child la. At first when I was young it didn't bother me. Recently I started to feel tt it does bother me! Not to hv a sibling, lk so lonely lk tt. My hb has bro n sis. He won't gt it one la. Lol!

Connie: has ur girl started in the PG yt? I'm tinking of swopping over as her current PG, she always falls sick recently. Had high fever for 3-5days n phlegm +cough. Its only recently tt she always falls sick aft 1.5mth of being thr. She's still home w me aft being sick for 1.5wks.

Ashwen: the portable bed is for infants or toddlers?

Re: slping alone
My girl totally cmi la. Slp on own mattress in same rm she always wake to cry n wan me nx to her. Kp waking up to check on me n if I'm not nx to her, she cry. @_@
<font face="segoe ui"> ya...i tink maybe when i put her to CC alrdy 18-19mths, shes so use to my mom and her place liao, so quite hard for her to adjust...and my ger character is very timid and shy de, so will need even more time to adjust...and she got probia with CC...haha..whenever we pass by the CC, she say no no...haha...so now i understand why ppl say want to put, better put when young, so easier to adapt...but of cos hv to depend individual kid, my ger, i tink her mentality mature quite fast, so she noes liao...haha....

currently, my mom will go pick her up after her PG, and shes very happy at PG, so i just leave her there, dun want to make her fear of gg to school...hehe</font>
<font color="ff6000">Hey Butterwaffles &amp; Batbat ur saw each other at Dorothy's clinic? I am bringing Hebe for Vaccination next Sat, see if have chance to meet. Btw, I am a bit curious, how did ur noe each other who is who?

Butterwaffles, yes I am having a hard time with MIL on sarong now, and I believe soon will be walkers.....

My Hb also say if I let pple care for my girl, they will have their way, cannot ask them follow my way, but I think IFC at least I can have some say.

Cutie, at least u found a win win solution, good to hear that.
Mine will start w 3 days from 3rd may. U come join mine la. They don schedule 2 start at same time due to crying issue. Actually unavailable for e sick. Sch got more disease so they need time to adapt. If urs r bought up i v clean enviironment then need e en more time. Urs not in cc?

Yes. u let relative take care really have no say. Unless u employ nanny then maybe they will listen a bit but u will pay more for tt. IFC have own tactic so there r cons n pros.
I close almost 2 eyes cos by relative. My boy taking Fu shui since Bb. They even chant n sprinkle holly water on him. They use sarong but I restrict to day time only. Son auto reject by 18 mths n my gal now weaning off. Both on walker n I don see any issue now.

May I noe hw do u wean off sarong for yr gal??coz my boy nw 16mth still sleep in sarong in d day. At nite he need sarong to sleep &amp; after he's asleep I quickly transfer to his bed. D sarong also intro by my Mil &amp; nw become addicted Liao. Once when my mil came to visit my boy, noe tat he's still using sarong. Make tis comment to my hb" at this age still using sarong ah?". In my heart,I'm tinting in d 1st place duno who intro sarong to my boy. Hiaz.


For older pple, sarong &amp; walker is a must. They seems v happy w their grandchild walking inside there. My boy also use walker which is given by my mil neighbor. I realize when I introduce those "push trolley" type, he can learn to walk faster. However u need to jaga yr child using ESP he or she duno hw to stand yet.
Mummypooh: my girl self weaned frm sarong on her own at 13mths. She gt fed up with the space constraint n rather slp on the mattress whr she can roll..

Apple: wld renting an exersaucer help? Since it looks lk a walker anyway? Hahaaa!

Connie: I can't find a contact nbr for summer mmi! Can gif me if u hv? My girl nw only in PG. I plan to let her go CC mayb in june or august latest. She turns 2 in may.
I hope she won't fall sick so often aft tis switch. E kids in the other sch r always sick n r allowed to b in the class still. When I bring it up to the in charge, for eg: a boy w yellow thick mucus running down his nose, she says tt the parnts dun care. Jus leave them thr. My take is, they r jus nt firm enuf. I saw hw they told a mummy nt to bring her kid in cuz he's coughing. The mummy say oh sensitive la, the in charge say oh.. Okok.. @_@ so I wanna knw is my daughter's immunity system or is it really the sch with the prob..

Batbat, butterwaffles: whr's dorothy's clinic?? Is a pd?
poshies, so sorry, i no stamps wor. I remember last time those i've bought got but my recent pack boh leh...

batbat, good for her! Fetched my boy yesterday and again, she, my son and the other boy J having 'conference' at the table again, hahaha. 3 of them, munching on biscuits and having baby talk, keke. I feel that my boy's cough is worsening. I really don't know how. Dr Ong already checked his lungs and they are clear. I'll try to persist with the medication and tonic that Dr Ong prescribed. If not seeing any results, no choice but to go for tui na already. But i think tui na will take even longer so i'm thinking of only bringing him for tui na when his cough is better. He's still active and eats well. It's the damn cough.

jamie, but with 2 you all can handle or not? My mum told me last time she was a SAHM with me and my bro and both of us gong gong sit there and not very active kind so she can handle. She say now if ask her to care for my boy with my dad, she also surrender, she rather work lor. She says nowadays children are too smart so very difficult already. LOL. I for sure cannot handle 2 on my own. So if i have #2, its best to have a bigger age gap i think. But my husband also worry by then we also older liao, maybe want #2 also cannot get. He talk easy lar, end up everything i do you know.

apple, i tell you, i was so shocked also when i realised that mummy was batbat. Wuhahahaha. We both recognised each other by our kids lor. I tell you hor, if coming weekend my boy still coughing like mad i might see you at Dr Ong's again. I feel like getting hs lungs scanned, don't know i too kua zhang or what. For the issue on walkers and sarong, my reason for insisting on not using those is for the safety of my boy. My aunt used to be a KKH nurse and she had seen more than her fair share of accidents involving sarongs and walkers. Certain countries have even banned the sale of walkers for a long time already. It's really up to you...Personally, i was very determined because before my boy goes ifc, he was taken care of by my MIL and she's always alone. NO extra pair of hands or eyes. But like i said, i've seen plenty of kids on sarongs and walkers and they turn out just fine. I prefer ifc as my MIL sucks. If my MIL can make it,i might not go for ifc afterall
I actually pay lesser now that my boy is going ifc because of the CDAccount, hah. A nanny is more expensive than my MIL or ifc. So it's ifc for me lor. So far, i find the ifc teachers at 922 pretty good. Any special requests, they are okay and will follow. Sometimes they notice my boy's urine yellower than usual, they will ask me to bring barley water or the auntie will cook barley water and let my boy drink. But the centre not many kids so cannot compare with centres that are operating at full capacity. Trust your instinct and you will do fine. Maybe can see how and meanwhile, try to source for a reliable nanny? Just in case you decide to pull your girl out, at least there is another option. If you get a nanny, be very very careful. If kenna someone like my MIL, then jialat liao i tell you. But in any case, no chance of you kenna-ing her as she is working now. Heh.
jamie, yep she's a PD. Dorothy's Baby &amp; Child Clinic. At Bukit Timah Plaza. Consultation fee is $45.

apple, now i remember, i thought Dr Ong is away from 15 to 16 April and also from 30 April until 12 or 15 May.
Thanks all. I am still at home now since my gal is sleeping so soundly.

Butterwaffles, okie okie. Ur mil was a nanny last time? We shod be going to see Dorothy next sat, hope ur boy boy recover asap.
Hi mummies,

Went down to 922 to view the centre.. At 1st wen i called dem dey say haf vacancy den wen i went down haf to be in waiting list le..

My elder son seem to like the centre alot.. keep sayin he wan go to sch wen is wkends.. :p

Hopefully my kids are abt to go dere as its reali quite near my hse..
Hi Mummypooh,
U must let ur son try to sleep on mattress loh.
The first few times, sure cannot fall asleep, but don give up trying, kids will learn fast soon they will be able to sleep on mattress.

Last time, my son naps in rocker chair during the daytime, coz my MIL says he cant sleep without it. But I realised it is becoz it is easier for her to rock him to sleep then the normal mattress, hence she made him nap in rocker.

At night, as I take care of him myself, he will always sleep on normal bed. No prob.

Actually on weekends, when I asked my son where he wants to nap. He would choose the bed, though it takes pretty long time for him to fall asleep there. But he prefers the bed.
So it is actaully my MIL who wants the rocker.
Walker :
I did not use the walker as we have lots of glass display shelf at home. So very dangerous to hv walker. My MIL understood that so she didnt ask for one.

U want try the "Jumperoo", my friend used the Jumperoo and his son started walking at 9 mths!!
But if ur baby is the active type, needs to be 'mobile' and not stuck to 1 place not pt to get Jumperoo or excersaucer. Coz wld not stay inside for long.
Try letting them sleep on tilam. If they can adapt then remove sarong. I nvr put them to sarong at nite since born. My boy is self wean. They confine him to sarong when drink milk when he was 15 mths. By 18, he resist to go in. For my gal, she didn't sleep sarong whole last week so I ask mil not to use for nap but yst she complaint have to chase her to sleep. So see how long mil can tahan.
Butterwaffles: hubs says c new maid gd or nt. Furthermore we staying w my mum nw so if she helps, its a bonus la. If we stay on own. Hv #2, sure die. Hw come dun go to kidslink pd at je?

apple/ashwen, ya kinda forgot abt the jumperoo. Lol! I rented the jumperoo for my girl tt time instead of exersaucer.
apple, yeah my MIL used to be a babysitter. She stopped about 6 years ago then started to care for my boy again but after 6 months, I fired her. So you seeing Dr Ong next sat, not coming sat lar?

Samantha, you live around which area?? I live at blk 987 there. My boy also at 922 but at the infantcare side. The childcare is quite popular...

Agree with ashwen...got to let them try to sleep on mattresses. My MIL got so fedup with me she asked
my BILs to buy walkers and sarong. I overheard that and replied to no one in particular that if I see any walkers or sarong, I'll throw. Buy lor, you buy 1 I throw 1 :p my
boy very heavy and my MIL insisted that he can't sleep without rocking him. My boy is quite difficult so I understand it can be tiring for her. So best she goes back to work lar.

re: jumperoo
I bought a 2nd one and I would say it's money well spent. But if your babies have fat thighs or are longer than average, it won't last you long haha...

connie, that's true lar...your MIL cares for both your kids? Quite siong to take care of 2 alone hor. Sometimes I feel bad because every night, my mission is the same. Get my boy to sleep by 10pm. Feels like I'm a lazy mummy sometimes.

Jamie, same here.... Moving to my parents' soon but also feel bad to disturb them. My husband says now good time to have another 1 since my dad can help cos he's not working but he doesn't know that my dad is already very tired out by my boy liao and not keen to help any further as he has health problems. If on our own, I also cannot lor. Now 1 only I peng san liao.
Hi Butterwaffles,
u r not a lazy mum in trying to get ur son to sleep early. Mine sleeps at 8-9 pm if we are at home at the time. Sometimes, he will request to sleep at 7 plus to 8 pm.
Coz actually it is recommended that young kids sleep 11~12 hr at night, and 2-3 hours in daytime. It is for their brain development.

Esp our bb are all in cc/ifc, have to wake up so early. Of coz must sleep early.
My neighbour upstairs kids sleep at 12-1 am daily! Every morning, I see them is the "or bak kark" (Panda eye) type.


samantha, that's so near me! Wow, 3 years and 18 months...so who's taking care of them now? Not easy with 2 eh...

ashwen, the problem with my boy is he doesnt want to sleep! If he sleeps at 8pm, he sure wake up at 11pm or midnight. So i rather he sleeps at 10pm. But getting him to sleep is a real challenge. Everyday i pray he will sleep earlier not because i think its better for him but because i am dead tired liao! LOL.
butterwaffles, the elder son is at yew tee cc bcoz last time i work dere and my younger de at my mum's plc.. i bring dem back every nite..

my kids oso didnt slp early at nite de.. my elder de sometimes will slp thru if he slp at 8pm if damn tired.. esp dis few days my younger son 12am or so den will slp de.. zzz so tired..
<font face="segoe ui">my ger also dun sleep early nowadays, need to kip telling her again and again to close her eyes to sleep...last time, she has to sleep at 9pm+....now can be 11pm+ or even midnite...sometimes i fell asleep before she do...haha....</font>
Butterwaffles, my hubby help mi to fetch dem lo and take care of dem wen I'm hafin lessons.. Both kids still ok jus tat the elder child nowadays alot of crying tactics.. Scary!
super busy week..

About sleep.. my gal slept btw 11pm to 12plus, waked up about 7 or 7plus (sometimes middle of night also).

After go to ifc, I thought will improve n sleep early.
Nope, it didn't happen at all!!!!
She is not tired n still play play, crawl crawl, n trying to walk/fly from one place to another.

How about try chinese medicine instead of western? Not sure of tui na helps or not.
So far never really see 3 of them interact. Morning when step in, she will cry or weep or fuss. Evening, she is almost the last one to leave.
Must be cute for them having baby talk.
Think that day your son recognise my gal leh.
I have a maid n my boy go prenursry At 1120. Back at 3. Play a while n sleep. By e time he woke up , i reach hOme. At nite he sleep wif me. Gal sleep wif her but I'm thinkin of mOving my gal to my rm at nite cos she slept late sometimes which I don really like it. My boy sleep b4 10.
Nite is usually story books n play b4 sleep. I find Looking after gal is easier.
I stay at 272C JW st 24
jamie (jamie_nov) Nice to see you here.
If mummies happen to have facebook acc, pls help to vote for my baby gal.


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hello friends &amp; mummies! please help to vote for my princess Jacey ^^

first step!!..do "like" the fanpage...http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kids-Cover-Looks-Model-Search/195860497104428?sk=wall

...and then click the "like" button Jacey photo http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=202237963133348&amp;set=a.195860930437718.48066.195860497104428&amp;theater
<font color="ff6000">butterwaffles, yar next sat, 23rd.

Batbat, ur gal so cute, still can fly, she is one active gal can walk v fast.
Oh you went 922?
You know which one is my gal?
She look 99% like a boy leh n can only walk few steps.
For flying... Haha if you see her try to fly one place to another then I guess most likely her.
The 2 other older boys can walk n the other 2 gals can't.

So have you decide which one? Nanny, IFC jur point or 922?
Batbat, no, I only went 922 once, a few weeks ago. Cos u mention ur girl can fly, I find it so cute. I still undecided nanny and inf care at jurong point but most prob inf care ba.
Hi everyone,
I'm staying at jurong too, would like to join in the thread! I'm a SAHM with a 8mth old and 6yrs old princess

Your baby very cute! You bring her to coverlook for the shooting? I'm thinking to bring my baby girl for the photo shoot too
Any recommendation?
<font face="segoe ui">have u found a nanny? so tat u can compare the pros and cons...i noe my mom area, around JP side, got alot of nannies and some nannies are very 'steady', can take care of few kids at one time...haha...</font>

<font face="segoe ui"> Welcome to this big family....</font>
Any good playgroup in jurying? I heard that there is a new playgroup called Tara at jurong point 6th floor.
I'm a bit kiasu, now start to search a playgroup for my baby when she reach 1yr old.

Any mommies, enrolling their children for pri1 next year?
Hi, me too staying in Jurong. But street 42 instead.

Was contemplating about infant care or nanny too, but just couldn’t find a nanny for my 1st baby. In the end, we enrolled him to infant care &amp; withdrew him when my 2nd boy was born &amp; we employed a maid instead of sending both to infant care. IFC really causes a lot of money spent on medication &amp; doctor visits.. But my baby really learn a lot while in infant care..

Not wanting to leave both with maid (only) at home, we send all 3 of them to my MIL’s place at Bukit Gombak. It’s tiring for me as I do the fetching &amp; sending (with weekend car) but what to do..

But now, he has turned 19mo &amp; wishes to send him to playgroup soon. Otherwise, his progress will slow down due to no activity at home…
cutiebb, sometimes I fall asleep before my boy sleeps as well and I'll always wake up suddenly in fright, scared something happened to him when I fell asleep. Really tiring, don't know when he can sleep earlier.....

Samantha you taking parttime classes? your hubby can cope on his own ah? My boy also started his cry tactics. So tiring, now I just dump him on the mattress and let him cry it out. Sometimes it works and he'll walk out of the room to look for me after he cried his fill but most of the times, it'll take around 1.5hr for him to stop.

apple for vaccinations, I go to kkh, cheaper than Dr Ong, Hahahaha!!! How's motherhood so far?? This sat I'm bringing my boy for a session at JWT with some March 2010 mummies and their LOs keke.

batbat did you notice a newbie at 922? Heh. Yes, am considering tcm but just tui na and preferably no Chinese med because it's mission impossible to make my boy eat that...no point man!

pinky welcome!!! PG I'm not too sure wor...I do know my area has this dou dou class. I'm at 987B...ney, it pays to source early I tell you. Somehow, jurong mummies all very kiasu kind, everywhere is full! So where you plan to enrol your gal for P1? There's a new pri school coming up near pioneer mrt but am not sure when it'll actually be ready to accept students ah.

ann must be tough to have 2 kids with such a close age gap!!! Even a 2 year gap, I find it quite tough already. Your mum is working is it? Weekend car means you have to leave your home very early! Since your maid and #2 are with your MIL, best to get a PG in bukit gombak. Have you started shortlisting the playgroups? I agree should send to PG. Give your mil some breathing space and the child can be exposed to the classroom environment as well. Personally, I think 2 hour playgroups not much of use...if have 3hour kind, it's better
Butterwaffle, He can cope la jus tat the hse will b messy wen i cum back den he will nag lo but he is ok to take care of dem.. My elder son cry so loudly so paiseh to let him cry lo like wait neighbour complaint?

I wan to put my kids at 922 shld i called dem to ask abt the vacancy?

samantha, good for you! At least your hubby can cope, it's quite good for a man already actually. I understand but sometimes, no matter what i do, my boy still cry and struggle like mad so i have no choice but to let him cry it out. I will close all the windows lor and hope he stops soon. More than once my neighbour upstairs sms me to ask if my boy is ok. Think she suspects i'm beating my boy and want to call police, wuhahahaha. Yeah, you should call them! Best time to call is around 1pm when the kids are napping
I think its full you know, most likely you'll have to be on the waiting list.
